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Posts posted by redtulip

  1. erghhhh, some bad editing from the PD again I think. Thought I saw Seohyun giving out the present already, then when they talked about the kimchi, saw the present back into the paper bag. Plus, why so little of Jonghyun this time, he look so "beautiful" in this episode. He can be quite cheeky especially with the spoon

    That is a lot of parts where all the 3 brother in laws are in the kitchen together with Seohyun leaving Yonghwa alone. I started thinking about " I am a loner" suited him very well at that point.

    Nearly forgot. Yonghwa said to Minhyuk that Seohyun was cutting the vegetables, Minhyuk turned around and commented that she was doing very well. The whole studio burst into laughter. Mutiny against his hyung? 

    Yonghwa said in the black room interview that it took them Seohyun, Minhyuk and Jungshin only a while to be close with each other. While for him, he had to work hard and long to get to the present stage. Yonghwa, you must understand that there is a different between friendship and love, ok? .

  2. Hihi,

    I like to join in the fun too. New to this twitter thingy, have heard a lot about it but have never thought about joining. So to show my goguma love and I just created an acount TODAY. Here is my user name redtulip24

    Miel_1301, Yonghwa can't resist joining his brother to get his revenge. Their are so close that he was able to immediately understand their action. But I still take comfort that he originally wanted to prevent it from happening. Cos I like to see Seohyun jumped too. Her action at the end when she wanted to hit or throw the box back to Yonghwa is so "girlfriend" reaction.

    Edit: The link to my twitter account My link

    Wollylamb, can't find you in twitter using the user ID, can give the link again?

  3. Something I read from the chinese sub, just to help while waiting for the subs from our great j2blee-

    When the brother in laws sat far away on the sofa from Seohyun, Seohyun asked them to sit nearer. Minkyuk said that seat is for their hyung.

    They asked Seohyun to guess which room belong to who. In the first room, it has many English books and CDs. It is Jonghyun's room and he self praise that it belongs to someone who love to study english.

    When they are in Yonghwa's room, Jungshin pretended that the toy is his to distract Seohyun. Of course, Seohyun managed to guess correctly based on her sixth sense.

    All the shoes in the living room belong to Yonghwa and Seohyun questioned whether it smell. She said Yonghwa is a lier cos he mentioned that there was not enough time to pack the shoes. She told him to put them somewhere which Jungshin gave a thumb up. Guess they all felt  she had wifey power or saying something that they don't dare to tell their hyung.

    The bother in law all requested for different food which Yonghwa said Seohyun already had some ideas what to prepare so asked them to choose from the 3 dishes. He further added that he already tasted all of them. The question is we only saw him eating once, the soup, so when did he tasted the rest. PD cut scenes?

    Yonghwa asked Minhyuk whose dish he thought will taste better. Minhyuk said he like spaghetti best and still insisted when Yonghwa asked him whether he wanted to learn how to cook rice cake. Then Yonghwa asked him whether he like SNSD or CNBlue so of course this time he had to answer cnblue.

    Yonghwa sent Minhyuk to keep an eye on Jungshin but in the end Minhyuk became part of their spaghetti team.

    The rest is their care and concern when Seohyun cut her finger and end off with them stating that they look forward to the kimchi.

  4. You guys are sharing so many good things while I am sleeping. Sometimes I cannot decide whether I like reading so many comments at the same time or to be there when those wonderful news were shared.

    So the latest news from WGM PD selection of those two validated what all of us in goguma planet have believed all along, that it is fate and destiny that brought them together. No wonder, sometimes we felt that it was an arranged marriage like the olden days and the couple worked hard to make their relationship lovely. It reminds me of those newspaper reporting on couples who have married for more than 50 years or 70 years how they met and walked through life together. Usually, the kids will also commented how the mother took care of the father and that they geniunely love each other and think about the other. Of course, there are no huge display of public "skinship" just care and concern.

    Now, I need to go back and rewatch episode 1 again with this new piece of information of how they are paired up. Those are geninue surprise. 

    Blueswim_boo & jesc09, I love your post and agreed with it totally. I just like to add that what started as a punishment for a day to use banmal, had went beyond its original deadline. The day Seohyun really use banmal with Yonghwa, I believed it is the day she really accept him in her heart not because of the show.

     It is like virginity. Sorry for the non PG comment


    I must say that these two have been very consistent and truthful. If you ignored the words and tied it back to actions etc it matched quite well. Yonghwa don't care about ideals, don't have anyone in mind to pair up for wgm, never voluntarily mentioned any other woman's name in variety show except for Seohyun, did not pay much attention to any lady.

  5. Not sure whether this is correct but they look like making Ddeokbokki in the next episode. That is what Yonghwa promised to make for Seohyun in episode 2 cos he claimed that he can make it quite well. Seohyun likes a person who deliver their promise.

    I love how Seohyun looking quite happy vs Yonghwa's concern look in the preview when she cut her finger. It must have warm her heart with his actions.

    Haha, I laughed thinking about the last scene last week, the 3 brother in law hiding behind the kitchen waiting to take their revenge. They may be idols but they are still young boys. Dont think it will be Seohyun that will be frighten cos she may be block by Yonghwa.

  6. What ever is the song, I am ok with it. to quote Yonghwa's answer at the CN Blue press conference in Singapore

    If each member has a girlfriend, which song from your albums will you dedicate?

    Yong Hwa : Everything except I’m A Loner. Sweet Holiday, Love Light and Love Revolution.

    and also

    If a female were to join CN Blue as the fifth member, what will be the conditions and how will you make her feel welcomed?

    Yong Hwa : We have yet to think about it but I hope she will mix well with us.

    Of course, don't have to think about it cos there are only one choice.

    Yonghwa and Seohyun will each choose a representative song from their respective idol groups and alter the songs to create a YongSeo couple feel in order to give fans a different fresh kind of enjoyable entertainment.

    I wonder what surprise they are going to give us? Could it be that the songs will be combined together and they sing the relevant portion of each song rather than the whole of one SNSD song follow by one CN Blue song. If that is the case I will vote for "I am genie for your girl with I am genie for you boy"

  7. I am in office but I want to spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to. Been trying to reply since morning but soompi is not happy with me.

    When I opened up soompi, I thought everybody was just excited over Yukilovesyou's translation of the messages and the Kpop concert in Singapore when I saw that it jumped 2 pages since i last checked. Then I went and read the thread from where I left it and came to hihi_hehe's posting that they will be performing together. So i thought ok, they will be performing together at the Kpop concert in Singapore, so the last band is CN blue right. Then I read the next 2 posting, then went back and reread hihi_hehe's posting a few times. Then, it hit me!!!! They are performing together as in TOGETHER.

    I also want to sing along


    3 Cheers for Yong Seo

    3 Cheers for Goguma Power

  8. Really redtulip, there is such place? If you don't mind me asking, where are living and what's the name of the place? I hope it's not too late to recover my files.

    About the Running Man, i'm not sure if I saw episode of this with english subs? Is there such thing? If there, does anyone have a link? Thank you so much :)

    I am from Singapore, you can type data recovery into google and there are a lot of companies doing it. Can't recall the name of the company that did it for me. But I sent a few emails describing my problems to a few companies and they gave me quotes before I narrow done to that company. They also promised that will be no charge if they are not successful to recover any data. You need to evaluate for yourself whether it is worth it. If you know some computer expert, they may be able to help too if it is just data accidently deleted and not yet overwritten with new data.

    Yongseo, I agreed with your theory, been thinking about it since a lot of people highlighted that the "new" ring look like the "old" one. Getting new one based on or similiar to the old design will be more meaningful. I also upgraded my wedding ring to a similiar design just that the diamonds are bigger and now thinking about whether I should upgrade it further since my husband promised me a gift.


  9. Edit: I topped the page so here is the link for Running Man, hope the subs are out soon.

    Running Man - Episode 7 Jung Yong Hwa

    Some of my today's thoughts, sorry for the random posting.


    @lovekim, I love reading your fan account, you really have a lot of love. Now I wonder how CN Blue reacted seeing the Seohyun name on the box too.

    @biiianx, you may want to try sending your memory card to those professional data recovery centre for evaluation. I did that once before and they will quote you a price before they start the actual recovery process. May not be too different for them if it was just deleted.

    I highly recommend to those who have not watch Running Man to watch it. Yonghwa was very quick witted in the show and clearly demonstrated his atheletic capability. He alone found 3 of the Haechi toys in the challenge and sracrific himeself for the last one. Why? Maybe because Seohyun together with SNSD sang the OST of the cartoon "My Friend Haechi" recently. Fate? (Thanks to blueshoes for posting the link earlier)

    In episode 20, that was a scene of Seohyun turning to her left side, looking worried after Yonghwa's cough. She seem to be looking at the camera man and maybe the PD instead. Looking at her eyes, I have a feeling that she was asking the PD sliently, that maybe they should stop filming for a while to let Yonghwa rest. Sorry, can't do the caps for it.

    Not sure whether this is posted before. Can't see it in the last few pages but Quarillina posted the Seohwa mini project in youtude. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=3BYjuUWUvdk

  10. Some goodies to share.

    Cr: baidu & naver

    Their black room interview dressing.


    Cr: Xenial1203@baidu

    Comparision of Yonghwa's (?) room before and after the cleaning (?)



    Top picture: Before the cleaning

    Bottom picture: After the cleaning

    1- Somebody mentioned that it may be earphone Beats by Dr.Dre

    2- Perfume

    3- Earphone box

    4- Dark coloured box

    5- Purple coloured box

    7- Black table top

    8- White coloured cupboard door

    9- the corner of a brown box

    P.S: The Mickey wedding softtoy and the Display with the guiter are gone~~Don't know where they are?

    I am amazed at their eyesight but I think no.8 should be the wall rather than the cupboard door. If it is really Yonghwa's room (which I also think very likely cos WGM installed the camera there), I can now understand why Jungshin can just go in and took the photo (the one taken in the train that we all love so much). This guy knows the where about of the things inside his hyun's room including the bloody hands and has no reservation at all touching Yonghwa's things. Guess Yonghwa really indulged in his brother as well just like how he is indulging Seohyun currently. No wonder they keep saying that he took good care of them in their interviews.

    Edit: Finally managed to upload the pictures. *wipe my sweat* need to go upgrade my computer skills.

  11. *wave wave* crystal_malfoy, you are not the only one in goguma planet. Just a lot of shy people who are not yet ready to spazz. I was like that lurking for a period of time before I become more familiar with the thread. Anyway, we have more and more new Yongseo supporters joining us everyday. Should have hand out Soompi website flyer at the showcase. Haha.

    One observation, Yonghwa said that the disadvantage of being famous means that they have to eat more "beautifully" at restaurants. I have two questions

    1) Does this realisation come after last week spagetti lunch with Seohyun, which your unique way of eating spagetti was being broadcast? If not, I will think that you totally forgot about the cameras when you are with Seohyun.

    2) How can you eat "beautifully" with chilli crabs especially there are some fans watching too? It is not a dish that you can eat without licking your fingers and sucking the juice from the crab. 

  12. Ya crystal_malfoy, I agreed with you that there are many things to spazz about.

    Oceanprince, don't be embrassed. You should be proud of what you did. You started the ball rolling at the showcase, you help to bring the fan meeting to a new height. What happened at the fan meeting will be reported everywhere through the news, internet etc. Fans in all the rest of the Aisa tours may do what you did. Yonghwa now knows that there are a lot of people who love him for his music and support his relationship with Seohyun.

    To all the Gogumas at the Singapore Showcase, so proud of all of you. Making it such a memorable time for the boys.

    About the extreme fans, I agreed that if you truely like your idol, you should wish them well and hope that they find their true love in life too. I start to feel like a mother hen, totally in tune with how happy Seohyun's mum feel when Yonghwa called her omoni in his sweetest voice. How I wish he is my son-in-law. LOL

    Jonghyun looked so handsome in that blue top in the latest episode that I started to think that I want to call him "My Jonghyun" too.

    I really find those boys, cuter and cuter. They find all the chances to tease their hyung and Seohyun.

  13. My two favourite parts translated from chinese. Not very good but the meaning is there.

    S: Is your voice ok?

    Y: It's better

    S: Mmm, that's good

    Y: But can't speak a lot

    S: I see

    Y: Don't speak

    S: Good

    Y: Use eyes (sight) to speak (communicate)

    Seohyun stares at him

    Y: If I am in pain, you will be in pain too. Husband and wife is link  together

    When Seohyun called her mum

    S: Mum, the kimchi we made is too salty, what to do?

    Mum: Do you have more radish?

    S: There are no more radish

    Mum: Are there onions? ( I guess sould be onions, I am not familiar with the term cos cooking idiot too)

    S: Yes, there are onions

    Mum: put the onions in, then it will not be so salty

    Y: omoni, I am yong hwa ya

    mum: huhuhhu, hello, how come it can be so salty. (so on and so on)

    Y (mushy): omoni, we will talk next time

    S&Y: omoni, bye

  14. Bezbezbez, this is so wonderful, awesome etc etc etc..... I can't find the right word to describe how much I love the notebook. It was so full of LOVE. Yong & Hyun's love, all the gogumas' love for the couple and the crew hard work. I Love my page too, I love those pictures you selected to go with my words. Thanks for being so nice to me, I have the most pictures. Can't stop smiling. Love it Love it. Thanks so much.


    The more I read about all your experience, the more I wish I can join you all there too for the showcase. I "blamed" my husband yesterday again and he teased me that I am more like 16 years old now. Hee hee I take it positively that YongSeo make me young again.

    Today is going to be WONDERFUL. It will be. No other things are going to make my Saturday bad.

    Nearly, forgot to thanks everyone for all the fan accounts, links and pictures. I love all of them too.

  15. bezbezbe, yah you are right to say you need as many of the "I love Yongseo couple because" in other languages to fill up the page. At first I was thinking why the heart is not in red, then i feel that gold is more unique. Also, Gold symbolise forever too as it is very long lasting. Are you able post all the pages in the notebook after you are done? I will imagine that it is going to be wonderful. Thanks for the hard work.

  16. Hi Hi,

    Watch this for the Jungshin Chingoo wave created by Seobaby...JungshinChingoo & More Jungshin Chingoo

    Ooooohhhh Jungshin Chingoo, you have already become everyone's friend. I really hope you have a lot of things to share with us tomorrow.

    P.S The boys looked really good in the photo.

    Edit: wowww, there are so many fancams from their arrival in Singapore Changi Airport. Here are what I think are the best cos taken before they exit the security area. Can see that the makeup artist doing some final touch up especially on Jungshin before they left.

    Link 1

    Link 2

  17. how true redtulip same age buddy... :lol:

    sorry i shortened your post...

    *sigh*...cannot deny the fact that we're at ajumma age compared to our beloved goguma couple & all the young ones here...funny thing is i feel the same as when i was 21...aside from the creaking bones & joint pains from time-to-time... :P

    i really wonder how the artistes cope with such schedules andalasa...no wonder we always see news of them fainting, being admitted to hospital, etc...*touch wood*...how i wish they had a union to take care of their basic human rights there...at least let them have adequate rest instead of surviving on 1-2 hours of sleep for a prolonged period of time...the same basic feature all the korean idols have are their massive dark eyebags/circles...my heart aches to see these young hardworking kids like that... :mellow:

    Yes. You are right that they have very punishing lifestyle and some may not be able to take the stress physically and mentally. However, they are able experience a totally different life from an average person. I am guessing here that most of us dream of those dreams at some point in time. I believe that if you love your work and is working hard towards your goal, you actually don't mind a lot of things.

    Especially for Seohyun, one reason I like the girl is because she did not lost herself in the neon lights and keep upgrading herself through books etc. A girl believing the goodness of the world and truely care for others. She wins fans not due to looks alone hence I think she has a good future in front of her.

    For yonghwa, I guess he is learning the hard way, the voice and the hospital etc. It help to toughen up a person and will help him a lot for his own life. I already sense the different in the way he carry himself. He used to be confident because things was going very well for him since young now the confident is more of " I have experience failure" but I have climb back again. Like the failed MC first attempt, practising dancing behind the scenes based on his music teacher account. Hope you all understand what I am trying to say here.

    Anyway, best thing that happened is they found each other. Right.







    Woowww lovekim great choice!!!! Those bears with mp3 function. I don't even know they have such things nowadays. I am very curious about your question. Can whisper to me privately?





    I can't wait to see the end results. Goguma aliens hwaiting!!!! Appreaciate all of your efforts.





    Edit: wollylamb, the two of us really are a family. Lol, guess for the two adjummas, we don't have the youth. So we can only help financially.








    Genxv, bezbezbe and all the rest of the crew, I am happy to be of any help given my limited IT skills. Photoshop is something i don't know how to use so can't help further. I have fun reading all those reasons why we love the couple as I go about doing some editing.





    Dear gogumas, you are all so amazing! We have created a book for yonghwa to read, nearly 30 pages of love!!! This is even before any layout or pictures.





    Anyway, back to spazzzzzing. Horror episode!!! Trust the PD to pick a theme with a lot of potential natural skinship. This is so exciting. Just thinking about it what do you think the two of them will be feeling? Cos I am guessing yonghwa will be the shy one and Seohyun maybe the one without reservation. Lol







    Hello, everyone,





    I proudly present the reason why I'm kinda procrastinating. I'm going to continue my fanfiction, but for now, I hope you like:








    Goguma - the Movie




    "We Got Married Goes Action Movie"





    (inspired by the "The Adjustment Bureau - soon to be a major motion picture)





    (currently, the quality is still bad - once YouTube has finished it's thing, I hope it's going to be better)













    Wow this is great! I will definitely buy a ticket to watch the movie. Love the pace and how you manage to put all the scenes into a meaningful storyline. One word. You have the talent!!! By the way, a lot of people in baidu are already singing your praises.





    Genx, I love your latest vid too. Give me such a warm feeling after watching it.





    I just want to say once again I love you all sweet gogumas for sharing with us all your talents, spending time to do all the screen caps, translations, news etc etc Make this a happy place for me whenever I faced some fustrations. Like what somebody said (you know who you are this ajunma has short term memory) it is destiny that bring Yong and Hyun together, it is destiny too for us to meet here and share our passion for them. I am sure fate will also have something planned for them. Just need to be patient.








    @_d3seohyun. Your post especially the wonderful spolier really lights up my day. I will wish very hard for it to happen. Cannot imagine how all the sweet potatoes will be like then. Maybe we will be cooked cos too heated up from all the love.





    Anyway, life is too short so have fun. I am allowing myself to do all the fangirling, stalking the thread etc etc cos it is fun.





    The Goguma Pledge










    We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of  nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.


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