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Posts posted by redtulip





    Trent, you don't have to personally break Yonghwa's legs now. He did planned for an event and did not let all the gogumas who believed in him down.



    Now the question is what is the "gift"



    1) A plot of land full of gogumas ( too expensive, more likely pretend to own to tease Seohyun or planted them himself many weeks ago)



    2) The couple ring (hide beforehand in the soil)



    3) A necklace (hide beforehand in the soil)



    4) Expect the Unexpected from Yonghwa





    redtulip, not very good as in vid not very clear or not very good



    as in yong was doing something else  vicx.gif   crazy.gif





    Sorry for not making myself clear, I meant the vid is not very good cos some parts were block by a black object. Not meant to create bad feelings regarding anyone in the thread. Just want to point out that Yonghwa appeared to be "stoned" or "uninterested" when other performances were going on. However, the moment Trax started (Seohyun's pictures appeared) he seem to be more "happy" or "full of energy". Yonghwa even pretended to play the guitar and sing along. Maybe it is the catchy tune. Hee hee please ignore.






    For the Gogumas who are interested to know what is Yonghwa doing while watching Trax's Oh, My Goddess performance in Inkigayo this week. Not very good but you can see something. Watch it. Start at about 2.25 but need a long time to buffer.

    Some fans are guessing that Sulli and Yonghwa were talking about Seohyun based on lips reading. I hoped everyone can rest their fear about the little girl. I read that she actually made a comment in the HahaMong show that both Yonghwa and Jikwon are man with wife






    See the difference?






    j2blee, you are really fast today. Thanks so much once again.



    Dear Gogumas, sorry that I can't help much today cos was out having goguma party with some Yongseo lovers.We watched the live stream together. So fun. Tripplemama, remember we were saying that we can't get a look at that 2 piece of paper on the fridge to see the full list today. Our dream came through. Here it is.



    First posted by korean fan:Name posted in the picture



    Second posted by:http.//www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-369430-136-1.html   



    Third translated in baidu by: mynld



    Fourth translated in English by: red tulip @soompi






    Left Side: Things we want to do during married life



    1. Get a Driving License



    2. Ride a bike in a trip



    3. Compose a song together 



    4. Charity Event



    5. Regular Execise



    6. Guitar Performance together



    7. Save money for a ring



    8. Visit Busan



    9. Visit both family



    10. Write a diary






    Right Side:  List of promise



    1. No lying



    2. Grooming Everyday ??



    3. Every morning, to start the day with a ?? smile (can't see clearly)



    4. Do not eat fast food or processed food as much as possible



    5. To be frank with opinion with each other



    6. Hweighting for each other's dreams



    7. To read books??



    8. To be nice to the brother and sister in laws.



    Maybe j2blee or anyone who can read Korean can verify whether what I translated from Chinese is correct.






    Using my iPhone to post so this will be short.



    Based on Chinese translation, Seohyun was upset with something that Yonghwa did. For someone like Seohyun who usually do not express her inner thought, she insisted Yonghwa to provide more explanation.



    My take is the Win Win broadcast, someone can post the video again. Since the preview said Yonghwa prepared the trip hence I think my guess that Yonghwa gave the ring to her is highly possible.






    Is this twelve days of Christmas? or better still 15 days celebration for Chinese New Year? So much Goodies, so many presents from everyone to everyone everyday.



    Some random things from me too.



    1. I finally heard the part where Yonghwa said " Seohyun, want to hold hand" after listening to it numorous time. Now I am starting to think that the PD left those clues for us to find.



    2. Watching them it is like watching the movie "Pulp Fiction" the timeline is not linear hence we need to watch everything in order to piece together



    3. Clumsy & Lenova, everything you post, a mini earthquake happened. You two are so creative and full of humor



    4. Ilovesonowwhite, I love the story, it is simple but full of truth. When two person understand each other so well, they do not need to communicate verbally. It is like wi-fi, a lot of data sharing but we can't see it.



    5. I have a feeling that it is Yonghwa who gave the new custom made ring to Seohyun. He was the one who suggested they got couple ring in the first place and based on Seohyun character and level of comfort at that point in time, she may not be ready to buy. want to bet again?



    6. Cherryhana88 & Pangg, those picture are lovely. Thanks






    For all of the goguma out there who maybe as confused as me. Here is a summary  of key events edited based on Sweet potatos days and Baidu to help everyone to have a better picture of the timeline. Please refer to the 2 threads for more information



    June 2010





    22: Yonghwa's birthday



    24: Yonghwa's talk about Seohyun in an interview. "I think she will make a good partner"



    25: KBS Music Core. Yonghwa sang and Seohyun on the keyboard with CNBlue, Taeyeon etc



    27: CNBlue played in Busan, Yonghwa was asked about his marriage



    28: Seohyun's birthday



    29: Filming of WGM at Ganghwa island



    30: CNblue interview on Cool FM. Yonghwa wanted to invite JingJing his dog to the concert






    05: CNBlue interview on Power Time Radio. Yonghwa talked about the ring and mentioned that Juri Ueno



    10: Record KBS Happy Birthday. Yonghwa expressed his love for "wife" Seohyun. Broadcasted on 26 July



    10: Recod KBS Happy Together. Yonghwa had Seohyun number in his handphone. Broadcasted 22 July



    14: NII Photoshoot interview for Yonghwa. Show the new ring. Broadcasted 22 July



    31: CNBlue first concert. Seohyun attended






    03: WGM filming in a park based on Fan account, Yonghwa and Seohyun attended the "Make a wish" event



    04: Record Mnet Beetles Code CNBlue. Broadcasted 12 Aug



    06: SNSD in Pruket 



    07: CNBlue in Busan NII fan signing



    17: Record WGM Horror Special



    21: Concert in Singapore. Yonghwa showed off the ring



    21: SM Town Concert. Seohyun duet



    25: Concert in Hongkong. Yonghwa showed off the ring



    26: Record Haha Mong Show for Yonghwa



    29: WGM filming at the house, Duet at Incheon Korean Wave Concert



    30: Seohyun at Superbad press conference








    01: WGM filming with Ueno Juri



    11: CNBlue Concert in Thailand.



    11: SM Town Concert in Shanghai



    16: CNBlue concert in Japan



    18: CNBlue concert in Japan



    18: SNSD Girls award in Japan



    20: CNBlue concert in Japan



    21: WGM filming in Japan



    As you can see some times, the broadcasted dates may confused us a bit. In June, it was still very much no direct references if we assume JingJing and Ueno Juri as hints.



    In July, Yonhwa was shy but did not deny anything when asked about her. The closeness between this two started to grow at an exponetial rate after the Horror Special. Yonghwa started to be more expressive (Showing off the ring, may due to encouragment from Goguma fans) in the "Listern to CNBlue" tours. Hence, totally no awkwardness at the Incheon Concert. We all nearly died that night, surprised that they held hand. However, now it can be easily understood.



    So now we are in September, they are really really close, not a inch between them in the Japan picture. I am really not surprised that Seohyun was in Japan all along and attended the CNBlue concert on 20 Sept. We just need a "Sign" 



    Edit: Forgot to add. They were already in their own world during the filming of the Horror Special in August, no wonder it took them half an hour to notice Juri Ueno. If she never tried to captured their attention, they could sat there the whole night staring into each other eyes and talked until the shop closed.






    I am here to join the scream, the spazz, the group hug, the party, the joy, the fun and the whatever and whatever!!! Only one word. LOVE.



    There is definitly something about these two that draw us to them in the first place. Something is blooming and it is my joy to watch it grow. I am happy to watch it from a distance and let them work on it themselves. If it is meant to be, it will be. I will be right here waiting no matter how many years it will take. Who is with me???



    Not sure whether anyone remember, but I mentioned before that my husband asked for my permission to hold my hands when we first got together after I agreed to be his girlfriend. My husband said it was the right thing to do, to respect a girl's wish. When I shared that previously, I just had that feeling that Yonghwa is that kind of person too and he proved it to be true. I like this boy more and more. Hope the rest of my instincts are going to be right.



    Thanks to all the Gogumas here who are sharing their love for this couple in everyway. No contributions is too small and unimportant. I am happy that I am part of the goguma family and status upgraded to regular spazzer. Thanks



    Once again



    The Goguma Pledge



    We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of  nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.






    Goguma, Goguma everywhere in that little town. Yonghwa looked really really happy. I totally agreed with Nazweena, why are they sitting so close when the bench is so wide. There were hardly any space in between them!!!



    Somebody posted an article very very long time ago that the two of them were going through their own schedule to try to find some times together to film. Hence, they are very willing to sacrific whatever free time to film wgm. Dreamyboo, you are right, this is not work to them. This is "dating". People can climbed hill and crossed ocen to just catch a glimpse of their love one. hee hee, just like some of us fans



    Lovely_ocean, thanks for the information. Like the saying, if there is smoke, there may be fire. Sorry can't recalled who mentioned that most of the rumors in entertainment industry are true. Hence, if Seohyun can attend the first CNBlue concert without anybody noticing her, she can repeat the act again. Saturn's review on CNblue thread mentioned that Yonghwa was especially good in that concert. So goguma FBI, time to work. We need the Japan fancams to cross compare with the Korea ones for similiarities in signs.



    Review of Sep.20 Tokyo Shibuya concert (from: http://twitter.com/TOWER_KPop )



    Regarding CNBLUE's Shibuya concert. Last time (bad condition) Yong Hwa couldn't show his power 100%,



    he declared today, "Today is revenge!" and showed 'power of voice' which suits for his declaration.



    He is such a unique vocalist. Awsome vocalist.








    Goguma1209, Genvx: I did not post it on Baidu, some Chinese fans found your MV and upload there. Me only a lurker in that place. Full of praises for you two. Let me know if you need any translations of the postings there. I felt that for "No Ordinary Love" MV, they should credit it properly.






    One posting for Pyramid MV that a chinese fan posted that jumped out at me.



    "If the ending is  going to be so beautiful, no matter how many years, I can wait"





    Me too, Me too



    I just realised that the in the MV, the colour of the SNSD girls and the CNBlue boys matches too. Destiny???



    Me currently in the office working, can't watch the show live today, so I am courting on you all to spazz and show your love for them today. Will be stalking the thread later. Go Go Go.






    I am back, MIA cos a few of the Goguma Chingoo here introduced me to a soompi fanfic Almost Lover, so I was reading/hooked for a few days. Just manged to catch up some of the stuff and watched all the MVs.



    Dreamyboo, I love the "Loner" Yonghwa in your MV waiting for Seohyun at the train station. Especially you make 3 of them swaying together. LOL



    Genxv, Wow bring me down memory game again. all the moments just bring a very warm feeling to my heart. Here is the baidu thread on your MV. No Ordinary Love



    Goguma1209, I love your MVs since day one and this one make me want to cry at the end. I felt like a mother seeing her daughter and son got married. Your Mv is posted in Baidu too. Here is the link. Pyramid



    Bonbon31, I also wonder why when I saw the schedule that Yonghwa is leaving later. The first one that come to mind is "He is meeting Seohyun". Anyone has SNSD schedule to compare?



    I love those screen caps and gifs make by everyone here, make me realised that there are a lot of things happenning that I did not catch. Actually, I think part of the reason why we are being treated to so many "close encounter" is there are no cameras following them. Yes, they knew that they were being filmed, but there were no crew, it was dark and they did not know where most of the cameras were. Hence, they only had each other (except for the ghosts) and may be more "daring" if you know what I mean.



    I twitter this with the rest to trend YONGSEO just now, but I like to share with everyone here.





    YONGSEO is funny in their own way and only Goguma aliens can understand





    YONGSEO love let meet all of you to become Goguma Chingoo








    Thanks everybody for another wonderful day. Good night, Good day and Good bye. I will be back.



    Edit: Let me translate what Mr CNBlue chinese subs on the conversation when Adam couple appear just after Adam mentioned that Gain should wear pants. I love their subs, it is very detailed.



    Yonghwa: Don't talk about that topic





    Seohyun: Must talk





    Yonghwa: Airplane, Airplane






    A few things to add before I go to my Goguma dreamland.



    Yongseo went first because Nickkhun took second and JK wanted last. So they were left with first.



    In the first room, when the snake dropped from the ceiling, Yonghwa asked whether it was snake or sausages. Jungshin also commented that it looked like sausages when it was his turn. (No worder they are CN Blue.)






    At the bathroom, after the old lady walked out, Yonghwa said that the toy is Seohyun's favourite Keroro, must be for her? Seohyun smiled. (I love this part, still lovey dovey in a "horror" show!!!)



    Seohyun was the one that suggested that they checked their appearance in the mirror before taking the photo. Actually the mission never stated that they need to hug each other to join the heart together. (Our couple just want to find an excuse???)








    Nickkhun asken Yonghwa from a scale of 1 to 10, how scary it was? Yonghwa told him 12 and rated the ghosts 18. (Good job man, mental strategy???)



    Jungshin shouted to the air that don't come out when he was reading the mission card. He also asked the ghosts sitting in the classroom whether anyone of them is his fan. While he was cooking, he told the thunder to be softer and not to come nearer. (I love you Jungshin, you are so funny.)








    So much things for everyone to spazz and then we are going to be treated to another 2 more special on tuesday and thursday. Also saturday, I love Goguma!!!










    J2blee, thanks for the fast translation. We all know that it was a very long episode to translate. So no worries about translating all the conversation, we are more interested in the Yongseo part anyway. You translated some of those not cover in the Chinese translation. So happy, now I have a clearer picture. Thanks so much.


    Ok, now I can go back and read all your posts that was like lightning while I am typing.


    Really goguma sweetness overload tonight. Thanks.








    Cont from previous translation


    Before the start of the sit up competition, SH encouraged YH and Yh answered arasso. Jk said next will be Gain which she half heartedly said Hwaiting. NK was very fast in doing sit up and YH was a bit slow. MC commented that YH is up against beastly man. When the game ended, YH jokingly asked where is he, causing SH to laugh. End score, NK: 76, YH: 41, JK:71. YH said NK is a battery and SH told him it was ok.


    Next up was the ladies which they only need to do sit up for 30 seconds. MC Meseo guessed Vic to win. While courting, YH jumped from 27 to 40. End score Vic: 29, Sh: 27 and Gain: 17. Hence, Khuntoria won the game with another 100 points.


    Next was the wrestling competition which the winner will receive 200 points. YH said that this game was designed with Khuntoria in mind while JK said they were not taken care by the PD. Vic shared with YH that she did wrestling with Narash in another show before and won while Jungshin was talking Both Jungshin and NK told the two of them to pay attention. In order not to let our Goguma couple felt the burden, Khuntoria and Adam couple will start first. JK was worried and Gain gave him another half hearted encouragement "Hwaiting". Yh said it made him nevous. When JK lost, he was embrassed and Gain asked whether he need to go to the hospital. When it was YH against NK, Jungshin estimated that it will be over in 5 seconds. MC Miseo also thought that YH will not be able to last long. YH and Seohyun were surprised that he won. Nk said Yh was strong while Yh said it was painful


    YH said it was over before he could see anything when Vic won Gain. YH told SH to let the rest see her strength. Eveybody thought that Vic will win and SH apologised to Vic for winning. MC Miseo commented how come Yongseo was so good in wrestling. Jungshin said now each of Khuntoria and Goguma couple had 200 points while Adam couple had bang point. JK rebuked that just said zero point and what is bang points.


    While Jungshin was checking his cue cards for information on the next game, YH said that now he will know that being MC is not easy and will not say it again. Jungshin had to repeat the game details cos all the couple could not understand. Khuntoria won with another 300 points added. YH said that he used to be a runner when he was young and JK said he was one too.










    From Previous translation


    SH encouraging YH when it was his turn. Jungshin said YH was the least sporty among the 3. YH only managed 31 seconds. Gain sat in front so that she can catch Jk if he fell down. Which YH commented that they can advance to such a stage in a year. JK only managed to hold for 20 seconds. NK held for a minute and won.


    Chinese translation only up to here. Will be back later when there are more.








    Cont from previous translation


    Jk said he had not taken a bus for a long time and asked where they were going. Yong said to a place for war. All of them received the mission card which stated that due to the biggest festiva, to create happiness for the audiene, today is WGM Strongest Couple tourament.


    JK asked how long each of them were married which Nk replied 2 months and YH 6 months. JK said it was so fast for half a year and SH said yes. Studio MC wondering who was the person. (Jungshin at the beach)


    YH questioned about the red dote and said it must be there for a reason when JK answered that it could be to prevent traffic accident. Then it was the scene of YH blocking the sun for SH etc.


    Jungshin got on the bus and MC Miseo said my son is here. YH was surprised to see him and was not aware that Jungshin will be coming. Jungshin announced that he was the special MC for the day and took out the MC cue card. MC Miseo said he was showing off. While he was welcoming them to the show, YH told him not to keep looking at him. Gain corrected him when he pronounced one of the words wrongly.


    Jungshin the winner will win something that will enhance their couple standard of living and asked them what was the most impt thing to ensure couple harmony. Gain said money, JK chose character and NK answered skinship. Jungshin said it was the couple balance, played in a show before and proceed to show them. Onjective was to balance for a minute standing on the red dot.








    Translation from Baidu from Chinese.


    Seohyun complained that it was hot and the rest were not here yet. Yonghwa commented that they were on punture, hence the high five and the bump. Jk asked when Gain wore a dress and shld be wearing pants in view that it was a sport event. They all felt uneasy meeting as couple for the first timeand Jk said it was the second time they participated in the sports event. Gain shared that they were the youngest then.


    Edit: Accidently clicked the post button. will follow with the rest later.








    *Hear my name, head popped up, look around* Oh it is Miel.


    *Wow. I received the thanks in advance from SophiaPia* Already told my husband we are ordering pizza delivery tomorrow so that I can stay home and spazz.. Hope to bring some translations to all asap. 


    Sorry, was hiding in a cave for the past few days but I read all the posts. Thanks for all the goodies, too many to name but I must say you all are a bunch of talented Gogumas.


    I Love GOGUMA and I hate BITTER GOURD.


    Based on my experience dealing with kids who throw tantrums, just ignore them. They like the attention even when you are scolding them


    What would you like YongSeo to do besides meeting each other parents and wedding photoshoot?


    My answer


    1. Donate blood together again since Yonghwa did not managed to do it the other time. (It is like an unfulfil wish)


    2. Drive to the countryside (after one of them receive their driving license, hopefully Yonghwa) to pick grapes, strawberry or goguma etc


    3. Back into CNBlue's practice room (the very first place they spent their first few dates) to compose a song together


    4. Yonghwa and Seohyun taking care of 3 kids (baby is easy since Seohyun already have some experience), maybe bring them to the amusement park or shopping.


    Remember Gogumas Chingu, we are here because we love them. See you all at 5.15 Korea time!!!


    Edit @Angel27391: I LOVE LOVE LOVE your MV, it is so unique and cute at the same time, totally agreed with you that 0.42 - 0.52 is so sweet. Hope to see more from you. Thanks for sharing with us








    Jnj, the betting game is not childish, we have so much fun the other time. 52 for Yong to win and 4 for Hyun  to win the driving test. In the end, we still get to see both of them performing their punishments. So can I bet both Yong and Hyun to be scared??? They each have their turns to be scared and run into the other person's arm. But if you don't accept that I will vote for Hyun to be scared. Why? Yonghwa is a guy and he had show exceptional coolness in running man. Secondly, woman tends to want to be taken care of by their man in such situation.


    Regarding about the rumor posted by Shane09, just to clarify from what I read in Baidu.


    18 Sept: Horror Special as seem in Preview (confirm)


    21 Sept: WGM Best Special showing cut scenes of the 3 couples from earlier episodes. Never seem before footage (rumor)


    So the content will be different. Rumors had proven to be true 80% of the time so there is a high chance that we will have goguma overdose next week.


    My guess is that they originally wanted to show the horror special for the Mid-Autumn festival celebration. However, the festival is about family getting together on the day when the moon is the roundest. Hence, for Chinese people (I will think Korean too) the horror theme may not sit very well, too scary. So MBC have to change plans after feedback from audience. Please take the above with a bucket of salt until we have more information.








    gentle reminder that everyone should not post one liner, I am sure you have a lot of things to spazz about.


    To repost some of our "why do we love Yongseo couple?" love.

    Yes to those who are ahjummas just like me, I shall say this is just reminder to our past sweet beautiful memories. And I’ve been with my own Yong for more than 25 years.


    Get to know Seohyun being partnered in wgm with Yonghwa through alkpop, I’ve learnt Hyun is just a girl with no interest or experience in boys, my mind straight away say "Ah! This girl will surely fall in love with this guy". And I’m watching to find more on their development. I do not know anything about Yong before wgm, beside he acted in YAB, slowly I think he is such a gentleman, handles his Hyun well, too well. This is where being a parent myself to 3 kids (even my eldest is older than Yong), I love to have someone like Hyun or Yong to be my daughter or son in law (less skinship). Their relationship is building up slowly and importantly with so much understanding, as Yong always say "I trust Seohyun". 


    ahjumma ning, 45, Singapore








    Because they are sweet, goofy, dorky, shy, funny, quirky, caring and just their unique, imperfect selves. The show sets them up as the cliché shy, innocent girl meeting the cool rocker boy; but you know what? That sweet girl has a mind of steel, has dreams to be an ambassador and loves sweet potatoes. And the rocker dude? He's the ultimate dork, gets nervous and shy, and has a sweet, caring streak a mile wide.

    They are funny and fascinating on their own. But put them together and we see magic: Beautiful duets, hilarious bets, avatar dialogues. They are goofy together, serious together. Each makes the other better. The best part for me is watching their journey. I don't know what the end destination may be but I am most definitely enjoying the ride.


    Jen, 29, US/Malaysia




    I love YongSeo because they remind me of the right way to love someone, to be in a relationship, and that is by taking it slow. This couple's pace is realistic and very natural which is what draws everyone in, I suppose. Yong Hwa shows the guys out there how to do things the right way, especially when dealing with an innocent girl like Seo Hyun - be a gentleman, match her pace, be patient, make her comfortable with you by earning her trust and making her laugh. His humor and playfulness disarm Hyun so much that she has been lowering her guards rather quickly. And that's a thousand goguma points for him. He is gentle and well-mannered, earning not just her trust and respect but also those of people around her.


    Hyun, on the other hand, is the perfect example of an ideal girl, ideal wife and ideal daughter-in-law. She is pure and innocent but she has the spunk and wit to match. She is angelic but she can be a vixen, too, if she wants it. She has flaws but the good part is, she knows them by heart and she works hard in overcoming them.



    This couple brings out the best in each other. Yong Hwa taps on her playful side, that dormant side of her that rarely comes up. Through WGM, the world is seeing SNSD's maknae in a new light. She is earning fans left and right (me included) and finally stepping out of her unnies' shadows. She is beautiful, intelligent, caring, talented, funny and witty. She's got solid principles and virtues that keep her strong. What more can Yong Hwa or any other guys ask for?



    Hyun brings out the sensitive and caring guy in Yong Hwa - the guy who is willing enough to go that extra mile to make her comfortable, the one who doesn't force himself in until she is ready to open up herself to him. She teaches him to be patient, to see things from a different perspective, to improve himself by reading books, to take good care of himself, to ask simple questions that boggle the mind (What's the difference between liking and loving someone?), to learn new things (dancing, driving), to learn how not to take yourself so seriously, to appreciate the saying that "less is more" (in skinship) and that great things happen to those who wait. She is one of those great things in his life.



    These couples made me believe in love again -- the kind of love that lasts because it was built on a strong foundation and through time. 


    ishtargoddess, 30, Philippines






    Edit: d3_seohyun, you are the best. I love the caps. I don't mind you flooding the thread with all those caps. Just look at the eyes!!!










    J2blee, thanks for the fast translation. I feel so warm after reading your translation about the episode.


    They were talking about their first meeting and the rain!!! Yonghwa even said that he was wearing something similiar!!! That meeting really left a very very very deep impression.


    They definitely had a few chances to become suspicious about the waitress being Juri Ueno especially the one when she passed them the tea. Yonghwa don't even notice anything and went back to talking. Seohyun definitly behaved more like the fangirl than Yonghwa.


    I will think that Yonghwa purposely told Seohyun to carry her own bag after she mentioned about Chiaki. He even sound louder than usual and she was taken by surprised. Just a moment of sadness I think. But Yonghwa being Yonghwa couldn't pull it off for long. His body was behind her (definitly touching) before they walked out of the door. He may even pat her somewhere to give her a bit of assurance.


    We been spazzing about Seohyun getting more comfortable with Yonghwa through all the episodes. Somehow, I felt that we forgot that Yonghwa is also shy and growing more comfortable with her. His behaviour is so consistent, he just can't face other girls (SNSD and Juri Ueno) twice. Looking back at some of the variety shows he attended, he is always very shy especially when he is alone and questions about Seohyun or other ladies came up. But if the other Cnblue boys are around, he is alot more cheeky and daring.


    I believe actions speak louder than words. My experience, bosses who told you that they have open doors policy are never open. Bosses who observe you and ask questions about your feelings are the ones throughly open. Hence, the care and concern that the two of them show each other are better than a thousand "I love you". WGM is only 20 to 30 mins per episode, there are many things behind the scene that we will never see. For example, we only saw the train ride to the beach but we never saw any scene from the 6 hours train ride back. I will think that if they can talked through the night on the first ride, there will be a lot more to share on the way back. But those few mintues said a lot cos remember quite a lot of gogumas showed their clips to people who were watching it for the firt time. Without any bias, a lot of those people commented that they look like they are in love or attracted to each other. That is why a lot of us become shippers cos we (including me) happened to catch a few scenes of them together and it just touches us. 


    So I never place any importance in any of their answers in all the variety or radio shows. They are mostly smokescreen. Of course, I will still be very happy if the answers sit well. I find pleasures in those unguarded moments and little things like fanning her in the preview.


    Sorry for the long post, will spazz more in the coming days.


    BTW, thanks to all those that tried out the quiz and shared your answers and scores. Sorry, can't name you all cos the thread move too fast, very difficult to find your posts to quote. 














    Translation based on meaning and Chinese from baidu while we wait for our in house translator J2blee. I skipped some parts which most of us would still understand without subs.











    Jiwon said it was the first time they met and asked how long they have been together. Nickkun answered about 2 months while Yonghwa said they are about half a year. (Edit: Since J2blee already translated infront)




    Yonghwa mentioned that this was the first time he saw someone holding the umbrella like Seohyun. He took over the umbrella as his parents said that it is the job of a man.




    Then, came jealous Yong asking Seohyun what did she do in school and what kind of guys did she meet. Seohyun asked why he was asking so much and he said she must had signed a lot of signatures. Yonghwa said he was just curious and imitated her ne/de as if a guy approached her.




    MC Miseo commented that the two of them were so into each other that they hardly looked elsewhere. Yonghwa started sharing about his experience in Japan while Juri Ueno was wiping the table. Seohyun seemed to notice something but turned out that it was the pricelist. She said they had taken 3 3000 won plate so Yonghwa said they should take the 1000 won plates now.




    Yonghwa took a plate priced at 5000won and they started "bickering" about the price. Ueno came with the tea to ask whether Seohyun is the wife which Yonghwa confimed. Seohyun asked whether she is a Janpanese and Ueno sort of skipped the question of her name.




    Seohyun got suspicious and asked Yonghwa whether there was Ueno after he tried feeding her the big sushi. Yonghwa also felt that she looked ilke Ueno and both were surprised when the boss shouted her name Juri. Ueno pretended that she heard a lot of people saying that she looked like Juri Ueno before. Seohyun said it must be her. Yonghwa answered ottoke cos his buin is around. Seohyun said no issue cos she liked her more than him so not to worry.




    In the black room




    Seohyun was surprised that Ueno appeared infront of her as she was a fan since young. For Yonghwa, he still can't believed that it was Ueno even after he knew that it was real.




    Then there was the confirmation and introduction. The note given by Ueno wrote that Ueno was going to meet her fans tomorrow hence hoped that they can teach her how to get close to the fans. Ueno expressed interest to go to their house for a visit when Seohyun offered her a seat. Ueno also asked why Yonghwa was laughing. At the same time, mentioned that they took a while to recognise her. Seohyun was embrassed but wished Chaki was there too.




    In the black room




    Seohyun said that Yonghwa was very happy and said in a radio show before that Ueno is his ideal. Although everybody has someone in their heart but she just don't feel good.




    Seohyun said she is learning Japanese but with some difficulty. At the gate, Yonghwa hoped Ueno did not mistaken that both level 1 &2 of the house belonged to them.




    At the house, Seohyun said it been a while and there was a smell in the house hence proceed to open the window. They offered her orange juice and Yonghwa can't sit still near Ueno to make conversation with her. Seohyun asked him to go find some conversation topics. Hence, he started sharing about their avatar concept. When they saw the nodame book, both Yonghwa and Seohyun recited part fo the script.




    Seohyun offered to make kimchi pancake which Yonghwa kept asking whether she can make it












    Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun







    During the interview:














    How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?







    YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.














    Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?







    YH:  Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.














    (Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)














    Cr  Baidu Goguma Couple  Translated by : 小雨







    Wow you beat me to it.




    Anyway, 1 million goguma points from me to Yonghwa. You did not let us down again!!!! Yippeeeee.




    I am right about you since day 1. That is your charm!




    Heartbreak_warfare22, dreamyboo, Rainie_chu: Thanks for trying out the test. Hope you have fun. I am a addict too. Gogumas Chingu High Five!!!




    I am so happy!!!
















    Saw something similiar in another thread so I decided to create my own for fun.




    Are you addicted to Yongseo Couple?











    1: How many times did you watch each new Yongseo WGM episode within a week?




    1) One




    2) two to five




    3) six to 10




    4) more than 10




    2: How many times did you rewatch each old episode?




    1) Once in a while




    2) A few times randomly or a marathon of all the episodes once




    3) Watch 2 or 3 marathon of all the epsiodes




    4) Watch more than 3 marathon of all the episodes




    3: Did you watch any other shows of Yonghwa and Seohyun beside wgm?




    1) Only watch WGM




    2) watch only those shows that Yonghwa or Seohyun mentioned about each other or show off their rings




    3) watch all their shows regardless of content




    4) watch all their shows plus download them to rewatch including all those in other languages




    4: How many times did you check Soompi Seohwa thread?




    1) once in a while




    2) once a day




    3) 2 or 3 times a day




    4) every hour of the day




    5: What is your current interest level of kdrama?




    1) Still watching my favourite dramas online or on TV




    2) Only watch Kdrama when there are nothing on Yongseo available




    3) Only watch Kdrama such as "You are beautiful" with Yonghwa that featured the couple




    4) Totally not interested at all, WGM is better than Kdrama




    6: Will you go to CN Blue or SNSD concerts if they performed in your country?




    1) Not interested in Kpop




    2) Only if I have nothing on or the price is reasonable




    3) Will definitely buy a ticket




    4) I will go even if I have to buy a air ticket, travel by train or bus to cross country border




    7: How do you feel if you hear negative comments about the couple?




    1) Nothing, everybody is entitled to their own views




    2) Irritated but will ignore them




    3) Sad or angry, deeply affected for days




    4) Attack!!! Must protect the couple




    8: How many people have you converted into Goguma fans?




    1) none




    2) 1 or 2




    3) 3 or 4




    4) more than 5




    9: What have you done to show your love for the couple?




    1) No




    2) I will eat Goguma once in a while




    3) I buy their CDs, attend their concerts




    4) I write fanfic, create fanvid, wallpapers, Photoshop the photos, draw cartoon etc




    10: List down all the things that you have done just for them for the first time that you have never done for any other artists.




    (one point for each item)




    eg donate blood, learn how to play the guitar, watch live streaming even though you don't understand korean, piggyback your husband or boyfriend etc etc




    Total up all the points i.e One point if you choose answer 1) or 4 points if you choose answer 4) for each questions except for question 10) which is one point for each item.




    Less than 12 points:




    You are not addicted to YongSeo couple




    13 to 22 points:




    Mildly addicted, you love the YongSeo couple, enjoy the show but it is not affecting your life at the moment




    21 to 32 points:




    Addicted to the YongSeo couple, without your daily dose of goguma love, you feel horrible




    above 33 points:




    Strongly addicted, you cannot live a minute not thinking about them




    So what is your score??? Let me know.
















    The preview is out!!! Content brief.




    Yonghwa and Seohyun didn't recognize Juri Ueno right away cos they were busy talking. Hence she decided to make the first move to say hello. The two of them cooked kimchi soup for Juri Ueno. How will the soup turn out due to the ever generous Seohyun? How will Yonghwa be like with his wife and his "ideal"?





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