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Posts posted by redtulip












    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ichigo_kawai, I love your skinship video cos I did not notice a lot of those that were so brief that disappear in a blink of eye.




    Sally7, I agreed with you if they are faithful to the ring, they are faithful to each other. Can I say that we don't need to guess anymore that it is definitly new rings based on the old design which is what I believed for the longest time.




    prncsscharming, that is a wonderful fanfic, I like the storyline. Please update soon.




    ishtargoddess, I read all your fanfic!!! a lot of times I can't determine which is reel and what is real especially the one about our gifts to them.




    Now that we have some many talented gogumas writers (trent, clumsy, prncsscharming, ishtargoddess, lovekin etc), can you all help grant my little wish that each one of you take turns to update a fanfic one day a week eg trent (mon), prncsscharming (tue), clumsy (wed), lovekin (thurs), ishtargoddess (fri), WGM for sat, someone volunteer for sunday please! Then we all can bath in goguma love everyday!!! :wub::wub::wub:




    Just read some postings at baidu that touched me a lot. It never failed to amaze me over and over again that we all come from different backgrounds but share a common love for the couple. I noticed the similarities between the 2 thread (one in english and one in chinese) that there are a lot of talented goguma sharing their videos, pictures and fanfic etc. There are many people with different views but we do not get ugly or angry with each other unlike some other internet forums. The two threads are always positive, encouraging, full of Please & Thanks and of course love. I totally agreed with one Baidu fan that precisely because we all love Yongseo couple it reflected a lot about our character. So Goguma fans Hwaiting!!! Thanks once again for providing me a place to unwind and relax and be happy.
















    Just got the news from Baidu, Yonghwa will be appearing as guest in Episode 11 of Running Man again.




    It is unusual for a guest to reappear in the same show so soon, hence maybe because his performance was really excellent previously. For those who have not watch, I highly recommend it again. You really see a very different Yonghwa in the show. Very quick witted and different from the Yong choding infront of Seohyun. Sorry try searching for the videos in youtude but cant find any, maybe some sweet potatoe can be sweet enough to help post the links again.








    And of course, our Yonghwa has a lot of practice "chasing" Seohyun!!! Not to forget, one of their couple song is "Run Devil Run". LOL 
















    Thanks for all the wonderful goodies. Wow photoshop is so wonderful! You guys are really full of talent.




    Nothing much to add except that I just finished watching episode 22 with Chinese subs. One thing to highlight which I thought is meaningful and not in j2blee's translation.  Minhyuk made a comment at the last scene showing them running that it was the first time he saw Yonghwa behaving like this....














    Edit: @jnj, ya me thinking since I am fustrate that I can only pick up some simple words so far. It is minkyuk that made the comment at the running scene.




















    About them crossing their arms, they should just hold hands!!! Guess they also do not know what to do with their hands at the moment so just fold it.




    @jnj, I support you with all my heart. I really think they are in a relationship since the slip of tongue by Minhyuk. Next saturday, we will be able to know since it was shot last week. So all the Gogumas FBI will have to work overtime. We cannot miss any details since we have practiced for so long and sharpen our weapons well. 
















    To repost some of my favourite for "Why do I love Yongseo couple?"


    To me comparing the YongSeo couple and the other couples are not exactly possible. For me each three couples currently in WGM falls under different genre. For the Adam couple is a storyline under the romantic comedy and at times action. They are fast paced, with fast and loud humor. The characters have strong and quirky personalities, fun to watch and laughed at/with and give out a generally happy go lucky mood. The focus is mostly on the plot and lesser on the characters. Their actions instead are the things that are propelling (?) their story forward. They are a plot driven drama made up of big exciting events that starts big, filled with big things, and will probably end (good or bad) in big ways. They are the type to drink the tea of life casually laughing all the while.


    The Nichktoria couple falls under the Drama genre. Their times together are filled with dramatic gestures; they have big dreams and are not shy about showing it. They take things in big strides and happily enjoy them. I think they drink their cup of life in big gulps with a big smile and announce their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with it with confidence.




    The YongSeo couple on the other hand, probably will drink their life tea in little sips, cautiously tasting out the bitterness and sweetness it contains and taking them all in as a part of life. Their story is of the slice-of-life genre. There's no particular big plot to see, but instead the pull is the characters subtle personality. What the audiences look out for is the development of the characters' personality. Their actions and humor are subtle and not always spoken, their glances and little touches speaks bigger than the words they say, they do things their own way, cautiously at their own pace, doesn't try to force their way through the story but instead letting it unfolds slowly. Though they both are the type to worry and fuss about things (triple A type XD, or maybe it is because of this) they are slowly learning together to appreciate all the little joys that come everyday, they found the things people usually overlooked and turn it into something bigger and their own. And that's why I love them









































    I have followed WGM since the 1st Season but like others, my interest stopped after the JoongBo couple left. My interest peaked again after seeing Jung Yong Hwa in "You're Beautiful", curious to see his other activities and lo and behold, was cast as a couple in the new season. Thus, the start of my sleepless Friday/Saturday mornings, beginning with the first episode, streaming online and awaiting English Subtitles to understand the episode. I am not a huge fan of SNSD, didn't really know much about them (just that they're from SM Ent. with Super Junior) but I do admire them for exuding femininity and "sweetness", at least when I see them during their performances and variety shows. I am, however, fond of live bands and it was why I liked Yong's group, CN Blue.












    Why this couple? Why not the others? For me, YongSeo are virtually "virgins", Yong in meeting a pure & innocent girl in Hyun, and Hyun, not having ANY relationship or interaction with the opposite sex met Yong who is the epitome of a gentleman, in my opinion. This couple was brought up well by their parents, judging by their actions we see on TV. I admire their approach to this show by suggesting to be "Engaged" rather than be married at the onset of the show. They took their time to learn more about each other and created wonderful memories together BEFORE more memories can be made during their married life. Their kind of relationship seem to me the "Forever" kind, what with opening a bank account TOGETHER (they'll have a history of opening an account FOREVER), and applying for their driver's licenses TOGETHER. Those memories will forever be etched in their minds each time they look at their licenses or open another bank account. These actions are really very unusual for couples, especially "make-believe" ones. And yet, YongSeo did...I really admire them for that. The memories you create before marriage will be completely different from the memories you will make when married, and not necessarily involving the family you will have, but just as a couple.














    I, too, am an ajumma, married 25 years (had my husband not died of cancer 12 years ago) and still consider myself married to the love of my life. For me, Yong represents what many mothers would wish for their daughters and the same token, Hyun is someone most mothers would want for their sons. I have sons older than these 2 kids and my eldest will probably be married before the year end to my future daughter in law, a great lady who will be a doctor soon. I raised my sons to be gentlemen, show respect to women and elders, and I'm glad there are parents like Yong's who did the same. And same goes for Hyun's parents for raising her to stay pure and innocent (which can really be very trying at times in other societies)...believe me, everyone, it's really hard being parents at times but our children are our precious jewels and we give them our unconditional love. We try our best to raise them to be good people and hope for the best for them. So be good to your parents, too, ok.














    A lot are obsessed with the lack of "skinship" from this couple...I say, I'm glad that they're taking it slow. What we don't see, we'll never know...who knows, chances are, they've done those...and they ended up on the editor's floor. Or maybe they're not into PDA (public displays of affection), but my goodness, their communication through the looks they exchange...priceless. I would say, they have something special, what it is we may never know until later. And although our curiosity can get the best of us, if they choose to share what special relationship they have, then let's thank them for sharing and if not, let's keep supporting and cheering for them. And I also believe that our Hyun has already developed some feelings for our Yong...and by them taking things nice and slow...at the end...it will be such a satisfying feeling for ALL of us.




























    MrsAthenaG, 50, California, USA

































    Well, do you know when you like something and someone ask you why do you like it you simply said, "I don't know"? It’s my answer if someone told me why I love this couple. The first time I read the news about Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun will become couple in WGM, truthfully I kinda doubt it. I can't even imagine how it will be if both of them put in one frame. I just couldn't picture them together that's all.












    But suddenly, everything's change after I saw the first picture of them together when they filmed their first date in Lotte world. Something popped in my mind when I saw the picture "I should watch this couple, I must watch it!!" then the craziness begin.... I watched the first episode, and I fell deeply in love with this couple.














    I simply love the way they interact with each other. all the stares, the smiles, the talks (which is very sweet and lovable), I simply love it. They didn't need oversize romanticism, didn't need major skinship to show us that they do really care to each other. i just love seeing both of them sitting side by side and just talk and laugh to each other goofy action. What they do is very simple yet very meaningful. What’s more important is what effect they give to each other. I’m sure they learn different things now, especially to Hyun that's never been in a relationship before, and also to Yong, who learn new things he never done before.














    Also, I love this couple so much because of my love for them; I’m able to meet such a wonderful people here whom like family to me. Yes we argue sometimes, but the important things is we never failed to have fun (btw, i'm kinda miss night shifters here...keke). here, I get the chance to have unnies i don't have in my real life. You guys are amazing do you know that, keke?





























































    Ring Ding Dong time again. I am sure we can see very clearly even if we are myopic.




    Cr: as shown in picture.




    Fan taken pictures of Yonghwa on the way to inkigayo








    At Jang Keuk Suk Fan meeting today as a special guest.








    @d3seohyun, your caps are amazing, I did not even notice their similiarities in mannerisms until I saw the caps. 180+ is a lot but i love it.




    I like the fake facebook picture, so creative.




    Thanks J2blee for the translation again, you really make me want to start learning more about the beauty of the language. Anyone know a good korean language course in Singapore to recommend?




















    Some of the interesting things translated based from chinese translation from baidu while we wait for english translation from our translation queen j2blee.




    When Minkyuk was disappointed and wanted to stop the performance, Yonghwa told him to continue. Seohyun used banmal with Yong and told him to be good. In the black room, Seohyun shared that she also joined the magic club in secondary 1 & 2 before. As someone who learned magic before, she just wanted to sit back and enjoyed the show, but her teacher said that there will always people who wanted to know the secret. Yonghwa is one of those who kept playing around and said "I know I know".




    Seohyun asked whether there was any difference Yonghwa's behaviour with her and the brother in law. Yonghwa answered it was the same and Jungshin rebuked that althought it was about the same but Yonghwa was nicer to her. A while later, Seohyun told Yonghwa that he should not behaved like that and was overboard towards Minhyuk. Yonghwa said he know and will not let it happened again. Jungshin stated that this was the difference. If it was him, Yonghwa would have just brush him off. Yonghwa: Is Seohyun the same as you all? Jungshin: Of course No.




    In the black room, Seohyun said that Yonghwa with the brother in law was like her and her friends in high school. At that point in time, she dont feel that he was older and she was able to see a side of him that she had never seem before.




    Skipped all the pool scenes as you can guess roughly what happened. There were quite a few interesting interactions.




    Yonghwa told his brother to go home and that he will be going back to his own home.




    Y: You all go back to practice. Jungshin to play the bass or do something




    Y:  What should we do when we go home?




    S: I know how to make another kind of kimchi.




    Y: Really?




    S: My mum taught me yesterday, I make it for you to eat next time




    Y: ok




    S: This one is easier




    Y: Let's run and compete.




    S: I will take your bag, and stand further from you then we start to run to the first car in front




    In the black room,




    Yonghwa: I have a feeling like I went to the dorm to play and now is going home. A little bit like, I am staying in Seoul and my family in Busan came to visit and then we went home together kind of feeling.




    Seohyun: When Yonghwa husband joked that we were going home now, it was a new feeling to me. How should I put it? It just feels like we really got married.




    I really love the last part, it is the best portion of the whole show to me.
















    Hi everyone, finally back after no internet for the past few days. Missed the first few minutes of the episode as I was still recovering from the air flight. Then the  show lagged, I could only hear the speech  and laughters but can't see any images, it was so fustrating.




    Anyway, I will be back to spazz later. Finally, we are able to see their latest deveoplements in details in next week. Hopefully, those filming captured earlier will not be deleted. Last but not least,




    WGM PDnim, I love you too.











    Thanks and many many Thanks again for giving our couple longer air time today and granting Yongseo couple and Gogumas fans wishes many many times.












    Hi redtulip. sorry for cutting you post.




    this is really interesting. so Seohyun bought a set which contains 6 toothbrush holders. but she needed 4. gave 3 of the 6 to the CNBlue brothers and bought a separate one just for Yonghwa?




    wow. :)




    So Yonghwa really is special to her. some were disappointed because of the frog being given to Jungshin coz FROG=KERORO=SEOHYUN. but now we know, she really treats her husband as a special person in her life.











    Heartbreak_warefare, I don't think they are sold as a set but individually. More likely, Seohyun bought the 3 from that brand and chose the duck for Yonghwa from another brand.




    Kikari1309, j2blee, I also want to know where to buy!!! Maybe i am biased but the duck is really cute. Just did not show up well in the episode.




    Purestupidity, Welcome back. Thanks to you and lovekim for the live update of the concert. Same as you i am addicted to the couple and this soompi thread. That makes the 2 of us chingoo.




    BTW, I more interested to know how they got Seohyun up the tree especially in that wedding gown. It must had been tough for her. Although, we will not see her in wedding gown for the first time in WGM with Yonghwa, it will still be different. Cos, there is no wedding glow on her face. Where can we find the glow? I have seem it during the Incheon concert. Calling all married gogumas, am i right?




    Will miss all the spazzing for the next few days cos I will not have internet connection. But i downloaded some episode to keep me company for the time being.




    Edit: prncsscharming, how can I miss this???? Could it be that Seohyun gave "herself" to yonghwa??? I did something like that before for my husband, a look a like doll. *shy shy hide*










    GeumJanDi's info might be true. :)




    I saw someone post a Korean's (I suppose) twitter message on baidu, so I'll translate it here:




    Around 3pm, this Korean tweeted: There's WGM filming at a sushi shop today ^^ I'm off to see Hyun and Yong! I hope I won't get caught on camera though.












    However, Yong has a performance around 6pm so it didn't make sense.












    Someone asked about it, and the Korean replied: I heard that the filming only starts 8pm plus ^^ Yong most probably would be going, otherwise it wouldn't be the Yongseo couple hahaha. I'll take photos for you guys ok? Anyway, I knew about this because the owner of the sushi shop is my friend ^^

















    Sorry to bring the not so good news, according to baidu, the korean person updated that it was not filming for WGM, most likely should be cameo for "My girlfriend is a Gumiho".




    The interesting thing is according to a goguma fan (jinmeiyan) in baidu that spent some time seaching on the toothbrush holders given by Seohyun to CNblue, the 3 brother in law gifts are from a set of 6. Yonghwa's duck toothbrush holder is from a different brand. Hence, it really showed that Seohyun really spent a lot of effort choosing the gifts and that Yonghwa gift must be special.












    Now for the good news, according to Baidu too and Yonghwachina.com, there was filming by WGM on 29 August at the concert. WGM told "Sports Chosun" that they also captured BTS of the perfomance. These will be broadcasted in the future. I am not too sure about this so please take it with a pitch of salt until we hear more.














    @lovekin, you got me out of my *luking* mode. Actually, my ninja skills is not very good, I seem to be unable to stop posting. Maybe a goguma post a day keeps red tulip a happy lady. Anyway, like your fanfic. It really adds a lot of depth to that episode, its like I am suddenly given the magical power to read their minds at that point in time. I appreaciate your views in this thread cos it is different sometimes but still with love for the couple. However, I have a feeling that you are now infected with the sweet potatoes sweet virus cos you are getting SWEETER.




    Hope you don't take offence. Sorry in advance. 










    Exam Time









    Many moons ago, I said that I can be a goguma professor and maybe set some questions related to Yongseo for fellow goguma aliens while we were spazzing on goguma planet. Found this at baidu. Quite cute. Although not set by me but a teacher in Korea, at least I fulfil the promise in a way.












    Seohyun and Yonghwa bet that the person who wins 2 ping pong games in a row, will win the bet. The probability of Seohyun winning Yonghwa in each game is 1/3. Hence, what is the probability of Yonghwa winning the bet on the fifth game? (There are no game that end in a tie)













    P.S: If my teachers in the past were so creative, I will definitely scored As.










    Translation from Chinese from baidu and cr Dcmarried. Not word for word cos I rushing to a meeting. Maybe somebody can checked out DC married for full content




    Korean Fans visting places related to Yongseo




    Jeondojing Beach




    They spoke to the person in charge of the train stattion. He said Seohyun is really a kind, friendly and humble. They asked him whether Yonghwa is tall and he answered that he is 175cm. Yonghaw is a lot taller than him and looks very handsome especially his nose.




    Seohyun wrote the word Jeondonjing hwaiting. Yonghwa saw it and took a pen to draw a heart beside it.




    Opps, my boss is chasing me. Anyway, maybe someone can help cos I need to run for my meeting. Here is the link for the pictures.














    Warning, this is going to be a very long post.







    Took me so long to finish all the posts since I left Soompi last night after watching a few fancam. Can’t concentrate during meetings cos I really want to read everything and the thread keeps jumping. Many people mentioned before that we are going to jump 10+ pages if they hold hands in the past but we did better than that, 30+ pages and still counting. Have not seem all the new fancams as I am still in the office.







    While I was reading, I was like “hey I agreed with that, this is so funny, that is so true, I love your description, I feel the same too, yes yes yes, I need to reply this and I want to add on to that”. There are some many things. So sorry, will not be able to mention anyone in my reply here.







    Yes, we have gone through a lot with the ups and downs of this thread and become a closely knitted online family and the number of members keeps on growing everyday. Just look at the number of new posters! This is the first time; I am so active in a thread (although not as active as some of the pillars of these thread eg miel, crystal-malfoy, lenova, d3seohyun, clumsy, baby_bo, nazeewa and many many more). With so many goodies shared by everyone, I shared similar feeling with j2blee that she felt uneasy when she had to go away and not able to help with the subs and that I also want to return the favours. I really have fun during this monumental milestone of our Yongseo couple yesterday. Gogumas Hwaiting!!!







    Enough of my ajunma’s cheesy sentiments. Back to spazzzing.







    I don’t think MBC will be cutting any scenes from the performance by Yongseo in the concert as they will be showing it in Music Core since WGM belongs to them. Since we now know that they may be filming that day, it is possible that MBC has a hand in making the duet happened. To quote the WGM PD, they will create the mission but what happened is entirely up to the couple. Hence, I also strongly agreed that they did discuss about what to do on the stage (it is the only professional thing to do) but those stares and happiness are real. Just compare it with SM town concert that was definitely following instructions with no added feelings.







    About the articles by alkpop, I start to think that the reporters love Yongseo too with all the cheeky comments unlike the negative tone articles when the news about them filming WGM first broke. Reporters are very important to the image of an artist as they can make a mountain out of a mole hill. Hence, the road ahead of them will be easier as positive reviews of them make it easier for them to acknowledge their relationship (if any) to the public later. Fans will be affected by what they read too. If every article said that they are meant for each other, how well they take care of each other, the antis will start to think since I can’t have him/her, at least he/she has a great personality and takes good care of him/her, I should feel happy for them and wish them well. For all you know, they may be the first “Korean Sweethearts”, a couple that achieved greater heights in their career being together. Gogumas family is getting bigger each day and now we have a lot of SNSD fanboys joining us too.







    Of course, the recent showcases of cnblue with the international fans showing great support for YongSeo (*winks* oceanprince) may have cause the entertainment companies to realize that they have huge potential as a couple and agreed to the duet. Maybe Purestupidity can share the atmosphere at the concert venue when they performed, were there boos or scream of delights from Korean fans.







    Anyway, to end this super long post. Jung Yonghwa, if you are reading this (since by some miracles our wishes are granted very often), you will be losing your love light if you let her go. Trust this ajunma. From a Chinese saying, we eat more salt than you eat rice. (Meaning we have more life experience) Keep up the good work of polishing the jewel, Seohyun is shining like a diamond currently.







    The end.







    So sorry if I bored you all.

















    lovekim.....love you..hug n kiss




    thanks for the link....




    now we can go sleep....




    sweet dreams all GOGUMA....muah







    Ya, sweet dreams Goguma, we are all going to have the best dreams tonight. Mission Accomplished.




    For the rest of the international gogumas, we leave the spazzzing to you all. Too much excitments for my heart tonight but I must say a big thank to you all. I have a fun and wonderful 29 August 2010.










    Thanks blueshoes, you are my darling too.




    Watching this want to watch more. You know. So that we can see everything 360 degree. Now I appreaciate wgm with their mutiple cameras and showing us the same actions numerous time from different angle so that we can analyse and spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 




    edit: Top the page so here is the link again from blueshoes















    Ya kill me too for the fancams. I can't sleep without seeing at least one, I think I also can't sleep after seeing them too.:lol::wacko:




    Maybe those Korean fans are also still dreaming after all the goodies they saw at the concert.




    Soompi seem to be acting a bit weird again, users overload?




    Edit: blueshoes is that picture before or after the performance?










    Just for fun. For some reason, those photos from Yonghwa reminds me of this cartoon character Anpanman from Japan.








    Edit: to capture for record the highest I ever seem.




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  19. My question now who make the move first since they did not rehearse. Hence, it will not be like a specific moment to reach out together. I am now glad that we have the other sm town concert for comparision.

    I now declared that Run Devil Run is one of my favourite goguma song.

    Edit: forgot to add when they do hold hands, they do it infront live to the whole world and not just the wgm crew. Again expect the unexpected from yongseo. We forgive you for making us wait so long and die at the same time

    edit2: Clumsy can post your next complete chapter today to celebrate? It will be triple bonus for all of us. Please *puppy eyes*

  20. I have goguma overload today. Some many pages to read and twitter to read at the same time but I love it!!!

    My biggest question is WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO WEAR TODAY?

    A: Dream Like Fantasy look

    B: Sexy & Hot

    C: Yellow & Blue or Pink & Blue or Gold & Silver

    Haha, A is suitable for Lovelight but not RDR, B is good for RDR but not Lovelight, C not creative enough.

    So I am not going to have any expectation cos Expect the unexpected from the Yongseo couple!!!

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