Jump to content


  • Posts

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Posts posted by koalabear






    Yoon Sang-hyun posted a message at the official QoH Site








    윤상현입니다~그 동안의 성원에 감사드립니다.




    작성자 : 윤상현[mbcstaff] 작성일 : 2009.05.20 01:14 조회:11348 추천:24 반대:0 번호:4




    안녕하세요. 윤상현입니다.




    드디어....가 아니고 결국...내조의 여왕 20부까지 모두 끝이 났습니다. 웃어야할지, 울어야할지^^;;




    이 기분을 말로 표현 못하겠습니다.




    내심 끝나지 않았으면..했던 맘도 있었지만. 그래도 아무탈 없이 많은 분들의 큰 관심 속에 잘 끝이




    나서 무척 다행이고 영광입니다.




    우리 내조 식구들을 만나고, 태준과 태봉이로 살아온 지난 3개월 동안 너무나도 행복했고 즐거웠




    던 시간들이었습니다.빠듯하게 이어지는 촬영 스케쥴 때문에 사실 좀 고되고 힘들었지만 그와 비




    교할수 없을만큼 많은 걸 얻을 수 있었던 시간들이 아니었나 싶습니다.




    너무나도 가족같았던, 고생 많았던 우리 스태프들과 연기자 선후배님들..정말 최고의 팀이었습니




    다!! 힘든 여건 속에서도 서로를 챙겨주고 격려해주던 마음들이 정말 빡빡했던 스케쥴 속에서도 즐




    겁게 촬영할 수 있었던 가장 큰 비결이었던 것 같습니다. 그런 분위기가 드라마에도 고스란히 반영




    이 되지 않았나 싶네요. 많은 분들이 얘기해주시길 '내조의 여왕'은 웃음과 감동이 함께 공존해서




    좋다라고 하시는데 저도 공감합니다.




    가끔은 엇갈리는 인물간의 관계 때문에 걱정해주시는 분들도 많으셨지만 다행히 우려와는 다르게




    행복한 결말을 맞이했다고 생각합니다.^^ 좋아했던 여








    Google Translation




    Hello. Yunsang is present.




    Finally .... It's not the end ... the queen of woman is over 20 bukkaji all. Hey, want to smile, to cry Hey, ^ ^;;




    I can not say it was the feeling.




    .. Did not want to hear, but deep end. But in the interest of many people without ahmutal end well




    I'm honored and very fortunate.




    We meet the woman of the family, as the North South States Period taejun life and so happy for the past 3 months, and had a great time




    Dunn was time. Ppadeuthage leads him shooting schedule, but because I have a hard godoego non -




    I had no time to get as many gyohalsu they did not want to know.




    Gatatdeon family too, I had trouble with our staff, seniors and juniors guys .. really the best performer timyieotseupni




    Everything!! Despite difficult conditions, and encourage each other to get the schedule gave us a mind that, despite the very tight Damn




    Were able to capture the largest geopge I think the secret was. I immediately reflected in a Drama




    Did not want to. I hope many of you tell me 'wife of the queen and the laughter and excitement coexist with




    I agree you do have to say.




    Because sometimes you worry about the relationship between the Mixed People Luckily I told him I worried a lot of people differently




    I think the ending is a happy welcome. ^ ^ Liked about




    if anybody has a more decent translation, it would be much helpful...thanks!

















































































































    news about the cameo of the hosts of Infinity Challenge on QoH
































































































    Infinity Challenge on Queen of Housewives
































































































    3409 Views | 22 Comments
































































































    coolsmurf in Drama | 20 May 2009 - 03:12 AM
































































































    MBC's Queen of Housewives ended its run on 19th May with a rating of 31.7%, it's best-ever in the series and totally annihilating their competition on the Mon-Tue timeslot, SBS Ja Myung Go and KBS2TV Story of a Man who could only achieve 8.1% and 7.7% respectively. Another highlight in the last episode of Queen of Housewives was the cameo appearance of 5 members (Jung Jun Ha was absent) from Infinity Challenge.
































































































    The Infinity Challenge members, Yoo Jae Suk, Park Myung Soo, Jung Hyung Don, Noh Hong Chul, JunJin and a random female (taking Jun Ha's place) appeared in an mass interview scene as they tried to score with the interviewers and get employed. Yoo Jae Suk who was playing a honest, straightfoward character, was asked about why he chose the company, he replied, "I have been preparing for all sorts of examinations but kept failing. I am also getting on (in age) and I have no alternative but to try applying at this company." When asked about his first impression of the company, Yoo Jae Suk said, "Honestly, I don't have any impression about the company. I just heard that this company offers lots of medical benefits. In difficult times (economic) like this, I decided to apply here", his honest replies leaving the panel of interviewers dumbfounded.
































































































    Meanwhile, the other members were given roles that suited their usual characters, Park Myung Soo was rude, Jung Hyung Don was cautious, Noh Hong Chul was Noh Hong Chul while JunJin was a playboy who was chatting up the female applicant when his name was called. After the round of interviews were done, Yoo Jae Suk was the only successful applicant, but because of his poor communication skills plus inflexibility, he was given the nickname of the 2nd Ohn Dal Soo (Oh Ji Ho's character).
































































































































































































    Filming of their cameos including bloopers on Queen of Housewives will be shown on an upcoming episode of Infinity Challenge. MBC will debut it's 48th anniversary mega budget sageuk Queen Seon Duk next Monday.
































































































































































































































































































    more pics from the Press Conference held at the MBC Dream Ilsan Center
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    src: on image/via Yahoo! Korea
























































































    & are they really gonna go for a Season 2?!?!?! :lol:;):)
























































































    The viewers seem to be demanding for it.. I'd love to see that.. haha. As long as it's the same cast.. but nah, it wouldn't be the same really































































































































































































































































































    I believe it wouldn't be the same if there will be a Season 2. The question is if all the actors will sign up again and if the consistency of the story/ or a new story will still hold the audience. If I remember right, this happened last year also to the drama, The Last Scandal of My Life...the green light was already on for Season 2 of the drama but because of the untimely death of Choi Jin-shil, it was expected that it wouldn't push through. Another drama, General Hospital 2 is also a good example of a drama given a sequel or second season. As of now I'm not into the idea...

















    thank you for the links and pics!

    OMG yoo jae seok and park MS.. just wanna laugh so hard when i see them.
































    their presence makes it clear that the cast of naejo are super good looking.
































    oh ji ho, choi cheol-ho and yoon sang-hyeon are extraordinary in their looks!
































    thx koala for the summary. i won't do one since you covered everything!
































    i'm not crazy about the ending but it's still cute. cute drama. see you all in another thread next time. aja aja.































































    thanks mic! I thought I didn't cover it all since I wasn't able to watch the first part of Episode 20, but your post confirmed that I did at least covered the main points of the last episode...I will look forward to OJH, YSH and CCH's guesting on Come To Play next week ^^
































    will come back tonight to post more pics...well back to the real world for me!








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ you're welcome Jane, and its really a job well done for everyone at Queen of Housewives, this is the first drama I got addicted to this year, aside from BOF...anyway hope to see these actors again in other productions ^^

    ^ Well, the writer can possibly please everyone. Now I just hope for a satisfying ending for everyone..

    Anywayz, the cast of QOH are definitely riding high on the Queens craze right now...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    - Yoon Sang Hyun has received about 4-5 CF offers ever since QoH aired.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - He is also slated to star as the main lead in an upcoming drama in June and will hold a fan-meeting in Japan in August..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - Oh Ji Ho will also have a fan-meeting in Japan this coming 23rd and is currently hosting a KBS variety program..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well if anything, at least QoH has boosted the popularity of many thru out its airing period..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope to see more of both Yoon Sang Hyun and Oh Ji Ho too... now I understand the thing about how it takes time, and more so a HIT project to rise up... QOH is definitely the breakthru for YSH.. ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Another article on QoH, talking about the unpredictability of the finale..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    yup. I agree with this, QOH made our guys Yoon Sang-hyun, Oh Ji-ho and Choi Chul-ho hot and popular
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    here is YSH's Maxim Iced Coffee Mix CF with Lee Na-young (video is included in the article)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Happy Ending for Queen of Housewives
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-19
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've just seen the last Episode and I wanted to type so fast that I had to scan all the posts first before posting...I didn't get to start it but I got to see some of the important scenes
















































































































    Episode 20
















































































































    - Bongsoon talked into Jiae, persuading her not to divorce with Dalsoo, I guess BS at this time was a real friend to Jiae and wants to return back the favor when JA helped her






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Jiae gave Dalsoo one last chance to prove himself as she wanted him to not suck up to the Kim couple, if not then she will divorce him






























































































































































































































































































































































    - At the stockholders meeting of Queens Foods, it was decided upon who among Mr. Kim and Taejoon will become the new chairman, if TJ will still hold his position. Mr. Kim gave his speech and told everything against TJ...he said that Ohn Dalsoo will be his new protege I guess but Dalsoo got a message from Jiae that had his ID as a picture msg since he left it at home, Jiae encouraged him to do what is right so to Mr. Kim's surprise, Dalsoo told everybody about the scheme that Mr. Kim conspired about the Billion Won project, that it should fail, so when the vote was cast on who should be the new CEO, Taejoon still got everyone's vote






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Dalsoo gave his resignation letter to Joonhyuk, to his surprise






























































































































































































































































































































































    -After the incident, the Kim's got fired from their positions and Mr. Kim decided to jump off a building to kill himself, but it didn't push through as his wife called






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Taejoon saw Jiae waiting for somebody and he asked if she was waiting for Dalsoo, Jiae answered no....I didn't get to see much of this scene ( bad for me as I have to go to the restroom) but TJ and JA got some closure and remained friends...I think TJ told her what Dalsoo did at the stockholders meeting earlier.






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Dalsoo called Jiae to tell her that he is not coming home, to Jiae disappointment, that they haven't settled on what will happen to their marriage.






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Taejoon went to find DS, and he got to find him in an orchard. He persuaded him to come back to work as he has no plans of accepting his resignation, and he also told him that Jiae is waiting for him...So Dalsoo was surprised and thought about it.






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Dalsoo went back home and talked to Jiae, JA was disappointed on what DS did, when he ran away from home, and asks what will happen to them now, Dalsoo hugged her and told her that he loves her (this is my fave scene), and JA told him that he was bad for initiating the divorce and he hugged him back






























































































































































































































































































































































    - The Kim couple the next day packed up their things as they leave Queens Food and the art gallery






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Taejoon and So-hyun had dinner, I think they now consider each other as friends...I think their ending was an open-ended one...






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Dalsoo goes back to Queens Foods as he regains his position back...they are now hiring new employees...and the applicants were from the Infinity Challenge...lol the scene was so funny as Yoo Jae-seok and Park Myung-soo were interviewed...Taejoon went inside the room to look into the new applicants






























































































































































































































































































































































    - The other wives bumped into Bongsoon, who is now pregnant with Joonhyuk's 2nd child...






























































































































































































































































































































































    - Yoo Jae-seok was accepted as an intern and Joonhyuk told him that he was like Dalsoo when he was new, lol! that Dalsoo appalled for...






























































































































































































































































































































































    - I think Jiae is still into designing her own bags, as she met Dalsoo after work















































































































































































































































    **The End**
















































































































    this is not a perfect summary so let's wait for Dramaok's
















































































































    I liked the ending, it was a little melodramatic but the comic elements were still there...I really hoped for Jiae and Dalsoo to reconcile and it was funny that the people that Jiae helped went into helping her this time...
















































































































    I have to rewatch the last 2 episodes as I haven't seen it in its entirety...
















































































































    I had a blast watching this drama with you guys...thanks for all your opinions and contributions, as another successful drama comes to a close...I believe I will have withdrawals from tomorrow on as I will miss this drama...till we meet again in another drama ^^
















































































































    EDIT: Top search in Yahoo! Korea is Yoo Jae-seok's cameo
















































































































    실시간 인기 검색어
















































































































    1. 1유재석 내조의여..new
















































































































    2. 2돌라 사망up 741
















































































































    3. 3윤지후 5년후up 877
















































































































    4. 4내조의여왕 종영new
















































































































    5. 5김지훈 부인up 603
















































































































    6. 62009 미스서울up 311
















































































































    7. 7이정 고백up 303
















































































































    8. 8이선균 전혜진up 328
















































































































    9. 9강동원 의형제new
















































































































    10. 10김준희 비키니up 711
















































































































    11. 11여운계 의식불명up 860
















































































































    12. 12김정균 이혼up 543
















































































































    13. 13김치 ainew
















































































































    14. 14현영 눈물up 400
















































































































    15. 15퍼기 양성애up 778
















































































































    2009년5월19일 22시48분 현재
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I just found this one while looking for news about Queen of Housewives...its Kim Nam-joo's new CF for SK 00700. I think Jo In-sung was their previous endorser...very Jiae-ish ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-18
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-18
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-18
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    via Yahoo! Korea
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    anyway, I can't believe we have 2 episodes left...
























































































































































































    ^ thanks for the link minah! I'm having problems accessing the preview earlier at the official site but it's now working ^^...the next episode looks like while Joon-hyuk and Bong-soon's relationship goes better, Ji-ae and Dal-soo's heading for a divorce, and if I heard it right, when Ji-ae attended Tae-joon's father's funeral, did he say that she shouldn't divorce Dalsoo?
































































    I think Jiae got fed up, and so is Dalsoo...Jiae got fed up over helping Dalsoo throughout all this years but she doesn't get any credit while I think Dalsoo does everything to please Jiae but in the end, he thinks that he still failed her, especially when So-hyun came into the picture...I just skimmed through Episode 17 and about to watch Ep.18 and I think So-hyun was really honest in apologizing to Ji-ae that in the end, Sohyun feels sorry for intruding into their lives...I have still to watch the scene, I hope I got it right...








































    thanks amane_matsuo for sharing info on Kim Nam-joo and Lee Hye-young, I also knew that they are close friends, and it is evident in the drama by watching all their scenes...love their chemistry...Lee Hye-young married a singer in 2004 and got divorced in 2005...I'm not sure what happened about it.
































































    thanks mic for the summary! I think after reading the synopsis that even if Dalsoo was trying to win back Jiae's trust, JA is too stubborn to listen to him, may be bcoz it was already broken but Dalsoo pledged to stand up to protect his family and I hate Dalsoo for not telling JA sooner that he just came from the funeral of Taejoon's father, so JA thinks he did something again, otherwise.... the ending may become predictable already but let's see








































    about the bag that Jiae designed, it's actually from the Italian brand Cesare Paciotti, and costs 150 won, since the bag was featured in last night's episode, the store that is selling the bag, The Galleria received many calls for orders and in fact, is already sold out and they will order for additional stocks for the bag...the power of television ^^
















































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-12








































































































    I've just seen a glimpse of Episode 18 since my streaming wasn't that great...the ending part was really sad and sudden...Dalsoo agrees to divorce when Jiae just asked him if he really wants it, much to her surprise...oh no :o























































































    so funny that Joonhyuk now pleases Bongsoon and that scene with their son was really hilarious, that alone provides the comic relief for tonight








































    we now have 2 episodes left, just realized it after the teaser for Queen Seondeok was shown... :mellow:








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks mic for the summary...I haven't seen the Episode yet but the summary makes up for it...will leave my comments after watching ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Episode 17 Screencaps
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-11
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    src: QoH DC Gallery














































    just a heads up, I already created a thread for our Taebongie, Yoon Sang-hyun. The thread is still under construction as I search for more about the singer/actor...any links or info that you have will be much appreciated.





























    EDIT: YSH also sang a song for the OST of Princess Lulu way back in 2005. here's the dl link if you guys are interested to hear the song



















    Yoon Sang-hyun - Sarang Haet Suht Suh (Princess Lulu OST)















    Mr Kim and his wife must have something to do with it, so that they can take over the company.. they will use the divorce to influence the shareholders, and will try to use the dalsoo-sohyun scandal to spice things up.. they want to sack dalsoo and junhyuk to fail the natural food project so that when the project fails, they will come to power. How is my theory? ooh.. not really a theory.. but what i summed up from previous episodes..










    I agree with your theory and after watching Episode 16, it just proves it that the Kim couple wanted to take over Queens Foods by first sacking out Joonhyuk, and then Taejoon, that's what you call struggling for power...










    I'm glad that Joonhyuk has realized how much he loves Bongsoon, the hospital scene was so touching, Jiae got some talent of bringing people to reconcile..really hope that between Dalsoo and Taejoon, she will still choose Dalsoo


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    just finished watching the preview for Episode 17 and I just don't understand why Dalsoo has to save So-hyun and not anybody else, if he really loves Jiae he should be a man to stand up for what he wants and believes in...poor Jiae. anyway I'm about to watch Episode 16 now to catch up...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks lilshinhwafreak for that news...I really wish that the director didn't deleted it, I think it was essential to the scene
































































































































































    here are BTS pics of Kim Sung-min's cameo appearance
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-07
































































































































































    src: MBC














































    wow...the thread grew 4 pages since my last visit...se sang ee! thanks ladies for all the pics, links, summaries and etc..you know who you guys are, I just came back from a quick vacation so I was MIA for a few days...










    anyway I just caught up on Episode 15...I was kinda thrilled to see Tae-joon's confession to Jiae and her reaction, I find it a little cute haha, especially when he catched her when she stumbled and they looked into each others' eyes...and loved the scene where JA and Bongsoon drank together and they asked each other what secret they have, to Bongsoon's relationship with Joonhyuk and how Jiae hold onto his marriage to Dalsoo after he cheated on her, I think Bongsoon still has a good heart, I just agree with what Jiae said that she and Joonhyuk can't look forward since they're still stuck to the past...I think they should really move on...










    oh and Kim Sung-min's cameo...lol the scene was funny, reminded me of Fantasy Couple so much...it's like QoH is beating out the drama On Air (2008) in terms of cameo appearances..










    gotta catch up more and update the thread :phew:


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    By sassygirl17 at 2009-05-03

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  20. now that we have 6 episodes left and everything's getting out of hand between our couples here, I still think they will realize how they love each other, whether they will go back together (Jiae and Dalsoo, Bongsoon and Joonhyuk) or remain as good friends (Taejoon and Sohyun) and I would like all our couples to fix their problems and get back together, as for Jiae, though she was really bad during her younger days, I think she has matured a bit, and I think her effort to help her husband was really something, if Dalsoo just clears his feelings first and appreciates his wife more which I think he does but temptations get him so easily, he will realize how he loves his family so much, as for Bongsoon, I just hope she grows up and leanrs that money isn't everything even if she has it all, she is not yet happy, Joonhyuk still has his concern for Jiae but hopefully he'll see how Bongsoon is also caring for him and for their son, for Taejoon, I think he started to act mature when he is with Jiae but I think he is slowly growing up with his ways (I really do hope he does) and for Sohyun to find the happiness that she is looking for the longest time...

  21. SIG indeed joined the triathlon :w00t: these are the 1st batch of pictures (I'm expecting more since vivian said she'll be going :lol: )

    I'm glad he was able to join ^_^ means his arm isn't hurting him any more.

    Happy Birthday Selva!!! thanks for the photos...I was also looking for some at Internet Search Portals since every year whenever SIG joins a triathlon, pics are all over, may be more pics will come out later on...SIG really looks fit and well ^ ^

  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..