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Posts posted by qwenli

  1. @moonlovertales Thanks for the vid of LJG at the fan meet, I listened carefully to what he say with my minimal Korean, no he didnt mention Jieun, he just say he is going to meet the cast.

    In so many of the scenes, just feel that WS want to kiss HS all the time. hahah, I suspect the lantern kiss in the cheek and the other peck when he depart as an envoy were his own suggestions :) because those dont look like something a writer will write into the script.


    Yes I agree the acceptance kiss must be the last one they did, seeing that he filmed the shadow play thing as the last scene. The flowers were for his last scene filming. The acceptance kiss must be before the shadow play then. 

    I dont mind the acceptance kiss really. Its the director's style not to show their lips much to beautify the scenes. But I believe HS's arms hugging back was certainly from the director's request but she did it passionately and we can see from the bts,  they really hug completely with no distance.

    sometimes I dont know if the intimacy we feel are from the director's way of directing or from the actors. Maybe a mix of both.


    @violet90 yep, agreed they should have given us more happier scenes. That piggyback scene, I just feel its like a token sweet thrown at us like: there you go, they were sweet once, just eat up...... I am like WHAT?


    I really need to let these two go. :tears:


    • Like 20
  2. @moonlovertales I think the selfie at wrap up party was ok becos back then the drama hasn't aired and not many people knew the tons of kisses and hugs they have done. Hahaha.

    I am pretty sure when the forced kiss and the bts came out, it cause a mini quake in their world. And then SBS realising that pple like their chemistry, kept releasing more and more steamy bts. Hahaha

    I think they had alot to answer to.hahaha.

    I am also how they can move on to other dramas in future, will the other chemistry match up? Hahaha

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  3. @moonlovertales yep i for one cannot get over the gathering pix. Yep they look like a couple and this is already 4 months after filming. 

    All i know is, he must be having a super crush on her and she likes him enuf to let him come so near her.

    But no, his chin wasn't on her shoulder, it's just very near, but even if his hand is at the back supporting himself, it must be close to her butt.lol:D   

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  4. @Thirza Zhavira yes yes, we did discuss that chromatic eyes pix at length here earlier on :)

    I guess he delete the bromance vid because he doesnt need bromance, he needs ROMANCE. :D Did you count how many photos of LJE he has on his public IG, its incredible, his heart is full of her..... I cant even.....

    @bitofmadness omo, now LJE is influenced to wear black leather jacket with silver zips????? I dont ship clothings matches, but ..... oh anyway....:sweatingbullets: See all the boxing she is doing? Its her Venus in Aries and Mars in Leo coming out. hahah

    • Like 17
  5. ok who got me started with astrology? this is going to be long......you ask for it. :)

    @liplockvomit  Ah, your birthdate make me very curious, if your birthdate borders on Aries and Taurus. 

    For e.g. I think most people will assume Lee Min Ho is a Cancer sun sign base on his birthday but ever since he got attached to Suzy, I believe he could be a very late stage Gemini because on his birthdate, depending on what time he was borned, the sun sign changes. So people whose birthdate are on the borders of two signs should generate a birthchart (free online) and check their actual sun signs.


    Anyway, back to our JoonU, what can I say. I made a mistake with Nicky Wu's sign earlier, I thought he was a Aries, but he is actually a Scorpio which is highly compatible with fellow water sign Pisces Cecelia. Theirs is a straightforward marriage case.

    JoonU is a bit more complex, not so much their individual charts, but because LJE met Volermort first and he has a deep lock on her. I am pretty sure if they are not celebs, they would be engaged to marry. Of course without knowing their birth time, the picture is not complete, however even without birthtime, I could see why LJE went with her bf. This is the same conclusion I got from looking at the charts of Lee Minho+Suzy and Kim WooBin+Shin Minah. I understand their connection with each other.

    I didnt want to burst any bubbles that's why I didnt write about this earlier. 

    Coming back to the pairing of Aries/Taurus, its possible. These are side by side signs which I mentioned before, that is, after Aries birthday, its Taurus birthday. Its like your friendly neighbour next door, there is essentially not much conflict unlike say Aries/Cancer or Aries/Capricorn, which will fight with each other constantly.haha 

    In any case, we need to look at the whole chart to get the picture, not only the sun signs. It can work between Aries and Taurus if the Aries is a guy and the Taurus is a woman, because Aries is essentially the alpha male and Taurus is the feminine sign. So luckily LJG is the guy and LJE is the woman. haha.

    The other way round, probably the traditional Taurus guy will be irritated by the gutsy Aries girl who is working hard to build a career or bungee jumping once in a while. 

    Here we have Lee Joon Gi as quite the archetype of an Aries ruled by the planet Mars - all action, restless, brave, direct and open. Sometimes dashing in without thinking. Fortunately, he has quite a number diplomatic Libra stuff in him, so that dashing about got moderated, especially since he is now pass 30 and not a boy.  He is indeed an alpha male at his core, with a dash of that gentleman Libra (think James Bond types) we see at fan meets. 

    Then in comes Lee Ji Eun, a well balanced Taurus ruled by the planet Venus - feminine, gentle, patient and never loud. I need to highlight that she has her moon in Pisces which gives her added softness and charm. But before you think she is all squishy soft with no backbone, she got her Venus and Mars in fiery signs Aries and Leo, giving her interests in activities like dancing , games and a delight in spontaneity which are all in great comfort with LJG's energy.

    She likes him in a certain way, the directness, the liveliness.:wub: and his Venus in Pisces, shares her love for music.

    So I do see things in their individual charts that are compatible, but the lock is not as strong as the LMH/Suzy or KWB/SMA cases. It also depends on how much patience LJG has and am afraid as an Aries, they just dun wait at the traffic light for very long, but the Taurus girl needs to know that the guy in her life is stable, not running off to where she doesnt know. Security is an important feature. Certainly LJG's achievements will impress the practical side of her. 

    Still, I have to say without the birth time we dont get to see the complete picture, and that could change quite a lot of what they meant to each other. 

    Ok the rest is up to our imagination. :D Personally, I never forget LJE's face when she said Pe-ga-sa-sus to LJG. It was real adoration.




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  6. 1 hour ago, jetsu said:

    I'm late to comment on their group pic because work and real life.  Anyway the first thing came in mind when I saw the pic is 'they started dating?' because the way they stuck together and the happiness reminded me when my bf and I first dated. This was how we were in pics with friends. 


    wow, thanks for confirming my feels :wub:

    so anyway, i cant help to post this gathering pix again.


    colour looks funny because I brightened it


    Anybody can see they are an item right? :tears:


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  7. hmm, i wouldnt get so carried away by the breakup news from an unverified source.

    The thing about Taurus is that they can stay in a relationship long after it has gone stale. They stay because they are loyal and comfortable and unless something big came in to destroy the relationship, they just stay......


    also something else that I take out from what joongi said in the fan meet.

    I think as an actor there are various perspectives to the characters they play, first during filming (this is when he was probably more interested in the yeonhwa character), doing all the physical intimate stuff with LJE (making them more familiar with each other), the post filming interactions and contact (getting to know each other better).

    it boggles my mind sometimes knowing that they didnt film in sequence but even then I believe they will still try to film the earlier eps first then the later eps. For this pre-produced drama, they would have completed all the script to confirm locations and props so they must have written the future meeting scene earlier on for it to be filmed. 

    I dont know who is that monster who decided not to show it, whoever made that decision probably didnt understand watching the drama from the point of view of the viewers.

    Anyway, coming back to JoonU, perhaps after production ended and more interactions, LJG realised he admire LJE more and more?especially seeing her on screen. Se has a quiet charm which can be drown in rowdy parties especially when they have an ensemble cast.

    LJG is fairly an open book personality but till this day I find it mysterious that IU posted the pegasus bts pix. Did some of her feelings come out diuring watching the show? Was that her favourite scene? HOW COME nobody asked her what is her favourite scene? How come there is still no post interview of IU??? I am eagerly waiting, sooner or later she has to face a reporter, she has a concert coming up in Dec.....

    I cant believe its Thursday morning my time and I am still writing about a drama that ended on Tuesday night...I need to move on.



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  8. @fidda868 yes mlshr and lee joon gi's ig updates are messing with my sleep. 


    Just a note that i am sure they have discussed with him about the flow of the fan meeting and briefed him at least wat is going on, like ok, furst do some greetings, say some post drama thoughts, answer questions then interact with fans.

    So yes, i think he would have think thru wat he wanted to say, altho he may not know all the questions beforehand. So yes, anyway its still some of the things he said is still interesting.


    I hope he is not using the SOON for his fan meet, it will be such a troll. I hope its about the release of the cut scene. 

    • Like 19
  9. 16 minutes ago, sandjh said:

    I wish the fan meet was recorded or something so I could watch it and see what he says about IU hahahahha

    The fan meet as in the just past one? Its on the v live app. Ok just saw ziggy given the link.

    I watched again with chinese subs, you know with v live there are different language sub and depending on who did that vid, somethings are translated differently. Even tho this time round i think the eng sub is still bettee but i managed to understand one part better.

    About the "are u seeing someone". It was the emcee saying  the scene that left an impression on him not joongi. Eveb then, becos both the translation and audio are not clear, i am not sure he meant that beach scene where hs told ws she has someone in mind or the later acene where ws confront hs about wook.

    But its all from the point of view if the emcee 

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  10. I was looking through the footages of SoSoo on youtube, and realise there are indeed many scenes that WS wants to kiss HS. For e.g the make up scene, the star viewing scene. Now I am thinking maybe the Lantern peck in the cheek was his idea too. lol

    ok I want to post the gathering pix again, I can just keep staring at the two of them, forgive me.



    This is from 9th prince Yeon Sun Woo's IG


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  11. 1 minute ago, moonlovertales said:

    Laundry festish?! hahaha... Didn't someone say he is a neat freak? Sorta explains it now doesn't it? YEP

    He said, he prefers meaningful scenes like that compared to kiss scenes. (my mind went "Liar!") they shd have strap him to a lie detector!

    Brilliant escapist That he is. I might sing praises about how honest he is but at the same time he is quite smart in how he hides his personal life from the public. He is one of the only few actors who has managed to keep himself completely away from any scandal or serious rumors in the many years of his career. Because all he does, is surf the internet and edit videos at home with his dogs. :D


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