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Posts posted by natali

  1. hanyi/heidi can we overseas fans to vote for sora,pls check the link thanks :)

    ★ 백상예술대상 인기투표 영화부문/여자

    sora is nominated for baek sang art awards popularity awards category film


    제48회 백상예술대상 공지


    주최/ 일간스포츠

    주관/ 중앙일보문화사업

    요일/ 2012년 4월 26일(목) 20시부터 22까지 "잠실 올림픽 홀

    후원/ 중앙일보, JoinsMSN 후원

    방송 생중계/ jTBC

    * 3월 22일부터는 스마트폰(아이폰, 안드로이드)을 통해 인기투표 참가 및 실시간 투표

  2. ‘We Got Married’ Suspended; Updates on ‘Infinity Challenge’ Status

    It’s more woes for MBC’s variety programs and fans.

    First comes news that new episodes of MBC’s We Got Married will, once more, be suspended indefinitely beginning on March 31.

    According to a representative from MBC, though the show’s production tried to film as much as possible, due to the ongoing labor union strikes the show does not have enough content to air new episodes for the time being.

    Starting from March 31, MBC’s Music and Lyrics will air in the place of We Got Married

    As for MBC’s Infinity Challenge, the show’s producer, Kim Tae Ho has given an update on the show.

    Though the show continues to be unable to film for the eighth week in a row, Kim has revealed the show’s members have been regularly meeting to go over the show’s planned items.

    Kim has also let fans know that unfortunately nothing new has been filmed since the Lee Na Young special and the Big Bang special and that an overseas shoot is still not being planned since the cancellation of the planned Infinity Challenge Dubai special.

    Cre http://www.enewsworld.com/enews/contents.asp?idx=4665


    here is the news from nate :tears:

    우결 결방 확정…이특&강소라+이장우&은정 커플 "보고싶다"

    우결 결방이 확정됐다.

    MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(이하 우결)는 기존 촬영 분량이 모두 소진되어, 오는 31일부터 또 다시 결방된다. MBC 총파업이 시작된 후 스페셜 방송과 한·중 수교 20주년 특집 중국판 '우결'을 편성한 후 정규 방송을 재가동한 지 한 달만이다.

    '우결' 결방의 빈자리는 MBC 자회사인 케이블 채널 MBC뮤직 제작 프로그램 '그 여자 작사 그 남자 작곡'이 대신한다. MBC 관계자는 "18일 방송 후 시청자 반응이 좋아 '우결' 자리에 긴급 편성됐다"고 밝혔다.

    누리꾼들은 "이특-강소라 커플 보고 싶다", "'우결' 언제 본방 볼 수 있을까?", "MBC 파업 하루 빨리 잘 마무리 됐으면" 등의 반응을 보였다.

    '그 여자 작사 그 남자 작곡'은 4월 1일까지 일 오후 11시에 방송되며, 7일부터는 매주 토 오후 5시 15분 방송된다.

    Cre http://news.nate.com/view/20120323n11649

  3. im not sure this message from sora or not.but she using 강소라 name in dc and many dc members also reply to her post.maybe hanyi or hiedi can try to translate it.thanks :)

    드림하이2 무사히 끝냈고 왔어요!!

    그저께 방송 마치고 어제 좀 쉬고~ 오늘 팬사인회 끝내구 저녁먹구!! 막 집에와서 주신 편지들 카드 선물 읽어보구.. 정리하고 글 써요 ^^

    한 주 한 주 방송 나가면서 저랑 같이 맘고생 해주시고 같이 걱정해주시고 유리멘탈(?) 강소라 응원해주시느라 같이 수고하셨습니다~!!

    작품도 끝났으니 다시 재충전해서 더 좋은모습 보여드리려구 노력중이구요~ 편지에 많이 써주신대로 나름대로 여행도 다녀오고 그러려구요!

    다음 작품 전에는 띄엄띄엄 있을 행사나.. 시사회때 잠깐씩 뵐 수 있을 거 같아요! 그외에도 시간나면 이렇게 와서 글 쓰고 사진도 올리고 그럴게요

    음.. 작품하는 3개월간 이래저래 고민되고 힘들때 같이 힘들어해주는 갤러분들 생각하면서 으쌰으쌰 힘내고 그랬답니다!

    정말 어떻게 더 감사하다는 표현을 해야할지 모르겠네요. 글로쓰기엔 너~~무 한도 끝도 없을거같아서 ^^

    맘같아선 한분한분 뽀쪽을 해드리고 싶지만 크흐흐 ^-----^

    이번 작품으로 얻고 배운 게 정말 많아요. 더 열심히 노력해서 담에는 또 다른 모습 보여드리길 기대하고 있습니당~~

    오늘 팬싸 와주신 분들, 맘속으로 함께 와주신분들 다 감사드립니다!!


  4. *SJ arriving in Vietnam. I don’t know if I am delusional mode but among all SJ members, Teuk is the only who has his phone in his hands just like the picture coming back from MACAU. He is on his phone when the plane is about to take off going back home from MACAU.Then this one, he arrived in Vietnam and he has his phone again. :)


    all boys busy with they cellphone.suddenly i remember kyu interview he said 50% suju boys is in relationship?? could be texting they gf??

    angels_natdylax05 thank for the translation :)

  5. virya aaahhhh~~ miss you soo much :* *huuggss*

    sory if i brings this article in here..hahaha if not teuk at there could be he choose sora?? im glad he not choose sora.because he knows sora husband sit beside him ;)

    When MC Lee Seung Gi asked, “Didn’t you choose Kang So Ra as your ideal type before?” Jinwoon threw a glance at Super Junior’s Leeteuk, Kang So Ra’s make-believe husband in the popular variety series “We Got Married.” Leeteuk wittily added, “We’re on strike,” referring to their temporary separation and the ongoing strike at MBC.

    Cre http://www.soompi.com/news/2ams-jinwoon-chooses-lee-min-jung-over-kang-so-ra-as-his-ideal-type

  6. thanks for so many updates ...

    if noona never sleeps?

    or just good drama begins with a movie .. good, since they are it is normal ....

    *quoted image*

    this photo is new?


    old picture.before BOF and at somang press conference/fan signing :)

  7. 유승호, 구혜선 3D 단편영화 '기억의 조각들' 캐스팅


    [티브이데일리 선미경 기자] 배우 유승호가 구혜선이 연출하는 단편영화 '기억의 조각들'에 캐스팅됐다.

    '기억의 조각들'은 국내 최초 4K 3D입체 제작 시스템을 도입한 단편영화로 세월이 흘러 소중한 기억을 회상하는 주인공의 섬세한 감정을 아름다운 영상으로 표현할 작품이다.

    이번 작품에서 유승호는 행복했던 추억을 상징하는 인물로 활약할 예정이다. 드라마 '무사 백동수' '프로포즈 대작전' 등을 통해 아역배우에서 성인배우로 성장한 유승호가 구혜선의 단편영화에서 어떤 모습을 보여줄지 기대감을 높이고 있다.

    한편 '기억의 조각들'에는 국내 최고의 입체영상 전문 스태프들이 참여한다. 국내를 대표하는 입체영상 제작사 리얼스코프가 제작을 하며 영화 '왕의 남자' 촬영감독이자 수년간 3D입체영상 분야의 전문가로 활동한 지길웅 감독이 촬영을 맡았다.

    Cre http://news.nate.com/view/20120312n08049

  8. WGM Leeteuk SJ & Kang Sora shared a link via Gabrielie Dela Cruz.

    Gabrielie Dela Cruz

    #LTFacts: He always meet Sora every weekend. So it means they meet each other even if there's an off cam filming. My friends said that KS alway visit his husband in MBC building?? I dunno if it is true, but i wish it was REALLY TRUE ^_^

    Leeteuk said he only meets sora on weekend. #LTFacts


    source WGM Leeteuk SJ & Kang Sora FB

  9. @heequeenting live update

    #WGM Hae came to TeukSora’s house. Hae: There’s no slippers? Teuk: Don’t have. Hae: !!! Teuk: Really don’t have!

    #WGM Hae looked at TeukSora’s agreement and said “this is the most important! No matter how much you quarrel or hate each other, you have to sleep at the same place.” Teuk: “Well said!”

    #WGM Teuk said that Sora speaks English well. Hae started his English conversation: “Really? Why are you from? Nice to meet you!” Then he shook Sora’s hands. Teuk: “Nono! No touch!” Hae: “Why? American style!” And he wanted to hug Sora but Teuk hugged him instead. (jealous leeteuk XD)

    #WGM Teuk was showing off to Hae about how natural TeukSora are now. Hae: “Then show me bobo now!”

    #WGM TeukSora kept feeding each other and Hae opened his mouth to Teuk & wants to be fed too. Teuk: “Don’t you have hands?” Hae immediately let go of his utensils and said “Don’t have”

    #WGM Hae said he actually can’t remember what happened when he first met EunSeo cos he’s too nervous

    #WGM Teuk asked Hae to rehearse how he should call EunSeo. But Hae kept failing. So Teuk said “You should just live alone!”

    #WGM Teuk to Hae: “During the first date, Eunhyuk-ie, Kyuhyun-ie and Sungmin-ie all opened the car door for the girls, only you didn’t!”

    #WGM They’re rehearsing on how Hae should talk to EunSeo on the car. Hae kept looking at Sora when he’s “driving”. Teuk: “There’ll be an accident if you keep looking at her while driving!!” (XD XD XD)

  10. live update @heequeenting twitter

    #WGM They’re testing the bed and Teuk asked Sora which side she likes. Sora: “Which side should the girl sleep?” Teuk: “The comfortable side.” So Teuk let her test both sides and choose which one she prefers.

    LOL Teuk's weak point = the bed. Whenever they sit on the bed, he will get off quickly and say "nono let's get off the bed!"

    #WGM Sora suggesting making breakfast. Teuk: “Can you do it? I’m not going to help you with anything.” Sora: “I can do it!”

    #WGM Hae called Teuk.

    Hae: Hyung, where are you?

    Teuk: I’m in my new house. Cos I’m married.

    Hae: Are you going to abandon our team?

    Teuk: No.. I should take care of my family first. (i love this part,husband statement)

    #WGM Sora peeled the apple but she peeled off too much of the skin. Teuk: The apple became so small! Sora: I need to be on diet! (lol XD)

    #WGM Looking at Sora’s fail cooking, Teuk: “I think I’ve to be the one cooking in future.”

    #WGM Sora said she’s done cooking before. But she’s not doing well cos Teuk is beside her and she’s nervous.

    !!! Teuk can cut fruits so well!!!

    #WGM Teuk burned the bread and he said “let’s just give this to Donghae.”

    Sora: How can we do that!

    Teuk: Donghae likes burned stuff! He always cooked meat till it’s burned before eating.

    Sora: He likes well-done steak?

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