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Posts posted by MinQi

  1. @richelle: I think I saw the same article about HJM past boyfriend story in BinMin thread (if I'm not mistaken) or atleast someone post about it.. Oddly, I think I know who is the guy that you and @bimmerr are talking about. Are you guys are talking about 'the other dimple guy' previous relationship?

    Yeah, I think HJM is badly effected after her previous break up (but she already move on, I think, as she can talk about it in some talk show), I guess being more cautious in starting a new relationship is something given when she experience that kind of thing before...

  2. richelle said: Its monday 2 days to go i really wish the writer will deliver in the last 8 episodes please writernim make our ha na shine even for 1 episode i cant really forgive this writer if she will.not do something with ha na's character ji min has been bashed for her role and it is not really her fault sigh I want a melodrama as her next project a matured one where she maybe married and with a child already its about time correct?

  3. liemkopi said: JM took up the role of Rooftop Prince right after Padam Padam so actually I don't see why she can't do that again this time. Although I know she needs the well-deserved rest but YC can take good care of her:)

    On a side note: seriously, the news of the choice of the lead actress(es) worries me:(

  4. @jae_june : if I can pick an actor to work with in her next project, if the drama is a modern drama (doesn't really matter what the genre is, but I prefer it to be rom-com) I want Gong Yoo to be the leading man.If the drama is a sageuk drama, I wanted her to act with Ji Jin Hee (I really love him in Dae Jang Geum and Dong Yi) :D

    • Like 1
  5. It just annoys me with these people who somewhat have severe dislike with uri Jimin. Like heck, how come Jimin make up can actually be an issue?

    Gawd, this people are just too much.

    It's okay if they dislike her (heck I even don't bother with their actress/actor preference) but it irks me so much when they simply nitpicking unnecessary stuffs about Jimin.

    I think its better for them to shut their bloody mouth instead of talking bad about other people's favourite celebrity (say, what will they feel if others do the same to the celebrity that they like?)

    Please, get a life la you haters L-)

    [sorry for the emotional rant. tsk]

  6. To be honest, I was kinda annoyed with all those people who said that HJM can't act (they said when she act she looked like she was reading her memorized script) WTH. Is there something wrong with their eyes? Seriously, I can see lots of expression when she was acting (in HAJINA or other dramas that she act previously)

    You know, I am currently rewatching The World They Lived In/The World Within and somehow I see the glimpse of how drama production works. And man, there are lots of issues that we as viewers didn't know. There are lots of variables that made a drama is successful hit or simply a sloppy mess. Unfortunately, sometimes viewers tend to easily blamed the actress/actors whenever things goes wrong in the drama. How unfair is that? ~X(  We didn't know what happened behind the scene of the drama and we shouldn't easily shoved the blame to anyone, especially when we are not in the production people shoes.

    Whatever it is, I still believe that HJM try her best to portray all the characters that she was given for any drama. So, to all those HJM haters out there, screw you! L-)

  7. Well guys, be prepared, the melo part of the drama is coming.. 
    Gah, I just can't stand seeing how sad our OTP look like in the preview. I just hope those episodes that contain sad and angst moments is not too much, I just love seeing those two in lovey dovey scene, they are so adorable..

    p.sI love how korean remake did some changes in the drama and did not really follow 100% the original version (e.g Gun with some heredity illness, Daniel is a designer instead of some guy who involves in pottery business) 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hi,this is the first time I make a request here..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    mm..actually would you mind to find the romanji lyrics of these particular songs:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1) Shouting Out Love by J-Walk (ft Miryo)
































































































































































































































































































































































































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    3) That Guy's Girl by 24/7
































































































































































































































































































































































































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