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Posts posted by -april19-

  1. 17 hours ago, iamemilykay said:


    And btw, there's another poll we Gummers should keep a look out for in the coming months-- the Baeksang Awards 2018! I'm really hoping KNG and KAJ will get nominated on it for the Popularity segment of Male / Female Actors. Because if they do, we could download the Baeksang app and intensely vote for them. Winners will get to go on stage TOGETHER and receive trophies! It'll literally be us putting our strength together to send them to Baeksang HAND-IN-HAND! I remember doing it a year ago and was successful in seeing who I voted for get on stage, hehe! So, I'm hoping we could all do the same for uri Gum Couple too~ seriously WISHING REALLY HARD we could all see them in the same frame, standing side by side each other AGAIN! :heart: WHEEEEEEEEE~~ :relaxed:


    I don't wanna fantasize about this but this would be very gratifying for us Gummers if this would become real. The recent Baeksang Popularity Award got me voting like crazy for a couple that I desperately wanted to be together on stage. Thus, seeing them together on the same stage receiving that award, let alone sitting side by side, and all the fancams, is hugely rewarding. What more can you ask for?


    But in my end, it'll be very unlikely for KAJ and KNG to receive this award since I know some idols would be nominated as well. :wacko: So, can we hope for KNG and KAJ being nominated as Best Actor and Best Actress instead? I think that would be more possible. Eh?


    But anyhow, if happened that they would be nominated for Popularity Award, I would still vote until I bleed, no matter what.



    As for this poll, https://koreanupdates.com/kuawards2017/, I kept on voting during breaks, or even if I have time, apparently, our percentage is rapidly decreasing. :unsure: I hope we can maintain the 50% margin. :tongue:


    • Like 12
  2. 54 minutes ago, Msnvm Pae said:

    Hello, since you guys talking about the ep12 analysis. Just saw someone posted about the hot scenes gif on DC yesterday...too hot:rolleyes:






    This just literally took my breath away. And it still bewilders me as to what AJ exactly meant when she says the kiss was "natural." At the back of my head I was thinking like, "This is too intense to be natural. It seems like they can go on like that forever." :heart::heart:

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  3. 5 hours ago, josung said:
    Not sure if this has been shared before. But the first time I watched this scene, I noticed that HI's hands touched YK's hands ever so intimately. HI was supposed to stop YK from administering medical help to the young boy in Joseon but he later relented. and when he did, he slid his hands smoothly onto hers. Normally I thought that his hands could have just patted or touched her (one hand) which would totally suffice in that scene but it was as if he could not help himself but slid down to the other hand as well. Like what you guys said, KAJ's hands must be too soft to the touch. At that moment, I felt it was KNG and not HI in that scene. :blush:


    Yes, yes, yes, to the cosmic and back. Finally, someone mentioned this and it just hits me like a heart attack. :lol: Watching this before, I really couldn't just deliberately ignore the "feels" that this scene gave me. HI (or should I say KNG's) gesture here has made a profound effect on me. For a while, I felt slightly uncomfortable, like something indefinable is strange by the way he slid his hand onto YK. I really don't think this kind of action was imperative in this scene, given that the mutual connection between them at this time was still in the process. I found it too intimate to do so. Thus, I believe it was really KNG who intentionally did it, and it's not HI anymore. :wub::wub:



    In a lighter vein, I haven't replaced my DP still, can I still change it? Is it too late? I'm really sorry.  :huh::huh:

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  4. 11 hours ago, leba said:


    Hi @Cynthia kristiani, I just went into whice1 IG and true enough I saw the 2 photos of KNG this year. One in April. The other in september. And both really have different feels. The April one he really looked more serious. Maybe that’s why in his April interview article he said he was not happy. And the September he really looked more smiley and happier. I believe if he has an interview now, he would say he is happy at the moment. I think both the career and personal aspects of his life are doing well that’s why. 


    I believe during his Guerrilla Date interview last September he mentioned that he wasn't lonely anymore (compared to his April's interview). And you could really sense in his aura that he's indeed happy. :wub:


    As per guessing interview questions, I bet he'll be asked about all the adlibs he suggested, and of course that acupuncture kiss. KNG is too straightforward and honest, I believe judging from his previous interviews. I'm just hoping he'll again mention that he's happy these times, though restless. 


    But anyway, keep your guesses coming, though sometimes I feel I am morally corrupt, I can't help but stretch my smile from ear to ear. :D :D


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  5. 3 minutes ago, shiqin3381 said:

    If base on Popularity, PBY is the winner but if base on quality, KAJ should won the award.

    Too bad she lost and we didnt get to hear her winning speech.


    I still hoping NG will randomly show up.



    I really take pride in knowing that KAJ has been nominated as best actress. :) The moment I found out that PBY will be there, I subsequently lowered my expectation that KAJ will get the award (perhaps, completely brushed it all off). Though quite frankly, I as well agree that KAJ's performance is better than PBY since I have watched and loved SWDBS, too. :rolleyes: 


    And your hope that NG will appear makes me giggle yet at the same time aches about it. :huh:

    • Like 12
  6. 9 minutes ago, dyanadivara said:

    OMGOMG thank you so much @kfan222!


    So I was waiting for someone to translate the post but I couldn't wait so I ran ahead to Google Translate and here it is:


    Hello. tvN It is the Blu-ray / DVD promotion team which is the director version. Blu-ray / DVD production of the director's version of "Myeongbulheojeon" has been confirmed. We will notify you of detailed announcements related to the payment within a short period of time. * Affiliated company: artificial man * Please confirm that the result of the previous vote is a prerequisite for the finalization of production. * I am deeply grateful to the fans who have contributed to the confirmation of production, and I am happy to announce the good news. Thank you.




    I am crying right now. Thank you so much for this. :D:wub:

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  7. 11 minutes ago, ImKyung said:

    I'm sorry I was uncapable of live recapping the vLive beause I transformed into a 10year old fangirl... I apologize to all you who had to read my crazy sentences....


    I feel you. I, too, was fangirling like crazy and noticed your comments, too. :D


    Isn't it suspicious when a fan asked her about Busan? It's something like an indirect indication? :wub:


    And thank you guys for the translation. You guys are gold.

    • Like 11
  8. 1 hour ago, kooriyuki said:

    I always found it odd for the BTS where they were sitting at the porch, KAJ had a thick jacket covering her knees (meaning it's cold, even tho she's prolly also not feeling well) but KNG keep saying it is hot. :blink:

    I really wonder if they don't know there're other cameras rolling. They should know by now the BTS are shown, maybe that's why they're lying low? Assuming the ship has already sailed.


    He couldn't contain the heat, so he's releasing the tension by shaking his feet. (If you catch my drift) :D:D


    Looking forward to KAJ's fanmeet, I hope I can see a glimpse of KNG being there. :wub:

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  9. 4 hours ago, ImKyung said:


    @lyserose Best analysis ever hahahaha. Body language is very very telling indeed :) 

    For me the BTS that sealed the deal was the one for episode 12 and 13. KNG is being so shy, shaking his legs like he's having spasms lol and saying "oh it's too hot" hahaha. KAJ is also seen moving her legs and feet because she's nervous. I say there's something here:wub:


    Off to make a few gifs that prove my point :wink:


    Finally, someone mentioned this. I have come across this subtitled BTS as well through Insta. And you could actually tell that KAJ is too hot for KNG to handle. :D:D Well, you can sense he got carried away. It's too hot, you know. :D You can't blame him though. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, mantleprey said:







    See the comments made: He got jealous by her looking at the Jap soldier actor (0:49, 0:58, 1:21). And keep asking the girl to call her "Omma". She was taken aback when he held her hand (2:28, eating goguma-sweet potato).


    I kept on watching this BTS before, though I couldn't really understand what they're saying, I was inclined to suspect when KNG teasing KAJ by asking the child to call her omma. He kept on saying that word "omma."


    Never really understood at first that KNG is kinda jealous at the Jap soldier. Knowing that, it made me giggle and grin from ear to ear.


    Anyway, finally, this thread is made. Thank you so much for this one. I'll surely lurk in this thread every now and then.


    I'm praying we could at least see them together in an interview or during award ceremonies.


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  11. @miles27 you got the point exactly. Asking a video of that guy performing at the BOF? Wow. It's as if asking us to stop shipping DH and DW. Anyway, thinking about the idea makes my brain cells wanna explode. I couldn't even stand hearing that name or even the number, anything related to that name. This is a DongHae thread, and apparently, this is all about DH and DW. I dont care about anyone who's lurking here and eventually finding things that could hurt them. Again, this is a DongHae thread, a Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae thread rather.


    Of topic: A tsunami just hit Busan, so sad to hear about this news. #PrayForBusan

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  12. Samz, 

    I do understand your sentiment, because honestly I as well for the first time as a DH fan, couldn't hide the fact that I'm angry towards DaHae at the moment. Her silence is indeed deafening. I am so mad with that #heavennight stuff that all I could do is grit my teeth and bear it. If all your assumptions were true, that DaHae is somehow behind this entire Se7en comeback thingy, then, as rude as it may sound, that’s kind of disgusting. What a pity! And my brain deliberately refuses to contain the idea about that hotel, wine, etc. stuff that you are referring to. I can't bear that. Wow. I'm just being honest here. Never did I bash Se7en, and I don’t think I'm hurting DW by this, all I'm ranting for is the fact that never in my life I thought that DH would be this -- I'm not gonna say the word -- I am an avid fan and this honest opinion might be unfavorable on DH's side but this is what I exactly feel.  

    By the way, I can somehow point out one of those minions you're talking about. In DH's IG, she's all over the place. Not really my thing to answer back every basher's hate comment because that's too frustrating, yet, I couldn't overlook some of her comments. Good thing, she's not there anymore. Duh!

    Never thought I would be this childish.  

    My apology.

    • Like 3
  13. Hi HoaD,


    *coughs* I don’t know as well how to address you properly, and I'm sorry, if this will happen to hurt you, but somehow I'm trying to be as kind as I want to in addressing this.


    I want to be blunt by addressing the fact that, I couldn't care any less as to whatever it is that you are petulantly complaining about. My jaw basically dropped thinking about the idea that this thread could somehow give impact to whatever stuff DW is going through right now. Like, seriously? You're absolutely kidding me, you know. Oddly, I really don’t know if I should be sad or happy about that. As much as I'm so delusional about the thought that DH and DW would be again reunited, I might as well drink a bottle of reality that DW is somehow affected by this thread, so it could somehow mitigate the effect of my dismal mood concerning DH/7 dating news.


    Perhaps, you're in the wrong thread or site, I must say, dearest. This isn't exactly the thread or the people that you have to rant those words.

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  14. I, too, have the same sentiment like all of you guys have here. Oddly enough, I am somehow comforted by the idea that it ain't just me who's currently going through the five stages of grief. This is like a nightmare to this ship, well, at least for me. No matter how much I stand firmly by the idea that if DH is happy, then I'll be as well happy for her, quite sadly, mind over matters of the heart won't work for me this time. I couldn't take it, honestly because I don't trust Se7en that much, no hate, perhaps not at this time, perhaps never, I'm afraid. 

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  15. Hi everyone. I am a DongHae fan ever since. After hearing the news this morning, I was really frustrated. I felt so lost that I couldn't focus on my job earlier today. Earlier, I've got so much to say, but now that I'm home, I couldn't even utter or type the words, I couldn't exactly convey how heartbroken I was after hearing it.

    Anyway, I know you guys are happy for DaHae. Well, it would be a lie to say that I'm happy for her right now. Perhaps I'm still on the five stages of grief as they say. I couldn't accept it right away. What I feel exactly is, I'm afraid what impact this would bring to DH's image. Am I being selfish? I'm sorry to say this, but I've only known Se7en the moment the issue about K-celebs going into brothels popped out. So I regarded him not the way his fans do.

    Is this really what DaHae wants? Dating publicly or is it just because she was being caught this time? I'm afraid.

    But somehow I take comfort knowing that they have been friends for 10 years now, so I bet they know each other that well. And Da Hae knows him that well.

    Quite sadly, for me, this is very heartbreaking and distressful. Please cheer me up.

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  16. I fell in love with Da Hae after watching Green Rose. I was fascinated by her angelic and innocent face that time. Then I was quite astonished when she pulled off Joo Yoo Rin's character. What an actress.


    Anyway, perhaps it's only me, but it's my wish for quite some time now that she could be paired up with Jo In Sung. Funny, eh? :)

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  17. @samzz I was kind of taken aback when you said you have a lot of their secrets. That was scary. LOL! :D 

    And I am under the presumption that you know a lot about DaHae off-camera. And I'm gonna turn that into an advantage that what I think about her is somewhat parallel to what she really is as a person. 

    In my years of following DaHae, I've dealt with too many off-putting remarks against her, and as a stan, I know exactly how disconcerting it is seeing your idol being displayed as a subject of mockery and disdain. This covers the whole Filipino accent fiasco (not to mention the others). I have grown since then by making myself accountable for practicing patience. But I believe in her, not that I was blinded by the qualities I esteemed for her. 

    @ELY_397 and @apqaria

    Yes, I am a fan of YC, thanks to DaHae or should I be sad and put the blame on her? Lol. :D

     Anyway, it started when I first watched MR, I love his character in there and continued to see him as that character which I now know nothing but plainly stupid. Consequently, I was following him since then. Quite sadly, I am now waking up from the bitter reality that he isn't exactly the person I perceived he is. In my fangirling world, thus, a paradigm shift needs to be forced subsequently.

    As for his case, guilty or not, I seriously feel bad having to deal with this horrible news, but shielding him is completely ridiculous.
    The idea that he set foot in a club known for "highly unpleasant" stuff is already too much for me to tolerate and it deeply upsets me to learn about it, let alone taking advantage of an industry where women are exploited more often. And I don't want to make it sound offensive, but I found this case nothing but infuriatingly disgusting.

    And forgive me for ranting here. This, too, shall pass.

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