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Posts posted by aXiSEEu12

  1. I just read that Son Ye Jin signed a new Kdrama and with Lee Min Ho.

    First and foremost, I am glad to hear that she signed a new Kdrama and probably a great choice based on it's content and casting...oppositing Lee Min Ho. Although, i am unsure about the pairing already (age difference), I am sure the chemistry will be there. Son Ye Jin usually manage to creat some chemistry no matter who her costar is but I just hope the plot and everything else surrounding the drama will be at par with Son Ye Jin.

    For some reason, I would still much rather see Son Ye Jin act with actors like Kwon Sang Woo, Song Seung Hun, and Jung Woo Sung, then again, Son Ye Jin always manage to surprise me with her versatility. I'm sure her portrayal in 'Personal Taste' will not fall of anything short... At the same time, I admit that a part of me wished that Dara will play opposite Lee Min Ho in 'Personal Taste' but oh well.

    Son Ye Jin, fighting!

































































































































    Here's the message posted by sunmi on their fancafe:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Translation, please?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you in advance. :) Also, when was this posted?
































































































































































































































































































































































    i dont understand how some ppl said they respect sunmi but hated JYP






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JYP respects sunmi's decision































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    imagine JYP, the man who takes beating from sunmi sees her crying everyday..do you think he will still have the heart to force her to stay?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    other entertainment companies, maybe but JYPE is more humane than that































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so if you can respect sunmi, try to understand where JYP stands































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WG is their most expensive venture now and letting sunmi go will obviously make some fans angry






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and blaming JYP for choosing to go to the US?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    if things work out fine, do you think you'll still blame JYP for this?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i bet you ppl will kiss his feet for making such a move































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    now just bcos sunmi cant take it anymore, suddenly JYP is at fault?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and regarding the new girl, any fans who has seen WG performed as a 4-member group will certainly realize that it feels a little empty without one girl regardless of who the girl is































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WG is the strongest with 5 members































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JYP as the creator must've realize this when he produces the group






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    instead of blaming who and who































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    feels dissapointed with who and who






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think wonderfuls should focus more on the remaining girls































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    they've been through this once and it's not easy to go through this again































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    antis/ migratory fans/ demotivation/ guilt/ uncertainties..all this are on the plate for the girls































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i really admire them in staying strong..they could've just call it quit and go back to korea as a group






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and please stop demanding the girls to come up and say something































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    there are a lot for them to deal with now































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and when the time comes, everything will fall into place































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    just be patient..sigh..ppl nowadays think they are the king































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when they want something, everybody has to obey































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've been skimming through most of the comments left by WG fans in this Soompi thread and I didn't really see anyone directly blaming or putting a blame on JYP regarding Mimi's decisioin to pursue her education....
































































































































































































































    But yes, there are people questioning JYPentertainment's decision of possibly adding a new member.

































  4. hi! welcome to this thread and thanks for posting!!!

    kwon sang woo actually mentioned that SYJ is one of the many actresses he wants to work with in the future..i think there was this talk about IRIS2 but i am not sure wether they knew about it or its just an issue..

    They worked together before but KSW was not the male lead. Did you watch A Delicious Proposal?..SYJ and KSW starred in that series but KSW was only a support.

    About the variety show..Movie actors dont usually do variety shows in korea..they focus on doing movies right?..guestings are too seldom too. Though i want her to do it sometimes too for her to interact with much younger fans, but if she is busy enough then let's not force it. :D

    hi to you too!!

    thanks for visiting!

    wow, you have a lot of favorites.. :D

    thanks for including yejin!! :)

    Thank you for welcome me! :)

    And someone told me recently that Kwon Sang Woo (from his Soompi thread) that he wants to work with Son Ye Jin, too, and you know what? I did know that Kwon Sang Woo had a small part in Son Ye Jin's older Kdrama, 'Delicious Proposal', but unfortunately, I have not watched that drama yet. I am actually debating whether or not I want to... I just hope that these two will work on an upcoming project together like 'IRIS 2'. ;)

    I know that Kwon Sang Woo was offerred 'IRIS 2' and he's considering doing it but there's no official announcement of his participation yet and since Son Ye Jin was originally offerred Kim Tae Hee's part in 'IRIS', I hope they'll consider her for the sequel opposite Kwon Sang Woo! AHH! This would make my year! :D
































































































































































































































































































    Even though the news is still shocking for me even now, I really hope that JYPentertainment doesn't add another member into WG. I mean, why bother? They're still four remaining members and I think they'll do fine while Mimi finishes her education. At least when she's ready to return, she has a spot waiting for her rather than returning with another member to compete with. It just doesn't make sense if another girl joins WG if Mimi plans on returning.
































































































































































































































    Anyway, I still respect Mimi for her decision and I only wish her & the remaining WG members all the best!
































































































































































































































    WG & Mimi, fighting! :D

    Ah, Why other girls not saying anything in this case ??? Where is the oldest sisters??? Where is SoHee???
































































































































































































































    All in good time. :) It's a big deal and it's shocking for everyone. Imagine how the membes must've felt when they first heard the news from Mimi.

































  6. Dear AXIEEU12, indeed there was an article about his interview in which he revealled interest in co-star with Son Yeh Jin... about last year, i guess, i dont promise but m looking for it for u :D

    Thank you! I do appreciate it! Kwon Sang Woo did say he's considering, "Iris 2" and at the same time, I really hope it's with Son Ye Jin! If not these two, I hope a great director will cast them in another project together! Hmm...since Kwon Sang Woo mentioned that he wants to work with Son Ye Jin, I wonder if SHE wants to work with him, too! ;)
































































































































































































































































































































    Although I am shocked that Mimi is leaving the Wondergirls, I do understand and respect her reason to leave for the meantime and pursue, as well, as concentrating solely with her studies. I only wish her the best in everything she endeavours and I do hope we will see her reunite with the Wondergirls in the future.
































































































































































































































































    As for this Lim-girl, she can dance based on the clips I saw, but can she fill Mimi's shoes? Who knows. It's way too early to tell and plus, it's not really confirmed whether or not she is replacing Mimi or not. In fact, I really hope that JYPentertainment would not replace Mimi and just maintain the Wondergirls with four remaining members.
































































































































































































































































    Mimi & the Wondergirls, FIGHTING! :D

































































    hello there

    the ellen show is asking for suggestions of some internationnal music
































































































































































































































































    lets all put links of 2ne1 videos
































































































































































































































































    here is the link































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Come on 2NE1 fans! Let's get 2NE1 listed on the ELLEN show. There's lots of request for DBSK and wow, there are plenty! Start commenting and requesting for them, but at the same time, do NOT spam the Ellen page. We don't want to irritate them now, do we?
































































































































































































































































    I've already sent a request and posted a comment! Have you?

































































































































































































































































































  9. quite totally completely agreed with u ^^ :lol:

    i also wanna see SYJ in that project.. much better than the lead in Iris 1 :D

    SJY combines both appearance + talent ^^

    In the previous interview, KSW said that he wanna co-star with SYJ if there have a chance..

    who knows? right?

    Not sure if too many knew this but Son Ye Jin in "Iris 2" is possible because she was originally suppose to be in "Iris". Unfortunately, she had to opt out of it at the last minute and her role went to Kim Tae Hee instead. And OMG, Kwon Sang Woo revealed that he wants to work with Son Ye Jin? When and where can I see the interview? AHH!

    Kwon Sang Woo & Son Ye Jin would be my dream team and it would be amazing to see them work together in a Kdrama or Kmovie. I even made this make-believe poster of the two...


  10. Kwon Sang-woo asked to appear in "Iris" sequel


    Hallyu star Kwon Sang-woo has been asked to be part of the cast of a second season of blockbuster TV series "Iris", the actor revealed on a talk show last week.

    "I have been asked to appear in season 2 of 'Iris' by its producer Taewon Entertainment which is also the same company producing my film 'Into the Fire'," Kwon said on KBS morning talkshow "Morning Live" on Friday.

    "I will make up my mind after looking at the script upon receiving an official proposal," the 37-year-old actor added.

    "Iris", currently the second most popular TV program with its ratings surpassing 36 percent last week and continuously on the rise, stars some of South Korea's top actors including Lee Byung-hun, Kim Tae-hee and Jung Jun-ho.

    Taewon recently announced they will air a second season of the spy drama which is set to go into shoot around May next year.

    Kwon's new war pic "Fire", a fierce battle between 71 student soldiers and North Korean regular army soldiers during the Korean War, started filming in late November and is set for release in 2010.

    Kwon has starred in several successful movies including "My Tutor Friend" in 2003 and "Love, So Divine" in 2004. His most famous role to date however, was in the 2003 TV series "Stairway to Heaven", which co-starred another Hallyu star Choi Ji-woo and became a hit throughout Asia.

    Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr

    <ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


    AHH!! Even though I haven't seen the Kdrama, 'Iris', yet, I really hope that Kwon Sang Woo appears in the sequel! Why not?! If anyone can live up after Lee Byung Hun, it's Kwon Sang Woo and as the his lead actress, I really wish it's with Son Ye Jin. I've been wishing to see these two work together and if not in 'Iris', I hope it's in another project together.


  11. I'm new to this thread but I just wanted to say that I completely adore Son Ye Jin as the sweet & humble person that she is and more importantly, the versatile actress that she is. Surprisingly, I'm not a big fan of her characters in most of her films, but for some reason, watching her act on screen still amazes me. My favorite so far was her portrayal in, A Moment to Remember. Such a beautiful, yet, hearthbreaking film and the chemistry with Jung Woo Sung were off the chart, as well!

    I would love to see her work with Kwon Sang Woo though! That is something I definitely wishing for in the near future! Don't you think these two would look great together and they're both such fantastic actors, as well!


    Anyway, I look forward in seeing her more in the near future! Son Ye Jin, fighting! :D Oh btw, is there any chance we would ever see her in variety shows? Not that she needs to go into variety shows but it would still be nice to see her interacting with other celebrities... especially in Family Outing (season 2)! ;)





    Sorry to cut your post but it's kind of offensive (at least for me). With so many polls out there, I doubt this will matter. I don't think that not participating in a poll means we are not supporting 2NE1. I bought their Mini Album and promised myself not to download, unless paid, for their songs. Some of us also have a life outside the internet world.
















    Ditto. Anyway, so is there news on what month they're planning on releasing their 2nd album?









    I know that you're upset about the whole voting thing, but I recommend you to remove the picture. This is just a poll and it won't affect 2NE1. There's no need to degrade other groups just because they're winning. That artist of the year poll is based solely on just popularity. Whichever group the voters vote is up to them and who you/they, think deserves to be the winner of that voting poll. No need to post a picture and put a cuss word just because you're upset. Sorry but is that musicbang thing some kinda big online site or something? I've never heard of it. Just saying. Also, no offence, but that whole artist of the year fiasco is already done and over with so I don't get what's the fussing for.

    Anyways, LOL @ Dara's random me2day updates. Did she replace TamTam for that bird looking thing [idk what you call it]? And are those moles or pimples? lmfao.































































































    Now, THAT is hilarious! hahahahahahah Made my day!




































































































    I loved watching DARA on Family Outing! I was so excited to watch it even when I don't know Korean but no offense to UEE or anything, but I wish the guest was only Dara. This way, Dara wouldn't be as shy when there's another female guest on the show...
































































    Also, I was dissappointed at how much FO focused on UEE more... I loved how Dara & Hyori got along though! :D heheh But I wish there were more Dara next week. In fact, I hope that Dara ends up cooking breakfast next week with Hyori so this way, we see more of the both of them!

































    dara's me2day

    aww. that's a miniture cass bottle she's holding right? cute!
































































































    but what's that on her head? lol. is that her hair or just a wig?
































































































    i hope her hair concept for their new album wont be like that.
































































































    and that article... who's the guy (yoon jong)? hehehe... he's proud of his blackjack hoodie given by dara?
































































































    dara's new update:
































































































































































































    일찍자고싶엇기에..난 잠시 냉동실에넣어두면 금방 시원해질거라생각햇다 그런데… 급수다가 시작되엇고 시간은 흘러갓다! 그러다 생각이나서 급히 팩을꺼냇는데… 살얼음이..-_-ㅋㅋ 오마이갓 너무 차가웠다!!! 하지만포기할순없엇다 그래서..ㅠ
































































































    mini cass bottle so cute!































































































































































































    So Popseoul reported that these latest pictures of Dara with the mini Cass bottle is from an another CF shoot but I wonder if it's actually true. I hope it's with Lee Min Ho again! :D Can't wait to see more of these two together!!!
































































































    Hope what Popseoul says is true. You just never know where or what comes out from that website... hahah
































































































































    Someone posted this on the FAMILY OUTING thread
















































































    What did Dara and UEE think of Family Outing?
















































































    As we reported last month, the next guests to join SBS's Family Outing are the poster girls of After School and 2NE1, UEE and Dara, With two big name idols like these, many have been anticipating the appearance of these two gals in a natural setting like that of Family Outing.
















































































    UEE and Dara joined the Family for their two day shooting in Jindo, an island off of south western coast of Korea. The producer of the show praised them on a phone call with Newsen, saying, "UEE and Dara were very excited for the shooting. Although they didn't have much experience in a show like this, they fit right in. Their cooking skills were fantastic as well. Overall, they showed a lot of cuteness."
















































































    We all know that the Family is full of older gentlemen, and as you might have guessed, they shared the love many of us have for these two girls. Also, there is usually some unseen power struggle between girls when female guests show up - Hyori is known to be the jealous type. However, nothing of the sort happened in this video - in fact, Hyori is a 2NE1 fan and has shown her support for 2NE1 on multiple occasions on this show.
















































































    The episode is set to air around mid November.
















































































    C: allkpop
















































































































    Schedule Update
















































































    || November 8, 2009 ; 4:10 PM KST – SBS Inkigayo – Park Bom will perform You and I
































































































    || November 12, 2009- Sandara Park aka Dara’s BIRTHDAY!
































































































    || November 15 & 22, 2009 – SBS Family Outing ft Dara
































































































    || November 21, 2009 – Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)
































































































    Credit: letsplay2ne1 and ygsecret21































































































































































































    AHHH!!! Thanks for the schedule! I'm excited for 2NE1 for this November! A GO GO GO!!!!
















































































































































































    I can't wait to see clips and pictures from POWER OF LOVE! Aren't they suppose to be performing around now? :)
















































































































































































































































































































    Since technically, reposting pictures is banned, can someone kindly message me or give me the link of the funny picture of Dara in her corndog outfit but the picture where someone manipulated it and added her in her costume in the background from Ha Ji Won's latest Kmovie, "Tidal Wave"... I hope that makes sense!
































































































































    Thank you in advance!
































































































































    Also, I am excited for 2NE1's performance today especially with MBLAQ!!! :D
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I am finally back after a two-week hiatus and about 80+ pages of 2Ne1 news! AHH! Went through at least 40 pages already and I don't think I have anymore time to scroll down the other 40+ pages. hahah Oh well!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Glad to know that this board is still doing well! :D Can't wait to see MBLAQ & 2NE1 on stage. Does anyone know when it will be airing? Thanks in advance. :D


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Bom's healthy foods! hahahah!... Next week will be overload for me... 2ne1 1st variety. tae yang's digital single, Mblaq official debut
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    SBS uploaded new pic previews! .....the rest are HERE..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks! I absolutely cannot wait for this! I hope YGladies will add English subs to it! :D I wonder what Dara is doing in this picture: http://21evo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/sbs-d.jpg
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    091011 2NE1 - I Don't Care at Dream Concert 2009
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    091011 2NE1 - Fire at Dream Concert 2009































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    THANKS so much for sharing!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Loved their performance! In the fancam, you could hear the chanting more clearly but at least the camera angles were much better hear compared to their performance in China recently, respectively speaking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also, I love how Dara's hair is dark again! I always thought she looked even gorgeous and stands out more with darker hair anyway... do anyone know if there's an actual recent behind her hair being dyed back to dark? I hope it's an upcoming drama with Lee Min Ho. ;) Wishful thinking.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And another thing, does anyone have any updates on Minzy's grandmother's health condition? She was unwell a few days ago but I really hope she's doing better now! :D


































































































































    yea is good new for Dara brother but is not related to 2NE1 so please edit your post.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can't wait for Dream Concert to start thx for the fancam.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Who cares it's not exactly related to 2NE1 but I am glad to hear that Dara's brother is in MBLAQ. Now I can look forward to their music esp. now I know that Dara's brother is in it! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also, thanks for sharing the 2NE1 clips from the DREAM CONCERT. Can't wait to see the official clips! :D

































































































































    2ne1 did a great job during the SBS Idol Show as well as Bigbang.

    New album in November? Solo Concert? Wow, I can't wait.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    additional signatures I made..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Do you mind if I use one of them? I wish I can add more signatures though...NO ROOM! :( But just in case I get rid of one of my current signatures, I hope you don't mind anyway...

































































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