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Posts posted by MythnoonA

  1. suprised that it's so quiet in here...the guys have been soso busy.  My name comes from Shinhwa (my first group), but I'm an Inspirit/Carat, and now I guess I'm a love too. =D (I can't do the Hangeul letters on the keyboard. lol)  I do like other groups, but can't live without these three--they all hit me the same way when I first saw them.  I love seeing Seventeen do Nu'est's songs/choreography....and I just found a collab with Minhyun and Joshua for acoustic version of Overcome. (will post link at the end, in case anyone else missed it)


    I found them late--I missed almost 3 whole years of them (Making up for it!). Have no idea how it happened. T_T  I learned about them through their dorkiness, before seeing them on any music shows.  Have been watching Music Bank for years-and there's no way I would have forgotten seeing them.


  2. On 9/9/2016 at 7:32 AM, CamelKnight said:

    That's what I thought :) But that seems to have changed to a "Generate Password" button.

    sorry I haven't replied before now--couldn't get in again. ><  When I checked last time I posted, found the same 'generate password' thing, and nothing else. Now that soompi has updated (and I changed my password), hopefully there will be no more problems getting in here. =p.  Thanks to you and Hanyeoun for helping!

    • Like 2
  3. Hi--long-time member, just got back in with soompi help-- have to change my password again--only have the temp one I got when I had to reset (to get in here just now >< )-- tried to change my password, but don't see a place in my account where I can do that--am I just missing it? Checked account settings, and don't see anything there-- I'm sure I did it a few weeks ago when I was finally able to get back in...

    edit: found where I can edit my username--but all I see is a box that says 'generate new password'--but not a place to put my own in.  ><

    • Like 2
  4. iilysium said: Most people don't even if they say they will because of the shame. If you are 18+ the police will not tell your parents, but if they apprehend and have you go to court against your assaulter your family is most likely going to find out. Its a hard choice for people because most do not want their family and friends to find out what happened to them and they feel ashamed and sometimes partially responsible.

    The police who handled my case did not take it seriously at first. The one who took my report laughed incredulously at one part of the story ("He wanted you to do what!? LOL"), another young cop was insensitive enough to start trying to flirt with me and they treated me with suspicion and disbelief and as a liar the whole time because it was a "random assault" case which was rare and they rifled through alllllll of my text messages when they took my phone and said they wouldn't need to :|

    They promised not to tell my parents since I was 18 but they went to my house looking for me one time because I didnt pick up my phone. Miscommunication among police and my whole family and relatives found out. F"ing embarrassing.

    Honestly I wish I hadn't reported.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Naraku, Causer Of All Trouble.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    reading about all the things he's done to you from the beginning--I was wondering--since he's been doing it so long--if he's this way with his parents, too--have they let him get away with the things he did in school--there had to be teachers who knew it wasn't his own work he was turning in-or did they sit on him to act the right way; do the right things? I absolutely agree with the soompiers that say not only are you better off with him--but he's now on his own, unless there are other people he's stringing along too--and if this guy doesn't learn to stand like a man--he's going to fall on his face, and everyone he's been fooling all this time-will know what he's really like.  An older lady I knew used to have this expression-- 'he pooped in his own mess kit'.  He messed things up himself, and now he has to deal with it...on his own.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You deserve a much happier life.










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I feel sorry for his kids.  I don't know how old they are, but I hope they're not old enough to be aware of what a git their father is.   Fooling around RIGHT under his wife's nose-- this makes me think he must have done it before, even/or especially if his wife says Stewart is only a momentary fling--it's so public--it doesn't even look like they tried to hide anything.










  8. ^ I was wondering about 1Q84 as well. Wanted to start, but hesitated because of the amount of pages. It's been a while since I've read anything that much.

    Currently reading The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams.

    It's hilarious, I laughed out loud a couple of times in the train, getting weird looks from people. And that was only the introduction, not even the first chapter yet. I'd quote something, but I'm not sure if it's allowed. You have to trust my word on it, it's so funny.

    so I guess you're finding out the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. =p It was funny, yus. I liked most of his books. Some people have told me they thought it was boring, but I didn't think it really was. There was a tv series, too, and then the US movie a few years ago, which I didn't see.

    I read a lot of kid's/teens/etc., books too, if anyone needs recommendations. =p I read whatever looks interesting to me, no matter who it's supposed to be for. I just finished The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet by Reif Larsen, and The Red Queen by Margaret Drabble.

  9. Soundtracklove-- thanks for posting the article. I was wondering-- if any of the Boys did artwork themselves...

    It's funny that so many of us didn't like Taemin (especially) and Minho's 'wtf' pics...but others just nosebleed all over the place. =x And I'm also glad I'm not the only one who thought of hippies when I saw the group pic. I couldn't really figure out the concept with the combination of the title and the pics--but maybe it makes more sense when you have some more info or clues (no pun intended =p )

    the little bits I've heard so far sound good, and I can't wait to hear the rest (and hear Taecyon's song)-and see what Tony Testa did with them. I wonder what Jaewon thinks too, since he's one of the (and SM's) best choreographers and dancers himself.
































    In Sooni-- 거위의 꿈 (A Goose's Dream)
























    (the mv with English subs) and a live performance















































































    since Big Mama have already been mentioned, I also want to add BMK (Big Mama King).
























    This is 꽃피는 봄이 오면 (When Spring Comes/When the Blooming Spring Comes)































































    hishari~I'm sorry about your rat, too. It's the worst part of having an animal.
























    *quoted image*
























    my baby<3
























    Okay, so I've had my dog for more than half a year.. and he was potty trained, but recently.. he has been marking everything :( we're trying no marking sprays right now, i am not sure if its working since we've just had it for a couple days. I am thinking about fixing him.. do you guys think that will help? T_T My husband is kind of against it, but I need to do something about it quick since a baby is on the way, and I can't always clean up after the dog, esp since we have carpet.















































    Is he a Boston Terrier? Cute, and looks comfy there. lol it okay if I ask why your husband is kind of against it? How old is he? Is it possible that there's something that's upset him--something new, or noisy (or going on in the house) that he doesn't like ? We've always spayed and neutered our animals (especially since we never wanted to breed anyone) for the reasons below--
























    from WebMD:




















    Q: My dog leaves marks all over my house. If I neuter him, will that stop?




















    A: Neutering a dog will decrease and could eliminate that kind of marking, which is a territorial behavior. That's what they're doing; they're marking their territory to ward off other male dogs that could come into it and get their female. So neutering may eliminate the problem. But there also could be other health issues or behavioral issues involved at this point. So it's a really good argument for neutering early, before the animal reaches sexual maturity and the marking behavior has become habit.
























    Q: Will spaying or neutering my dog prevent future illnesses?
























    A: Yes, absolutely. In females, it greatly decreases mammarian cancer and completely eliminates uterine cancers and diseases. In males, it eliminates testicular cancers or diseases and can lower the risk of prostate cancer. Generally, spayed and neutered pets live longer, happier lives.















































    not sure what you use to clean the urine, but Nature's Miracle is really good. We've bought gallons at a time, and have been using it for years--it works better than anything we've ever tried. =x




































    we used to take them to the vet, because only the first IW we had let my dad file his nails. He didn't need them cut as often because he was walked on the road. The mixed breed was no problem--tiny nails. Our two Labs weren't bad--but we've since had dogs that hate it...only one that would let us do anything..the rest hated it. Our current one is taken care of by our mobile vet, who started coming here to take care of our older one that we lost before we got the puppy. She had nail trauma left over from the psycho that had her before us (the creep would get mad at her if she didn't 'cooperate', and throw the nail cutters at her), and even though she wasn't crazy about it, she wasn't too bad with him...probably way less nervous (even though she loved going in the car, and seeing everyone at the vet's office--she didn't like what was done to her there)too. The puppy we have now loves him-but she hates her nails being cut--so she sometimes gets a little worked up. I haven't been able to do much with her nail-wise--I can hold her paws, and even put the nail cutters on them--but that's about it.
























    to us, it's worth having him come to the house just to do her nails.
























    ReckLESS_-- losing my animals has been the worst times of my life. Some of them have been my own (identified with me instead of being a 'family' animal), also like my own kid or sibling. It affects me every day. You never get over it, you just learn to deal with it better. You can't 'prepare yourself' (like some people have said to me, including past vets), and you definitely shouldn't detach yourself...it's hurtful and your child won't understand if you do-it doesn't work. like Aziraphale says...you just take care of them, and love them. TRY not to worry until you have to--it's never easy--then you just handle things the best way you can as they happen.




































    the man's name is Taeyang. It's *not* his stage name. 'Taeyang' isn't Youngbae's birth name. I'm sure not all of BB's fans are complaining about this. maybe they can work out a way for people to be able to tell the difference, esp. if they're new to BB...I can see where it might get confusing--but let's not get nasty about it. -___-





  14. I've never actually read Manga before..

    I was always more of a "watch korean dramas" type,

    but i thought hey i might try something new.. so any rec's? >-<

    there's a lot of different types--what kind of stories do you watch? do you like do you like things like high school romances? there's girl-boy (I especially like the cuter ones), and boy-boy... the girl-boy stories are shoujo; the boy-boy ones are shounen ai (or the more expilicit yaoi)...two shoujo manga I really liked (and have read more than once, and will read again) are Cherry Juice (Haruka Fukushima or Fukushima Haruka) and Lovely Complex (also known as Love*Com)by Nakahara Aya. Then there's stories they call 'gender bender'--also some take place in high school--boy pretends to be a girl, or a girl pretends to be a boy, and it gets interesting from there. lol Some manga I really like are W Juliet by Emura, and Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (also called 'Hana-Kimi'), by Nakajo Hisaya; Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori (or Hatori Bisco--most of the writers and artist's names are written like western names on the English translations).

    we can help more when we know what you like--or don't like. ^^ (I read almost anything--and then there's Korean manhwa, too. =D ) There's a LOT to choose from.


















    ok i don't know why this is in CE forum as it's not news but how bout Bhutan? They were in the news recently because they also abide to a royal family, and the King married a commoner for his queen...
















    To be honest I don't know much about Bhutan so it was interesting when I came across that article.. they keep themselves mostly isolated to preserve their culture and environment from modernization and considered as the last Shangri-la or garden of eden so to speak....































    they have the happiness quotient, too.



  16. Has anyone read or seen a scanlation of RH Plus by Suwa Ayako? It used to be listed on the DMP site, but I can't find it now. I liked the drama (maybe because I haven't read it? But I already liked some of the actors), but a lot of people who've read the manga said they left things out of the drama.

  17. I've been wondering about this for a while, why does my cats do this? o-o I have 2 cats who did this, including this one. Is there something wrong with their tummy or legs or something, cos the other cats in my house doesn't do that lol. Its a funny sight though :x

    my cat does it too sometimes--usually if she's really warm--if they want to be cool, they lie on the tile/lino/whatever isn't warm-- covering the floor. lol If there isn't anything abnormal about the way they act--don't seem to be in pain if you touch their legs or stomachs--it's probably that they're just comfortable that way.

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