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Posts posted by kgrl43








    I want to see BTS of Ep 8 ;) From all the previews of Ep 8 last week I was expecting a little bit of a kiss scene this week, but the multiple scenes in HJ's house, waaah..... so precious!!! I don't know who would not be totally in love with CD by now and I can't help but think it has something to do with his chemistry with GHS too. Their interactions together, whether it be in a cute scene like this or a serious one seem so natural and real. But what I like the most is when he gets all giddy and embarrassed around her, like a teenager, when in fact he's a mature, worldly, and very successful man. Too adorable!!! Thank you all for the updates!!! :D



  2. It's FRIDAY!!! Hope you all enjoy your weekends starting off with Ep. 8 of The Musical! :P I'm saving that to watch for later, but just wanted to add to some of your comments on Ji Jin Hee. Wow, it really ages me when I realize that I watched a drama he was in in 2001 - ha ha, but he's been acting for a long while!! The first drama I saw him in was Love Letter, a very complex and touching love story. Some of his other works that I've seen are Four Sisters, Dae Jang Geum, and The Man Who Can't Marry. While I haven't seen it myself, he won the Top Excellence Award last year for Dong Yi and I believe an award the year before for TMWCM. He is an accomplished actor, I've loved all the dramas I've seen him in, and personally I'm ecstatic that HS will get to work with an actor of his calibur. I think this role will definitely challenge her and will be very different from the roles she's recently had. Of course I know she's perfectly capable of pulling it off and we all know that she is very good at tackling challenges. ;) From his bio, it looks like Ji Jin Hee is 40 or close to 40, has been married since 2007, and has a young son. Her past few male partners have been younger than she is and while they were all great, (really <3 her with CD), it'll be nice to see her act with someone older. Plus, it doesn't hurt that he's gorgeous to look at and that he has tons of charisma - if you've seen any of his work you know what I mean :rolleyes: Anyways, really looking forward to seeing this new project, I only wish they would give out more news about HS in this drama. Thanks to all of you who keep this thread moving with your updates, pics, and translations - really appreciate it! B) P.S. Marj, and Sheherizade - I understand....and agree.... I had my list of candidates too, but I think we won't be disappointed!!

  3. Good Morning Sunnies :D I just finished watching The Making of Ep.7 for the gazillionth time, thank you Meow!! The interactions between CD and HS are so adorable! They seem to laugh a lot and are very comfortable around each other, and I love how cute CD and his antics are, especially when he's around her. :wub: I once saw him on an episode of Happy Together with the cast of BFB and of course that was a formal taping and all but for the most part he was pretty quiet, even when the hosts were trying to draw things out of him. I think HS just has a knack for making people around her comfortable and show their true colors when she's around.

    And hyesun4lyf, I believe you're right - I remember reading about So Young Chu (sp?) making an apperance in this drama as JY's former girlfriend, and coincidentally she did play SJS's former gf in Pure 19. I can't imagine the turn of events with the addition of another loveline!! Wow.... a lot to anticipate :lol:

    Have a great week, thank you all for your hard work and contributions to the thread, and see you on Friday!

  4. I heard the news about The Musical's Park Kyung Lim last night - very sad news indeed. She has brought so much laughter into people's lives that it's heartbreaking to see her go through such a sad and tragic experience. My thoughts and prayers go out to PKL and her family.








    EB and HJ characters are so cute together! EB's honesty, naivete, and pure nature seems to spark something in HJ, kind of like he's experiencing a first love, and I find his expressions and actions absolutely adorable. Only when he's with EB do we see his funny and flirty side, and like a lot of you, I'm totally in love with his 100 watt smile. I don't see the EB - YJ connection as a romantic one. In fact with all the flashbacks of his childhood and the friendship between her grandmother and YJ's parents and their common origin from Daegu (?) seem to indicate that maybe they're somehow related biologically or something. I guess we'll have to be patient to find out the mystery of EB's mother leaving and more of YJ's parents and events that happened about the same time in their lives? In any event, the story is getting more intricate and the love lines increasing by the minute, making it harder to have to wait until the next episode to see more!!! I continue to enjoy the music and interactions among all of the actors - my favorite scene in Ep 6 was the dance scene when they were all drinking - that looked like a lot of fun!!! Thank you all for your hard work and for making this thread such a pleasure to visit!!! :D



  6. Hello Sunnies :D Thank you much for all the pictures from BIFF where our HS looked chic and elegant in her short dress and heels and just exuded pure beauty, the rare kind, like Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn. Her smile was absolutely radiant and I see a definite change in her fashion sense - she now wears outfits that are more feminine, modest yet flirty, and I enjoy seeing her in colors other than black. This year Tablo's wife Kang Hye Jung walked the red carpet in a tuxedo instead :lol: Looks like HS cut her hair too - kind of kept the length long but tapered and layered it and the bangs are long and swept to the side. I see that Choi Daniel was also in attendance and he looked so dapper and handsome in his tux! Would love to see a picture of the two of them together since he technically did act in her Peach Tree movie which is being screened, right, not to mention the fact that the two of them together are SO CUTE!!! :wub: Looking forward to FRIDAY, Ep. 6 and I thank you all in advance for your hard work!!!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Sue, my hand is definitely raised! Melt-worthy looks from Hong Jae-Yi to Go EunBi:

    1) the smile and wave he gave her when they greeted each other at the train station

    2) the smile right after the kiss on the cheek and before the hand kiss

    3) the smile he had waiting for her at the bottom of the med school stairs with a cup of coffee

    4) THE AUDITION - this was the best by far - HJ is so incredibly cute!

    Waiting for the look he has when he sees her in a dress for the first time. Looks like he treats us to at least one of these look every episode - haha! :wub:

    The woman, I'm sorry I don't know her name but I'm assuming she's a professional musical actress who sang before EunBi, knocked my socks off with her performance! But... it was EB's rendition of the song that brought tears to my eyes and made me feel all the emotions that the lyrics were conveying. I wonder if this is one of those times that GHS had to drink some wine before she performed in front of all her peers in that audition scene. I would have been a nervous wreck!!! :blink:

  8. Just FYI: Looks like Lee Joon was born in 1988 so is only 4 years younger than Hyesun - LMH is 3 years younger and they were a pretty good match. I think I forget that with all of her accomplishments, GHS is not really that old - only 27 (come Nov) in "real years". But still... I'm hoping for another "older" male character to be added to round out the cast!

    I'll be over the moon if they choose Park Si Hoo ( but he's currently in Princess Man), Jung Gyu Woon from Romance Town, or Lee Sang-Woo from My Love My Family. I'm also totally in love with Lee Dong Wook from Scent of A Woman but he and KSA were such a popular couple that I would hate to see GHS being compared to her and to get bashed! SJS/GHS, my ultimate dream re-pairing is not possible either since he was casted in High Kick Season 3?.

    GHS is such a great actress and has partnered well with all of her co-stars, so I'm not too worried. But as a fan, I want it to be someone fabulous and HOT!!! :P The Musical Ep 4 raw version is now up on Drama Crazy. Anticipation is very high, but I'm going to leave it there for awhile, get all my work done, then savor every moment of it later. Have a great weekend Sunnies!! You're all the greatest! :D

  9. Good Evening Sunnies! I was suprised and quite happy to hear the news about Lee Joon being cast in Fly Again. Lee Joon is a member of the idol group MBlaQ, and they are proteges of famous singer/dancer Rain. In fact it was Lee Joon who played the younger version of Rain in the movie Ninja Assasin and he did an excellent job in that film, so I'm quite confident that he'll do a good job in this drama as well. Plus, I also like MBlaQ, they are quite talented in their own right as singers and dancers, love their choreography (always great with Rain as their mentor ), and one of their members "Thunder" has a famous sister, 2NE1's Dara. MBlaQ recently sang a song on the soundtrack of Scent of a Woman that I listen to all the time. I find it kind of hard to believe he'll be the main lead male character since he is much younger than HS, and to me he does not fit the profile of the main pilot. I'm hoping it's someone a little older and totally HOT - haha!! As for Gamja, I love all the stories I hear about him. I have a golden retriever who is 2 years old, totally goofy and who, believe it or not, also makes that "mooing sound" that HS talks about. He kind of sounds like Chewbacca from Star Wars :P . So happy these days with all the news about our girl!! It's about time she's back in the limelight and getting the attention she so richly deserves!!! Am on pins and needles waiting for Ep.4 of the MUSICAL. It's almost Friday!!! Yay!!! :D Thank you all for sharing the news on Hyesun!!








    Hello All! Just dropping in to comment on the Musical Thread and to say how awesome all of you are! Thanks for all the news, translations, links, etc. - I'm pretty computer illiterate so I appreciate all of your hard work!! :D As for The Musical, I AM LOVING THIS DRAMA!! Most of you know me from the KHS thread, I am one of her many adoring fans, so for that reason alone I like the drama. What I wasn't prepared for was how much I would like all the other characters, who were so brilliantly cast, and for the wonderful storyline that leaves me wanting more after each episode. What can I say, I've seen a few works of Choi Daniel but WOW, he's managed to capture my heart as Hong Jae Yi in just a couple episodes. No, I think I not only fell for HJY but the actor CD himself - lol !! He exudes masculinity, charisma, cuteness, and pretty much everything else in the drama as well as in BTS footage in real life! I love his interaction with KHS - they seem to have a genuine liking for each other and share lots of laughter and chemistry. To date, my favorite KHS drama and leading man is Pure 19 with Suh Jisuk as her partner, but CD and KHS are slowly changing my opinion. Lastly, I applaud The Musical staff who cast KHS for this role which fits her so perfectly that Go Eunbi seems like she is a real person to me, and I'm sorry, I am not a voice expert, but I love that her voice is not at the musical actor stage just yet, that it has imperfections, and that it is this sweet and melodic voice that sparked something in JaeYi's heart to want to compose musicals again and setting the stage for this drama. Thanks again everyone, and I'm looking forward to sharing the next several Friday nights with you!!! :P



  11. Thanks Cheerkoo for letting us know that GHS is still in Fly Again! Very much appreciated... I was anxious that she did not accept the drama and was replaced....IM HAPPY NOW

    *quoted image*

    :lol: Yipee!!! Yes, thanks Sue for translating that article regarding Fly Again. I'm so relieved and ecstatic that Hyesun accepted this role and is acting alongside Yoo Sun, who is a very well known and respected actress who does tend to play hard and cold characters and is very good at it. The fact that it's a much anticipated drama also makes me happy and hopefully there'll be no obstacles before it airs in December. It'll be fun to guess who will be playing opposite Hyesun as the main male lead!! Thanks so much to Yonghwa and Eunhye05 who also brought us news about this drama! :sweatingbullets:

  12. Happy Weekend Sunnies! I am anxiously waiting for a translation regarding Fly Again. I had my fingers crossed that HS would be confirmed for this drama - but when I went to the article posted, there was another actress whose picture went with this article. I can't read Korean, please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I wonder if the actress pictured with the article is in fact the one who's confirmed for the role? Thanks in advance, and I hope I'm wrong!!!!! Looking forward to Ep.3 of the musical - have been saving it to watch later on today. I was able to see the clip where she sings in the audition and what can I say... just listening to this song brought tears to my eyes. Thanks to all for making this thread so much fun and for keeping us abreast of all the news!!! B)

  13. Sue, thank you so much for your translations which clarify a lot of the things that I didn't quite understand in the drama. You're an angel! I just wanted to say that I'm not very worried about the ratings game at this point. Sometimes the ratings are a little misleading because part of it is the night the program comes on and the other programs in the same time slot that are showing. One of the most popular dramas of this year was MBC's The Greatest Love, which dominated the ratings and in the same time slot was SBS's City Hunter and I believe KBS's Romance Town? Well, until The Greatest Love ended, City Hunter, with all its popularity, had decent ratings but they weren't great until TGL ended, and then Heartstrings came on board and had to compete against these dramas that were already well established and popular. I watched Heartstrings and I really enjoyed it, probably because there were actors that I like in it, and I thought that the musical talents of Jong Hwa from CN Blue and Park Shin Hye were great! In the drama they're supposed to be students who are music majors, and they're not professionals yet, so it just fit. I especially liked the contrast between Jong Hwa playing the guitar and Shin Hye playing the traditional gayageum instrument. So, they were sort of like Go EunBi's character who is a student, very young, untrained musically, and who has a pure and raw talent in singing that Hong Jae recognizes. When you see Bae Gang Hee and EunBi side by side singing the same song, you can clearly see who the professional singer is, but isn't it supposed to be this way for the integrity of this story? Sorry, I'm being biased again.... but to my untrained ears, I think Go EunBi's sweet voice does fit the character at this point, and I'm going to trust that her singing will improve as the storyline progresses and EunBi gets more experience and coaching. Until then, I have my fingers crossed that the critics will not be too harsh on our Hyesun!! :( Very impatient for ep.3 :)

  14. :rolleyes: Waaaaaah!!!! Episode 2!!! This episode was riveting in so many ways, especially with the lines between the relationships being drawn and the plot has gotten more interesting with the addition of the Ok Ju Hyun/Choi Daniel storyline. But like many of you, I have seriously fallen more in love with Go EunBi and Hong Jae and the actors who portray them. Hats off to Hyesun, who is able to portray so many different emotions and who really makes her character come alive. She made me laugh and cry in this episode, and I'm wondering why YG President Yang Hyun Suk told her she should act instead of sing, because I could listen to her sweet and melodic voice all day long. The final kiss scene? It turned my insides into jelly :wub: ! It's been a long time since I've seen such a sweet and romantic moment in a drama. Next Friday seems so far away :P Have a great weekend all!!
  15. Good Morning Sunnies! After reading the first review of The Musical I just had to comment. This person does, indeed, sound like someone who has experience in the field and has high expectations of this drama. BUT, it is, after all, only Episode 1, where an introduction of the characters is made and I don't feel that the producers/writers have the luxury of going that much into detail without boring us to death. I found that the storyline moved along just right, we learned all the different aspects of Go EunBi, who is the main focus of the story, and the relationships that stem from her. I don't necessarily feel it was the intent to go into depth about musicals even though the title of the drama may imply it. Quite frankly I am watching this drama because of the characters who are in the music field, and I don't have any interest in the mechanics and accuracy of how a musical is portrayed. I have a daughter who has graduated with a degree in dance and who is in NYC right at this moment pursuing her dream. Among all of her friends who have gone there, none of them have yet to "make it" in the field of dance. They do odd jobs, take tons of dance classes, go to auditions and they struggle, but no matter how hard the struggle is, they don't really care because they are doing what they love. And a lot of them go against their parent's wishes :( (this I know firsthand and one of my concerns is that she'll meet a con artist like Christine - haha) So, to me Go EunBi is very "real" , she is portrayed perfectly in this first episode, and I hope the story continues going along the lines of all of the characters, and to inject the music as they did in Episode 1 was fine by me!!

    Calistarose - You so eloquently voiced everything I wanted to say ;)

    Thank you Sue and all of you Sunnies for all the hard work!! And for listening to my long-winded post. When it comes to HS I get a little "emotional" and feel "protective" blush.gif HAVE A GREAT DAY!!

  16. Hi Sunnies! You really are the best! I was able to watch the live streaming version of the Musical (it came on at about 3:00 am our time), so I was a little sleepy, but in just the first episode, I am enchanted by the wonderful characters in this drama. I didn't want it to end, I wanted more! I watched again at Drama Crazy today because I missed the beginning part, and noticed that when Eun Bi is in class and is watching a musical on her laptop, that she was seeing, if I'm not mistaken, Jo SeungWoo in his Jekyll/Hyde musical, and the class is singing Now is The Moment from that musical. I've read he'll also be making a cameo later on in the drama. I think it's awesome that a musical actor of his calibur is the lead in HS's movie Peach Tree. But getting back to the musical, what's there not to like? Of course I'm a little biased, but I loved Go EunBi from start! She's got brains as a top medical student, is spunky and very determined, but all the while she's somebody who is humble and adorable, the girl next door, someone very close to Hyesun herself. This character fits her like a glove! I also like the character of Chrsitine too, the con artist. This is only the second drama that I've seen PKL act in, and I think she does a brilliant job! The two of them together are hilarious! I've liked Daniel Choi from before the Musical, but really admire his acting skills in this drama - can't believe how the Hong Jay character is so different from the one he played in Baby Faced Beauty. As Hong Jay he's very manly and charismatic, and I love his smile! They couldn't have picked a more perfect partner for Go EunBi. This is the first time I'm seeing Park Kiwoong in a drama, so I didn't know what to expect, but he is great at being a cold businessman. As for Ock Juhyun, WOW, what a set of pipes! I think the ratings, while not the best, will do better as time goes on, because once they get a taste of the Musical, they'll want to see more of this very well made, very innovative and entertaining drama. Remember BOF? Their first ratings I believe were like 14% or so, and at the end of it they were pulling in 30+% ratings, so I have my fingers crossed that this will be the case here! Anyway, I'm so proud of our Hyesun and how once again, she's transformed herself into a character that I absolutely adore!! Yang Gukhwa, Yoon SoYoon, Geum Jandi, and now Go Eunbi. THE MUSICAL - FIGHTING!!!!!!! Thanks to all of you out there who provided all the info and the links, without which, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the first episode of Hyesun's comeback!! Have a great weekend!!! :D

  17. Thank you Meow for the teaser, trailer and pics from the MU. I'm the type that pretty much likes or dislikes a drama from the beginning, all the components have to fit together to get my attention. Just from this little peek of the MU, I am totally captivated! Love the music, the characters just pop, and I AM SO EXCITED I CAN"T STAND IT!! :w00t: And Hyesun's poster picture - her simple style and pure beauty takes my breath away! See you all on Tuesday! :lol:

  18. Hello Sunnies! Wow, what a week this has been for news about our Hyesun - I'm ecstatic!!! Thanks for your info and updates, pics, etc. - which I so greatly appreciate! As Sue has stated before, my condolences to all of you who may have been Minsun fans. It's a lot to digest and to process, and I'm sorry for any of you who may have been hurt by the news. BUT.....my only and final thought on the whole matter is, I bet Hyesun would be happy for him! Being such a genuinely good person who cherishes her friendships, I believe she and Minho remain good friends and that she would be happy for him. Period. Other than that, I really don't care about his news as much as I do hers! :w00t: Waaahhhh! The Musical is coming! After reading the comment by that one person who said she woke up in the middle of the night thinking about the kiss scene between Choi Daniel and Hyesun? I can't wait for this! And after seeing his recent acting roles, I've really come to like Choi Daniel and look forward to seeing their onscreen chemistry! He's funny, cute, and I like the way he's supported her from day one when he attended her Yosool premiere, to his cameo role in Peach Tree, and I especially like how he and Hyesun have openly gone out in public as friends without having to worry about it too much. He's a good man in my book. :rolleyes: I am soooo crossing my fingers too for Hyesun's participation in Fly Again! I think it would really be a great "meaty" role for her to play a pilot, and if she does, I'm wondering who would play the male lead in this drama. So many possibilities! I vote for Lee Hyun Jin (Heartstrings), Lee Sang Woo, Jung Gyu Woon, or Park Shi Hoo. Of course I would love for her to act again with Suh Jisuk from Pure 19!! :P We still have Peach Tree and AD to look forward to too!!! I think I'm going to be in 7th Heaven for the next few months with her projects!! Finally, I love "Ghamja" - he is soooo adorable! I too have 2 golden retrievers like him, both boys, and they are very sweet and affectionate dogs. They crave a lot of attention and love people - I'd say the perfect match for Hyesun, and I bet that's why he's out where people can go up to pet him and play with him. Wish all of you a good week, and am looking forward to all the upcoming events for uri Hyesun!! Praying also for a press con for the Musical!!! Thanks again Sunnies!!! :D

  19. Good day to all of you Sunnies out there! :D I have been voting like crazy in the poll these past few days and was so discouraged when Hyesun dropped to #4 with quite a big gap between herself and the top 3 contenders. But I never gave up hope, had a lot of confidence that as a group we could push her to the top spot, and lo and behold, she's now at #1! Sunnies are the best!! :w00t: On a different note, I went to see the last installment of the Harry Potter movie last night. Everything about it was awesome - I can't even find the words to describe it. The thing that touched me the most though was the friendship that was portrayed throughout the series between the 3 main characters and what a journey it was. After the movie I couldn't help thinking that these stories were made up by a virtually unknown author, J.K. Rowlings who was able to weave this magical story with her imagination and a talent for writing, two attributes that Hyesun also posesses. Then I thought how one day I would love to be sitting in a theater to experience watching a film of this magnitude authored and directed by our beloved Ku Hyesun. In my opinion, she's definitely headed in the right direction. Thanks to all who voted and thanks to all of you who always provide us with the latest news and update on her activities. I miss her so badly these days and look forward to reading every little tidbit I can about her. :P

  20. Good evening Sunnies! I too wanted to comment on the AD trailer that showcased what we can expect from this drama. Of course because I am such a fan of HS, I laughed and was in awe at all the different faces that she could actually make, and as silly/dorky as her character appears to be, I loved it! But I can understand where some of you are coming from about her overacting. First of all, we are talking about a manga/comic which is being made into a drama. I watched all 3 versions of the BOF drama and read the manga, and all 3 were interpreted in different ways. I feel that Hyesun got a lot of her inspiration straight from the manga, which she admitted to herself on one of her appearances, and she fashioned her character, including facial expressions and mannerisms from the manga. If you've ever watched the cartoon version of BOF, HS's acting is pretty similar to the cartoon character. So...., in my opinion, her acting was perfect as far as adapting the cartoon to a live drama. ^_^ I enjoyed all the versions of BOF, with all their differences, and all 3 female characters - Shancai, Tsukushi, and Jandi, had me laughing and crying and rooting for them until the end. This is my measuring stick of whether their acting was good or not. As far as AD, of course I pray for its success, but I'm so happy to see her act again that I don't care what anybody else says, I plan to enjoy AD to the fullest! And it doesn't hurt that Jiro looks simply amazing alongside Hyesun! I've seen the Japanese version of AD. Looks like HS will portray the character in her own different way but it's all good; I think we're in for a fun time! :D

  21. Good Morning Sunnies! Any news yet of HS attending Fahrenheit's fan meeting? So far I've only seen pictures of Super Junior members on stage with them but none of our HS :( Hope to hear some news soon! On a different note, I've voted in the KBS poll for 1N2D actresses episode, and I think HS would be a natural for this show. They're assigned different missions and play games that result in winning prizes of meals and sleeping quarters (losers usually have to sleep outside). It's hilarious! We all know how smart and competitive HS is, (her love of food would make it even more fun), and she has worked with many of the members before: she acted with Lee Seung Gi in nonstop 5, was on X-Man and YSMM with Kang Ho Dong as host, AND interacted with Kim Jong Min in one of the funniest episodes of X-Man that I've ever seen, and has been on a couple entertainment programs with Lee Su Geon as host too. Right now it looks like she's in 1st place in the poll - I've got my fingers crossed that she'll be picked!! :D

    Thank you all for your news, pictures, and translations!!!!

  22. Hi smdrma! Thanks for the pix.

    I think you are right! That guy with glasses does look like GHS's new manager. He is a new manager?? What happened to the old one? So this new manager is also in Taiwan with GHS? I know that GHS's old manager is married and I am sure that it would have been very hard for him to leave his family for about 4 months!

    Who is Richard Rim. Is he also a Taiwanese actor? Do any of you know what part he may play in AD?

    Thanks again Sunnies! :)

    Hi Sue! Regarding smdrma's picture of HS's manager, I first noticed him when she went to the opening ceremony for new students at her college. I thought he was perhaps a student accompanying her around campus. But then I spotted him at other events and at the same time noticed the absence of her other manager, who has been with her a very long time. I'm not sure if he is no longer her manager, perhaps she requires more than one now, but if you look back at all of her appearances, CF's, dramas, etc. for the past 4 years or so, you would see her with her old manager. I last saw him when she was filming The Musical. Basically it's a 24/7 job and includes constant travel and I would imagine would be difficult for someone who's married. I remember one appearance that she made on Park Kyung Lim's program when her good friend Lee Minwoo from Shinwa called his friends to come out, she came with her manager, very late at night and at the spur of the moment. If he has "retired" from this job I wish him the best and wish the best also to her new manager. He looks very young but responsible and seems kind too. :P Oh, and I tried to google Richard Rim but couldn't find any information. I can't remember another male role in the Japanese AD either, maybe the part of an office worker? We'll have to wait and see. Thanks again Sunnies for all the news from Taiwan!!!

  23. Thanks smdrma and meow for the latest pics of Hyesun and Jiro!! Sunnies, you are the best!!! If this isn't chemistry, then I don't know what is - they look look like a perfect match to me! And the more I read and hear about Jiro and how he treats Hyesun, the more I adore him! Sue, didn't HS plan to be in Taiwan for 3 months or so and start school in July? I wonder if HS would make a special appearance at Farenheit's Korean fan meeting - it would make sense, since I would think they'd want to promote the drama in Korea too.... but WOW, I'm loving these pics so much - can't wait to see the real thing when it airs - I can just imagine how cute their interaction will be LIVE!! Thanks again Sunnies!!! :w00t:

  24. Ghamja is so cute, his head and face almost the same same as his master!! lol and look at the size of his paws - he's going to be a big boy!!

    Jiro is totally HOT and handsome in this picture. If I remember correctly the Japanese robot wore a track suit? or dressed very casually - don't remember him looking like this!

    Thanks Meow, PrettyWiz, and Sue for the news and pics!! :D

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