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Posts posted by kgrl43

  1. Hi Everyone!  Hope your week is going well.  As always, I am sooo thankful for all of your hard work in keeping us informed of HS's activities!  Although she's not acting, at least we can see and hear about her through her various other projects.  I can't wait until Sept when she starts working on her new film!!
    Meow - thank you for the news of Hyesun on FM Music City This Is Sung Si Kyung.  Sunnies, remember one of HS's first appearances in a music video was Sung Si Kyung's MV in which she played a maid and they go out on a "date" and yet at the end he can't find her or see her in his video camera?  He is one of my favorite singers and what I wouldn't give to hear them do a duet together.   

    Also looking forward to her interview on the MNet the Music Interview.  It looks like they filmed at Cafe Manolin.  Loved the duet with (sorry I forgot his name) the guitar player.  He's really good and harmonized  well with her sweet voice!  She's wearing her hair in a little ponytail again - must be it's getting longer.  She looks very happy and content these days and of course, beautiful.  Thanks again for everything Sunnies!  Please take care of yourselves......(sorry the spacing in my post looks weird but I can't fix it).... Stay well...... :-*

  2. Hello there Sunnies!!  It's been awhile since I posted...been super busy... just wanted to drop by to say thank you so much for all the news and updates on Hyesun.  I'm forever grateful and look forward to coming here to see what's going on.   :)

    I really like Hyesun's new song "It's You".  Love the melody, her sweet voice, the background singers, and of course the guitar accompaniment.   The total package - is awesome!!  At first I wasn't quite sure what to make of the MV,  but then I saw a critique of the song/MV (posted on joondi thread by gayu312) by white boy Kpop (?)  who totally loved this MV and enlightened me on what it was all about.  This is a guy who does not know who Hyesun is and has never heard her music before.  The link provided was :
    http://youtu.be/v-u4kdusQoA  It was nice to hear such high praise for her music,  which she so richly deserves!!  And I'm happy to see that YG is also promoting all of her activities.  These days they've got a full plate with all of their artists, but news of Hyesun is regularly posted on the YG Family Thread. 

    I'm really looking forward to her next big project, her new movie, and am wondering who she will cast as the main male lead.  I am sooo hoping for her to do another project with Choi Daniel but looking back on her past partners, Eric would be nice too.  And then there's Lee Sang Woo...who is currently acting in a drama with Nam Sang Mi and Kim Ji Hoon and who was on that Hwasin program with KJH when they were talking about his scandals.  Or how about Jung Gyu Woon?  I like her donseng actors but wouldn't mind an "older" male lead (but not too much older)  that she has great chemistry with!!!   kekeke   the suspense is killing me and she must have someone in mind already if they're going to start working in September, right? 

    My personal "big news" and the reason why I haven't been posting much is because "sniff", my eldest daughter graduated from college in May and in June found out that she was accepted into one of the programs where she will be going overseas to teach English.  She leaves in a few days.  I'm so sad that she'll be gone from home but excited for her at the same time for all the new things that she'll be experiencing.  Oh... and she is going to be in Korea!!   I believe they train for a month in the city and then get sent to their prospective schools and she was told that her location may be Jeolla Do.  It's in the southern part of S.Korea, by the ocean, and they're known to have good seafood - she'll love that!!!!   It's sounds kind of remote, so I'm packing like crazy, not knowing what the shopping situation will be over there.   kekeke...  She made a promise to me that when time permits, she will go and visit Cafe Manolin, and will hopefully bring me a souvenir or maybe even an autograph of GHS!!!   If that ever happens, I'll be sure to share it here  :D

    Sunnies, you are the best!  Please keep yourselves healthy and be happy!!   <3

  3. Hello Sunnies!  Just when I think I couldn't possibly adore and admire her more than I already do, HS sweeps me off my feet again and shows me just how special she is   <:-P Her Samsung CF is brilliant!!  I love it!  As s_sun mentioned, I'm not sure I totally understand the concept, but I got the gist of it and thought she did a wonderful job.  I loved how she transitioned from the past with the little kids and the yellow lab puppy to the present with the adults and the now grown up lab.  At first I thought it was Gamja, but this dog was definitely not a golden retriever.  Oh and also loved the music which sounded very similar to the song she wrote for Please Captain, and not only did she actively participate in writing the song, but sings in it as well.  I did watch the other CF's by the other directors, which I must say were all great and I was touched especially by the one with the daughter who's in the fashion industry and goes to visit her mother.  BUT, okay, I admit I'm biased, I liked the CF by HS the best!!  It was so vibrant, refreshing, and cute,  and it amazes me how she was a part of every facet of the CF from directing to acting to composing the music - and the end product is so wonderful!!   Thank you all for bringing the latest news to us in this thread everyday - you're all great and I really appreciate it!!   Be happy and healthy Sunnies!

  4. Hi Sunnies!  I was so enamored of SIG/GHS MV that I find myself stalking all the promotions SIG has been doing   :P Sorry, I'm so incompetent, but he did a radio appearance dated 130415 called simsimtapa radio, which is hosted by Shindong of Super Junior (who I happen to like because he's so friendly and bubbly and in spite of his size can really dance!!).  In this radio interview, which most of it I can't understand, SIG performs the song With Laughter and With Tears live and in part 5 he talks quite extensively on how the MV came about and about GHS.  He describes about how they filmed the back hug and from what I could make out is saying how pretty that scene was with GHS until he came in and he uses the term "ajusshi" - to describe himself in the scene.  Sorry, perhaps someone else can give us a more accurate account of what he's saying.  But I love how he still addresses her as GHS sunbaenim, each time he talks about her.  Of course Shindong has met her on numerous occasions - his SJ member Donghae is a close childhood friend of hers, and they met up a lot when she was with SM and probably on all of their appearances on Inkigayo and other programs back in the day. 

    Sue:  I tried to take a look at the other radio interview and music program interview from the dcinside gallery that you posted earlier on page 1159 - and the link no longer works.  Is there a time limit as to how long you can view it?  Btw, I watched Reply 1997 and really enjoyed it!  It's kind of neat how they are all at a reunion in 1997 and everything flashes back to when they're younger and the reunion scenes give you hints of what hasn't happened yet.  And their Busan accents - daebak!!  The main character played by EunJi of A Pink was great.  She is actually from Busan so her character was really natural, and I loved the actors who played her parents!! - Hilarious!   From what I understand, there were different PD for this drama, so some of them are actually acting as well in the drama itself.  SIG I thought did a wonderful job, especially since he was a newcomer - his scenes made me cry on several occasions, and the relationships between the characters were very special and heartwarming. 

    Saw the pictures of her volunteer work on the mural on Joondi thread.  Incredible how she still looks stunning in her white jacket and orange scarf even when she's painting and cleaning.  :)   Everyone, please have a great weekend and whatever you're doing, be happy, and stay safe!!! 

  5. You can see Seo In Guk's live comeback performances of With Laughter and With Tears on Mcountdown and on Music Bank.  Sorry Sunnies for my incompetence  of bringing it to you here.  I just searched under his name for the past 24 hrs and was able to find it there.   He has a very powerful presence singing live - they show a little clip of his MV before he starts singing - I wish GHS could make a special appearance, that would be sooo sweet, but it's not something I think she would do.  Of course she does promote her own work a lot, and the popularity of this song could only help sales of her song too, right?  kekeke......anything to see her onscreen......preferably with SIG!!!   :P

  6. Hey there everyone!!  Wow......speechless..... I must have watched the MV at least a hundred times since yesterday and listened to Hyesun's song at least that many times too.  The MV blew me away, not only because of GHS's presence in it and she was awesome, but because I got to see how talented Seo In Guk is as an actor and a singer - he's great and I am now a bonafide fan of his as well.  I like the cute way in which he calls her sunbaenim which shows how respectful he is of her and yet kekeke, who wouldn't stare at her like that - I don't think he could help himself!!    =D>

    You know, I have to admit, I didn't quite understand the MV and what happens at the end.  I know that it's sad, they're not together, but what do all of those bodies on the ground mean and GHS as the bartender with the heavy makeup represent?  To me it looks like he beats all of the patrons in the bar where she bartends (or is it all symbolism here?)  and looks at himself in the mirror to validate that he's still the strongest and the best, then leaves her.  ??? Sorry, I just wanted to understand it so badly and my brain won't let me.   My daughter and I watched together and she told me to "think outside of the box" - her take on the MV and mine were totally different.

    GHS seems to have a history of acting in MV with very sad endings - The Reason I Close My Eyes in which she dies, Yesterday Is Different From Today, where her loved one dies in the car, Forget You by Soulstar in which she runs away from her boyfriend at the end.  Most MV related to love seem to have the sad theme where someone dies or they break up.  But in any case, I'm so happy that she finally did a new MV with Seo In Guk and hope to see them in another project together.  They really look good together. I am still waiting to see her in a YG MV too - I'd like to see her in something totally different - like showcased in a Big Bang, GD, or even 2Ne1 project - their MVs are usually very vibrant and have great choreography.

    Sunnies, thanks so much for your hard work.  I always say I appreciate it but maybe you don't know how much.  I have a very stressful working environment at the animal hospital with never a dull moment, so when I come home and need to unwind, this is where I come.  All of the updates that you bring to this thread, seriously, really make my day, and so from the bottom of my heart, I want to say thanks for everything!!!   Have a happy and healthy weekend everyone.  Until we meet again.....  :-*

  7. Wow, thanks everyone for more news on the SIG + GHS MV - meow, sukreen, ghsforever, sue, and everyone - you're awesome!!!   Sorry for gushing but I can't get over how cute this couple is!

    Sue, you can watch the Happy Together episode with Park Seul Gi on iThe Time Blog.  This is how I found it:  google search Happy Together 3 Ep 194  and then I looked under heading EngSub 110602.  The interaction between CD and PSG - very funny!!  PSG was not in the cast of BFB but is just a special guest.

    Just my take of her hair extensions:  I can't imagine GHS doing hair extensions "just because" .  It's possible I suppose, but she's always been about comfort and simplicity, and I still think she may have had a work-related reason for doing the hair extensions.  With all of her activities, like when she directs, she likes her hair short because it's easy to take care of.  I really, really hope that she did a CF or some other project , perhaps an audition for a part in a drama or movie?  When she lengthened her hair before, didn't she do the Doutour CF and the other one - insurance co can't remember the name which required  her to have long hair, and then she did her BOF activities and piano concerts as well.  I actually love her with long locks but wow, she's so pretty in the SIG MV with the shoulder length hair too.  It really doesn't matter when you're a natural beauty  ;;)

    Lastly to setareh25 - you go girl and good luck getting her autograph!  All of us here would love to be in your shoes, and if I had the opportunity, I'd definitely go for it!!  Knowing Hyesun's big heart, I believe she'll be very gracious and be more than happy to sign it !!   We'll all be waiting to hear the outcome     :)

  8. Good Morning Sunnies!  It's a brand new exciting week for us - with all the news of our beloved GHS!  Thank you all especially Meow + Sue for bringing us the Section TV interview - waaaaaah - so cute!!!!    :x   I'm not very familiar with Seo In Guk but he completely won me over with his presence - very manly, HOT, good singer, and just how adorable he was with GHS.  I love how she, no matter how many partners she's had, and how famous she's become, she is still so humble and blushes when she's embarrassed.  I've read that SIG is about 3 years younger than she is but hey, their chemistry was great, and during the filming of the mv they looked like a real young couple who are in love - flirty and playful, and laughing.  Thank you all!!  

    And robbo4:  I also am a big fan of Park Seul -Gi who cracks me up all the time!  She is the one who interviewed the Peach Tree cast, and she also did KHJ interview during BOF (remember she sneakily asked him if he liked her and to say a few words to GHS after she got hurt).  She is just a bundle of energy and if you want to see something hilarious (sorry I don't know how to bring it over) watch the episode of Happy Together with the cast of Baby Faced Beauty.  I watched it mainly to see Choi Daniel, but PSG stole the show when she demonstrated what she learned in aerobics class. kekeke - you'll love Choi Daniel's expression when he watches her!

    I hope all of you are well - I'm very happy to see GHS looking so happy and pretty - she really looks her best when she is like her natural self - dressed simply with minimal makeup - the mv really brought that out.  Oh, and let's not forget - the song she wrote sounds AMAZING!!   Thanks again everyone - please stay healthy and will look forward to more greatness from GHS!    :D

  9. Good Morning Sunnies and hope your weekend is going well   :)    As always, thanks for all of your posts, and I'm so excited for all of you who will not only meet GHS in HK  but will also get to see your fellow GHS fans in person.  I hope one day to be included in the group.

    I recently found out how much of a "fangirl" I am, even at my age with 3 grown children.  Last week, it was announced that Suh Jisuk, HS's partner from Pure 19 will be getting married in May.  His fiancee is not in the industry, but is a florist, I believe they reported she's 27 yo, and they met through friends.  I'm really happy for him, and I know that the characters in the drama are not real and they are not together in real life, but something inside of me was kind of sad   :((    I guess after years of being in love with this onscreen couple from my all time favorite drama, I actually felt kind of "deflated"  - kekeke.  Anyhow, I'll get over it, I know, and I stil hope that they one day will get to get to act together again - their chemistry was really something.   I wish him all the best! 

    Prettywiz:  I think you're right - out of the Shinhwa members HS is closest to Minwoo, they have a lot of friends in common - and although she worked with Andy and Eric, you don't hear too much about their relationships outside of work.  Eric did say that it took a long time for them to feel comfortable with each other - he's kind of a 4D personality too,  sort of like KHJ in that he's so handsome and manly, but he has that other side that is hilarious.  If you go and look at pictures from his various filmsites, you will see him holding Hello Kitty fans, which he seems to like and I saw him on a radio show once with a Pikachu backpack.  His sense of humor is a little different - I remember when they were on I believe YSMM once, the other members told the story of how Eric would lay in the bathtub for hours in their house, or anywhere for that matter, just to be able to scare them when they least expected it - kekeke.  I still think that he and HS make a very striking couple yet if any of you watched HS co-host Inkigayo with Andy, they were REALLY cute together too.   Sometimes when Andy was gone she worked with other idols like Heechul and Siwon from Super Junior, honestly she looked good with everyone, but I liked Andy the best and for someone who is basically shy, she was great at being an mc. 

    As for Lee Bo Young, I do know that HS has kept in touch with her  since they acted in Ballad of Suh Dong (I have this DVD but haven't watched it all the way through because it's so many episodes).  Haven't heard anything about her and Jisung breaking up and in fact when they're asked about each other in interviews like when they plan to marry, both of them are pretty close mouthed about their relationship.  Korean celebrities try very hard to keep their private lives private, to prevent  rumors from spreading that may affect their popularity and image perhaps?  HS has surprised me on more than one occasion with the connections she has in the entertainment field that I never knew she had (like JYP and Jong Yup) - she probably has acquaintances in the biz that she meets up with here and there that we'll never know about, but that's okay.  The main thing is that she's going out more and meeting with friends and enjoying her life.  I like to hear accounts like the person who saw her with Nam Sang Mi at the wedding - it shows that she is the type of person who may not have hundreds of contacts in her cellphone, but her close friends are lifelong ones. 

    My final thought for today:  HS ssi, please act again soon - I miss seeing you on the screen!!!!     [-O<      All of you who celebrate this holiday, Happy Easter - early!  Have a healthy and happy week!

  10. Good morning Sunnies!  Thank you for all the goodies and news on GHS! 

    Sue: Yes, Hyesun is very close to Shinhwa members and not only Minwoo but also Eric, whom she co-starred with in Strongest Chilwoo and Andy, who was her co-host on the musical program Inkigayo.   I've also seen her in pictures with Dongwan and he did say that she is one of the actresses that he'd like to work with.  (My daughter is a huge fan of theirs so we have a lot of Shinhwa memorabilia around the house). kekeke  Most of them returned from the military not too long ago ~ 1-2 years or so - I'm guessing they're in their early 30's.  Over the years I would hear about who they were dating in the industry, but as far as I know they are not married. 

    Everyone - have a great week and please stay well.    :)

  11. Dear Hannah,
         Although the news of your passing is so very sad, I am glad that your body is now free from suffering and that you can rest in peace.  Your nanny shared such a beautiful letter with us and the way in which you lived your life inspires me, just like GHS does, to become a better person and to help others.  Thank you so much for touching my life.  God Bless You and May You Rest In Peace. 

  12. Dear Hannahnitura:  I've read many of your posts in the past and just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your love and enthusiasm for GHS and KHJ with us.  Your posts really made an impression on me because the Junpyo/Jandi couple had such a huge following, much more so than Jihoo/Jandi, yet this couple in BOF were so cute and had some very memorable scenes together  (horseback ride, carwash, hair trim, trip to Macao, wedding shoot, etc.).  I actually couldn't make up my mind between the two, up to the very end. kekeke.  I loved how KHJ in real life was able to just come out and say things about GHS without any fear of repercussions (like how sexy she looked at the premiere), and showed how close their friendship became.  So, dear Hannah, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your posts and that I enjoyed them immensely!!!

    If there's any chance that you're reading this, please know that you are in my heart and in my prayers and that I have hope... to see your posts again in the future.  God Bless You!!!

  13. Good morning Sunnies!   Thank you for all the news about HS, especially about her possibly joining the cast of Gold Appear.  I think she would be great in this role and have my fingers crossed that she'll take the role.  She does well in family type dramas if Pure 19 is any indication, and as you know, this drama to this day is my favorite GHS drama of all time!  Also, weekend dramas do tend to do well as far as viewership and ratings - hopefully it will have a good time slot!
    As for the two female actresses confirmed for the drama, Na Moon Hee is a veteran actress whom I adore - she played Hyun Bin's mom in My lovely Sam Soon and has played the mother/grandmother role in many dramas and is wonderful!  I'm not as familiar with Choi Myung Gil but know that she played Micky Yoonchun's mom in Miss  Ripley.  She looks as if she could play the part of someone evil, like a mother in law or something like that kekeke  but that remains to be seen. 
    I am putting all my trust in HS's judgement for accepting or declining this role.  She's been in the business for a very long time and can weigh the pros and cons and know what will work.  Good actors in a cast doesn't always guarantee success but I can just see her acting opposite Na Moon Hee and think they'd act really well together.  Throw in a handsome and capable actor and bingo, I'm happy!!   :P  Sorry to disagree with some of the DC fans, but I adore weekend dramas, with story lines that connect different families and situations, and the jewelry business - sounds very luxurious to me - I would love to see her wardrobe as a jewelry designer!   And when it all is said and done, I'm very selfish, I really just  want to see her act - period!!!
    Anyways, it's Thursday, yay!!  and the weekend is upon us.  Please be happy and stay healthy Sunnies  :)

  14. Happy Weekend Sunnies - Welcome to March!!

    Wow... GHS keeps surprising us with news - I think it's awesome that she has been invited to participate in the Redbull Collective Art Project.  Will be interesting to see what her contribution will be...

    My favorite GHS kiss scene of all time:  and I believe I've seen all of them kekeke  is the playground kiss in BOF - such a sweet and tender first kiss between two highschool kids - just the way the scene was presented where Junpyo gets down on his knees while she's in the swing, and the way they look at one another, and the way he moves in in slow motion - it was, I feel, executed, perfectly and looked very natural - that kiss made my toes curl...    It's strange...  I love the Eunbi/Jae Hee couple in TM, but thought the last kiss was a little awkward - perhaps because they were already very good friends in real life and it was, indeed awkward to kiss each other?  Curious though - when you look at her first kisses in NN5 with Seungi and Lee Jung, wow... they were pretty good.  Of course the actors themselves have something to do with how the kiss turns out but I think most of it is dictated by the director and how he wants it shot.  Btw, love YEH dramas too and yep, she is a good kisser!  :P

    Took a sidetrack from K dramas for awhile and am currently watching Miss Rose - from Taiwan.  It's a romantic comedy and Lei Wu Wu, remember him from Absolute Boyfriend, is in this one too.  It's pretty silly, but it's cracking me up, and it's kind of a refreshing change as Taiwanese dramas have a little different flavor to them. Also fell in love with Japanese actor/singer Tomohisa Yamashita (Yamapi) in Code Blue and Buzzer Beat.  

    Do any of you think Hyesun has a new stylist and is trying to project a new image?  Three appearances , all of them in dresses and heels, with long flowing hair - I love it and think she looks amazing but it's just curious how it's a complete turn around from what she's shown us in the past.  Just a thought....whatever the reason, I wholeheartedly approve!!!  

    Thanks to all of you for all of the news - as always you're the best!  Have a safe and fun weekend!    :-*

  15. Hello there Sunnies and Happy Valentine's Day!!    :x
    Waaah.... our princess has returned!!!    I say that because I was so pleasantly surprised and blown away by her pictures from the Last Stand movie premiere, and she really looks like a princess!!   Not only is she beautiful, but she exudes a freshness and pureness too.  And how out of character is it for her to wear such an amazing dress to a premiere?  I love her shoes by the way, don't know how anyone can walk in such high heels keke  and even her jewelry, the bracelets on her wrists are so demure and feminine.  Wow......  :-O
    Just a thought but do you think she could be acting in something?  Her hair looks so long that to me it seems she might have added extensions like she did the last time she did her Doutor CF.  I know it's grown, but could it have grown that much in just a month or so?   My thought and prayer is that she is, and whatever it is requires her to have long hair.  In any case she looks gorgeous, I love it!!!  Btw, to me she looks the same as far as weight but I think her legs look more muscular and toned - perhaps she fulfilled her promise to the trainer at YG and is going there to work out!  
    Thanks Sue, Mil12, and Meow for the pics - like a lot of the others here, you definitely made my day!!!!  Sunnies, you're the greatest - please stay well!! <:-P

  16. Hi there!  I'm sorry, I don't know how to bring them over, but my all time favorite CF's are the Tous Les Jours CF's with Jo In Sung.  They are very compatible in looks and even in personality, and since she does list him as one of her life's mentors, I'm guessing they got along well.  I like all of them, the shoe story, library, Valentine Day, etc., each one executed in such a cute way, and I like the ones with Rain too. 

    I keep coming back to this thread on a daily basis, hoping and praying  [-O<, checking to see if there's any news, but to no avail!   It's as if she's disappeared off the face of the earth.  I was certain that we'd hear something, even a little morsel of news when she received our cards and letters, and hopefully that will still happen.  I  check the YG thread and they are still posting news of her, so that's a little encouraging.  It really is baffling, and I hope that she is taking a break in a good way, spending this time to relax, vacation, and doing the things she wants to do out of the public eye.  In any case, I think we'll hear something soon.  

    It's strange how my interest in other dramas has waned since there's no news of HS either.  I started to watch Cheongdamdong Alice and Flower Boy Next Door but at the halfway point I'm kind of losing interest.  I need my Hyesun fix!!!!!   kekeke   To all of you keeping this thread alive, thank you,  you continue to be the best.  I'm glad I have you to commiserate with over "our loss".  Please stay well .... to all of you - FIGHTING!!!!

  17. I too, am wondering about the absence of HS from the YG Actor Audition Poster.  What could it possibly mean?  When I first heard about it from S-sun, I went to the YG Family website and to their thread, and saw the recent news posted there about her appearance at the Gift from Room 7 premiere.  So they are still posting news about her under the company.  Two thoughts that came to mind are that she is 1)  on a "hiatus" from company activities to concentrate on school and other activities such as directing, charity work, etc. or 2)  that she will not be participating in this audition process in the same capacity that perhaps some of the others may be such as being a judge - like how Psy was a judge on Superstar K4.  ????  I don't know... it is a mystery......I guess we'll just have to be patient and see what comes about in the next few weeks.  
    I was watching tv last night and very unexpectedly, at 9:30, the first episode of a new drama came on and it was THE MUSICAL!!!!   I was half asleep when I heard the music and Bing!!  my eyes popped open.  kekeke.  You don't know how happy that made me!!!!   :D  I really love this drama and her portrayal of Go EunBi, being able to hear her sing, and just seeing her act with CD - whom I love!!!!  It's all G!!!  
    I think now that GHS is really "growing up" and her life is changing, as a fan I have to change too.  She's not the young girl who acted in Nonstop 5 and Pure 19 anymore,  is doing less as an actress and is following the different paths that her life has to offer and I have to accept this.   :((     Back then even without twitter she was constantly acting in back to back dramas, doing CF's, etc., and you would hear about her very regularly through the media.  It seems that her superstar status since BOF has really changed that.  I'm happy for her, of course, but sad at the same time, and I guess all I can do is show my love and support for whatever comes her way.  She is such a genuinely good person - I think that we will hear some kind of response when she receives our love letters. Today is the day that I write them out - I hope I can express myself properly - wish me luck!!   :)

  18. Hey there Sunnies!  I am getting excited for the Love Letter Project and will start to prepare my letter as well. Just wanted to share something with you:  my daughter buys a lot of music through a friend in Korea.  They purchase it for her and mail it to us here in the US via air mail.  From what she tells me  it can take up to two weeks but she recently received a small parcel from Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul, SK, and it took 6 days to get here. She says that the mailing time varies, I don't know why,  so it can take up to two weeks but in this case it arrived in just a few days.   I think no matter what, she will be very touched by this outpouring of love and we will definitely make an impact.  Have a great weekend everyone!    :)>-
    Oh, and to dee_dina, I think it would be fine to send letters to YG on the same day as long as they're not offensive.  I believe they do listen to what fans have to say - after all we are their bread and butter.  My above-mentioned daughter is a diehard SNSD fan and is really into SM music artists.  She says that for the longest time the musical videos that they produced were really redundant and not on par with other MV that were coming out so the fans all wrote in to the company and lo and behold, she reports they are really making an effort to give their MVs an "uplift".  (By the way I know I'm biased, okay, but I think the YG music videos are #1! - really bold, exciting, and on the edge- keke)  Anyways, I don't think that sending both out on the same day would be harmful, and hopefully it will have a more dramatic impact that way!  

  19. S_sun, from what I remember, HS was in NY for about a month when she filmed August Rush.  I remember reading an interview where she said she only appeared on the screen for a few minutes but said that American movie sets were very different from those in Korea and she really had to prepare and had so much to learn for just those few moments of being on screen.  I know that she had other commitments in Korea waiting for her therefore could only spare those few weeks In NYC.
    I think that it's great that Sunnies are planning to let HS know how much we miss her via letters.  I think it would really touch her.  With regards to YG Family, though, I trust that she knows what she is doing.  She has been with Yang Hyun Suk for many years, since she was a teen, and he really did help guide her and is partly responsible for who she is today.  He is the one who recommended that she go into acting instead of singing, and if she had not listened, who knows where she would have ended up.  I know that she is close to him and has a lot of trust in him,  and honestly, she is a very strong and intelligent woman who would have left the agency on her own if she felt that she was being treated unfairly or not being given enough attention.  It's no secret that YG nurtures their musical artists more than their actors. Music is a really big and competitive field in Korea and I do know that the artists work really hard.  If any of you have watched 2NE1 tv or the ones with Big Bang, you've seen how they live, and the YG president is involved in their lives, 24/7 - not only in their music but on a personal level too.  I remember an episode where he knew that Sandara was feeling down so he actually went with the girls to the furniture store to pick out some things for their house.   Even at that, they are all very respectful and a little afraid of him and I think it was cute when Sandara told that story on Win Win about how the YG Pres really likes Hyesun and she calls him by his first name. I think that they do have a close relationship.  Recently he praised the wives of PSY and Tablo and credited them for their husbands success.  He has good solid values, is very savvy, and I for one believes she does get good support from him, we just don't hear about it as much.   I love the fact that they are collectively very involved in charity work and all of them give of themselves to charities, not only HS, and in my book, he's a good guy.  Sorry, didn't mean to go on and on but I think they have the kind of relationship that works for her - when she is in need, like when he financed her film Yosool, he is there for her, and yet he gives her free reign to pursue all of her other endeavors. From what I understand, it's their managers who really have a big role in their day to day lives and is the liasison between artist and company. He's responsible for everything that goes on so I hope that HS's manager is doing a good job.  He looks so young but has a kind face and seems like a very capable person!
    Sorry for being so long-winded but one more thing:  on Cheongdamdong Alice, the Moon Geun Young character does live in the same apt that Yang Gukhwa lived in Pure 19.  I think it's a set because they also used it in BOF - remember when Jandi and her brother had to move to that rooftop apt?  Sunnies, let's pray really hard to see her onscreen very soon.  I'm getting antsy not getting to see or hear about her   :((   Have a safe and happy weekend!!!

  20. Cheongdam dong Alice started this weekend on our local Korean station and I am absolutely loving it!!  Awesome characters and since I am a Park Shi Hoo fan I can't stop laughing at his portrayal of Jean Thierry Cha and of course Moon Geun Young is brilliant in her role, as usual.  At first I could not picture these two as a couple, (they aren't yet), but good actors can pull you into the story and make it believable, and these two have done exactly that.   Can't wait to see how it plays out!  
    I would like to see our GHS act in a drama like this, with lots of interesting characters, even if she had to play the evil role, and I'd love to see her act with Park Shii Hoo.  Yes, he is on my wish list to be one of her future acting partners.  Not since Gentleman's Dignity have I been enchanted with a Kdrama. 
    Sunnies, hang in there, I have a feeling she'll surface again soon.  She did say that she wanted to have a nice holiday with her family, and not think about work, so I think that's exactly what she's doing.  It's only Jan. 5 - I'm confident good news will appear soon.   ;)  Please take care of yourselves. 

  21. I have also voted my 19 votes and see that her ranking has gone up quite a bit!     :)  

    Just a little comment regarding all the controversy surrounding HS's twitter.   First of all, I do not know the reason why HS shut down her twitter account.    But in spite of the fact that we miss her tweets + pics through twitter, I liked it "back in the day" when she was just a popular actress that I adored and saw on tv and read about when articles were published about her.  She had a lot of friends, some of them idols/singers, but I was never aware of bashings and rumors spread about her because we weren't privy to that kind of info and we didn't have as many avenues in which to voice our opinions as we do now, so we just had what we had.  It was enough for me and I'm glad that back then she was somewhat protected from  people who have nothing better to do than to go around bashing other people through twitter, facebook, cyworld etc.    If this is the reason why she shut down, then I'm glad she did, and I will patiently wait for news about her the "old fashioned way".  Sorry, but it angers me to know that people have the freedom to state whatever they please on the internet, especially when the consequence is that someone gets hurt, someone innocent like HS.

    I hope the next news we hear is something more positive.  Sunnies, have a great weekend - it will all work out!!

  22. hyesunhair.jpgHappy New Year and Welcome to 2013!!!  

    Hope all of you entered the New Year safely and my best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous year, one in which we can strive towards fulfilling all of our dreams!  I'm very thankful for family and friends, and of course all of you who have become a part of my life too.  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for always sharing with us and bringing over all the news of our GHS and for all the translations as well  - I've said it before, but I appreciate you more than you know!!

    I have started watching School 2013 since so many of you recommended it - the actors, especially the two main young boys are awesome.  One of them Lee Jong Suk won the newcomer award at the KBS Drama Awards and Jang Nara won best actress in a miniseries.  CD didn't win anything but I love his look in the drama - very preppy and the glasses, sigh... I could look at him all day....  kekeke      A lot of HS's friends fared well in the end of the year awards.  Park Ki Woong from TM won best supporting actor for KBS's Bridal Mask.  If you have some time, check out the KBS Drama Awards - Ki Woong wowed me with his hair color - bright orange on top and blonde underneath it.  It just kind of took my breath away after seeing him as the prim and proper character on TM.  kekeke...    Jo Seung Woo won the MBC DAESANG award, top award of the night, for his role in the Horse Doctor.  They say it's his first ever tv drama and he went home with the top prize - woohoo!!    Of course no surprise that LMH won best actor too for Faith - this is the 3rd year in a row that he's won best actor in a drama. I was disappointed that our HS did not attend and did not win an award for Please Captain, but it was great to see her nominated and to see her up on the screen when they showed clips of each actress.  I'm a little biased, but I thought she deserved to win!!!!

    Meow, thanks for the link to the documentary that HS narrated.  The work that went into painting those murals was amazing. It was so beautiful, and I was touched to especially see the young ones who were so dedicated and focused on their project and working so hard to make it happen.  Of course I didn't understand what was being said but the effort of all the people came through loud and clear. 

    I was happy to hear that  HS attended JYP's concert Bad Jazz Bar - thanks Prettywiz for translating that tweet - it's good to see her out and about and socializing with other people in the biz.  I read that Se7en and his girlfriend Park Han Byul attended, I believe the same night and also actor Jung Gyu Woon.  My daughters went to the see the Wonder Girls in concert a couple years back and JYP also performed at the last minute because 2PM could not perform.  They said he was a great and if you've ever seen him dance, he's like the Michael Jackson of Korea.   I hope he comes back someday - I'd love to see him perform.  Anyway, I like it that HS does mingle with people in the industry.  Even if she says she's not close to many of them, I believe she does have a lot of friends and connections that will hopefully lead her to a future acting project!    One of my top wishes for 2013:  to see a GHS comeback either in a drama or movie this year, and more than once would be better!!!   :D

    Sunnies:  Sae Hae Bok Mahni Baduseyo! (sorry, spelling?)    Please stay well.... and Thank You!      <:-P

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