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Fatemeh Rahemi

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Posts posted by Fatemeh Rahemi

  1. 23 minutes ago, pixiebelle said:


    None of the other predators in this series needed help to lure victims.
    Tie-knot predator murdered enough females without any help.

    Predators think they have superior genes and are more concerned about getting a spouse and reproduce predator-junior. HJ is of no value to HH (may be of value to writer as a forced thread to weave in some plot).


    In my opinion HH did not need any help and he could do it alone, but predators like to have fun. May be it was like a game to him. 

    But it was writer's fault that didn't explain it in the drama. 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    think the fact that Shin Sang's daughter has the genes does not really tell that he has them. Just like how Yo Han's parents didn't have that gene, but he got the special gene. Or maybe, Shin Sang's father had that gene, it was passed on to Shin Sang, but it remained dormant in him. It would explain why this dude on learning his wife was pregnant with Shin Sang voted against that bill 20 years ago. 


    If I'm not mistaken in the special ep Choi young shin said to president shin that she knows his son had the gene and he tried to hide the fact. 

    But I believe that his gene was like Yo han and he was genius not psychopath. But about his daughter I'm not sure... 

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  3. 2 hours ago, nrllee said:

    by the way, did they ever explain why JE was the one to strangle BR at the shallow grave?

     Yes they did. Yo han told his mom that there's someone strange in their class. Ji eun got suspisious and went to see that kid. She saw Jae hoon taking his brother. So she saved the brother and strangled Jae hoon 

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  4. I'm really sad about Ji eun. Even moochi and Bi young tried a little to understand Ba reum. But no one tried to understand her. Not Hong joo and not  Yo han and not even his real son. She didn't deserve death. I liked her to live happily with her grandson 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Avocado80 said:

    The drama re-introduce me with LSG.. I knew him from 2005 from 2D1N when I first installed my cable TV and getting hooked with KBS station at that time.. Even I enjoy his songs such as Return, but I never pay much attention for his dramas..And because Mouse, I get to try Vagabond (binge it and enjoy it very much) and also watch others of his works in reality shows.. (I am writing while listening to his song...kekekeke.) Fortunately, he has sooo muuch TV programs so I definitely can release my withdrawal syndrome with watching them. 


    Me exactly :)) 


    I'm really confused right now. I don't know if I'm satisfied or not. The moment he was with Dong koo in the prison cell I thought yes he is back! but when I found out he's still repenting I was still happy!!! 

    The scene with his real mom Ji eun when he said he didn't want to kill Jae min was so heartbreaking. 

    But  the starting scene was so bad and I couldn't empathize with him. 

    I see the whole OZ thing so unfitted for the series. 

    And about the voting.. So the law passed, right? Then people only saw Bareum that had the gene and didn't think about someone like Yo han. It was so cruel. 

    I agree it was poorly done, but the idea was very interesting and it made me watch till the end. 


    And there's another thing. Lee hee jun and lee seung gi both was very good. I watched some parts of brilliant legacy lately and Seung gi is sooo much better now. Also Lee hee joon is so good and I'm sad that people don't talk about his great acting. He really needs an award

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  6. 18 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

    2 hours with ads so it's 1.5 hours episode without ads.


    By they, can someone explain me BR's change of character? Was it because of brain transplantation, amnesia, pills or what?


    Yo han's brain transplantation. Bareum didn't have any feelings before, but after the surgery he started to feel. So after he found out that he's a SK the guilt and the feel of hate toward himself made him like this. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, ferily said:

    Man what the heck? Special episode AND 2 endings? They are really milking this drama to the end. Why are they doing all of this? It’s not like this drama has been a super big hit in Korea too, right? Usually they’d do this if the drama is SUPER popular and getting a lot of love & attention.


    Wait so tomorrow’s episode, is it going to be 2 hours long? :o or is the length still 1 hour and the last hour is for the talk show or whatever?


    ‌‌It's two hours long. The special is on Thursday 

    1 hour ago, ferily said:

    Man what the heck? Special episode AND 2 endings? They are really milking this drama to the end. Why are they doing all of this? It’s not like this drama has been a super big hit in Korea too, right? Usually they’d do this if the drama is SUPER popular and getting a lot of love & attention.


    Wait so tomorrow’s episode, is it going to be 2 hours long? :o or is the length still 1 hour and the last hour is for the talk show or whatever?


    ‌‌It's two hours long. The special is on Thursday 

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  8. 1 hour ago, ferily said:

    The writer definitely dragged out many things in the drama. I don't like how the writer kept the viewers out of the dark as long as possible. Again comparing to Beyond Evil haha... I like how that drama reveals everything slowly and doesn't keep the viewers hanging for too long. This drama makes the viewers confused and have question after question. I think some of our main questions were answered but like even in the last few episodes of this drama, the drama throws more questions at us. Plus it doesn't clearly explain things (i.e. baby switch, why exactly HJ helped HH aside from her being captive, or BR alibi 1 year ago).


    I actually liked this about the drama. It was interesting. The problem is that she didn't explain things well. I was hopeful that she will answer my questions fully, but many things are so absurd and not answered. The things we talk about like baby swap and Hong ju should be answerd by the writer not the viewers. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, airgelaal said:

    Nope, they shown that it was Daniel. And Daniel himself told this to BR. And even more. Daniel trigged BR to kill Kang Duk-Soo and OZ helped him. It was after OZ tried to kill Daniel. So I can't understand want's going on with


    I watched the part again. Daniel didn't say he was the one. He just said the person was fleeing was not that lawyer. I think it was OZ doing. OZ wanted Bareum to kill people. So they helped him kill Kang Duk Soo. But Daniel just wanted him to kill predators.

    There was a scene ( I don't remember which ep) Daniel was having a fight with sb about why don't you stop him from killing people. The person's face was not clear, but I'm sure she was that political woman

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  10. 30 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    Wait, so @ferily, @nrllee can you explain to me since now I am completely confused over certain things. First the lady who tried to kill Jae Hoon just before their family murder happened, was she Ji Eun or was she the nurse? I was of the thought that it was Ji Eun. I mean was completely sure about it. But, if she was Ji Eun, then the whole baby swap would not make sense. As I mentioned before too, the kids were too old to be adopted after the incident. Mainly YH, since BR then started living with his aunt. If the baby swap happened so that the mothers could kill the child with less guilt, it does explain the whole conversation YH had with Michaela. 


    She was Ji eun. Child Swap happened when they were babies. the pic that Bareum had with her mom proves it. But about that scene, maybe Ji eun also was keeping an eye on Bareum or she saw him accidentally that he was going to kill his brother


    33 minutes ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    Secondly, do you know how suddenly Hong Ju is now working with Daniel Lee, and seeing their conversation and her dialogue "I will make sure to see the end of what you were doing (or something similar)" when Daniel Lee got caught by OZ dudes, made me feel like they know each other for sometime now. I feel like so many things have happened behind curtains that I am finding them too sudden. Daniel called Hong Ju, she stalled sometime for him to escape from BR's house. Hong Ju didn't know YH was working/taking care of Daniel Lee back then. It is just funny to see how Hong Ju is too involved with all this stuff since start, and yet not really much involved in the plot. Her character lacks development big time in my opinion. 


    It should be revealed in the last ep. We don’t know about it. But she could not be involved before  Yo han's dead

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  11. 20 minutes ago, airgelaal said:

    I think he noticed someone take his diary when he brought BY to his home. It was after he killed Go Mu-Won and long after he killed KSJ.

    But I can be wrong, because timeline here is soooo confusing. I lost the track. 


    Yes it was the night that he got attacked by Yo han. when he brought Bong yi home he went to his room and found out his diary is not there

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  12. I didn't understand why they switched babies? Couldn't each one raise her own child? 


    Also Hong ju's explanation about not going to her parents was not logical Does a little girl decide to leave her parents because she does not have the courage to see them??  And how did she grown up. They showed very little about her. I'm also very curious to know when she found out about Yo han being innocent 


    I liked Bong Yi before but now I just see her as a useless crazy woman. She does not have any real impact on the events. 


    Sang shik's dead was very bad. Why didn't they steal the laptop when he was buying the shoes? 

    (I'm sorry for suspecting you Sang shik-a) 


    What use did  Joon sang's lap top have for Bareum? He just saw OZ book and  searched about the kitty cafe?? 


    I didn't have a problem with how Bareum was, but not now. Until last ep Ba reum was a bad person, but now he is an innocent lab mouse. He wanted to be a good person but they triggerd him! they gave him bad pills! and also the aunt sits comfortably with him and speaks like he's not a psychopath killer!!



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  13. I'm now sure that Bareum is HH's son. the way Yo han talked to Jae hee was strange and Bareym found out too. It's because he went home crying. And also we now know Yo han took HH's blood sample and did DNA test using it. 

    Unlike most of you, I wasn't suspicious Of Shin, but now I am. Bareum found his killings evidence box in front of his desk. I don't know about his psycho gene but maybe his father is involved in the project. 


    It seems the organization people  started the project to see if any of them starts killing, they could have evidence for that law. But later they just used them as lab mice. That's why Daniel made his way seperate. 


    And in the preview, the body Moo chi was crying over was a new one?? I had a heart attack when thought it was Bi young's at first. Could it be that Ba reum is faking her death to save her? 


    I think some parts like hearing all of the facts from Jae hee was so funny. the writer did not know how to reveal, so she just did that with making her repeat Yohan's words:)) 

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  14. 8 hours ago, pixiebelle said:

    The Tie-Knot Murders' - not sure how it helped developed the story other than make it more confusing and dragged out more episodes and to tell us other than the 3 babies of ep1/2, there were other psychopaths ?!

     It also revealed that the girl body they thought is Hong ju's, is not. and Bareum killing the man made him realize that something's wrong about his head

    12 hours ago, bedifferent said:

    In the stills of episode 18, Bareum was seen devastated, clutching a photo or paper in his hand?  What do you think it is?  Is it his birth certificate or a picture of young YoHan/JaeHoon?  Something to make Bareum realize Yo Han is his kind childhood friend?


    He realized at the ep 17 that Yo han is his childhood friend. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, bedifferent said:

    .  I feel like the viewers are being asked to empathize with BaReum and justify his killings with all the reveals.  Now, he is the antihero for digging up Oz.  


    You're right. I'm one of the viewers you say:))

    Me while watching mouse:

    You crazy filthy psycopath... oh please don't get caught:/

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  16. 30 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    Somehow I don’t think this writer understands the concept of time and realistically how long it takes for things to happen.  I mean, how did BR attack BY at the church, then have time to clean up (bandage his cut arm so it doesn’t bleed), change his clothes and then reappear in a taxi at the church with his crutch, sniff out YH (the mint smell) and then head inside the church?  He’s not Superman or the Flash.  I don’t know.  Did they explain that in the Special Eps?

    Whole scene of the night of killing Moo won was Shown in the special and I personally was convinced. And when Bareum arrived people have been gathered already, so some times has been passed


    I think it's palusible that the person meeting Jae hee was Yo han. Because that woman said "who would know that he is..." ( Serial killer?) 


    I think the ferris wheel incident was set-up. Daniel wanted to fake his death. Maybe Yo han started to work with him so he disposed a body so that gov people think he's dead. I am thinking about Yo han as a good person so I don't want to say he killed that corpse. 

    2 hours ago, nrllee said:

    recall in Ep1 (?) when he first comes back to Korea and visits HH, HH asked him about a missing “brother” whom they never found?   When I went back to listen to what was asked, HH asked him about his “DongSaeng” which could mean brother or sister.  Subs translated it to brother.  What if it was Jennifer?  She went missing.  Which is why Daniel pinned HH in the interrogation room and asked about her after he was confirmed to be a serial killer.  HH never told him where her body was did he?  So she’s still missing.  Is Daniel’s fixation something to do with finding her missing body?

    She was definitely been killed. At least Daniel thought that. 

    Also she was HH's gf. HH wouldn't ask about her as dongsaeng

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  17. 10 hours ago, nrllee said:

    Didn’t he dump a body which we thought was Daniel into the lake/ocean?  Did he kill that guy?  Who may have been a serial killer?  Just like he was about to kill BR?  


    He dumped a body? Why don't I remember. Which episode? 


    7 hours ago, nrllee said:

    And the truth of the matter is, the warrior gene (MAOA) that they were talking about in Ep1?  It’s sex linked. :lol:.  Which means it resides on the X chromosome.  I didn’t really want to bring it up but it really blows a hole in the whole genetics argument regarding the dad being the one passing the warrior gene down to his sons.  In truth, it’s the mom who passes it down to her sons.  


    Men have XY chromosome. 


    5 hours ago, Avocado80 said:

    One thing that make me laugh is BR trying to ask many people whether YH had OZ mark...maybe the writer previously wanted BR to just ask HJ..She was his fiancee after all:surprisedwut:...but maybe the writer think that it is rather not appropriate so she put YH phone in Daniel warehouse..which it has a inbox message that tell YHis not the mmeber of OZ hahahaha....


    OMG you're right  It didnt come to my mind too:))) 



    Something's being on my mind. How could the smart and sly Ba reum don't find out about the aunt and especially the uncle for YEARS. the uncle had a family for himself. That boy didn't even know  him


    Also about the oz, 

    How in the world they are that fast. when somebody dies they take care of the body and the blood stains in 5 mins? and when one of them pressed the dial botton to call Moochi even before he can speak gets killed? 

    may be they are being watched. so what about them? they also have some people watching them??:) 

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  18. 1 hour ago, nrllee said:

    Okay this bit is a bit vague because I thought it was YH who witnessed Granny’s death but it looks like it was actually YH’s nervous friend who looked like him and was murdered by BR?  Turns out he was the guy who witnessed Grandma’s death?  And ran away from BR?  BR found his jacket tossed on the wayside and traced him back to his apartment?  That’s why he killed him? He was a part of Oz as well?  So I guess we were trolled again here just like we were trolled into believing JiEun strangled JH after she saved his step brother in the shallow grave.  :expressionless:

    No, the witness was Yo han. But the jacket was his friend's. if you remember when Bong Yi's grandma went to clean his house, he was with his friend. Then the friend left  without his jacket and Yo han wore that when leaving. 


    1 hour ago, nrllee said:

    don’t know why Daniel seemed so clueless about who is who and the facts of the case (when confronted by BR) when he’s the one doing the research and the gene tests?  He seemed surprised that BR was who he was?  :blink:  That definitely doesn’t make sense because he saw the original case files of JH (before he became BR) and was the one who said to the Police that JH’s polygraph shouldn’t be trusted? :expressionless:

    Daniel lied. Bareum said this too. He knew Daniel is hiding sth from him

    Bong Yi has met Ji eun before? When was it? I don't remember

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  19. 3 hours ago, Ahjumemshie Lee said:

    Please NO baby switch.


    JBR/JH is the son of Dr. Lee's friend? So Sung Yo Han & JBR have the same age? He's not the son of HH...


    The writer showed as a backstory was Han Seo Joon's case (involving Moo Chi & his family) as the start of a very complicated puzzle. So with the style of storytelling & treatment, the writer made us believed that JBR is HSJ's son but it is really Sung Yo Han BUT he didn't showed any signs of being a psychopath to Ji Eun (his mom) instead, he is the genius one. 

    ORGANIZATION OF PSYCHOPATHS???? (Moo Chi mode) :flushed:

    So What about the conversation Yo han had with Ji eun that said "you know your son is a killer"? 

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  20. 10 hours ago, nrllee said:

    Even if the conscience of YH torments him with guilt for the rest of his incarceration, is that sufficient?   And really if you think about it, it’s not BR who feels remorse.  It’s YH.  So I honestly cannot see a way out of this quandary the writer has conjured up for hers

    In real life, what punishment would be enough for a psycopath serial killer? I would say nothing. It is this world's limit. 

    So anything that torments him is good. Ba reum feeling remorse is tormenting him. So I thing it was clever for writer to make this happen. And of course it's NOT enough. He should have more punishments and also rot in hell after his death

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  21. 12 hours ago, tatusii said:

    it was a really good opportunity for BR to finish his job to kill BY.he could easily put the blame on YH but he didnt? 

    Bareum didnt need to kill Bi young. and Yo han was more important for him. Yohan came to his house that night to save Hankook and Bareum guessed it correctly. that's why he ran to his house. 

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  22. 12 minutes ago, nrllee said:

     I want YH’s story.  How he defeated the 99% evil gene to become the 1% genius?   Why the heck would I want to know what 99% of the population with that gene is going to do (become serial killers) anyway?  I want to know how that 1% results?  The anomaly?  How they beat the odds?  Was it his mom that helped him learn empathy?  He was bullied at school for being the HH’s son?  Did he have murderous thoughts too but somehow learnt to curb them?  Because I don’t know anymore if it was YH suggesting all those evil thoughts ie strangling BY or was that BR’s thoughts all along?  She’s muddled everything up with the brain transplant.  How did YH overcome that prejudice from high school and become a man who saved lives instead of taking them?  

    I'm pretty sure they will show us Yo han' story. 

    But about 1%,  if I remember correctly they said there's 1% possibility that the person having that gene is NOT psychopath. it means he didn't have ro do anything to feel emapthy. he's just a normal person in aspect of emotions. 

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