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Posts posted by bluesappir

  1. On 11/20/2021 at 1:16 PM, Emily Bett said:


    Watch every episode, it's pretty fast moving anyways and loads happens so you don't wanna miss out on anything. I'm seriously loving this drama so far!


    Tagging @bluesappir to join in on the fun!

    It has been months since I last visited the forum, and just now I saw the tag (thanks!). I read a review or two, and thought the story does sound quite intriguing. Real life has been going on the crazy side (in a good way), but I’ll keep it in mind, @Emily Bett

    • Love 3
  2. I don’t know if anyone still visits this particular thread, but I’m dropping by to share some sad news…


    Actress Kim Min Kyung, who played Mang Soon, Oh Bok’s grandmother, has sadly passed away this week. She was going to be 61 next month. The cause of her passing has not been mentioned.


    May she rest in peace, and my thoughts are with her family and friends during this difficult time. 

    • Sad 2
  3. 1 hour ago, maribella said:

    :frown: Just imagine that JH grew to be like KS by the time he's 40. They are only 23-24. Time will heal. The Chairman and the woman will start asking for a grandchild etc. etc.  I still can't accept a murderer is living happily. KS was never in her calculations until she lost everything.


    On something irrelevant, I was a real idiot at that age, less of an idiot now.


    If we think realistically, I agree with you, of course.

    Kyung Soo and Young Shin’s story is one of a kind, and as mentioned before, it did transcend the whole thing about the will they-won’t they or whatever along those lines. But how they had made us, supporters or not, follow their entire story… to see them end so tragically at the end is just really a blow that will take me some time to properly recover. Even though it’s fiction. I think it was all about having been so invested, so people like me was bound to get hurt.


    Time does heal, and I suppose most of us can speak from real life experience. When my dad passed away a few years ago, I don’t remember feeling as lost as I did during those days. It was painful at the time, but we all were able to keep going eventually. Like I said to someone once… time healing doesn’t necessarily mean that the void left is gone, but that we learn to live with it. Some aspects of the end of this drama brought back some of that pain, which is probably why this whole mess has been hurting even more.


    At the moment, as idiotic as I feel, just seeing Kyung Soo or even thinking about him is making me cry. I know it will pass, but right now… yeah. Even now I had to pause for a moment to grab a tissue.


    Haha, for what it’s worth, at that age I was quite an idiot myself… Like, what did I even know at that age? And I might have been perhaps interested in dating, but marriage? I was more like desperately trying to survive college life.

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  4. 2 hours ago, maribella said:

    Both JH and KS are in the picture. @bluesappir better not get your hopes up till it happens. :smile:

    The doctors found some new drug that may extend KS' life, so it's living from day to day for them. Or it was wrong diagnosis?




    Haha, no intention of getting my hopes up, no matter how much I wished for it. None of us truly held our breaths over it, especially when we saw the photo. Kyung Soo is wearing a suit, and Jung Hoon is the one in a tuxedo. That photo was a group photo that they took after wrapping up filming in the location, and the leads are side by side because they’re the leads. 

    If anything, the preview made it pretty much clear that the train wreck I had been following is exactly what it is. Kyung Soo got to see her wedding and probably passes away shortly after, and Young Shin ends up with Jung Hoon and learns to keep living and so forth. 

    It’s funny how at the end of every episode I keep changing my mind about whether I’ll watch it or not, but I supposed that was expected. I’m not that strong, especially when I had been this invested in a character, and I’m forced to see them suffer until the end.

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  5. @Emily Bett beat me to it ^^; Since I’m adding comments about it, I’m placing them under the spoiler cuts. 



    Given the flow of the story, virtually none of the fellow supporters of Kyung Soo and Young Shin from the Korean audience are holding their breath over the photo, which is a group photo taken with the staff after they wrapped up filming there. At best, they were saying that if the story itself had gone as shown there, it’d have been perfect. 

    Jung Hoon is the one wearing a full tuxedo, so storywise, he *is* the groom of the wedding.

    With that said, would there be some last-minute matter that happens within the story that would make the content of that particular photo a reality that no one saw coming? Again, I totally wish some KDrama miracle would happen… but I just don’t want to get any hopes up only to be hurt later.


    For what it’s worth, at least for the group photo, they placed the leads side by side, so even at a worst case scenario, I can at least “have this”. 

    I’ve been dreading and still do a little bit to watch the final episodes as this is really nearing the end… but I’ve received some words of support and encouragement  from people who’d been following my “journey” that this soon-to-end train wreck has been. Having chosen sleep over watching a couple previous episodes seemed to help, as well. 

    So paraphrasing one of them, it might be difficult, but I hope I will watch over  Young Shin and Kyung Soo, and Jung Hoon (yes including him. I might not be exactly a fan of the character, but I’m genuinely fond of the actor), and the Diner family until the end.

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  6. I missed the episode today, but it turns out that ep 118 had his last scene in the studio because the episode ends with Young Shin finding him in pain. So nope, not his last episode, after all… 


    People haven’t been too optimistic about the situation, since nothing in the story itself has been encouraging about it. It’s not that they don’t want to hope, but the story has continuously disappointed them since Kyung Soo has first been diagnosed and it’s easier to be mad than hurt, I guess. Same for me.

  7. 21 hours ago, maribella said:

    In the preview, I think the woman made a will and she refused to move back to the chairman's house.


    A possible miracle is that his cancer has only destroyed his lungs but did not spread to other parts. So a lung transplant could save him. Maybe his mother read something about it, then killed herself, et voila, he lives and she redeems herself.


    Sort of happy ending, after all I have always wanted her to end up in prison.


    As much as that could have been the “ideal” for her to truly atone for her sins, the spoilers that had been circulating (along with scenes filmed which were shown in social media) are not encouraging on that note. 

    One of the last scenes to be filmed outside of the studio was at a wedding hall, and Kim Hye Ok was wearing the colors of the mother of the *bride*. Also, the very last scene she filmed in the studio was that of SJ and her nephew having dinner together with the Kang family. 

    Like I said before, of course I would wish for a miracle to happen, but nothing that has been leaked has been encouraging, so I’d rather not hold my breath, because I don’t want to even more hurt by this mess of a story.


    As I mentioned before, Jae Hee’s part of the filming on *studio* were up to episode 118, the upcoming one. His last outdoor filming was last Friday iirc, so unless those shots are for the finale or anything like that, this will be his last episode, apparently. The preview didn’t actually seem to hint at it, so they might still have a card or two to show. But again, I don’t want to hold my breath.

  8. Never did a drama drain the energy out of me like this one did at the very end. It started strong, the middle had its share of craziness but was good and made me root for the leads and the supporting characters… only for the end to be the wreck that it turned out to be.


    I had still taken some courage to keep watching, but it seems that I will have to think several times before deciding whether or not I’ll watch the final episode. Just when I think this couldn’t get worse, it did.


    I can totally see a community or two that will gladly celebrate the outcome. At least the majority of the Korean speaking audience seems to agree that it’s a terrible ending (and that it just got 100X worse), where bullies and evil prevail while the genuinely good people suffer until the end. I’m with you @Emily Bett If that makes me a loser, so be it. 

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  9. 41 minutes ago, marrez1 said:

    How can you know I tried to search on insta, I found nothing very conclusive

    Ah, for the Instagram, the filmed scene I mentioned was at Choi Surin’s account (surin1225) ^^;;

    As for the list I mentioned, it was at Hyoyoung’s/Jung Woo Yeon’s account (she’s deleted it since). It was just in reel form where she was getting herself ready for filming, but there was a highlighted list next to her that got me curious at the time and I took several screenshots to see if I could read it and see what the heck it was. 


    The other spoiler was at the personal blog of one of the sound directors. I had sent him a private comment to thank him and the crew for their hard work, and I mentioned about the page and confessed that I tried to read it, telling him what I managed to read and what not. Perhaps he took pity on me? He added another  photo later, where I could read what I couldn’t in the first photo (while covering the rest). The episode number was heavily blurred, so I cannot tell if it was 116 or 118.


    Despite all of this, I was still holding out hope that there must be some way to see this work out for Kyung Soo. But the current progress of the story, added to all this, hasn’t helped much.

    It’s not that I don’t want to hope. Because boy, I do want to, desperately so. Dailies are known for sometimes leaving the true happy ending at the very very end. So any time someone would try to give any sort of hope, I had been clinging to it like crazy. I wouldn’t even mind looking like an emotional idiot if it means a happy ending for Kyung Soo and Young Shin, but especially Kyung Soo.




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  10. The actors have wrapped up filming in the studio yesterday, and it’s a strange feeling. Happy on their behalf for all the hard work, but also sad to see them go.


    One thing I have to admit that story-wise didn’t make me exactly happy (although completely un-surprised) was that …



    … the demon is apparently completely forgiven, as the last scene Kim Hye Ok (a fantastic actress) filmed was together with the Kang family. 

    Then there’s the whole thing today with Kyung Soo revealing his illness to Jung Hoon, because he decides that he’s the person to whom he should entrust Young Shin. And of course that was exactly when Jung Hoon starts admitting that he’s considering giving up because he can’t compete after all. *Now* we see a Jung Hoon who actually apologizes. Because to Ha Cheong Ok, it’s all it takes to undo all the horrible attitude from before until now. 

    That’s one of the very few things I never liked about Kyung Soo. How every time that he thinks about seeing Young Shin date or settle or whatever, he always brings in Jung Hoon. It’s always Jung Hoon. When he himself once admitted that anyone who loves this kid would get hurt. Besides, Young Shin is her own person. Why can’t he let her decide for herself what she’ll do once he’s gone? She will need time to heal, and if after she’s able to move on, if she decides that she’ll give Jung Hoon a chance or not, shouldn’t that be her decision? That much is not up to him to decide for her.


    And Jung Hoon cannot even handle the weight of what had been told, so he told Mr Lee, who in turn explained to Young Shin. I might not appreciate the incapacity of Jung Hoon handling the weight placed on his hands, which also show how reliable he is (*eyeroll*).


    Yet at the same time, I’m glad that Mr Lee knows. And that he did tell Young Shin (while cautioning her to not let him know that she’s aware).


    I think what finally broke my will (?) was really that conversation of Kyung Soo with Jung Hoon. Seeing Kyung Soo preparing for his death was bad enough, but to see him trying to actively set Young Shin up was and still is unbearable to watch. 

    As for his illness, he makes it clear that it’s at an advanced stage and that there’s little that can be done. Every time the audience would react and question, it feels like the writer has been mocking us and “answering” in the next episode, either by Kyung Soo’s words and action, or by Young Shin’s narrative. 

    His words to Young Shin at the end broke me at last, where he mentions what he wants to be if he’s born again (goodness Mrs Ha, have you been watching Autumn Fairy Tale lately? Seriously?), and where he wants to be buried when he dies. Then at the end, he asks her to not feel so lonely when he’s not around anymore, that if she sees her shadow at night, it will probably be him, who couldn’t leave her behind. 

    I teared up over characters before, I shed tears for some, as well. But never did any character make me cry my eyes out, to the point of almost bawling, like Kyung Soo did. 

    A couple spoilers I caught not too long ago don’t help and don’t make any of this better, to be honest.

    (Apologies in advance… I wish I had something more hopeful but I don’t. It’s the only warning I can give and maybe spare some grief)



    Kyung Soo’s scenes filmed at the studio were up to episode 118. Unless there are scenes that Jae Hee filmed outdoors, this will be Kyung Soo’s last episode. 

    I don’t know if Young Shin does end up with Jung Hoon at the end, but at the very last episode, there are a couple scenes filmed with them with the older adults. And one of the final scenes to be shot is at the Diner, starting with Young Shin by herself but later joined by someone, and it seems that it’s Jung Hoon.


    After how firm Young Shin had been about her love for Kyung Soo… why Jung Hoon, one might ask.


    There was one script page that a sound director had left on his desk when he updated his blog about what he was working on, and while it was blurry, it does show what Kyung Soo said at some point. His “last wish”. To see her wedding.

    Young Shin does say in her narrative that she knew that when he said this and left her, he still loved her. Because they’re connected by a “thread”, which allows the other party to feel the same when one is “trembling”. She goes on to say that her heart still flutters when she sees his eyes (I had previously hoped that this meant he’s still alive because she spoke about the thread and his eyes in present tense. But the current progress of the story made me stop holding my breath over this. I don’t want to hope too much, only to be hurt later.)


    This was a drama where I found solace during a hard time, with stress from real life including the pandemic. To see it reach the end the way it is ending now… it went from healing to hurting. I know I said I was sticking around for Jae Hee, but at the moment I’m not so sure.


    Perhaps he was trying to give his fans a hint after all, when he posted a video of himself eating a sweet potato like *that* while reading that last script (and then deleted it in less than 24 hours).


    PS: The less we speak about Oh Bok’s parents, the better. 

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  11. I know how they often say that life isn’t fair, but whenever I see Kyung Soo, I can’t help but wish that it was. To him, of all people. This time he broke our hearts as he took the photo to be used for the funeral… wearing the suit Young Shin had bought for him back when they ended up going on that pretend date. 


    While the demon still has her privilege to be the whiny witch that she is… She keeps saying that she wishes to die blah blah… (which is pure whining).  To which he replies, almost as if talking to himself.. that he wants to live. He wishes he could live.


    (I’d have teared up if the demon didn’t go ahead and started complaining again)


    Anyway, I suppose she is still human, because she’s now suspecting that he’s acting too oddly, and she mentions it to Young Shin (she at first thought Kyung Soo was doing this so he could leave with Young Shin). 

    The chairman is arguably the first person to suspect Kyung Soo is ill. Then again, not even someone who could be as clueless as him sometimes could miss how strange Kyung Soo’s words were. About not having time.


    Young Shin’s narrating here and there does not help at the moment. Every time we hear her speak, people are more and more certain about Kyung Soo’s cruel fate, and it’s just heartbreaking. 

    The reason why so many people had stuck to this whole mess, even back when the demon was really at her worst and frustrating everyone…

    was in the hopes of getting to see Kyung Soo be happy at last, after all the hard time he was forced to go through. So for this to happen now… it’s a very difficult pill to swallow.


    On a completely different note, why is Oh Bok’s mom showing up *now*? I’d have understood better if it had happened around the time of Oh Bok’s wedding… but for her (and soon, the dad as well, I suppose) to show up now, when we have less than two weeks left? I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t feel like a filler.

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  12. I had kept wondering why Mr. Park would have been in on the whole bringing Jung Hoon to the chairman’s house, when he knows well about Young Shin’s situation. It didn’t seem like him. 

    Now it makes more sense. Kyung Soo was the one who gave the idea to the chairman to invite Mr Park and use that as an excuse to invite Jung Hoon, in the process. (The dressing up was mostly for manners)


    Mr. Noble Idiot should know by now that Jung Hoon is not above a lot of things if it means he can get his way, and heck, didn’t even he himself once say that Jung Hoon’s way only ends up hurting everyone? Then again, Kyung Soo had always seen the good in him (that a lot of us don’t seem to see anymore), and he believes in the genuineness of the boy’s (yes, boy) feelings for Young Shin. So he seems to believe that, even if Jung Hoon has his flaws (understatement of the year), at least she’ll be looked after. 


    But *of course* Jung Hoon went after the opportunity and made himself quite comfortable, even asking if next time he can visit alone. I’ll leave it at that, or I’ll probably say something I’ll regret later.

    Today’s episode was obviously a heartbreaking one, for Kyung Soo and his fans like myself. Seeing him slowly putting his affairs in order, including burning photos (the last one being the one he kept all this time since they were separated)… I don’t have words to describe how my heart ached for this soul whose life was all about giving… and he’s still doing it.


    Heck, he’s even trying to look after the demon, who still refuses to repent at this chance given to her and keeps flipping the table he sets for her.


    I know the coming episodes won’t be any easier, and last night I almost considered quitting. But we’ll see, maybe it’s a better idea for me to go through this, one episode at a time.

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  13. 6 hours ago, Emily Bett said:

    I'm just so annoyed at the fact that no one ever sticks up for Kyung Soo, he has done so much for people like Mr. Park and in return everyone just thinks of how to benefit off his kindness without having the decency of respecting him.


    I'm very fond of the Diner family, but I tend to agree with you @Emily Bett No one seems to truly check on *him* directly. They talk about Kyung Soo when they're concerned about him, but rarely did we get to see them checking on *him*, to go and see how *he's* doing. Back in the days of the rumors spread at the demon's instigation, everyone was worried about Young Shin, but no one seemed to be looking after Kyung Soo, the one who was left behind and arguably took the larger brunt of the impact of those rumors. Or when the demon invaded the Diner and made herself home, what did the Diner family do? They all left him alone. They even tried to adjust to her presence, and tried to be nice to her because she's "his mother". Sure, they were often talking about how concerned they were for him, but did anyone actually go after him, to check on him? No. He was completely alone on that one.


    Way back in the old days before Young Shin, there was always some sort of a wall between Kyung Soo and the Diner family. He has a good relationship with them, but he never truly opened to any of them. Perhaps the exception would be Mr. Lee, after Young Shin came into his life. But even Mr. Lee, perhaps in trying to respect his privacy, he tends to leave him alone a lot as well, unless Kyung Soo comes looking after him seeking advice or does have a rare moment of opening up about a matter or two.


    Young Shin was arguably the only person he had that truly could reach him beyond what he tends to show the world and taking away his loneliness, but she's been taken away from him since, and even though she wants to be there for him, he's now drawing a line between them (and she kept that line drawn during his amnesia, in great part for his own sake), as well. And if the current flow of the story is any indication, he might take that final step to really walk away from her completely.


    He's surrounded by genuinely good and caring people, people that do care about him, but he's also the loneliest person I've ever seen in this story. And it pains me to see how he's still not catching a break. All he did in his life was to give and give and give. And virtually everyone just took and keeps taking from him, even the one true happiness he ever had.


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  14. 1 hour ago, maribella said:

    She still loves KS but she's marrying JH because the fathers said so? :hushed:


    Not marriage, at least not right now. But the family is now trying to set her up with someone, and Jung Hoon is trying to make this into an opportunity. Young Shin, according to the preview, sort of sees what they’re (and he) are trying to do and looks unimpressed.


    But the thing is, it’s hard to be at peace with the whole thing anyway because now Kyung Soo is suspected to have lung cancer, and some time in one of the future episodes (I couldn’t read the last number, it was too blurry), he literally says that… 



    … his last wish is to see her wedding.

    So yeah. I know I’ll stick with this for Jae Hee, and also everyone who worked so hard for this drama. But the following episodes will be no bed of roses… or maybe it is. They’re full of thorns, no?

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  15. After the latest bombshell plus one page of the script I saw by chance (and they humored me later on and showed the part that was blurry and hard to read)… I can only say I’m beyond devastated by the new turn of events. I even updated my blog to comment that I’ll be pausing my usual reviews because there’s only so much I can handle. 

    Young Shin’s feelings for Kyung Soo haven’t changed, and whatever Jung Hoon is currently playing at, to be honest, it feels like he’s only changed tactics but is far from having given up on getting her. His behavior change in the past couple days plus the preview made me somehow hate him even more.


    It looks like the angst will keep for a while as well. 


    Sorry, guys. I don’t remember the last time I got this heartbroken over a fictional character.

    • Sad 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Emily Bett said:

    With 10 episodes left, I think the writer is going to distance YS and KS a little to let them grow and become independent so they can establish that they aren't in love BECAUSE they were a pseudo family but rather IN SPITE of that fact. I think distance is going to make the heart grow fonder and YS-KS will come together eventually by the end :wub:



    I think their distancing is definitely happening, and I can only hope that whatever nonsense Kyung Soo will speak this time will not stick in the long run. The angst is not quite over for him and Young Shin yet. I just hope that him having gotten his head hit twice won’t play a bigger role other than bringing his memories back. That was one concern among some of the audience earlier today. 

    @Emily Bett Here’s to hoping for the same. At this point I cannot imagine these two with anyone else, not after how far they’ve come with their story. 

    34 minutes ago, maribella said:

    Da Bok? I wonder if has a meaning.

    Not really. It’s just a combination of the first and last syllables of the parents’ names, Da Jung and Oh Bok. Korean couples sometimes name the child before birth, so that they can refer to the child by name during the pregnancy. One of the more common ways of naming the child in such cases is to take one syllable from each parent and bring them together into a new name. 

    I have no idea if Da Jung and Oh Bok are naming the child for the duration of the pregnancy or if they really chose Da Bok as the kid’s official name, though XD

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  17. 47 minutes ago, maribella said:

    I agree. Why set up all that angsty episodes for example a pretend date. Someone wrote about that. I did watch some of them cooking together after admitting loving each other( voiceovers).  But hasn't the chairman adopted him?  I heard KS calling him abuji. Then if he puts her in his register, they can't marry , right?

    He called the Chairman “father” because of the demon’s lies, but he was ultimately not adopted. The chairman even did ask Kyung Soo specifically, if he really didn’t want to become his son legally. And Kyung Soo, politely but firmly, made it clear once again that he doesn’t want to.

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  18. It’s official. Kyung Soo showed the photo directly, because he knew that if he took it to the demon, she’d lie again. So the secret is out, at last.


    Except the whole deal about Young Shin having been kidnapped, but one step at a time (sigh). There are still a number of episodes left and the villain still needs to be around (*facepalm*).  

    At least, in this case they did take the DNA test :p


    Congrats to Oh Bok and Da Jung on their wedding! I know Young Shin was the only single female left, but it was still nice to see her catch the bouquet that Da Jung threw to her XD


    And according to the preview, Oh Bok is not the only one who’ll be a dad. Congrats, Uncle and Pil Sun!

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  19. So Kyung Soo’s memories, or at least part of them, are back. As far as I can tell, it’s a partial return; he was still speaking formally to Young Shin in the preview.

    What he seems to remember is the accident itself, the fact that the demon was the one who kidnapped Young Shin, and that the reason for the whole ordeal was about showing THE photo to the Chairman.

    It took him going back a couple times to the scene thanks to Oh Bok’s help, plus finding the pipe that was used against him, and a copy of the photo that was passed to him thanks to Mr. Lee.


    Speaking of Oh Bok, I’ll dare to call him this episode’s MVP. He was the immediate ice breaker when Kyung Soo came back to the Diner fully intent on getting his memories back. And he went after Kyung Soo later to offer help however he could. He couldn’t tell him directly who ordered the kidnapping, but cleared up the lie about loan sharks and the way he went about it actually gave Kyung Soo enough clues for him to put those parts of the puzzle pieces himself (that the demon probably had her hand in it).


    I always knew that Oh Bok would likely be supportive of Kyung Soo and Young Shin, their circumstances aside.  But it was still nice to see him openly speak up on their behalf in front of Jung Hoon. Oh.. and when he called him out on his attitude. What a nice shot of Sprite that was. Sure, Oh Bok was always the only person so far who truly called out Jung Hoon, but it still felt like a big THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

    And speaking of being called out, I don’t think Jung Hoon expected to be scolded like he was in this episode. Sure, Oh Bok usually called him out when he was out of line, but Oh Bok is still a peer. And as far as I can see,  apparently Jung Hoon saw him somewhat as his inferior (even if not on purpose). Which allowed him to brush off whatever Oh Bok would say, even if he rarely had a reply to give. Even Young Shin telling him off a couple times were clearly not taken seriously, since he thinks he’s the one who knows best.

    Up to this point, none of the adults had really called him out on his attitude. Mr Park, his father, probably wouldn’t count since Jung Hoon is way past the point of really listening because of the issues that they had barely worked out. Kyung Soo did once, but I suppose that one doesn’t really count either, since at that point Jung Hoon had already “put him as an equal” from the moment he saw him as a “rival” for Young Shin’s affection).


    The story changed completely when the adult scolding him was Mrs Lee. And boy, did she call him out. He almost looked lost after she did. He’s fortunate that Mr Lee was still being nice to him afterwards. Not that he deserved it from him, after his behavior a little while ago. 

    Anyway… Mr Park is moving back to Oh Bok’s, now that Oh Bok will live with the Lees after getting married.

    So Young Shin is going back to the Diner, but based on the preview, it seems that it won’t be for long? Kyung Soo was about to show the photo to the chairman, in front of the entire Kang family… and the content of the preview implies that he succeeds

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  20. 1 hour ago, maribella said:

    We will get a wedding. This is a family drama so it's a sure thing.


    I thought his parents had died or divorced, that's why he's living with Grandma. 

    Even 5 episodes ago, I never would guess OB would end up with DJ.

    Based on their childhood story and even the flashbacks, I suspected that the writer wanted to bring them together from start. I think the toy ring flashback was what made me almost certain about the two. Though at the same time, when I’d see them as adults, I’d question myself about that so-called certainty, because I just couldn’t see how they were planning on making it happen, based on what was going on then. Weeeeell, guess I got my answer eventually, around the time Da Jung snapped out of it thanks to Uncle, and later Oh Bok was the first person she went to.

    The story of Oh Bok’s parents is that they left baby Oh Bok under Grandma’s care while they went away to make money (or so they said). Grandma and Uncle never heard back from them again. I suppose there are probably a couple flaws that we can find with that story, but given how much the drama did get away with so far... *shrug* I’m half surprised that they are planning on bringing them into the story, in the first place. 

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  21. Speaking of parents... I was checking Instagram yesterday, and saw the new list of the names of extras who will show up next week. The characters had names (vs "young man", "employee", "doctor" etc), which had my attention.



    After checking the name of the male character, I have been assuming that the characters they're playing are Oh Bok's parents... meaning we are going to (finally) see them. I think several of us suspected that we'd get to see them at some point (... even at a point where we're nearing the end, heh), especially after Grandma mentioned them a few episodes ago.


    So now a couple of us speculate that Oh Bok and Da Jung are likely to get a wedding? Mrs. Lee has finally given her blessings, so there's no particular reason why they wouldn't get one. 


    Considering that it’s public, I suppose it’s not actually that big of a spoiler, but I put it under cuts just in case ^^;

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