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Posts posted by bluesappir

  1. 7 hours ago, Emily Bett said:

    BTW spoiler for the episode currently being filmed:



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    Looks like KS is back to his usual self? He's got the apron on that he normally wears at the Diner. They usually film a week ahead so next week is when he might get his memory back. 


    OR this could be an old picture and Jae Hee is just posting it now...


    Source: Jae Hee's IG (@the_jaehee)


    Considering the combination of hair length + current shirt… it might be a recent photo, yes. I wasn’t sure either, at first, and I’m still trying to not make assumptions, hehe... But either way… especially if we think about how many episodes we still have left, those memories will likely be back soon. 


    I was so frustrated at first with episode 102, but I had cooled off by the time I got to 103, and I was pleasantly surprised with how it went. While I do want Kyung Soo’s memories to return, I do appreciate this version of him, as well. Especially how he’s dealing with his current situation, going after answers on his own since almost no one is telling him (him figuring out that he’s the actual owner of the Diner was brilliant, even if part of his assumption was understandably off), and openly defying the demon yet without being so blinded by his usual rage when it comes to her.

    I do hope that some of this does keep after he recovers. 

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  2. Okay… I need to take a deep breath because while the beginning of the episode was a breather and the middle made me laugh so hard despite the situation itself (I mean… save for Mrs Lee, everyone was happy about the news…), the end made me feel like someone just choked me with a load of sweet potatoes. Courtesy of the demon, feat. Young Shin.


    It’s been a long time since I felt like I wanted so badly to wipe a smirk off the face of a villain. The demon manages just that, and more. 


    A couple people are speculating that Kyung Soo might have his own reasons why he accepts joining the company tomorrow. He doesn’t seem to buy the lies, and who knows, hopefully he will be on his way to find what he’s looking for on his own. Since no one is telling him.


    The memory loss hasn’t only removed any self-imposed barriers concerning his feelings for Young Shin. It has also affected how he deals with the situation when it comes to the demon. Before, he’d be so blinded by hatred and rage that he failed to ever be rational in front of her. Not having any memories of her has actually allowed him to think more clearly so far. If the writer manages to stay consistent on that detail… It might mean that Kyung Soo will succeed in getting to the bottom of this mess. Because at this point… it seems that it’s really up to him and him finding the truth or his memories, whichever comes first. 

    Anyway… I was so mad earlier and thinking about it makes me mad all over again. This demon needs to go… like last week. She should have been gone last week…


    Then again, we have 3.5 weeks left -.-;

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  3. In today’s episode...


    Okay, I got distracted by the new OST song at the end at first and kept listening to it on repeat. A mutual confirmed that it’s Eru (Sung Chan, the nephew) who is singing, and while there were only a few lines, I love it already. The previous song made me think of Young Shin and her feelings, and I think this one likely reflect Kyung Soo and his. 

    I hope they won’t take too long to release this one, like they did with the previous. 




    I was actually relieved that Young Shin told him no. We know this wouldn’t be fair to either of them, especially Kyung Soo, in the long run. He did however learn that she does love someone, though she tells him that it was a love that couldn’t come true (and this is addressed later in the episode by Mr Lee).


    What I liked about this episode was that Kyung Soo is not only after some answers, he’s now even more openly defying the demon, glaring at her for her nonsense attitude and blatantly calling her out for continuously trying to evade his questions. At some point he even told her off when she tries to take some control over what he does...


    Still, despite the demon trying to get in the way... long story short, what Kyung Soo has managed to piece together so far is that his “accident” was a result of him getting hurt while protecting Young Shin, who had been kidnapped (information gained as courtesy of the sister-in-law who didn’t really know that he didn’t know, apparently...). And that the man who Young Shin loved was the person who taught her how to cook. ... and that the person who taught her to cook was him.


    (goodness, will I ever learn to shorten my posts?) 

    The preview shows Kyung Soo saying he’s leaving the Chairman’s house, and later asking Young Shin about the kidnapping incident. He’s like, it almost got him killed, shouldn’t he know what’s going on, who the culprit is? ...Except the demon is there, too. So we all believe that this part of the truth won’t likely come to full surface until Kyung Soo’s memories return. 

    Then the preview made a drastic turn, and Mrs Lee is apparently in for a bombshell, with her ready to catch Oh Bok’s head with a mop?? Oh boy, Oh Bok and Da Jung, what did you kids do?

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  4. Aaand we have reached Episode 100.


    I don’t know if I should call this a warning or not, but if anyone does not like the pairing of Kyung Soo and Young Shin, it might be an episode you want to skip. 


    For me, it was fun to watch and I enjoyed it very much. But I won’t lie and say there wasn’t a part of me that worried for Kyung Soo as I saw him pursue Young Shin, not shying away from his attraction to her. Sooner or later, his memories will be back, and who knows what that would do him. 

    There’s one memory that is coming back to him, that of a little girl wearing pigtails and a bright smile. That was why in the preview for this episode, he had asked whether there were a lot of kids in the village even though it didn’t seem like there were many. And now he thinks this little girl is the key to answers he’s looking for.


    Except said little girl is no longer a little girl... and in her slightly (...) misguided wish for him to be happy without carrying all the burdens he used to carry, she’s keeping quiet about the whole ordeal that came to this, in the first place. She thinks he looks happy and at ease... and I was like, “Giiirl, that’s not because his memories are gone. That’s because of you.” 

    At the moment, Kyung Soo does not seem to be faking his memory loss. Only feelings linger, in such way that he admitted to his “stepfather” that he feels more at ease with him than the demon. I feel like the end for the demon will begin once his memories return, though how that will be is a bit of a question mark.


    ... It’s not too much to ask for a happy ending to everyone at the end (except for who truly doesn’t deserve one, of course... namely the demon), right?


    20 episodes, four weeks to go. There’s still quite a bit to be unpacked, and while the pace sometimes seems slow while we’re watching... It has its own pace and it is definitely moving forward. More bumps ahead, that much is certain.


    Bring them on.

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  5. The ratings, which had gone back to the usual 6% range (6.5%), went up again to 7.4% yesterday. 

    As expected thanks to the previous episode and part of the preview, the first half of the episode had frustrated me, even made me feel a bit sick thanks to the demon acting like that towards Kyung Soo.


    But the latter half turned out more interesting, with Kyung Soo not being passive about wanting some answers, and showing no hesitation in approaching Young Shin, since his previously self-imposed wall is currently gone. 

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  6. For most of the parts with the demon in this episode, I actually didn’t even listen to her whole speeches, only catching the key points. Deliberately so because being forced to hear poor Kyung Soo call her ‘mom’ made me feel sick. Anyway...


    She succeeded in guilt tripping Young Shin and sending her away... There was quite a bit of what I considered a double standard on the demon’s part about her logic on that one, but it could always be just my scrambled brains being biased again.


    I know, I know...


    Kyung Soo didn’t even get his cell phone back because the demon managed to convince Young Shin to leave Kyung Soo alone now that his memories of her are gone.

    He tried to ask Young Shin for her contact before she left, because he felt that he should, since she had been taking care of him while he was hospitalized. 

    He actually did not go to the Diner after Young Shin, the first time. He was in fact surprised to see her. He went there because his ID had the address as his home, and in his wish to know more about his memories, he had gone to the Diner in hopes of finding answers.


    Like... why are they saying that he’s been living with the chairman, his “stepfather” and his family (per the demon’s instructions, she managed to guilt trip her husband into this sham, but hey what’s new), yet his home address is listed as the address of the Diner?


    It’s obvious that some things don’t make sense, but no one is telling him.


    He does find himself drawn to Young Shin. The fact that she keeps tearing up when she sees him also has stayed with him, which is sort of why he went back to the Diner later. He actually asked her if they were together, before his “accident”.


    PS: @maribella Haha, fond as I am of this drama and their characters (except the... exceptions), I suppose I know the feeling of wanting to break our phones while watching. I’d be lying if I said I don’t have my own urges, usually because of the demon.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Emily Bett R said:

    While I hate the whole amnesia trope, I'm looking forward to this opportunity for YS and KS to develop a relationship without him being aware of outside pressures. For once he's gonna be able to pursue his feelings without the my-mom-killed-your-mom guilt and it'll prove that memories or no memories, their bond is strong. I'm excited to hopefully see KS as a young and worry-free man who doesn't carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and the beautiful girl YS that he feels attracted to. No matter how much the devil is gonna try to break them apart, she can't.


    That said, if CSJ isn't in jail by episode 120, I'm hosting a pitchfork party at the writers house, feel free to join! :lol:


    On a positive note, the ratings jumped up to 7.4% yesterday, I'm guessing it'll be either the same or higher today once it gets assessed cause of KS's amnesia revelation. 

    After that initial reaction, once I let the whole ordeal get processed in my head, my reaction has been very similar to yours. While the preview is showing just one visit to the Diner, that wall that he had always kept around himself is completely gone at the moment. So yeah, this part involving Kyung Soo’s memory loss is definitely something that could turn out interesting to watch. 

    Though the demon is still very much around, now even more than before... So who knows what she might try.

    As for the ratings... Haha, people at the chat room were all celebrating (and laughing) about it. Most of us suspected that it would go up for that one, based on the massive reaction at the chat room and the number of views/likes/comments that the highlight videos (posted at Naver) received in such a short period of time.

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  8. So... today’s episode... 



    Given reasons, including practical ones... I suspected that Kyung Soo would likely wake up sooner than later. And the pattern didn’t disappoint.


    What did disappoint... but not surprise me, was the memory loss. I suspected it because of the number of episodes left, and it’s not like they could take the demon out of the picture yet. 


    The demon will obviously take full advantage of Kyung Soo not remembering anything. According to the preview, she’s basically told him that she’s his mother, demands that now that Young Shin is gone from his memories, to get out of his life for good, yada yada... and takes him to the chairman’s house.

    Btw, the chairman STILL doesn’t know the truth *facepalm*
    (I won’t even get into that part)


    It seems that Young Shin will take over the Diner in Kyung Soo’s absence, now that he leaves... Except he comes over later  because he wants his memories back, so he approaches Young Shin and the Diner family. 

    (His facial expression made me think of a kid who’s a bit lost...)

    This is the second time Jae Hee plays a character that suffers memory loss... At least it won’t be for a longer period of time since we have about four weeks left.


    ... that got long and is a bit of a rant mixed with rambling, haha.


    Disappointed? At the predictability, yes. But it’s still part of this process and I’m surprisingly calm at the moment now that I let the whole thing process. 

    (...or maybe it’s the sleep trying to take over because I got a little less than two hours of sleep -.-;;;)

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  9. 1 hour ago, maribella said:

    I am not sure if I can watch the hospital scene tomorrow. The miserable woman is shaking YS and as usual she is so passive and allows it. I say whack her at least once. It's called extreme provocation. The evil woman must be blaming YS.:cries3:


    Yep, she was blaming Young Shin over all this. That demon is still unable to see her own fault, not that I expected any less.  


    Though it seems that Mr. Lee will give her a major yelling, and while probably it won’t be a wake up call for the demon, at least someone will be telling her some major facts to her face.


    Speaking of Mr. Lee, kudos to him today. Sure, Kyung Soo was forced to hear the demon threaten Young Shin’s life, but Mr Lee was the one who actually sent Kyung Soo to the demon and had given a couple instructions... And thanks to that, they were able to confirm not only that Young Shin had indeed been kidnapped, but that she was also alive. 


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  10. So... with all speculations of what could have been possible or not, today’s episode went as predicted.


    Kyung Soo and Oh Bok were able to find Young Shin, but Kyung Soo gets severely injured.


    And of course it would be then that he finally tells her that he loves her... I suspected he would, and he did.


    In the preview, why is the demon at the hospital and not prison? And she *still* blames Young Shin. No, you witch. This is all *you*. 

    It’s rare for Mr Lee to really blow up like that, so at least I get to see that tomorrow.


    The demon trying to blackmail the nephew emotionally (?) apparently involves her threatening to die... HA. Funny how he (eventually) called her out on that one. That she’s incapable of killing herself.

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  11. 1 hour ago, maribella said:

    Thank goodness for Taxi driver, that is one invincible, decisive, loyal hero :yay:

    Taxi Driver, what a blast that was! It was one of the best dramas recently, and such a welcome escape when the sweet potato feast here was too much x_x Even in the AGS chat room, a couple people would joke that we should call the Rainbow Taxi on SJ :lol:  


    Hehe, as much as I adore and tend to be protective of Kyung Soo, I do understand people being frustrated by him. I might understand where he’s coming from, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have my own moments where I think they tend to make the good guys struggle a bit too much over blood. 

    (And to see either Young Shin or Kyung Soo sort of show their cards to the demon first is always a facepalm moment. At that point, of course people will joke that it’s the writer being forced to drag the story to fill up the 120 episodes... -.-;;)

    For what it’s worth, if anyone does end up hurt in this story, my money is actually more on Kyung Soo than Oh Bok as well, especially if we’re talking plot here. I do think that he’ll be fine at the end... at least eventually. Guess we’ll know more tomorrow. 

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  12. Surprise, surprise... 


    If previously, there was nothing the law could do about the demon (re: YS’s mother’s death), it will sure have plenty to put her in jail now.


    (Yes please).


    She dug her own grave, can she just jump in already?


    Young Shin now knows who her father is, and by tomorrow, so will Kyung Soo. People were joking that the Chairman would still be in the dark, at least until Friday. Jokes aside... we’ll see how this will go.



    In the preview, Kyung Soo is looking for Young Shin in some obscure place. And I couldn’t help but notice that the person with him is Oh Bok...


    It might not mean anything, of course... but I think we’ll always continue to be concerned about him until the end, thanks to that original plot that was presented only in languages other than Korean...


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  13. 8 hours ago, maribella said:

    In the writer's You are too much the ML became a priest but he had lost his fiancee earlier when she got married to someone she did not love. Maybe that's why Koreans think KS could be the sad element.  The ML was a lot like KS. 

    It's rather unpleasant to have good characters die or be alone when I watch a show for entertainment.:flushed:

    Unpleasant, indeed. There’s a reason why I usually prefer to get into a story after it’s been concluded, so I know ahead of time what I’m getting into. This one was an exception at the time because I had gotten so excited about seeing Jae Hee on screen and completely forgot myself, haha... 


    I guess we’ll see how this one will go. I want everyone to have a happy ending, except for who doesn’t deserve it, obviously. I mentioned elsewhere that while personally I want SJ to not be forgiven, I think that she might have to get one, if anything for the sake of Kyung Soo’s peace. Anything less than a happy ending for him would be too painful to watch. For me, at least...


    There’s another work of this writer, Make a Woman Cry, which also reminded a couple people about the current story, arguably even more than You Are Too Much. The story of the leads over there was already quite complicated thanks to their family members, including the death of a loved one of the FL... thanks to actions of a family member of the ML. All that was before they had even met.

    Ah... and yep, the FL got seriously injured while saving someone and was apparently in a coma for about a year before recovering (the recovery happened off screen, though... so you might imagine people like me going “WTH?” when she appeared in the next episode looking just fine o.O??). 


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  14. 2 hours ago, Chickpea said:

    @bluesappire.  SJ doesn't have funds but she has a criminal brother who is adept at making Kim women disappear.  Oh, oh, what if OB's fate is tied in with the search/rescue of YS.


    Happy weekend. 


    For what it's worth, I do think that the abduction is a very real possibility, funds or not. I agree with you, her brother would have no problems in carrying out such plans, even if he would likely get the demon to agree with whatever he demands of her later on.


    In the Korean speaking community, no one is even thinking about OB possibly being at risk, since I don't think anyone knows about that part of the plot (whether it's been changed or not). It was only thanks to the posts that have been shared here, that the idea even crossed my mind.


    It's highly likely that someone will end up hurt, though... The latest list of extras released did include a doctor. Also, people speculated for the longest time that one of the leads (their money is on Kyung Soo) would get seriously injured while trying to save someone, mostly because of the writer's two previous works.


    Either way, I'm looking forward to Monday. 


    Good weekend, everyone.

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  15. YS won the competition in the end, and just to see the demon fuming in her defeat despite having the secret recipes was fun. Not quite a “Sprite moment” because this is the demon we’re talking about. But I’ll take.

    By the end of the episode, after ~30 episodes (6weeks) since others have seen that photo, YS is finally suspecting why the demon wanted so badly to get rid of the picture, thanks to MK’s eavesdropping on a conversation. But she took that suspicion and brought it up to whom? Yep, the demon herself. *facepalm*

    If preview is any indication... YS might have been either kidnapped or perhaps suffered an attempt. Preview says she disappeared when she was on her way to meet the Chairman...


    Some people believe the preview has been edited as such to trick the audience, though. That there is no kidnapping... Which is also a possibility if we think from a more “realistic” point of view, aka, money. Which the demon supposedly doesn’t have at hand right now.


    We’ll see.




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  16. I sort of dare to think that Oh Bok will actually be okay. That original concept about his death had probably been there when his background still had much to with his involvement with delinquents when younger, then he had shown up with a lot of money that they didn’t know where it was from.

    But the money thing never really happened, except for maybe when he got his first wage after working where Mr Park works. He has since really picked himself up, decided to go back to study, and went on to pass the high school qualification exam after three years of trying.

    No one, and I really mean no one among the Korean speaking audience that I’ve come across seems to even suspect that there was any possible death plot for Oh Bok, at all. So I hope it stays that way. He and his family are such a gem in this drama.

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