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Posts posted by Glam

  1. Aww, thanks for the invite @Lmangla Lord! The bios on our handsome hunks are genius and kudos to the folks who put them together. It was such a good laugh out loud moment for me…on a Monday morning. Thanks for that!


    The ones that stand out for me:


    The 40’s husband from Love ft. Marriage and Divorce for my barf reaction. Such a creepy and despicable man. Actually all the principal men in that drama we’re complete turn offs for me. So much that I can’t bring myself to watch the second season.


    A certain Korean Italian mafioso in Vincenzo was my drool vote. Ayyyy that gorgeous man in his exquisite suits and impeccably coiffed hair! My heart is still broken for him. Honourable mention goes to our lusty rabble rouser turned nobleman Ba Woo from Bossam. 

    Our adorable and all round perfect Dr. Lee Ik-Jun from Hospital Playlist gets my finger heart. Seriously is there not a more perfect man than him? A good looking medical professional, musically talented, wonderful father who cooks for his adorable son and best of all is a funny funny guy. *Sigh* I want one like him, please!


    And….Keanu is King! He needs no vote from me as he’s always number one in my heart and my first love since I first saw him hurtling towards doom in a speeding bus. 

    Thanks y’all for the Cupid poll…such fun!



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  2. Last thoughts on this lovely tale of Joseon nobility, love and loss.


    How terribly sad to see our DY lose his life and that at the hand of his Uncle/Father. No words other than it broke my heart that he was such a tragic figure. I am so sad because he could have been a good friend and cohort for both BW and SK had he lived. I wish him a happy, happy life in the one after. 

    How beautiful that the ending featured our couple at the sea bathed in a golden light. I was hoping to see them there again as one of the few very happy scenes in the series was the first time SK came to the seaside with BW, Cha Dol et al. And as much as I wanted a kiss (sigh) I am happy with the ending. Kudos to the writer and production team if their intention was to keep PDA’s to a bare minimum in the true style of a Sageuk. They managed that and yet our principal actors conveyed the depth and intensity of their emotions for each other beautifully.


    I wish we would have had more scenes of the every day life of our

    main characters.  Seeing the interactions of BW, SK and little Cha Dol interact as a family unit was so charming and sweet. The second half of the drama I feel felt bogged down with all the palace and political intrigue. But perhaps this too was authentic as it may have portrayed life of the Joseon royalty and nobility accurately. 


    All in all Bossam: Steal the Fate was a treat to watch. The stunning cinematography, unique storyline and unforgettable characters brought to life by masterful acting was a gift. 

    Thank you my friends. It was a joy to watch this drama with you all. Ciao! 


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  3. How can you mend (this) his broken heart? Musical credit to the Bee Gees.


    Oh what a tragic figure our Dae Yeob is. From in utero to adulthood DY has been a pawn in the machinations of our Machiavellian Left Councillor YC. How sad that was for him to realize that all he was to his family was a means to an end. 

    as @Lmanglaspeculates in different circumstances these two BW and DY could have been fast friends. How lovely that would be to see. When BW relates his “silly dream” DY finally asks if he was happy in the dream. BW nods and say he seemed so. The wistful smile that DY gives BW broke my heart. You can tell there was an instant simpatico with BW from the very first encounter at the gisaeng house in Ep 1. 

    I feel I can now understand DY’s obsession with the princess. She was, in his mind, his only lifeline for happiness in his lonely life. And now even that mirage has disappeared. My God, give the man a break! He deserves some happiness. 

    Lovely scenes of our lovable lout Chun Bae and Court Lady Jo. The latter’s preparation of the ancestral rites for CB and his efforts to locate her family was beautifully done and very touching. 

    While I still love our OTP, there was definitely something lacking in the interactions between them and in particular the marriage ceremony and “hug”.  Hmmmm, what could that be? Passion perhaps? Please give us something in the last two episodes. It doesn’t have to be anything graphic or gratuitous. Just two shoes outside their room won’t do it for me. Just saying.


    So happy I was able to catch Eps 17 & 18 thanks to a friend.

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  4. Thanks again, for  posting your thoughts on Ep 17 and most recently Ep 18 @Lmangla. Unfortunately for some reason there are no episodes in in English subs available on YouTube for Bossam and in particular the last

    two. Aaargh!!!! I can’t believe I’ll be missing the last four episodes of the series. So I will view vicariously the remainder of the series through you and our other Soompi friends. What a shame. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, RobinM said:

    Joseon Nobles are staid and boring and Joseon court politics is tedious. 

    My apologies for cutting short your post @RobinM but this reminds me of the poem “?” by Robert Service where he asks this cheeky question on who would you choose to wed… A stolid saint or a sparkling sinner? So in this case the old BW or the new BW? I’m hoping the newly minted nobleman BW still holds on to some of his unorthodox, charming and wily ways.

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  6. Thank you @Lmangla for the poll. You are awesome and I love reading your posts. They are so spot on. Too hard for me to decide on which one to vote for but I love the scene when SK helps BW to dress. There is something so deeply intimate about that interaction which is completed without any words that my heart just ached for them. And yet it was a deeply satisfying scene as it acknowledged the acceptance of a domestic role in each others’ lives. Now that is intimacy.

    On another playful note I liked that BW  under the cherry blossoms flirts with SK as he steps closer to her when he tells her she is beautiful and more specifically her lips. Phew! 

    I still have not been able to catch the subbed eps 17 and 18 and am anxiously waiting for them to become available. However judging by the comments I fear I may be disappointed by the lack of any public or private displays of affection. And by that I mean what WE are looking for. *Sigh* * Loud Sigh* 


    Where is our passionate, boisterous and lusty BW from the earlier episodes? I’d like to see some of that in the last remaining episodes at least to the extent that there is absolutely no question that he is physically attracted to her in the biblical

    sense. If you know what I mean.


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  7. Thanks Lmangla for the tag on the  poll. *Sigh* I, too am hoping we get a  kiss pretty soon between BW and SK….no chaste, peck on the cheek will do please.  I’d like a real passionate kiss that shows us there is also a real physical attraction to their love. 

    Unfortunately, I have to wait a couple

    of days to see the recent episodes but reading the recent comments from Ep 17I see that Court Lady Jo has taken the initiative with CB for a kiss. You go girl! Sheesh…sometimes men are so dense (I’m looking at you BW!) and it may have to be SK who makes the first bold move. We’re counting on you. You go girl!


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  8. Ahhhhh, the Courtship of Cha Dol’s Father.

    So restrained, so elegant and so lovely. Oh my heart! They are both hopelessly in love with each other and there are some beautiful quiet moments of interaction that are unforgettable.


    For instance, the scene where she helps him dress in his uniform for his audience with the King. There are no words exchanged during this process as he stands quietly while she ties his belt, secures the binds on his sleeves, smoothes out the folds on his shoulders and when he turns to face her straightens his hat and tassels. What an exquisite scene of intimacy. Help me! 


    Then another, at the archery scene when he teases SK after she misses her shot at the target. He takes her hands and blows on them with his warm breath because they’re cold, she says. And then he raises both her hands to cup his face because it’s warmer, he says.  Quiet and restrained. Lovely.


    A third example, when SK meets BW under the cherry blossoms to report on her mission to the silk merchant. BW looks at her with a flirtatious smile and tells her she is beautiful. He lists what he likes about her face, her forehead, the bridge of her nose and lips. And then he steps closer to her looking intently at her lips again. Oh my! 


    As a relative newcomer to K-Dramas after being introduced to them by Hospital Playlist last year I am in awe at how good some of them are. This one is superb and I too am smitten. 


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  9. On 5/30/2021 at 12:11 PM, Lmangla said:

    think it was @tulip06 that was asking about this song. is it re-do of some classic? not sure but it always stirs such emotion no chingus and feels like such a throwback to a different era and time? is it her voice or just how the melody is constructed? is this what is called as trot music? 



    English Translation translation of lyrics, source: popgasa

    Listen to me for a moment
    Stop your tracks and come here
    Why are you trying so hard?

    Are you leaving?
    Are you leaving me here?
    You can’t go and come back again

    One round, two rounds pass
    Winter passes and new spring comes
    It turns and turns, back to the same place

    Are you leaving?
    Are you leaving me here?
    You can’t go and come back again

    Time is flowing
    Floating along the river, flowing
    Time is flowing
    Our lives are flowing

    Listen to me for a moment
    Stop your tracks and come here
    Why are you trying so hard?

    Are you leaving?
    Are you leaving me here?
    You can’t go and come back again

    One round, two rounds pass
    Winter passes and new spring comes
    It turns and turns, back to the same place

    Are you leaving?
    Are you leaving me here?
    You can’t go and come back again

    Listen to me for a moment
    Stop your tracks and come here
    It turns and turns, back to the same place



    I am obsessed with this song. That voice, that gorgeous voice! The mournful, soulful timbre of her vocals is absolutely mesmerizing and I can not get it out of my head. 

    • Like 5
  10. While going through my stash of stationary at home this weekend for a Mother’s Day card I came across one that was made by a friend many years ago. Beautifully drawn forget-me-nots and hand written besides these delicate blue flowers was this...the first verse from Longing by poet Matthew Arnold. It immediately reminded me of the way VC and HCY looked so longingly at each other at the end of Episode 20. It broke my heart and still haunts me.


    Come to me in my dreams, and then

    By day I shall be well again!

    For so the night will more than pay

    The hopeless longing of the day.


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  11. Well, I have been forced out in the open to comment on that ending. I’m hoping that just by commenting publicly it will serve as a form

    of cathartic therapy. What was so, so heartbreaking was that last look of VC and HCY as he walks away. The look of deep sadness and longing really broke my heart and still haunts me. Yes, yes I know these are only fictional characters and I am a rational person but my God is it too much to give these two characters some hope for happiness? Have they not gone through enough? 

    And don’t even get me started on poor Han Seo. I’ve blocked it out of my mind completely and can not accept his cruel fate.

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    First post!


    Oh my word! As a newcomer to K-Dramas and now a huge fan I have to jump in and add my two cents worth after Episode 11.


    Ik-jun’s look just before he admitted that he did care for Song-hwa at the Team Dinner reminded me so much of what is said in fencing parlance....”En garde”. Be prepared, watch out. In other words a shot across the bow for the former military man Chi-hong . My God, the looks the two of them threw at each other spoke a million words. Whoa!!!


    My heart breaks for both men as I love them both. I love the character of Ik-jun who is playful, serious, thoughtful, and so accomplished in his field. Ik-sun’s thoughts about him, spoken out aloud to Jun-wan, were heartbreaking. You can tell she cares deeply about her brother and worries about his happiness.  And probably more so now that she’s going to be away abroad for the next 

    three years. 


    And Captain Chi-hong...what can I say? There is something so sweet and sad about his character.  Makes you want to protect him from a broken heart. And yet I also sense a steely resolve in him...it’s perhaps the military training and life he had prior to his medical career. I hope

    it serves him well in his personal and professional life.


    To be honest up until Episode 11,  I really was not invested much in the character of Song-hwa  as she came across as too perfect and her life seemed quite in order. However, I felt for her as she was put in such an awkward position at the dinner when the two men pretty much openly declared their affections for her. She seemed quite taken aback at the restaurant, annoyed in the taxi and hurt at the karaoke location. There’s something there in her history with Ik-Jun. They both appear to be emotionally vulnerable romantically, about each other to each other. I feel it! 


    So back to fencing....what will our two men do? Will our soldier Chi-hong beat a strategic retreat? Will Ik-jun our most accomplished  and successful surgeon fail to capitalize on his advantage for Song-hwa’s affections?  It’ll be really interesting to see who is the first to go on the offensive.  En garde, Pret, Allez...On Guard, Ready, Go!


    PS. Pleased to see progress in the WinterGarden saga. Very pleased.

    And may I say I love, love the arc of Jae-hak’s storyline and the bromance between him and Jun-wan.


    Thank you everyone, I love reading your comments.





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