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no need

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Posts posted by no need

  1. 1 hour ago, QueenieBee said:



    To your second point about how shy he is about receiving compliments for his looks... this is generally true yet how hilarious was it when he decided to flip the switch during one of those swoon videos with SYJ and basically agreed he looks great in a military uniform and that he is not one of those people dissatisfied with his looks (much to SYJs surprise)? I mean, talk about a 180! Our Binnie sure is feeling mighty confident these days...:lol:



    Binnie might be more confident these days since he receives beautiful & positive compliments from his "better half" who is undeniably one among the respected actresses in SOKOR, a  Box office queen titleist, a certified Best actress in different genres (big or small screen), a fashion icon and of course the Most Beautiful and Popular Woman on earth? Who wouldn't be so excited and feeling confident if this is the case?

    For Best Actor & Best Actress ,, Still Hyun & Son are the strongest  contender in my biased judgement to win the awards. I still consider their portrayals in CLOY by showing different varieties of character effectively and perfectly that captured the love and merits of viewers beneath and beyond around the globe...as one mentioned here that acting does not only engage in angry or crying emotion monotonously ...(unless the judges decision is based on true to life daily stories then there's no point of including envisage stories in these categories.) Though all the nominated actors here have excellent acting which really arguably who really did the best..

    >these are only my opinions and sorry for me if these opinions will not be granted during the award..My congratulations ahead to the winners in all categories...help me pray..bless you all, from Mongolia with love..

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  2. 1 hour ago, 4leafclover said:

    CTTO! I literally cracked up seeing this edit! :lol:They are the cutest!  Mom and Dad are so talented. 


    How i Love this thread, it's obviously consisting of , talented, skilled, psychologist, lawyers,  counselors and smart people who could use their "perse" ,  metamorphic poems, edited videos, study behaviors , and great advises to ship BINJIN couple. BRAVO! FIGHTING!

    GREAT JOB binjinsgrocery

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  4. BRAVO @RiRiGaGa, as i have said , I like your very intellectual and  meaningful insights for RIRI's Love story in CLOY which for me  chimed well to BINJIN's reel to real Love adventures..KUDOS to your metaphoric imagination skills that put into words and shared and inspired us to broaden and strengthen more our shipping.....A hundred fold salutes to that poem u made...we appreciate well , your efforts to make it happens... 


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  5. Another fine day again to all of you guys... Most of you indicated here that you downloaded TIKTOK due to this popularity voting session of BINJIN.. I did it myself too and even encourage my 5 members of the family to do the same ...KEEP voting!..

    Am just a bit overwhelmed about the effect of CLOY drama around the globe. People are now unstoppable on browsing BINJIN's previous movies more so on JIN's part( maybe because she has more movies before and are mostly awarded winning pieces and blockbusters)..As you can see, most comments in twitter, instagram, facebook and youtube about their previous arts crafts  are now dissected crazily  and are being recognized positively where fans are continuously falling inlove with them and appreciate their acting capabilities which i believed were not known much before CLOY.. 

    Am propound with their situation now as a couple, one is quiet and the other one is busy and active..Which means supporting each other activities and artworks (one at a time).. If two of them are busy doing CFs or Movies separately at the same time, a tendency of  'artscraft's' competition  that may generate refutations resulting a turmoil in their relationship (which sometimes unavoidable in couple's life) ...So ill go along with their new set-up now for atleast, no tugg-of-war, no comparisons of productions so on & so forth and of course has time with each other's arms and breath together in one space...

    just my thoughts..

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  6. 45 minutes ago, ElectricHearts said:

     Honestly, I still think HB developed a crush on SYJ since watching A Moment to Remember at the premiere. I mean who wouldn't lol. So maybe that is why he decided not to work with her before because of this crush and also not feeling like he was ready to act along side her - An answer to this question we will never find out lol.

     This is exactly what am thinkin too but its hard for me to express it into words as might only my delulu....then followed by being a cameo in his Secret Garden then met personally during  that Producer`s Awards Night..jejeje

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  7. Am always thinkin' about the word "shipping"..


    Literally,  when we say shipping is that a transportation or sailing  of  'products' (goods) from one place to other place  with a course of maintaining their  good conditions and qualities as well..reason? - to uplift the shippers credibility and trustworthy...

    In BINJIN's case, we are shipping them ( as the purpose of this thread) - their relationship from being closed friend to be a real Mr. & Mrs. KIM..

    Firstly, I have a high a regards with  RIRIGAGA and few others who always give their bombing strikes positively and enthusiastically when the sailing is sinking that affects the  purpose of this thread.. 

    Its undeniably that some shippers here are dissecting every little thing by pulling too much the granite of like the  kissing scenes with co-stars and comparing  them which is which or who is who has a more  gravity  and intensity..and even disclosing too about their exes which  let's say the "bitter spices" of the sailing..However, these "bitter spices" are actually the sources of misunderstandings to the extent of engaging nasty communications resulting to discredit others and their idols..(i for one was once carried away and sorry about that)..

     So in-order to maintain the credibility of this shipping thread, i for one too stand for the rules  by trying (to the best of my ability) not to interject about  exes exes or comparing kissing scenes  which does not serve its purpose.. Let us just continue watching those edited videos from CLOY scenes as a flavor enhancer to our "delulus"..credit to the editor..please go on as long as it does not bring negativity..thanks for that.

    A big Congratulations to Son Ye Jin as  Year 2020 Most Beautiful Woman in the World and 
    A big of Applause to Hyun Bin for the positive vibes as an Ideal Partner posted by the Japanese/Taiwan Media Threads. ..Kudos to both..


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  8. 7 hours ago, hb-syj said:




    I still think the rumour is baseless just like many shippers have discussed in previous pages. Still waiting for BinJin news after Baeksang.



    On point! (BINGO).. Like as if Hyun Bin is a very desperate man if that's the case.... I agree  not to entertain any commotions  to disrupt any discourse about Mr. & Mrs. Kim here..That rumor is a trash/garbage  that has no space in this furom..A true shipper or a fan does not easily convey with such gossips without  receipts..

    oohh!! how i love BinJin...
    Dear Moderator,
    Please delete my comment if its offensive..

    Thanks...Bless you

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  9. 55 minutes ago, RiRiGaGa said:

    Holy WOW! Omo..I’ve only hidden myself away in my study cave for 2 days and this ship has gained mileage faster than Actress Son can name Hyun Bin-with-the-beautiful-dimples’ movies in 5 seconds! Impressive, shippers! :D:thumbsup: Way to charge full steam ahead! Whoo, I have so much catching up reading to do! 


    Let’s get cracking!

    Umm..do these news outlets, well can we even call them that? Have you seen their sad excuse for what they call “writing”? Just plain irresponsible. Come on! Amateur Hour over here! 


    Do they even know who the heck HB is or researched this man at all? Seems like their only purpose was to name drop "Crash Landing on You Heartthrob" a million times. 


    Imma let you finish spewing your lazy excuse for journalism...but first, let an old time HB expert drop some knowledge on you. 


    Does it make sense that a Sangnamja (translation: certified man’s man/badass) like our Binnie is going to settle for being somebody else’s sloppy seconds..well..thirds because technically, he came first ?? So he’d be..wait..maybe..I’m an Asian who’s not that good at math either apparently (joining your club, Bin-shi!) lol. Either way, the math just doesn’t seem to add up. 


    HB, as we’ve said, is a man who looks forward and not backwards. He does not regret his past, but he learns from it, and then he is always facing forward towards the future. Well actually, he faces towards wherever a certain Pretty-Don’t-Call-Me-Noona-N-I’ll-Buy-You-Food-N-Beer is located. You see, HB is but a complex yet simple man. A certain close friend is within a vicinity and he is automatically programmed to star-shoot his eyes, rotate his torso, deepen his dimples, and roll-lick his tongue. What’s a poor lover-groceryboy to do? The pattern, as the NIS agents have clearly analyzed, is as clear as HB’s bulging Adam’s apple.


    HB ain’t no holla-back boy! Nuh uh!


    Captain Ri only backs up his bike (dorkily) for one person. ‘Gookie’ Oppa only listens to the Ireland “Isn’t Is You? OST because ‘Actress Son’ controls the soundtrack of his life. He’s just “That Man.” I’m not sure why we are getting into a tizzy about a random scenery photo on IG when we have a million+ liked IG Christmas card of actual said man standing next to and adding subtle buttons to his close friend’s sweater in freaking Switzerland! Now that’s what I call some clear evidence! The scenery photo, to me, looks like a Bird’s Eye view of someone who is trying to spot Waldo-Bin and he just ain’t there. Because where in the world is he? Too busy trying out his new BodyLuv “body pillows” on the couch with a glass of beer making..I mean..watching movies. He's a responsible CF endorser ok, he always thoroughly tests his products.


    References (you always have to cite your freaking sources, ya lazy journal!) Check yoself be4 you wreck yoself!


    Check every single HB media content since TN (2018-2020).  Counselor, I rest my case.


    Ahh, finally my former English literature degree being put to good use. College me should be proud.  :) 


    I feel the same way, Captain Ri! Lousy journalists! 





    ha ha, i really love RIRIGAGA...:blush::blush::blush::blush:

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  10. 1 hour ago, Last Delulu Standing said:

    Hi, shoppers, this is in response to Shpectator last post in this page about the micro gestures:  His lips may not be so tale telling(although I think he's micro smiling all the way), but the way he closes his eyes when she kisses him just makes me a bealiver!  This is the gesture of HB that I like the most. Whenever he embraces her and closes his eyes makes my heart at the brink of a tachycardia attack. What's the gesture of BinJin that gets right to the core of your shipping heart? 

    true, i noticed that..all their embraces in cloy, capt. Ri closes his eyes...so sophisticated to look at..love it


    • Like 4
  11. 5 hours ago, Binjin2Ri said:

    SYJ’s beauty tips :wub:



    She truly is a goddess :blink: How can someone be so perfect! :wub:



    so nobody can question why Hyun Bin really really got into her.. she's the best..!! samewise with ye jin ..Hyun bin was able to captivate her due to his so gentle voice and charm and appeal..His tantalizing eyes and manly looks.. For me, there might be good looking people around them but both are perfect combinations of everything.. SOME are still hoping that they are dating but for me, they are really dating..what am hoping for is this COVID - 19 will gonna be settling down so wedding bells be pursued..Take care everyone..stay fit and healthy..

    <<in my dreams>>>

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  12. 8 hours ago, Binjin2Ri said:

    @dreamerofRIRI I think that particular Binjin Diary’s fake subs video got reported as copyright infringement and the fb account is now blocked for a few days, which I thought is ridiculous. It’s supposed to be a parody plus it’s clearly stated fake subs. The IG account is still active but that content had to be removed. Vast is definitely active right now. Who knows they might be lurking around here and dm a few people -_- 


    I’m glad I got to see it though it’s hilarious!!! 


    I am not sure how copyright infringement law works, maybe shippers in legal profession can shed some light? Are fake sub parodies considered infringement of copyright? 


    EDIT: I’m mistaken, it’s not that video but the latest one that Binjin Diary made that had to be removed. Maybe it’s too close to reality? :lol: Has anyone seen which video it was because I haven’t had a chance to see it.  You can dm me the answer. 

    hmm, what i understand about a 'parody' is that - an imitation of such an art work by any individual through  either comical or 'personification' of original characters..The way i see why they considered those fake subs videos as copyright infringement is that the original videos has been made by faking the meaning of the conversations itself...i enjoy watching though..!!

    >>am not sure though..>>
    mine is only opinionated....

    • Like 2
  13. 6 hours ago, RiRiGaGa said:


    Omo Omo..Thank you, @BJHope for your very spot-on walk-aways from all those precious BinJin candy videos that I keep abusing my repeat button for! When I get off after this week of nursing school online madness, I'm totally going to spend more time responding to each of your responses for each of the videos! :heart:  it! 

    "Compliment Me: HB opens with an un-characteristic, boyish hoot “Woo-hoo”- experts say this is evidence of SYJ bringing HB’s walls down"



    YESSS, @luvlove !! You are totally backing up my Point #4 of my BinJin Dissertation in that both of their unique humor is so entertaining and complementary to each other and we are so lucky that we get VIP access glimpse to watch it up! God bless the inventors of the pause and rewind buttons! I'm not sure if you're a new HB or old one, but as I've said, as an ancient HB fan, it makes my heart SO happy to see him return back to the HB that I saw at the beginning of his career before Mr. Badass Marine Guy/CEO/Seasoned Veteran HB started building up this thick wall to tough it out in this aggressive K-ent world and turned off his "jam jam" side! 


    Oh, "no jam" you say? Challenge accepted!


    I'm SO excited that the newly discovered/gained fans of HB could see the HB that I saw way back at the start of his career but now with added bonus features of Kangaroo hops b/c WTF are stairs? I gotta stand next to my close friend STAT!, Donkey skips b/c if I don't stand inappropriately close to my close friend so I can breathe in the same air, I'll suffocate, "Whoo-Hoo!'s", snatching cards out of pretty hands, "interlocking fingers," "Let's go to the bed!", "He is such a prankster!," stretching my neck so I can kiss my 165 cm petite close friend, "let's point the chicken wing down but I won't break it though!," pouty "I feel like I'm being punished because she can name my movies in a heartbeat but struggled to name 3 things about Captain Ri because "he has no charms," "I want a video replay" because she's kicking my butt at mission pong, I'm an 18-year old seasoned DAESANG-winning veteran actor yet I can't seem to remember some of my lines, know where to look when my blindingly pretty close friend is running towards me, figure out which friggin' direction to walk in/exit the sceneI can't seem to get the right ring on the right finger THREE times, I can't back this bike back up the hill, "How do I spin her? Nah, I'm just gonna swing throw her across the mountain!", I'm gonna "lose my footing" because I can't seem to let go of my koala-hopping, wiggle-down-my-legs-while-I-freeze close friend, "I'll speak for myself!," "Shall I go on?", I am cheekily, dimply content with how damn good I look yet I'm the humblest guy in the world, "Why are you like this, Ahjusshi?!", "Stu-pid fit?..no Suit fit!," Ahh!! cover my ears b/c I don't want to hear 'Gookie' oppa, "This is a scam! Don't get fooled by her eye smile!" pout pout, I'm a business savvy, highly intelligent CEO yet I'm bad at math and can't compute how old a 'middle school girl' would be now and I also cannot compute what the appropriate amount of personal space between me and my close friend should be,"I like negative space!" even though I pretended to work for the whole time but hey it's b/c she took all the good stickers!, a bear holding an umbrella sticker is the same thing as a crash landing parachute right? who cares, it's cute, the only pictures I own now are seflies with my close friend, "I grew out my hair to prepare for this TN role," heyy my photo-taking skills are good too! Let me see hers! pout pout, I don't have a social media account but do know how to use emojis now, Huh? What channel is my own TV set to for TVN clearly, I better turn to my close friend for help, I totally did not bulk up to protect my close friend by eating a lot and doing push-ups during scene breaks, apparently the Marines to which I was the top 20 in and was awarded top shooter marksmen, the toughest branch in the military, taught me how to finger rub on select surfaces because maybe I learned how to pull the trigger on guns too well, my manner hands get a little tired and slippery sometimes, my infamous back hugs used to be lower but now I forgot my anatomy, you mean my arms shouldn't be up this high? isn't this the waist?, I'm 37 going on 17 (maybe that's why I'm aging like a damned fine wine)....and the list goes on and on! :lol:


    Like for real, you new fans are SO lucky that y'all are getting like the extra extended 4K-Blu-Ray version of HB when I only had the grainy colored VHS tape HB version. huhuhu #jelly!. But we all know that that is only because Jinnie is included in this new limited HB edition. JINNIE NOT SOLD SEPARATELY. Enjoy it! You're getting one HELL of a DEAL, I tell ya! :lol::w00t:


    It's like Jinnie not only totally demolished Binnie's "walls", she friggin' barged into his house, set up camp, put her feet up on the coffee table, and said "HOLD MY BEER, BABE!" we're gonna be doing some updated remodeling on this HB house and you're gonna be even more awesome. :thumbsup:


    LOL, Okay, so sue me, I love to talk in metaphors! :phew: :D

    i like you RIRIGAGA..impressive

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  14. As i mentioned earlier about this Baeksang Awards, Both Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin are my  top contenders for Best Actress and Best Actor Categories( Lord hear my prayer)..I say so since SYJ's portrayal as Yoon Se Ri penetrated the highest level of enacting the different emotions reflected in the story naturally while Hyun Bin aside from his "top-notch" acting representations  as Ri Jung Hyeok , i would say, his portrayal of having a North Korean accent is a big additional points in his acting prowess...Hope the Judges consider those points mentioned above as they are among the excellent scriptures when actors acting their characters  is concerned..

    .....my perspective and standpoint...


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  15. am  so curious of some discussions here..wondering if comparing those kisses with Binjin co-stars from their movies in the past is helpful for shipping them..for me , it makes no sense..we can just discuss BINJIN kisses without dragging those previous kisses they had with co-stars as it just create uncomfortable to shippers like me..its unnecessary..which infact that SYJ is the one receiving the torrid french kiss in real life vice versa..sorry but i deslike those topics about comparing their kisses with others ...

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  16. good day again..its very interesting to read all the speculations( either moderate or immoderate, excessive hallucinations and imaginations..)though that's the upshot form of these two beautiful creatures called BINJIN..there were few or if not many who shared their  love life development and i want also to share my own speculations based on my simple analogy..
    1. NEGOTIATION SHOOTING- crush crush period
    2.NEGOTIATION RE-SHOOT- courtship time
    3. NEGOTIATION PROMOS - pre-mature relationship

    4. L.A SHOPPING TIL' CLOY WRAP UP PARTY- matured and too serious relationship that leads to wedding anytime ....GAKS!..

    >>>my illusions>>>

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