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Posts posted by flailingfangirl

  1. Hello everyone,


    It’s been a really long time since I last posted anything here. I have been very busy in real life, with new commitments and I survived without having much social media around me. I take it as no news being good news and hopefully one day I’ll wake up to a nice surprise for a change.


    Until I saw few posts on social media regarding the latest rumour.


    I don’t want to comment much about it, because at the end of the day, it’s whoever Binnie and Jinnie chooses to be with. If they’re happy together then good, if they’re happy with others then fine, and even if they’re happy alone it’s okay, too.


    That being said, and I don’t have much knowledge on anything lately than how to care for children, it seems that there’s a pattern for all these rumours, started in more or less similar ways, and likely triggered by some sect of fandom (or outside fandom). More often than not, it’ll happen when we somewhat has some contents or about to receive some contents.


    I pitied Binnie in this regard as it might give a bad impression on him, so many rumours on him alone this year which that poor guy doesn’t deserve to get. The only thing that are constant is that he’s a keen photographer and golf player, and how his eyes still look for Jinnie even if it’s just her image onscreen. 


    And the other parties to the rumour (however they may somewhat connected to it), they don’t deserve this either. They have a long way to go and focus should be on their careers instead of being entangled in some rumours started for whatever reasons.


    And of course, for Jinnie, she too has been dragged unnecessarily into the situation. And the behaviour of some fans of hers on social media (thankfully not shippers, though I don’t know many people in this fandom) do not help, too. Both Binnie and Jinnie are adults, not dolls to be passed around some people within a game, we’re talking about real people with feelings. 


    If I may recommend, just don’t feed the rumour monger. Just don’t engage them. It is unfortunate that they resorted to this game, which has made a lot of people to look really bad. They just want to tease and push certain buttons - so just stop engaging them for good. By engaging with them will also increase the mentions in social media and before we know it, things will blow up again.


    I am glad to see that at least the fans who support both of them (from limited access to social media that I have) have learned their lesson from the earlier scandal and this is somewhat controlled for now. 


    I hope and pray for the best for these two beautiful people (Binnie and Jinnie) and hopefully, this too shall pass. Let them be happy for once :) 


    I don’t know when will I come back for a visit to this thread again, so take care, everyone. I’ll see you when I see you.

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  2. Hello all,


    It’s been a while since I last came here to read anything. Great to see a lot of new members here (and for those old ones, hello to you, and you and you).


    Just dropping a note to wish Hyun Bin a happy happy happy birthday. And now that he’s off quarantine (it’s 26th in SK now), I hope he gets to celebrate his birthday with his loved ones. Am sure he is happy to see so many wonderful presents across the globe for him.


    So much love on this special day. Wishing him and his happiness, always.

    Take care, all of you. I’ll see you when I see you.

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  3. Hello all,


    My brain is completely fried and can’t look at the screen for long - yet when I saw people posting the screenshots of that Dispatch article on Instagram, I ended up browsing the site randomly while need to complete my preparation for tomorrow.


    And I think a bunch of them missed this part. 


    Re. The article on HB’s letter, there are not one. There were two published on Dispatch’s site.


    First article  - was an article prepared by their affiliate with a different heading than the one being posted online. Posted in the afternoon yesterday.

    Second article - was done by Dispatch late at night yesterday ie later than the first one. And that article was edited (maybe for some grammatical errors I don’t know). And this one has the photo of the OTP, the one that has been circulating around. 

    Both articles have similar content but different headline and of course, different photo.


    Not sure if it’s meant to be clickbait - it could be - and each click brings like, one won to the writer I think - but something for you guys to think about?


    Anyway I’m back to my work case so.... have fun with it!


    I’ll see you when I see you.


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  4. I am sooooo late to the party, but just dropping a note to say congratulations to Hyun Bin on his win as Most Popular Actor at the recent Baeksang awards! Am so proud of you - you’re so loved by all your fans in Korea and also internationally. From the looks of things, you’re doing really well with all those CFs lined up - am looking forward to all your new projects soon :)


    Also, that letter penned by him - it’s very heartfelt and shows how much he appreciates all his fans - who sent endless food trucks on set, delicious lunches and dinners on set, those gifts to cast and crew, flowers and gifts sent to the office, and those words of encouragement and support. And I feel that he is genuinely concerned about Covid-19, even more than what he lets on, or made publicly known. And I respect him for that.


    All the best, Hyun Bin!

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Intuition1 said:

    The brand name slight is something I do not understand. I never understood the hype about brands. I saw a documentary about how South Koreans are so much into brand names that many try to fit in by buying expensive items they cannot afford and get into huge debt. As a matter of fact, South Koreans have the highest personal debt in the world, which has led to their high suicide rates.


    I do not know the reason why Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin chose a non high ranking brand as they were expected, but I hope their choice to wear an affordable brand at one of the highest award ceremonies is a good example for Koreans to follow. I hope this shows that brand names are over rated and they can look  smashing with affordable brands.  I actually hope this is the reason they chose Ralph Lauren over the other fashion houses. Who knows maybe their choice can save lives.

    We will never know for sure, unless it is being revealed by them. Having said that, try look at it from this perspective - wearing something that is affordable might boost the sales of the brand because fans tend to purchase what the artists wear. And if it somewhat generates better sales for Ralph Lauren for the matter, why not, right? Given the current pandemic, people are more conscious about what they spend on, and if this somehow boosts their sales, then all is well and good. They already have one of their longtime customers in me anyway hahaha.


    Anyway, looking at it from business perspective helps. 

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  6. @gloriousCh33se I removed your post in mine but am keeping the rest of the contents of what I wrote here, unless there’s request for this to be edited. Hope this helps you ya.

    Man, I really, really want to commit to my new life as a plant mommy but I’ve read a couple of posts re. JHI-SYJ’s interaction at Baeksang, and I know that I’ve addressed it before months ago regarding these two, and at the risk of having my post removed due to non-compliance to the rules (if you know what I do in real life, you’ll know why I’m so particular about rules), but I’m too lazy to pull that post (I don’t keep track of my posts nowadays hahaha) but here it is, my two cents.


    SYJ - JHI have at best, a noona-dongsaeng relationship. Some would argue then why those lovey dovey scenes in SITR? It’s because they are acting, and being a senior actress she is, she actually guides him somehow in carrying out the scenes. She has publicly noona-ed her in SITR’s press conference before all the journalists.  He’s totally noona-zoned long time ago. No hard feelings against him though. I really like his work in Prison Playbook - it’s one of my personal fav dramas.


    CLOY press con though... she’s so different there. You all know why - I don’t have to write a long essay about it (actually I had, here - hundreds of pages ago lol).


    And further to the aforementioned spoiler content, I don’t want to sound delusional or whatever, because I’d like to keep my thoughts as clean and realistic as possible, but I saw one photo from Baeksang, and I know it has been turned into a meme (my friends sent that to me), but I gotta say, I like what I saw in that photo. Because for that one moment, to me, the tables have turned in a way.

    She’s the one that gazed at him instead of the usual modus operandi.


    You guys know which photo I’m talking about, I guess.


    Either the photographer got lucky with that shot, or she’s completely aware that the photo was taken and work some fan magic, or well, she has finally eased her guard for real (must be those dimples hehehe).


    My pick? Third choice.


    Have an amazing weekend!

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  7. 3 hours ago, Chewy said:


    I have no idea why they insist on putting him on a RL had it not for YJ just so they could be the Lauren couple, the fit is so bad that if not for the fact he looked this good, it would have gone south for anyone else. Everyone else rocked their diors and chanel and all....I am not pleased honestly with that suit. But I have to give it up to Yejin for slaying that RL dress, anyone of a lesser caliber would end up looking like being wrapped in a sequin rug.

    And why does it have to be something from 2019 when the others that are junior are already wearing Chanel, Vuitton and Dior Couture 2020.....

    Ralph Lauren is reserved for grocery shopping, definitely not for Baeksang awards ceremony and definitely not for these 2 A-listers who deserved something way better!! Possibly my only rant for BAA this year! When they present the same awards next year, I hope they get dressed the finest it can be. 

    I’m about to go to the nursery and look for my new plant babies but this portion of the post interests me so much (hehehe) so imma respond to it:


    - HB’s suit: had it not for the colour and the fact that it was him wearing it, it would not be as wow. If I’m being nitpicky, I wonder why his jacket was unbuttoned - was it ill-fitted? And the pants seem larger for his size. If it were me, I’ll have it altered (I altered most of my attire hahaha). Maybe not enough time idk. But yeah, the fit could’ve been better. Though I gotta say, if it’s on others it’ll look like a polar bear trying to fit in. He can wear a gunny sack and make it fashion (ok this is just me fangirling but yeah). The colour is good on him though - I like him in blue.


    - YJ’s dress: I agree too - it would’ve looked like a sequin rug or a pillow to others but it worked for her. Or she made it work somehow with alteration I reckon.


    - Brand and seasons choice: Could’ve gotten better. I’m surprised that it’s RL because that’s what I wear (I wear their pants for my field work / case investigations all the time), and I’m not even a someone high up lol. It’s not that they don’t get high fashion house sponsors before - was expecting HB in Dior or YSL (oooh I love this brand - very sexy) or at least Tom Ford. But they made it work with what they have. Putting a mental note to the stylists next time. Even the season is not current. Was expecting a pre-F/W 2020 at least.


    Not too sure what other posters would’ve thought, fashion-wise (I love fashion).


    Ok going back to plant mommy mode... ;) 

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  8. Ok I know this post might get me kicked out or for this post to be removed because it’s only Binnie but wowww check out this sweet, sweet car!!! This is the car that he drove in that Smart ad. Wow this ad must be really costly!



    Don’t mind me, am just browsing around reading news after receiving a devastating non-fandom news earlier this evening. Cheering myself up with some pretty!

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  9. Omo. Omo. Omo. Mr Kim was here? And I missed it? I went out empty handed with no plant! Hahahahaha... Maybe I should opt for flowers instead, at least I know what to do with it. 

    Mr Kim, you are hawtttttttttt. I finally found out about the brand of the suit that you’re wearing courtesy of my other friends who are your fans as well (you have no idea how loved you are at the place I work in! I deal with multinationals on daily basis and my clock is always not set right despite having an upright, enforcement-compliance job description lol. So unlike off-duty me lol) And I gotta say I love that choice! RL is a brand that I use myself as well so yay! Not sure if the selection was done by you or your stylist but I have to say..... good choice! Heck you can even pull off white suit without looking like a polar bear ok. Blue looks good on you! And those shoes! Niiiiiiiceeeee - love your personal sartorial choice there. Much love!


    Ok vanity aside... I’m still catching up on today’s news and all I can say that when it comes to yours, everyone loves youuuuuu!!! Sure the drama didn’t win but you guys surely are the biggest attraction in the news today, by just being you! Not just in Korea but in many, many parts of the world. So much support and love in so many parts of the world. Even my uptight, upright superiors love you! How cool is that? I am sure that a lot of offers are coming your way and if you keep up being you, and your work ethics, you’ll shine even more brightly like your stage name.  Even I don’t know or understand what magic and pull RiRi couple has but for now, I gotta say, a good press day is a good day!

    Take care and all the best, Mr Kim!!!

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  10. Oh my why the hell am I still here - I need to buy my new plant  but thought of just sharing it here.


    I wrote earlier how surprised I was reading and looking at the posts and messages from my real-life friends about Binjin. Some are even my lifelong friends. Mind you, all of them are not in the same categories of friends I have in this life but they said really nice things about them and even they can see what you guys observe here.  One of them even said to me that looking at their photos is like looking at two real-life people and find it actually intrusive to look at it even longer. I was like “Wow, you never say things like this to me before!”. 

    They have touched our lives in a good way. 

    My conclusion is, don’t worry about them incessantly. They are doing fine, and they are doing well. They addressed their fans together, I don’t know Korean but some of you do see that they addressed themselves as “we”, they are comfortable with each other and respectful of one another and despite of the rules of the day, you can still feel the realness of them, just being themselves. They genuinely like each other (I don’t know in what way lol) and with that, I just let them be. 

    It is really hard to make real-life connections in that industry of theirs (you’ll think that one person is your friend, turns out they are not. you think you can find a confidante but turns out they stabbed you. Everyone is envious of one another and will try to one-up each other). Actresses are the worse lot - be it in Hollywood, Bollywood, Pinoywood (I don’t know what it’s called over there) and even K-ent. They might appear as friends but they are not. All are for show, all are for their own benefits. True friends are hard to get in that industry where unfortunately, your youth and beauty is being looked at. A very vain industry indeed.


    Consider themselves lucky that they have a ~close friend like each other (I honestly think Ms Son reeeeally lucked out this time because Mr Kim is such a good person) in this crazy business. Everyone is out there for themselves and to actually have another person to come into a common ground together and to be able to sincerely appreciate their fans for all their efforts together, that is major.

    I don’t know how they end up taking photo with just one trophy when each of them receive one. Maybe on the instruction of the photographer or whatever. Regardless of that, they still do it together, and addressed their fans as one unit. 


    HB himself seems like even he cannot believe the immense support he garnered for the award - even as the award is already in his hand. Even when he occasionally goes online and monitor his fans’ responses. Even when he already knows.


    And with that, they earn my respect. 

    Keep calm and carry on, you both.

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  11. 30 minutes ago, Chewy said:

    I am racing against time now but I just want to make space for this one comment that I have been wanting to say but kept forgetting quickly. 


     That female journalist(Don’t want to say name) on channel A whom when asked by SYJ on what she thought about interviewing HB said HB has no jam, well of course he is no jam with you, but he is all jam with his girl, I meant like what are you expecting him to do when you interviewed him? Serenade you or something? 

    look at how his staff complained that he wouldn’t even use emojis with them but how freely he flood YJ with those cute emojis at KKT


    also why didn’t the same journalist thought of why among all of the men she worked with, why would SYJ specifically asked her about what she thought of HB??!! Obviously HB matters to her right!

    Talking about no EQ and being insensitive! This is one classic example! 

    Even fans knows HB is like that because he is selective and choose who he wants to do these with. Jamming with the chosen one! Not everyone!!


    Anyway what matters is they sure can jam with each other so well!!! 

    I guess I check out this thread at the right time - I saw a CLoY interview of these two (by a Thai journalist - I think they had so many interviews that day lol) where HB mentioned that the similarity of RJH and him is that he takes care of his people like they are family. And the difference between HB and RJH is whereby RJH will help a stranger and do whatever it takes (ok it turns out as YSR in the drama), it remains a question mark to him in real life. My take is he won’t go out of his way for a stranger.


    So yeah, interesting point there, @Chewy :)


    Am still pretty lost at other points here and there - today’s an emotional day for myself so I’ll probably read the rest later.


    Ooh I saw another short HB/mediheal ad but with no subtitles so I know nuts as to what he said, so ended up staring at his dimples instead. Lolzzz.


    I’m a gone case for Baeksang tomorrow (if I get to catch the show somewhat then it’s just pure luck for me) so for the rest of you, all the best! 

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  12. Hello all!


    I feel like it’s been ages since I’m in here. So many posts to read omg! Maybe in few week’s time I’ll be able to read everything lol.


    Re. the votes, am still keeping my fingers crossed because we don’t know what the exact number is in the end, if the votes are counted. Bots and all. But I really appreciate everyone’s efforts. Wowwww!!! I literally followed the device rules as well because I don’t want to risk anything on our OTP! 


    Re. Baeksang winners, my predictions were per before, and they go for technicalities so it’s hard. But yeah, no matter what happens, just don’t hate one another if the results aren’t what you hope for. Instead celebrate the fact that the drama and our OTP is being recognized for their work via the nominations. That itself is an honour. We should never forget that.


    As for whether HB’s attending or not, no matter what, I respect his decision. He is filming right now, and I think I talked before in my last few posts on productions cost and manpower and even then I’m unsure if at all he is attending. Being dutiful person he is, he will respect the production team’s decision for the day. Who knows, our dashing Sangnamja will be there, flashing his devastating dimples? Those dimples are a killer (to me, and maybe to the other half of the OTP. Heck, to anyone!) Hahahahaha.


    Nevertheless, his new ads are amazing, and that adorkable interview might sustain us for a short time hehehe. I was caught by surprise over the content as I really thought it would be pure endorsement questions, and at most on PH and current issues of the world ie Covid-19. Oh well, whatever rocks HB’s boat I guess hehehe. Am sure the questions are filtered beforehand and not impromptu Qs.


    Oh ya, one more thing - I think we also need to be fair to our fellow posters. They have jobs and reputation to keep, and whatever that they have kindly shared in this thread should be treated with utmost respect and be grateful with whatever info there are :) Besides, in the end, no one has control over anything and everything especially re. our OTP so let things play by itself (and preferably OTP too, deals with it themselves as in themselves only) and we all enjoy the fun wherever there are. I personally prefer surprises as it adds more excitement in our lives. Life is so boring when you know the spoilers to the drama already.


    Take care, all. And don’t feed the trolls!!!

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  13. Hello all,


    Am taking time off everything fandom-y for now as I had RL things to look after and my energy level is really low but wow, so many Binnie contents today?


    Thank you for my birthday presents, Binnie!


    I haven’t read through the posts here for a while - maybe in few more weeks I hope, so I might skip everything that all of you have been discussing thus far... but anyway...


    Wishing all of you the very best in voting - I’m just gonna opt as a simple voter this time around. But will do so no worries. Anything for the OTP.


    Leaving the last one here - am surprised that this is out now because I thought it will be on 1 June?


    Take care, everyone. And don’t fight with other fandoms ok - it’s a waste of time. Let them win as fair and square as possible.

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  14. I am so happy for Hyun Bin's Baeksang nomination! Was quite worried before the nomination day because my initial prediction was to include the lead actor from Married Life (the moment I heard they extended the eligibility for entry) and Dr. Kim (because I think he is good), but I was pleasantly surprised. Sure the competition is fierce, and I think his toughest competitor would be Namkoong Min (and probably Park Seo Joon - though I think he will nab the Popularity Award), but I think HB has a good chance of winning the Best Actor award this year. He really deserves it.


    Congratulations again, Hyun Bin (and the rest of CLoY team)! He's the best and I wish him all the very best!!! :D :D 

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