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Posts posted by Broaddaylight

  1. @Whisper2 Good call, I need to keep it sophisticated... With only a track suit, I feel kinda naked. I have to buy a gold chain, a phone case chain, an orange tracksuit and drape it with a suit blazer...


    They put a sticker on the Puma logo. I think Mercedes did not want Puma to steal the limelight... Didn't you know Mercedes is for commoners? Puma is too prestigious for them...

    • Like 1
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  2. Man, JJH copied the wardrobe of KHS at the end... Those shoes with orange soles and green tartan suit were hideous... Haha, the fashion sense by both is so wrong that it becomes awesome... I will definitely cop myself a weird orange or red track suit by Puma or Adidas whenever this whole corona lockdown is over..

    • Like 2
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  3. What is people’s verdict on the FL’s dad?  Is he still despicable or did he change after serving time in prison? If I watch the scenes between the FL and her dad, I always have the feeling he is trying to rekindle their relationship. At least, his demeanor makes him look like a vulnerable, sad and lonely man. Or the actor portraying the dad is not that good, as the dialogue between them hardly gives room for reconciliation. 

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, queenie said:

    I'm also disappointed with Gi Hyeok, but there's a scene in episode 13, where Yoo Mi tell him that he should be loyal to HJ and she'd be loyal to GJ, so I'm hoping there will be a twist that GH is still trying to help his friend. 


    Apart from our OTP, I really like Ms Boo. She's not only smart and pretty, but also confident enough to confess her love to HJ and not feel the need to play dirty to GJ (I'm bored of that kind of love triangle cliché). In fact, she 's always been respecting GJ and follow GJ's order because she knows it's the right thing to do.  



    They will use Mr Kim's license while appealing to Korean Bar Association about their license suspension order. Guess there will be new evidence come up and they'll get their license back before the court day.


    Anyone knows where can we find rating of this show? I checked http://asianwiki.com/Hyena_(2020) but their update is quite slow. 


    They even have two attorneys with law licenses: Kim Chang Wook (the fired partner of Song & Kim) and the associate. 

    • Like 4
  5. It always feel strange in kdramaland to see the ending to be bittersweet. Yes, all received closure. But I thought it was endearing to see a group of misfits together. I know that there is too much bad blood to reconcile, but without JGS and OSA in the group I feel that there is a certain distance between the viewer and the characters. PSRY, JYS, CSK, MHY, and Toni became too corporate-y to my taste. I miss the innocence of PSRY, his stubborness and his kindheartedness. I hoped that PSRY would grant the chairman his last wish, not necessarily because he deserved his mercy but because PSRY always had a big and forgiving personality. But ending it with that he is merely doing his thang as a businessman feels un-SRY to me. The chairman is dying of cancer and the company is going bankrupt anyways, just let it die off. There is no need to go full vulture mode and pick every piece of the corpse.


    It is also weak sauce of the chairman to resort to begging. A man with his principle should jump from Jangga's building to adhere to his motto that no-one can punish him except for himself.


    As said earlier, Itaewon Class lost Itaewon and became more and more Yeouido Class. I liked PSJ's other misfit drama much better (Fight For My Way), but thanks for the first ten episodes which were seriously good!

  6. @serenilmauve You took it a bit literally when I meant linear. It is difficult to explain as I am not talking about their character as one-dimensional per say, but more about the trajectory of "arriving at their personality". It all has the same cookie-cutter formula.


    As said, the reason I am rambling on about this whole series is because I initially thought it was going to be the best series ever, but a bit passed the midway of the episodes the story became less gripping. I thought it could pass 20% viewership because it genuinely had a good story (and not because it catered to the masses such as CLOY), but eventually the ratings dropped because the story lost its power. It misses a bit of "spice"/edginess. For example, agree or disagree... Initially they introduced the public to two characters that SK never has seen: a transgender and a person of colour. You would think they would play a major role in the second part to represent the Itaewon-vibe. But both roles were diminished and the writer fell back to traditional characters such as CSK and JGS, who are easier to digest by the SK public. In the end there was not a lot of "Itaewon" in "Itaewon Class". In fact, not only did they leave the real misfits out of the story, they also stopped going to Itaewon physically (except for a few dates).


    Also watching Ep. 16 right now. It feels weird that they have come to a point where they have to resolve everything as brutes with violence again. It also does not make sense to go with two people to a bunch of gangsters.

  7. @serenilmauve It is not about plotholes or something. I thought they were just fine. It is about the weird pacing. Crash Landing On You and Chocolate had the same flaw. For example in CLOY it took them literally various attempts to get Seri to South Korea, but it turned out it was not really a big deal after seeing how Son Ye Jin, Hyun Bin, his soldiers and the bad guy crossed the border eventually. With Chocolate as well, we have Ha Ji Won chasing the ML for years. And when they are finally together, Ha Ji Won leaves him for Greece because of a weird encounter with her mom.  Itaewon has the same kind of issues. The general nature of the whole story can be summarized as follows: it builds up momentum, but then the result is always flattish.


    Also, all of them seem to have strong principles, but if going gets tough they all throw their beliefs out of the window:

    - JGS turning evil to the point of outing his dear friend as a transgender

    - JGS shifting back to the good side

    -  SRY's promise to OSA to make her unemployed, but as times passes OSA resigns herself

    - OSA's promise to pay the dad in threefold... but when she get a job offered by Jangga she takes it immediately and screws over his son

    And so on, and so on...


    As said, it is a good drama, but the tropes used are all linear. There is no variety in character development or outcome: all characters have the same type of development with most ending up neglecting their first beliefs and all plans fail.

  8. @greenwatch08 I saw it coming in a mile that SRY would go down on his knees. I thought his attitude already changed when he bowed to Chairman Jang when he welcomed to DanBam for the first time. Nothing wrong there. But what I am saying is that both achieved not a lot when it comes down to trampling each other. 


    Chairman Jang's fall was not caused by PSRY, but self-inflicted because he was surrounded by a moron and because he was so eager to teach PSRY a lesson (if that is not a fetish I don't know). Even the death of Chairman Jang is done by nature and not PSRY.


    It is more an execution thing. Many of the issues were bombarded as unreconciliable, unsolvable problems that took years to plan, but turned out to be quite the opposite:

    - JGW's fall from grace -> coffee chat with JYS

    - PSRY's struggles -> rich granny of friend

    - Revenge on the chairman -> cancer


    It is just weird that technically none of PSRY's long-term plans worked. All he has done is pick some fights that he all lost: he got kicked out from his first building, failed to make Ms Kang chairman and most recently failed to make JYS non-executive member (talking about his useless fund manager friend...). And now it turns out that bringing Chairman Jang down was not that difficult at all, if OSA just did her thing. She accumulated all the bad things on Jangga and could easily cause him harm. But this makes me wonder if OSA has this information, why does Ms Kang not have it? But OSA is a spineless character after all. She never speaks up. Never tells that she likes PSRY nor tells him to chase JYS. And the only time she decides to speak up, she basically ruins PSRY's life (she tells PSRY that JGW hit his dad - SRY did not know).


    It should have been more like Old Boy where it took years for Yoo Ji Tae to get revenge on Choi Min Shik (and boy.. CMS got some). The camerawork is top notch though,  the acting of the ML's and to a lesser extent KDM as well. It is a good drama, in the same realm of Dazzling, Dr Prisoner or something like that. But not My Ahjussi, Signal, Misaeng, Sky Castle level, contrary to what its viewership ratings and SNS hype might indicate. It is just slightly overrated.



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  9. Quite interesting plot. There are two people with a weird fetish for each other. They try to destroy each other for decades to realise in the end that it was all pointless. One technically lost his dad because of his ego (if he would have apologised, his dad would have remained at Jangga and not be victim of a hit-and-run whilst doing deliveries) and the other lost his beloved son whilst the purpose of founding the company was to let his family live in clover in the first place.  Had they both backed down earlier they would have lived a happy life.


    Even more ridiculous is the ease to get the culprit to commit to the hit-and-run. It took PSRY multiple years to get his revenge on JGW, but it took JYS a bit of charm to make him confess in less than 15 min in a coffee chat. It also feel rushed to see how DanBam struggled to stay afloat for so many episodes to suddenly catch up with Jangga in four years. They only had to hire Tony, who happened to be related to the rich granny he handed a flyer to (what a coincidence). The same granny who pretended to be a baller by telling Chairman Jang to not toy with PSRY as she has him under her wings - a threat that achieved absolutely nothing. 


    The characters are also peculiar. We have two obsessed, borderline lunatics (JYS and JGS) who try to harrass their crushes into loving them. Add in Kwon Nara to portray a character that is even duller than her already deadfish acting talents (come on... telling PSRY that she knew all along that he liked JYS is a bit unexpected and also boneless to me...) The pièce de résistance is the useless supporting cast. What is the purpose of the fund manager friend? What is the purpose of Ms Kang? What is the reason of giving the detective lines after he served his purpose in the plot to jail JGW? We also have Tony, who apart from being related to the core investor was mainly part of the furniture and fixtures (at least let him show up in the hospital scene to support PSRY...). To end it all, we have a gangster boss who in earlier episodes seems to have a special bond with PSRY (offering to give him a ride home after serving jail together, visiting DanBam when it opened), but decides to whack him half unconcious.


    You can definitely feel that it is the first drama of both Showbox and the writer. It was fun whilst it lasted, but nothing memorable. It is a good successor to Chocolate, who had the same flaws...

    • Confused 1
  10. 6 hours ago, veespn said:

    Is it just me or KDM outshines everyone in the drama? 

    I think her acting is becoming more stale. Initially I thought she was a great actress, but in the last few episodes her acting is very similar to the acting of OSA and JGS: deer-in-the-headlight expression with some weird pouting of the lips. I guess her range of acting is not broad enough yet. She can play one hell of a b-i-t-c-h, but playing a more vulnerable character is not convincing.


    I enjoyed watching Itaewon, but I am happy it is coming to an end. The series almost had a freefall in terms of quality and the drop in rating really shows it. I think they pushed KDM a bit too much after she gained popularity amongst viewers. But the core of the story should always have been PSRY vs the chairman.


    It is a bit of a Park Seo Joon thing. Secretary Kim also started out super strong to end up quite average.

    • Unamused 4
    • Confused 1
  11. How is everyone feeling about this show? Initially I thought it would be a revolutionary show about dreamers/indepedent spirited people, but quite honestly the pace and intensity is fading quickly. I have the feeling that the story is running around in circles, with bad character development? The two male leads are good, the two female leads are a bit secondary. YS is not so badass anymore and SA is portrayed by a deer-in-the-headlight-type actress. The supporting roles are also badly fleshed out.  I thought Kim To Ni for example would have a more prominent role, but he is basically decoration like a lamp or a chair. Jang Geun Soo seems to be getting a prominent role, but the actor that portrays him has one of the most dullest expressions I have ever seen. The hedge fund buddy of PSR was introduced as some special dark character that would be the glue to PSR's plans, but he is just a yes-man. I am not surprised that the ratings have dropped. I thought it had potential to break 18%+, but now I am thinking it will stay around 15%. Still entertaining to watch, but not jawdroppingly good anymore.

  12. 6 hours ago, wisely1300 said:

    Also, the hate for SA in this thread is ridiculous, especially from those who claims that she hasn't done anything for SR. Really? First of all, if not for SA, SR would either be rotting in jail right now for murder or dead because he attempts to kill GW and gets shot instead. SA literally saves and allows him to even have a future, but I guess for some reason y'all all overlook that. She was the one who was able to get through to him at his lowest. Not only that, she was a friend, an emotional support for him at his lowest moments, from the funeral all throughout his jail time. It may seem insignificant, but emotional support is literally so freaking important to stay sane, so again, why are y'all discounting that? Her letters were the reasons he cite that helped him tremendously to keep his head up and get out of jail still a normal person. While he was in jail, she also was the one who helped liquidated his father's restaurants and gets him money for it, so I guess y'all are forgetting that too? 


    Also, please name a single thing that SA has done to intentionally hurt SR. What exactly has she done?? Accept a scholarship and then work at Jangga even tho she knew the boss was evil? So then should all Apple, Walmart, Amazon workers quit because all those companies (and basically all big corps) heavily abuse child labor and their own workers in third-world countries....And SR was basically gone for 10 years (3 years in jail and then 7 years fishing), so she had to survive completely alone. At that point, you take what you can get to live. And for all those people who wants her to quit Jangga and join Danbam to be a good friend for Sae Ro Yi...what type of friend would Sae Ro Yi be if he lets his love and his friend quit a great job for his sake?? Heck, how many of y’all would turn down a great job offer simply because the company’s ethics are not good? Is Soo Ah a bit selfish at times? Sure, but who tf in real life is not looking out for their best interests? She’s a person with her own worth too, and as long as she does not hurt her friends (AND AGAIN, SHE HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING THAT HURT SAE RO YI), why isn’t she allowed to chase after her own desires? Maybe once she's actually forced to choose between the company and SR it'll be different, but for now, she hasn't done anything to intentionally hurt him. 


    At the end of the day, for me, right now SA is a much better match for SR because they understand each other. You can say whatever you want about SR opening up to JYS and needing her at his company, but yet JYS still does not understand him at all despite hearing his past and his revenge plan. SA does (that's how she was easily able to help JYS). Conversely, SR gets her, that because of her past, right now she can't be on any team but team Soo Ah. I just want the girl who has been dealt so many losing hands to win once in her life, and the girl who has always had it easy and found everything so easy to learn that in life, sometimes you don't get what you want (and plus GS is a fantastic option B, just saying). 


    SA is getting more hate than the likes of Ms Kang, who is also aware that the chairman covered up for his son. Ms Kang even refers to it when she meets with SRY and his buddy. Ms Kang also does not do anything to help PSRY avoid jail, whilst she most likely has the power to do something about it.


    I think the fact that OSA is not well-liked by the viewers has less to do with the character, but more with the actress. Kwon Nara gives us quite a lethargic acting performance as OSA. She talks in a monotone voice, stretches her eyes wide open and likes to have her mouth half open all the time. Her face does not carry a lot of emotions, which is probably due to the fact that she is not experienced as an actress. Nara misses the subtleness in acting that KDB has. For example, when PSRY stripped JYS from her management tasks, you actually felt her pain when she was talking about sympathy. She incorporates weird voice cracks and heavy breathing in her acting instead of just screaming or crying like most actors do.


    I felt that Nara's acting in her last project (Doctor Prisoner) was also quite lukewarm. In fact, she was supposed to play the FL in Doctor Prisoner, but it was hardly noticeable as she was outacted by the rest of the cast. In fact, Kim Byung Chul and Choi Won Young were supposed to be supporting characters, but eventually ended up having more lines and more prominent roles than she did.

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  13. YS' character is really awful. Yes, she is "developing", but not for the right reasons. She has little sympathy - today's episode shows it again. She is only accepting everyone and everything in her surroundings, because she is so lovestruck by PSRY - she is willing to deviate from her conservative values for PSRY. She is lucky that PSRY adheres to his idealistic values, and does not get swayed by her. If he was like her, DanBam would only have her and CSK as employees. Heck, even CSK's job would not be safe as he is an ex-convict without a "heroic and sob story" like PSRY.


    Next episodes should be fun though. I assume that YS will infiltrate Jangga from the inside. I am sure she will not betray PSRY because of her obsessiveness for him. But I hope that she becomes less one-dimensional, because until so far she blindly follows PSRY. I hope she develops some sympathy/people skills as well. For now I am definitely team OSA.

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  14. 13 hours ago, serenilmauve said:

    @Anjalifairy realistically, who would even forgive Oh Soo Ah and be understanding of her in Park Sae Roy's position... I feel like almost everyone would've been mad if someone tried to pull something like that on them...
    But, I do enjoy the complexity and duality of all characters in the drama. I went to read some blogs and listen to some podcast and it seems like some try to put characters in a small shoebox of emotions, where a character can be only either nice or bad and their motivations can be only about wanting to be that "nice" or "bad" person and nothing more. When even PSY and JDH have more complex motivations, than just being pure good or pure evil. While we as people realistically have a ton of different emotions and motivations, that sometimes even contradict each other, and because we do one thing right, it doesn't mean we wouldn't do wrong in other situations.

    Food for thought: could it be the reason that we all like JYS so much, because KDM is absolutely killing it in the acting department? I liked JYS from the get go, but started to dislike her a bit after analyzing her behavior. Many defended her by saying that she has a mental illness. Which is true and we should not talk lightly about, but it does not mean we have to turn a blind eye regarding some loathable parts of her behavior. For example, she was adamant about kicking Hyun Yi out merely because of her gender identity. We can contribute this behavior to her being a sociopath or her accomplished business mindset (i.e. anticipation of non-acceptability of transgenders by Korean society), but in other situations we have seen that she has a very well developed social cognition and empathy. She can relate very easily with what Korean society deems as social paria such as convicts and people of colour. What I am trying to say is, is that we all justify JYS' bad traits by attributing it to her mental illness, whilst we are overly harsh with OSA's situation. I think that OSA processes the value of human relationships differently than we do. I can imagine that if you get disowned by your own mother and years of social prejudice makes you more transactional with regards to people, which in itself also deserves some sympathy (as she is a victim of a hard society). It is also easier to hate on her because she is so successful and therefore does not seem to have made any real sacrifices. OSA's situation is an ethical dillemma that simply does not have a good answer.

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  15. 1 hour ago, bedifferent said:

    @Broaddaylight If I remember correctly, Ms Kang's father along with Chairman Jang built the company so theoretically she is a major co-owner unless Jang bought out his partner's shares. She sits on the board with voting rights, eyeing Jan'g next move now that he is older. The problem with Jang is that with no suitable successor atm and when his health deteriorates,  I guess the board can push to buy back his shares too.  That's far stretched but a possibility in theory.  Jang knows it and he is frustrated with both of his sons' current states.  As for PSR and the activist hedge fund, I agree, PSR can be the needed swing vote for Ms Kang to be chairperson.  That said, I feel we shouldn't underestimate PSR's ambition to grow his own business empire.  He may use his $1.9 B won in another (more creative) way.  Like many here, I love PSR character so hoping he will use his hedge fund money to advance social causes close to his heart and to help others.  

    Time to turn financial geek mode on. According to episode 5:

    -  The chairman has a stake of 30.258% (it is written on the paper he receives from his assistant) or KRW 60,516,000,000

    - Ms Kang has a stake of 7.9128% or KRW 15,825,600,000. According to the assistant, she will receive the support of 25% of the shareholders


    Since we have this information, we also know what the % of PSRY is worth. Apparently, he has KRW 1,900,000,000 in shares. This is equal to 0.95% (check the math yourself!). So this means that the battle between chairman and Ms Kang will be 30.258% (assuming he does not have other support) vs 25.95%. So there is at most 43.792% of undecided votes. But the battle is quite close. Also Ms Kang - with the use of the unnamed hedge fund manager (most likely PSRY's friend) - accumulated 1.2% extra in a very short time. Buying an extra 5% should be doable for Ms Kang to make her share larger than the chairman's.


    I am not sure that the board can or will push to buy back his shares. Good corporate governance is not on top of the agenda of Asian companies, hence we see the most irrational financial decisions in the area (I can give you multiple examples if you want haha)

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  16. 6 hours ago, ehy said:


    Chingu, you should call out the person you were referring to, not leaving it out like this.. it draws out toxicity.


    Okay, if you happen to be pointing me out.. first I'd like to apologize if I somehow sting you with what I wrote.


    But I'd like to give my quick take with SA.


      Reveal hidden contents


    SA as a highly staff of the Janggs is truly amazing, from an orphan who find her way get into a college and be successful at the moment is something to be credit for. But let me ask something, if SRY's father didn't die.. would the life-changing opportunity knock on her? I doubt, she only has SRY father before the incident.. she has no friends, she's an orphan.. sure she can get into a scholarship she's a smart girl after all, but school is not the only factor, surviving alone is the focal point, what might happen is she's going to work her richard simmons off doing part-time jobs to earn money for college and to live.. that's a tough road ahead. Basically what I'm saying is, she took the shortcut by joining hands with the devil. What's the price? Injustice to SRY's father, Geunwoo get's off the hook and most of all SRY's "BITTER NIGHTS" . You don't do that to a friend, to a father like to you.. you just don't.


    See, I know SA is coming from somewhere.. I don't belittle her misery or refuses to understand. DanBam vs Jangga battle is her second chance to redeem herself, to free herself yet she shows no slowing down. Why ask why does she need to leave everything for SRY, I have a different thing in mind with that.. Her everything, is an outcome from benefiting SRY's deepest wound, she owe it to him.


    For me this is not just business preposition, it was shown at the end of EP2 where times had passed and she is living the life she have chosen. This particular scene tells a lot, this shows her perception through the years, or possible with her grief as an orphan or getting pitied at, her gaze and vibe shifted in a maleficent feels, it's dark as you can see. At one point I believed that through the years she's with Jangga she became one with it, her and chairman Jangg share the same idealism in someways.


    She's miserable despite all the success she has right now. She's alone, guilty, a dog to the Janggs and frustrated with her romantic feelings with SRY. However she's now a well off lady who's competent at work, but is force to snitch a friend-lover due to her imprisonment from the deal she made with the devil a decade ago.


    I don't view her as born evil, she is not.. it has nothing do with her baggage as well. She just gave in and lost her way, that was a choice she made..

    an angel once said..


    Park Sae Ro-Yi is a perfect example...


    I'm just frustrated how they change a significant piece on the webtoon, just to test this triangle more.. and make it more dramatic to the SRY - SA love line, it's unnecessary imo.





    Your take is valid, but do realise we are talking about Korea. To understand SA's mindset you have to understand how the economy/ society of Korea works:


    - Korea has a high youth unemployment rate. Even students of Seoul National University are unemployed (there are plenty of news articles written on it)

    - There is also no room for innovation, as all the chaebols have their smaller peers in a stranglehold - startups in Korea are almost non-existent. So in real life DanBam would have been crushed by Jangga, so it would be career suicide to side with PSRY

    - Korean business life is quite misogynistic and very network-based (sunbae-hoobae). A female orphan with no support would absolutely not get into Jangga in the first place

    - Koreans in general are super-risk averse due to the 1997 Asian financial crisis, where many experienced personal bankruptcy. This is also the reason why being a civil servant is everyone's dream career as it offers job security (low risk of getting fired). The flipside is that every year 440,000 people take the civil exam (with many preparing for 10 hours a day for multiple years). With this amount of competition for even the most boring and crappiest (for a lack of a better word) jobs, you must have the altruism of Gandhi to refuse a lucrative job at Jangga


    In conclusion, if she did not accept the offer of Jangga, she would most likely be preparing for the civil services exam and working multiple part-time jobs - with the high probability that all her efforts would be in vain. JYS can afford more risk in her life, because she is quite rich due to her popularity as a social media star. She can accept random gigs such as DanBam and refuse to go the university. University would be like finishing school to her anyways, instead of a stepping stone. But for people at the lowest ranks of society such as SA, the decision is not that black or white. If you would ask on the streets of Seoul how many people would do the same as SA, you would end up with 90% (if not higher) - even SKY students.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

    Nicely played Sae Royi. He's buyin' out Jangga (why do I keep pronouncing it as Jenga LoL?!) Time to retire old man. It must be a bruise to his massive ego that own younger son prefers working for the enemy LoL. Yi Seo continues to own this show. Love her spunk. She may be a lil crazy but I like her hustle.

         The jury's still out for me when it comes to Soo Ah. The other Soo Ah from My ID is Gangnam Beauty was a ***** & doesn't really conjure up positive vibes for me either.:P I like the inclusion of Tony as part of the Danbam Team; he's funny.:D 

    It's war & I'm ready ha-ha. And obviously, I'm on Team Royi.;)   

    I don't think he is buying out the chairman. He simply does not have the money to do it yet. Furthermore, the chairman can refuse to sell SRY his stake. What is likely to happen is that SRY can act as an activist shareholder that votes against every plan of the chairman such as on topics such as succession. He needs to cooperate with the other shareholders though because his small stake will not be enough to cause any nuisance. That is why he needs Ms Kang or perhaps also SA that have more clout behind them with the board of directors and shareholders. But hey I can be wrong, it might be overthinking it - after all... IC is not Money Game (which is btw a good show that receives zero love!).

    • Like 7
  18. 6 hours ago, AsveriaPSJ said:

    Btw, Jang Gunsoo found out Jo Yiseo’s drawing of Park Saeroy. I guess her rejecting him for Park Saeroy would lead him to join finally Jangga against DanBam, huh? 

    Also, I want to talk about stocks, but I’m bad at finical accepts. I wonder what it actually means. But 1.9 million dollars is not a big money for company like Jangga, no? 

    I am not familiar with Korean securities law, but in most countries shareholders are anonymous - unless they have a substantial stake and have the duty to report the stake (some countries use a treshold of 3% of the shares in a total company). So the fact that his name showed up means that his stake is substantial.


    On the other hand, there is a battle going on between the chairman and Ms Kang. In one of the episodes two shareholders talked to her about her being a potential successor. Adding the relatively small stake of PSRY to the two big shareholders can mean that PSRY can be the marginal difference they need - making PSRY's vote very valuable. Furthermore, Ms Kang in one of the episodes talked about a very talented hedge fund manager (most likely PSRY's friend) - we do not know how big his stake is.


    Finally, they could have in theory bought a lot of options, which give them the right to purchase the underlying stocks for a set price in the future. These options can be potentially transition in a large stake. A lot of hedge funds do this, because it allows them to build up a stake quietely (or else it would push price up) without having to report their stake to the authorities. And when they finally enter, it would be swift and unexpected.

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  19. Soo Ah's character is unusual for k-drama world, but it is how people in the real world are. She is pragmatic. Do not forget, she is an orphan. These people normally have no good future, but Jangga took her in and allowed her to build up a high-flying career. What was she supposed to do? Take SR's side and risk everything for "puppy love"? Very idealistic, but not realistic. Let's face it... Even with her testimony, he would have been a convict (Jangga would have buried the evidence anyways). The only reason why he is successful is because he has grit. If he had the same attitude as Seung Kwan (most people would...), he would likely end up as a low-life gangster. People call her shallow, but I think her character is deep and analytical. I actually starting to like her more than JYS after episode 5. JYS initially looked like a powerful and well-liked, but slowly but surely I noticed that she is very possessive/obsessive (her defence against SA's kiss), cold (did not care about her mother) and can be quite insecure (refusing to hire the female candidate). Good thing is that she has some pride by telling SR about the fact that SA lied about being a rat. But her sociopathic traits are annoying. Funnily, she would have been a better fit with Jangga as she has the skills that the chairman likes, whilst SA would be better with PSR. SA pretends to be the person that YS actually is, and vice versa.

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  20. I think that the second part is just a deja vu of the first part. RJH's dad intervened again by saving Man Bok's family and also Alberto Gu (just like he did earlier with Seri). Furthermore, the sister-in-law was set a trap by Alberto and RJH. I think she was most likely on the phone with Alberto, who spread the rumour that RJH was North-Korean. They know  that her impulsiveness would make her rat RJH to the NIS, but that is exactly what they want. RJH was well aware that the NIS was behind him when he took the cab, so he planned this. Spreading rumours to ensure his own safety is what RJH is good at. This is a similar trick he pulled earlier when he tried to spread the rumour that he was the son of the Director of General Political Bureau when he was held in prison.


    I also think that RJH will not be in danger, because he seems to have some sort of official Chinese passport - probably used Alberto's network to get one via bribing or perhaps RJH's dad was not lying when he said that his son was sent down for a special mission. RJH did not go to SK totally unprepared it seems as he is receiving intel from someone the whole time...

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  21. I believe that the stepmom did not abandon Seri, but rather left her there so her "real" mom (who most likely is North Korean) could pick her up and bring her back to NK via the tunnel on the beach. But her real mom never showed up. There are just better ways to get rid of Seri than abandoning her on the beach if her stepmom's intentions were really bad.


    On the other hand, is it confirmed that Seri's father is her real father? I thought it was odd for the director to focus on him writing "dad" when filling in the forms about the relationship.


    There is just something odd about Seri's parents. I found it interesting that GSJ mentioned that his dad got conned by Seri's parents. They also get fiddly about this whole North-Korean thing (as if they are hiding a secret), which gives me strong vibes that Seri's parents might be North-Korean spies that duped rich people such as GSJ's dad and then decided to go rogue and stay in Seoul with their new attained wealth.



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