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Posts posted by Lalalaby

  1. 5 hours ago, Ondine said:

    Seeking help from Korean-fluent members...:D In the behind the scenes video flour scene, what does KJW say after PMY asks him what he was doing after his botched kiss attempt (at 4:10 in the video below)? The subbed vids only translated the captioned part (something about pretty), but I was curious about what he said before that.



    @kenrei I pretty much agree on all your ep 12 thoughts! Loved Director Eom's entrance with the way she held her skirt by her forefinger and thumb only, and that detail of Kim Biso holding her purse behind her the same way! :lol: 

    After DM was throwing some flour to RG face, RG took revenge to wipe his full of flour-face to DM’s cheek(?) neck (?) dont know. Then DM said ‘what are you doing?’ As if she’s lil pissed by RG’s prank. 

    The RG just keep picking at her by said: ‘do it, do it... (he keep trying to provoke DM to wipe it off to his face) .. ah so pretty (means with the flour in her face she looks pretty, just to make fun of her )’

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  2. 27 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

    I also think that the woman pushing RG away is DM's mother. In my opinion, DM's mother was rushing because of an accident. LS didn't abandon RG, she was too busy with her paintings and neglected her children which explains why she decided to sell all her paintings and she stopped painting because she blamed herself for the tragedy. Since CSA seems to know all the paintings of his mother, this means, he saw her paintings as a child too. From my point of view, CSA is one of the 4 children playing: SDM, RG, EG and CSA. SDM might have been holding CSA's hand back then... and her fangirling could be connected to her unconsciousness: deep down, her brain recognized the child from her childhood. 

    Moreover, I have the impression that Heo Yoon Tae might not be his real name. Notice that DM looked for HYT's name in the missing children list and nothing happened. What if Heo yoon Tae is the real name of his brother, CSA? Many think that CSA is RG's half-brother but what if he is his real brother? My theory is that CSA was one of the children from SDM's memories. In my opinion, SDM could have been hurt in an accident, just like CSA... therefore DM's mother pushed RG away.  

    Furthermore RG doesn't really remember his past, he has even forgotten his mother's face. So he definitely had a trauma. Maybe he witnessed the car accident and felt guilty.

    I don’t think that was CSA since the age gap and timeline doesn’t make sense. 

    - 1987= DM, EG, RG were born

    - 1993= Something happened, RG separated with his mom

    - 1997= CSA was born

    - 2004/2005= DM broke her right hand

    - 2014= DM got accepted as a curator in CU Museum, White Ocean’s debut year

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  3. 5 hours ago, annie1234 said:


    Somehow, your theories really make sense. I agree with the part RG got lost rather than abandoned by his mom.

    Ikr? Beside, in the flashback in 11th ep, when RG was abandoned by someone, he was wearing backpack and jacket (school outfit ?). While he was crying in front of the door, i spot there’s sign said ‘office’ in right-side of the door. School maybe (?), he was waiting for his mom to pick up him from school but his mom too busy with her paintings and then he get lost.

    Idk, that place seems off to be an orphanage. 

    But one thing for sure, in lee seol’s eyes, there’s a sad past about the painting. She tried to get rid all nine of it once but her son re-collect it.


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  4. First of all, this is my first post in this forum after many years being a silent lurker here. 

    Anyway, i can’t help to write my opinion here.

    Since the black car accident in the earlier episode, i suspected DM had some trauma, and after reaching latest episode, my conclusion are:

    • DM, EG, RG, and DM lil bro we’re neighborhood’s friends 
    • RG’s mom a.k.a lee seol were too busy paintings so RG just always playing with his friends 
    • In some DM’s flashback we’ve seen her letting go lil bro hand. I guess after that happened, the lil bro got hit by some black car. Then DM erased that accident in her memory. Maybe if EG knew this, he is the hidden key of DM past. (From the earlier ep we’ve seen DM almost got hit by car two times, and her expression were different in the first time by black car and second times by white car, and one more, DM can’t drive because she’s scared)
    • DM’s mom in the 11th ep told RG that she doesn’t like DM do fangirling not because DM can’t get a bf but because she had an accident before while fangirling. I think DM’s mom had some trauma too about loosing a child because of accident.
    • And about RG abandoned scene, i guess that was DM’s mom too (hope that’s not true tho) but for adding acceptable bg story the reason she was abandoning RG that night (just my guess), that was the day DM’s lil bro had accident so she was out of her mind and just wanna rush to the hospital.
    • Last, i never thought RG was abandoned by his mom. My guess he got lost and met DM’s mom on the way her to the hospital. 


    Ok, that’s it. Thank you for reading my long ‘makjang scenario

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