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Biology Lesson

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Posts posted by Biology Lesson

  1. 16 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

    I was watching it when I was way younger all those years ago but never paid attention to it because I was into BW and Buffy. Now I can't find it anywhere. Would be nice to rewatch

    Oh, it's a great show. I loved how complex SB's role was in it  and his relationship with his dad. I think that type of a role could be great for JH.


    If you can find it- watch it! 

    • Like 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

    @Biology Lesson a remake sounds good. I was actually gunning for the Mentalist but I'm now bored of it. The Red John plot is dragging on. They could do something like Bones but sans the romance between the leads. Instead he could be married with a family.


    The Mentalist I never liked... Don't like rude abusive protagonists. For the same reason I don't like House either.

    Have you seen Simon Baker's previous show, called "The Guardian"? Such a complex interesting character in a great premise. If it wasn't for the annoying Lulu, I'd say that show was perfect! I highly reccomend it



  3. 37 minutes ago, YouwinJH said:

    @Biology Lesson I dropped the Killing Vote after 1 episode. I also had to rewind multiple times because I couldn't pay attention. I actually liked Park Sung-Woong in Blood Hounds and him and the lead were also in Man x Man, and I liked him there as well though I've still not finished the drama


    Man x Man actually had an interesting premise and the espionage bits in the beginning surpassed anything done by Family but then by episode 2 it became a chaebol vs everyman melodrama so I lost interest quickly


    In terms of recent Kdramas, I started QoT but can't be asked to finish. I've been on episode 12 for over 2 weeks. It's pretty clichéd and melodramatic but there is an audience for it, which I suppose isn't me


    Killer Paradox was pretty bloody but the plot was rather slow so I was bored by episode 3 so it's on pause for now


    I also watched Bequeathed. The plot was too thin and the characters not properly fleshed out for me to enjoy it. And the whole incest thing was gross and didn't make sense to me. But at least I finished it


    I also finally finished Hellhound. It had so much promise but then it got too slow that I had to skip a few episodes to get to the end. I could still follow the narrative thread because nothing new happened in those episodes I suppose. A show like that could have been covered in fewer episodes - even 6 episodes was too long. Would have been tighter and more impactful. Plus it was a massive cop out to not explain the phenomenon. I suspect the idea of a second season gave the writer the time she / he needs to make something up


    Saw the Fall Guy yesterday. I have a newfound appreciation for stunt people. The action sequences were pretty badass and fun to watch. The storyline, very clichéd and at times made the movie rather underwhelming and boring


    I can't say there are no good shows out there because I'm not watching that many these days. I've also been more focused on films. Would be interesting to see what JH does next but can't say I'm confident it will break the mould from recent trends


    I randomly tried several shows recently, but ,like you, either dropped them in the first episode or couldn't bring myself to continue watch. I finished The Killing vote just because I was curious how it will end, but I really didn't enjoy it. 

    I'm sure there are good shows (I liked The Glory and The good cop II), but they seem to be few and far between, and they usually will be first offered to those that are considered to be A list... 

    By now, all I'm hoping is that JH will go for a remake or do a version of a good foreign show, which will ensure a good script.




    • Like 2
  4. another promo for JH's appearance in the other SBS show-


    On 5/12/2024 at 11:13 PM, YouwinJH said:

    Started a new show on Prime - Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe - and it's only three seasons with eight episodes in total. The episodes feel like vignettes because the pacing is rather slow. I'm enjoying it so far. It blends light and dark themes really well . And it would be nice to see JH in something as offbeat. The female lead is OTT and annoying though


    Anyway back to the waiting game...

    I on the other hand watched a Kdrama named The Killing Vote, just because I liked the actress Lim Ji-Yeon in The Glory, and- I hated it! It's so frustrating how these K cop shows are all the same- a veteran cop that is slightly corrupt but not entirely, a younger cop (usually a woman) that is an extremely honest cop, a bunch of "supporting" cops in the team for mostly comedic relief, one main cop that later will be reveald to having a secret, and a bad guy that is usually the most developed character. These shows will sometimes have hints of a romance, but usually they will fizzle or turn out to be very boring. This show had all these elements, but in this case none of the main characters were likable or relatable. The lead actress was trying, but she didn't have much to work with. We were being told that the male lead character was wild and crazy, but we almost never saw that. Good looking actor, but very flat. The main plot horriblle and again shows complete disregard for human lives that is so common to Kdramas . The biggest dissappointment to me was the actor playing the "antagonist", Park Sung-Woong. I know this guy is suppose to be an A list actor in Korea, but from the few projects I've seen him in, he seems to be the same in every role. 

    All in all- I don't recommend. Again, I completely understand why JH is struggling to find good roles...

    • Like 2
  5. Just saw the trailer for  The Acolyte, that has lee jung-jae cast in it, and it looks to be the same Disney nonsense. Notice- all the Korean actors that recently got a role in a HW production- all of them were cast in a bad Disney project and they didn't gain anything from it! By now it's almost certain that there is going to be a HW movie for JH, I'm just hoping it will be differernt from what these poor actors got

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, YouwinJH said:

    Is he a regular on the show? I thought it was a one off episode

    Oh, I don't know. I thought this is going to be like other shows, where he's appearance was split over a few eps :mellow: If it's not, and we're not going to get some real casting news, than this whole thing was really badly done cause this "false" news is spreading...


    • Shocked 1
  7. 1 minute ago, YouwinJH said:

    @Biology Lesson yikes I saw some news items on X but those are usually clickbait and not reputable sources in general


    Why he did it, we will never know. I've always suspected he's going through some type of midlife crisis. Maybe he needs some time off in Canada with the wife and kids...ah but he has a fanmeet soon (if I'm not mistaken he has two in Japan this year)

    I guess it's the nature of the show? I think it's just the blurbs they released to the madia. They wrote it as if it's the truth. Don't know. I just hope that next week the show will give some real casting news to counter this.

    • Like 1
  8. This is the problem with what happened in this show or the way they presented it. There are now articles presenting the "lie" as if it's reality. This doesn't look good-


    • Sad 1
    • Shocked 1
  9. 46 minutes ago, azureblue7 said:

    He's so cool and seems more confident speaking in English now.


    《Real or Reel》[Episode 2] 


    Jang Hyuk confessed on the show that he decided to enter Hollywood.


    On this day, Jang Hyuk focused on studying English from the morning. Regarding this, Jang Hyuk said, “I’ve been taking English classes these days. “I want to have conversations without an interpreter during events such as film festivals,” he said. In response, Park Jun-hyung, who is close to Jang Hyuk, said, “I do everything myself, without a manager.”


    After eating a light snack, Jang Hyuk headed to the boxing gym. In particular, Jang Hyuk passed the pro test at the age of 49. As soon as he entered the gym, he warmed up by lightly jumping rope and then worked out without saying a word for two hours. In response, Kyuhyun exclaimed, “He can’t gain weight.”


    Jang Hyuk, who took a break after working out for two hours, was drenched in sweat and his body was feeling hot. Mimi was surprised to see this, and Jang Hyuk explained, “When you sweat, (fever) goes up.”


    Meanwhile, Jang Hyuk suddenly made a video call with someone in English, drawing attention. The other person was an employee of an American agency. Jang Hyuk made a surprising announcement, saying, “I can’t tell you exactly because there are conditions when signing the contract, but it is true that I will enter Hollywood and work in films.” In other words, following Ma Dong-seok, Bae Doo-na, and Lee Byung-hun, he entered Hollywood.


    When asked how he got the call, Jang Hyuk said, “The movie ‘The Killer’ was released in the United States. When he went to the premiere, he met a lot of officials. So what happened from there? “He is a director whose work is known to everyone,” he said. “He gave suggestions not only to actors but also to martial arts directors. The production cost for a total of 6 episodes was 600 million dollars (KRW 8,000), adding to the surprise.


    Wonder if it's real or fake? We'll only know at the end of the episode when they reveal the truth.


    Source : https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/109/0005070413


    I've been watching Modern Family and I have been thinking JH needs to go Sofia Vergara's rout- no need to try and make his English sound perfect. Lean into the accent and go for the funny. 


    Six episodes... I wonder what that is about... Glad to see he's showing swords fighting. If whatever project he's doing in historical, than I'm confident JH can make it big

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, Prettysup said:

    Preview of "Truth or Seting" Ep 2 tomorrow.


    The first protagonist is actor Jang Hyuk, who achieved his Hollywood dream. Is his daily life true when he was cast in a 800 billion blockbuster movie? 




    What's with the kissing in this show? In Kdramas they won't have kissing, but in a variety show they will show a french kiss?


    The number does seem fantastical... I hope the truth will be a small budget movie. More control for JH

    • Like 1
  11. So, We are now in May, and no news of a new project... :unsure: I wonder what happened- on the one hand I'm glad, since I really didn't like the premise of the show JH described, on the other hand-



    • Sad 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Prettysup said:


    He even used it as his profile pic.. sometimes I am really doubtful about his aesthetic judgement 🙄

    :hwaiting2:I'm beyond baffled by his selfy posts... He seems to think the emo look, hair on his face, is cool looking :) 

    • Like 1
    • LOL 1
  13. so, we're halfway into April and no news about a new project...:dead:


    In the mean time, I noticed this thread refering to a scene I haven't seen anyone mention, and it kinda amused me- a kiss scene from Thank You, that was the most aggressive that I've ever seen JH being- 




    • LOL 1
  14. I didn't say he doesn't want to do mainstream roles. I said he wants something more. However- If you look at all the last shows he has done, none of them are what I'd call mainstream- starting from MC to TMWYS and BH. in all these shows JH's character wasn't the usual character you see in Kdramas and all of them were deceptive- all of them made you think one thing, while they were another. I don't think it's a coincidence. Even his character is the horrible Family was unusual. So, you know what? Even though JH has not said it, this is what I'm saying- yeah. JH has had enough with korean mainstream shows. 


    7 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

    Can't help but compare JWS's Man of reason with JH's The Killer because they seemed so similar. But the reviews for Hyuk's movie were much better.









    Is the movie successful?

    • Like 1
  15. I don't think he meant he has only one challenge in him, I think he means he wants to challenge himself one last time. Accepting main stream Kdrama roles is not a challenge for him. You can agree with his choice or not. It's his life, and I respect him wanting something else for himself.  What he's doing is super couragous and risky. He himself said he doesn't know if he'll succede, but he has to try. I guess in a way I can relate since in the last 10 years, the moment I got to a place where I was doing well in a job and felt like I got the hang of it, my instinct was to move on and look for a bigger challenge. 5 years in a job I was doing well in, and I left and looked for another challenge. And now I'm 3 years in my new job, doing well, and again- my instinct is to move on. but since essentially I moved from one organizaion to another, what JH is doing is so much more impressive to me, as he is building something completely new. And I respect that. This is something I aspire to...


    Do I wish for another FTLY or another show as success as Chuno? sure, but it looks like shows like that are scarse. I also am not sure his path is the right one, as i think his emphasis should be on script, and not action. But- the bottom line is- we don't know what he's planning, so all we can do is wait and see.

    • Like 1
  16. @YouwinJH I think you are missing a very central point- what JH wrote in his latest post. He wrote " I want to challenge one more time in my life..."

    I don't know if this is what he means, but the fact is- JH has already done it all. He has had a huge hit and several big ones. He did, not one,but several iconic roles. In cinema? he has not had such big success, but he did make some good movies. So what now? Do the same thing over and over again? Fight for another role and hope it will be a success? In most professions, veterans get more responsibility and more influence,while only in acting, veterans have less opportunities and less influence. And JH knows it. JH has always spoken about himself as an office worker, and as such he is giving himslf a promotion. Is he worthy? For sure. Is it a risk? For sure. Do I support him? For damn sure! 


    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, azureblue7 said:

    I was trying to see if there's any hints too..haha



    Since he's now without an agent and it looks like there is no one really in charge of his promotion, maybe he should hire someone to have a working plan that is oriented towards promotion... These random posts seem to essentially just be  a reflection of his random thoughts when he's bored :unsure:

    • Like 1
  18. 16 minutes ago, azureblue7 said:

    I think the posters are taken at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in LA, California. Most probably he went there during The Killer premiere back in 2022.  Or he went there recently?







    The artworks are from this account that he follows.




    Oh, thank! ... So this was indeed just a random post, no hint...  🫤

    • LOL 1
  19. I's like to think he's hinting at something, but we already know sometimes he's just being random :D So who knows if this post is a hint or not... 


    I checked the language in these posters and it looks like they are in Polish... Is he in Poland?




    And what is this painting? Do any of you recognize it?!


  20. I ran into this video of the new James Bond practicing his shooting in the same range JH went to when went to the US, as Keanu Reaves did before him. I guess that place is that popular or good... And that made me think- what about if JH appeared in the next James bond? It's not that far fetched as James Bond will usually feature several badies...



    BTW- I heard a movie commentator saying that due to the recent box office dissasters that Hollywood has been having, it stands to reason that Hollywood would to turn to making more and more action movies, as they are relatively cheap and have higher chances of making money. If this is true- then JH's timing is perfect!


    OT- in the mean time I tried watching a show called Night Light, mainly due to Lee Yo-Won as I liked her in My Horrible Boss and I was kinda hoping that she will do another project with JH as she seems such a unique actress for Korea- not the usual cutesy actress. At first I liked it, but to my surprise not because of her, but rather due to the other FL. However, as the show continued I got more and more bored and dissappointed by Lee Yo-Won's acting, as it was identical to her acting in My Horrible Boss! Her lack of expression and tough exterior got more and more tedious, as well as her "smarter than everyone" character. I tried to tough it out, but finally I gave up.:unsure: If this is her acting range- I hope JH has no further projects with her :crazy:... when I checked the comments on the show, I was surprised to find quite a few that said that the show was boring. 


     My reaction to her kinda reminded me of Jo Jung-suk. At first I liked his acting in Oh my ghost, but then, once I tried to watch other shows he did, I realized his acting never changes, and I dropped him.



    • Like 1
  21. 1 hour ago, azureblue7 said:

    Interesting survey.. 




    First, in a survey of interest in Jang Hyuk by age, it was confirmed that he is popular with people in their 30s, with a high interest rate of 28%.


    This data shows a preference for ‘Jang Hyuk’ in certain age groups.


    Next, in the analysis of gender interest, it was revealed that men showed greater interest in Jang Hyuk at a rate of 55%.


    This shows the difference in preference between genders for Jang Hyuk.

    .The daily change trend chart for Jang Hyuk obtained through this analysis vividly reveals how interest in Jang Hyuk has changed.


    This chart is an indicator that allows you to intuitively understand Jang Hyuk's popularity volatility over time.


    Rankify's analysis was based on big data and closely identified overall social interest and preferences for Jang Hyuk.


    In addition, related search terms such as Jang Hyuk's wife, Jang Hyuk's movie, Jang Hyuk's Jang Na-ra, Jang Hyuk's drama, and Jang Hyuk-jin are receiving a lot of attention, providing interesting insights into the direction of development of Jang Hyuk-related trends.

    Kinda corresponds with what we know. Since JH is not flirty at all in interviews and shows that he appears in, I think this explains why young women are not too much into him. I remember when MC was being shown, I often saw tweets from young women almost offended that JH as BW was making them feel things... Hot things... :D 


    As to men liking him more- this clearly is due to his acting and action. Even in shows that he came across as sexy, that was never his intention, so it doesn't turn guys off. Also- Chuno has a lot to do with why men love him. I don't undersand why but young Korean men love chuno.



    • Like 1
    • Awesome 1
  22. On 4/5/2024 at 11:05 AM, azureblue7 said:

    He's going to be one of the guests in a new tvN show.


    tvN's 'Truth or Settlement: An Elegant Life (Director Dae-hyun Kwon)' (hereinafter referred to as 'Elegant Life'), which will be aired for the first time at 8:40 pm on Friday, April 26th, asks you to guess whether the daily lives of celebrities who lead unique lives are truth or a set-up. An observation and reasoning entertainment program.


    The production team unveiled the guest lineup along with the second teaser video on the 5th. Kim Ui-seong, Go Jun-hee, Jang Hyuk, Choi Daniel, Park Jin-hee, Choo Seong-hoon, Park Tae-hwan, Ku Hye-sun, Hong Jin-ho, Park Jun-hyung, Hwang Bo-ra, Jin Yong-jin, Freesia Yoo, Ki Eun-se, Julien Kang, and JJ attracted attention by posting their names.



    Elegant Life' is an observational and mystery entertainment program that asks you to guess whether the daily lives of celebrities who lead unique lives are true or fake. Special guests will appear and show a different side.


    While the viewers' reasoning skills are expected to be activated through the guests' daily lives that they have never seen before, viewers are curious about who will be the star who will charm everyone with his elegant acting and who will give a twist to his real life.


    In addition, the released second teaser video is attracting attention with the passionate reactions of MCs Jeon Hyun-moo, Kyuhyun, and Mimi, who will watch the guests' videos and determine their authenticity. Jeon Hyun-moo laughed and said, “This is my first time seeing something like that on TV,” stimulating curiosity about the dynamic appearances of the stars we will meet through ‘Elegant Life.’


    Kyuhyun then presses the buzzer in disbelief, saying, “Don’t talk nonsense,” and Mimi also makes a puzzled expression, saying, “You’re actually doing this?”, heightening her interest. In addition, the reactions of the three people, “Living a life like that?”, “It’s like a drama”, and “Oh my god”, make people look forward to the first broadcast of ‘Elegant Life’, which will activate reasoning skills with unbelievable truths and drama-like settings.


    tvN's 'Truth or Setting: An Elegant Life', a new unreality show in the midst of a flood of reality entertainment, will premiere at 8:40 pm on Friday, April 26.




    The MC here is the same MC from the Stunt double show, right?


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