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Posts posted by ddunddun20

  1. @Ddongddong Thank you  so much for keeping us all updated!


    On 9/16/2019 at 11:40 PM, Ddongddong said:

    Another thing we picked up from the grace helbig podcast is his answer to "what's the sweetest thing a girl has done for you". (At about 46:45). His response was "It's just...I cant talk about it" and he later clarified that it "was just nice surprises here and there. Like COMPLETELY unexpected" when grace alluded that it was something scandalous. The usually calm and collected eric nam, who is very good at talking, suddenly became very flustered lol. I suspect he was thinking about the 200th day event solar did for him at the airport. Especially since they had mentioned wgm already, and that was already on his mind. And it definitely was something completely unexpected. 

    Eric saying he can't talk about the sweetest thing a girl has done for him is incredibly suspicious. If he wasn't thinking about the 200th day event solar did, it makes me think that he's dating someone right now. Why else would you not be able to talk about something like that? The only other reason I can think of was that it was something scandalous but he quickly denied this. But the thing is, if he's dating something I definitely think it's solar because of Eddie's instagram post. Eddie got married recently and is clearly a righteous guy when it comes to relationships. The nam brothers are all very close and seem to respect eachother alot. If eric was dating someone else other than solar, I don't think eddie would've posted up that Instagram story. To tease your brother about a girl he was "married" to and clearly had some sort of feelings for before when he's dating someone else is kinda a crappy thing to do and something I doubt eddie would've done.

    On 9/20/2019 at 9:30 AM, Ddongddong said:

    Eric wore his wgm ring on 25th march this year. This was at Sooyoungs movie premiere for Memories of a Dead End. (Zoom in to the ring on his ring finger)


    Wait... so he wore his wgm ring twice this year? So it definitely wasn't an accident when he wore his wgm ring at that vui event and it all was around the same time period (the vui event was also in march). Ok this is weird now. Why was eric suddenly wearing his wgm ring in march...

    On 10/2/2019 at 11:22 AM, Ddongddong said:

    @Le_Sanguinea Hi!


    Some more "weird coincidences" that we've found. Arty (who collaborated with eric on "idea of you") has been commenting and liking ddongie posts on IG since 2017. If you go through the #ddongiecouple and #ericnamsolar tag on IG you'll see just how many he has liked and commented on. I thought this was really weird since he's an actual friend of eric's and not just a fan like us. His most recent comment was in February this year on this post:

    I had a wild theory which I maybe will post up in detail a bit later. To summarise: if you consider when arty started/stopped commenting on posts and the types of songs eric was writing during those times, it corresponds to eric and solar having dated after wgm, breaking up at the end of 2017 and then getting back together around early-mid 2018.


    It's a bit of a crazy theory, I know lol. But one things for sure, I genuinely think they are at least platonically close and that they are supporting eachother behind the scenes. 


    This is even WEIRDER. WHAT IS GOING ON DDONGI COUPLE??? Arty stopped commenting on their posts in Feb and then eric starts wearing his wgm ring in march. Maybe he found out they were dating and stopped commenting in case they got caught or something. I look forward to hearing your detailed theory @Ddongddong:blush:. Thanks once again for all the updates you've revived my ddongi heart


    On 10/3/2019 at 1:33 AM, Le_Sanguinea said:


    I had a couple of DMs telling me that they found this couple through this forum, and I have couple of people iRL not related to me saying that they started watching WGM using Eric and Solar as their starting point. It's pretty cool! :D

    People really discovered them through this thread that's so awesome! It seems like alot of people have only recently discovered them and are loving them. I hope we can keep this thread active!

    • Love 1
  2. @Ddongddong If eric was speaking about solar to his song writer friends... then came out with a bunch of break up songs... I think there may be some substance to my previous theory of them having dated after wgm and then breaking up:sweat_smile:.

    On 7/30/2018 at 9:09 PM, ddunddun20 said:

    Kinda sad to see that this thread has died out there's some great content! And I miss this couple:tears: I have a theory that solar and eric had a bit of a thing after wgm. It honestly feels a bit delusional but I'll explain why I think this way.


    I believe it started after they won best couple at the mbc awards (especially since that signified the end of their wgm stint and the start of their non-work relationship). According to this article:




    Eric kissed someone soon after the awards and if my theory is correct, that someone was solar. Eric has mentioned that his first kiss was at 20. Through wgm we also got to know that hes only dated 2 other girls (that may have changed since this was 2 years ago). Either way, from that we can tell he's not the type of guy to jump from relationship to relationship/randomly kiss a stranger. That's what made me think his fellow kisee was solar. Then again, this is just an assumption maybe eric does kiss strangers or the whole kiss thing was just a joke who knows.


    Assuming they did date, I believe that ended during mamamoo's yes I am promotions (june/july 2017) for 2 reasons:

    1. Solar had a sudden fashion change: she cut her hair short and dyed it pink. This was the biggest hair change we had ever seen from her. Also, her clothing choices became alot more bold and revealing (quite enjoyed seeing her become so much more confident with her body and looks! We love a woman that loves herself!).


    2. They both got quite busy at this time; mamamoo with their comeback and eric with his first few concerts in the US.


    Reason 2 was probably the reason they ended things - they got too busy. However, I believe it was a mutual agreement and that they ended things on good terms, but they probably became awkward. Hence why solar changed her number without telling eric (mentioned in the article below).




    The reason why I think think it was mutual and ended on good terms is because eric still wished her happy bday in feb 2018 (metioned in article above). Also, they probably got back into contact after this since a vid of solar singing Eric's new song "Honestly" shortly after he released the song. This was posted on facebook somehwere but the vid was quickly taken down. But here's a tweet with the vid. Note that she had the lyrics somewhat memorised and this was literally just after eric released the song so he probably sent her the song before it was released (hence why she had it kinda memorised). I have a feeling this was more of a PR stunt but it gave a good indication that they had gotten back in contact and that eric got solars new number.



    Anyways. This is likely just me being delusional but I wanted to know if anyone else had the same suspicion? I really hope they can be friends or reunite for another show sometime I really enjoy their dynamic! Maybe one day we can get a duet from them fingers crossed.


    Also, Eric had said that he's never dated anyone in korea when he was on wgm ( I odn't think this video has english subs, but it was in this scene that he confessed this.

    In a recent radio interview, he said he had dated a woman in korea! That means that between the end of wgm and now, he had a girlfriend. So I think him and solar may have actually dated after wgm.


    It also was confirmed that they are back in contact thanks to that one podcast! And, if my theory was correct that means they did get back in contact in 2018 which makes them wearing the same glasses int that year a bit suspicious. They also dyed their hair blonde around the same time! (let me be a bit delulu lol).

    Eric having the exact same guitar as solar (the guitar's look exactly the same, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me) in his bedroom when he doesn't even play guitar at all is realllly suspicious. Is that a common guitar? I don't know anything about guitars:sweat_smile: I also don't think I've ever seen that guitar in his house before and his house has been shown alot on I Live Alone and such. This news coupled with all the other things that we've noticed this year is making me a bit suspicious... Could eric nam and solar actually be more than friends?

  3. On 7/24/2019 at 2:36 AM, Ddongddong said:

    Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone:). I'm the owner of the Eric Nam and Solar update account on Twitter (@Ddongie2). I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining a twitter gc for us to post up theories/updates on eric and solar? The gc will just be for fun - there arent many places where we can joke about coincidences between this pair without starting up rumours/ angering fans. Additionally, it is difficult to interact on this thread since posting up pictures and such is very confusing. If you are interested in joining, you can dm me on twitter or post your twitter account handle here:D

    I've just deactivated my twitter account :bawling: Life gets in the way sometimes. Praying that we get these two reuniting on a show or something sometime soon! I'll join you all when my life is a little less busy hopefully

    • Like 1
  4. Hey guys I found this tweet and had to share it with you guys. Eric nam's mom and solar look so much alike what a coincidence! You know how they say you'll marry someone like your parents hahaha


    18 hours ago, supisme! said:

    can you link that ?

    Here is the link:https://omonatheydidnt.livejournal.com/24156941.html

    if you want to only listen to where eric mentioned wgm and solar check this video on this tweet:)



    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Vwan said:

    Hi! Newbie here. Cause my first language is Chinese instead of English, you may find my writing pretty weird hehe .

    But anyway is it just me but I feel like the wrist band is looking more like Mamamoo concert's one that Ed's one.You can see there are two lines of sentences instead of one line.Besides the size of the words is also smaller than Ed's one. Last but not least, Eric's wrist band has also a little silver buckle which is exactly the same as Mamamoo's one. However, I don't see any buckle on Ed's one.

    Please correct me if I have made any mistakes.

    Hello welcome! Yes the bands look so similar I was almost 100% sure it was mamamoo concert band. I tried to find a better picture of the Ed sheeran bands they also look very similar.  I think there is 2 lines of writing on the other side of the band. I'm not sure if anyone can find a better photo

    Also eric nam fans said that he was apparently spotted at the concert. I couldn't find any proof of this. Although I'm a huge fan of Eric nam, I don't keep up with every detail of him as I do with mamamoo and neither does my friend. We're both moomoos who got to know eric nam by wgm so we both decided to trust eric nam fans that said he was at ed sheeran.

    • Like 2
  6. 21 hours ago, ddunddun20 said:

    Hi guys I found something very interesting. I don't know how true this is I'm just speculating. I was watching all of Eric's old Vapps and in this one Vapp I saw him wearing a blue band that looked so familiar. Here's the vapp:


    Then I realized that it looks exactly like the blue concert band for mamamoo's F/W concert from 19 April to 21st April!!! You can see someone with the blue concert band in this Instagram post. There are four colors of bands (red, white, yellow and blue) for the four seasons project mamamoo did. Seems like eric got the blue one aka solar's color.

    I thought there was no chance of him attending their concert because he was filming the Runaway MV in Japan:bawling: But the vapp was uploaded at midnight on the last day of the concert which means eric came back from japan, went straight to mamamoo concert then went straight to practicing for his comeback what a guy. He's so supportive and this makes me so happy because it shows they have close relationship still. I wish I could upload the snippet of the vapp where you can see the blue band clearly(its near the beginning). Take a look and tell me that I'm not just dreaming things up:frown:. Don't the bands look similar?

    Hi guys turns out this was a false alarm. A twitter friend of mine created a twitter account for news on eric nam and solar. She wanted to try and unite eric nam and solar fandoms with the account by showing that they are friends. She asked me if she could post the concert thing I agreed but when she posted it eric nam fans clarified that the band was from the Ed sheeran concert he attended on not mamamoo. Here the tweet:

    Go follow my friend if you have twitter! Her account is just for news on eric and solar it's not a shipping account. It'd be nice if the fandoms supported eachother. I think eric and solar would like that too:)

    • Like 1
  7. Hi guys I found something very interesting. I don't know how true this is I'm just speculating. I was watching all of Eric's old Vapps and in this one Vapp I saw him wearing a blue band that looked so familiar. Here's the vapp:


    Then I realized that it looks exactly like the blue concert band for mamamoo's F/W concert from 19 April to 21st April!!! You can see someone with the blue concert band in this Instagram post. There are four colors of bands (red, white, yellow and blue) for the four seasons project mamamoo did. Seems like eric got the blue one aka solar's color.

    I thought there was no chance of him attending their concert because he was filming the Runaway MV in Japan:bawling: But the vapp was uploaded at midnight on the last day of the concert which means eric came back from japan, went straight to mamamoo concert then went straight to practicing for his comeback what a guy. He's so supportive and this makes me so happy because it shows they have close relationship still. I wish I could upload the snippet of the vapp where you can see the blue band clearly(its near the beginning). Take a look and tell me that I'm not just dreaming things up:frown:. Don't the bands look similar?

    • Like 2
  8. Oh my goodness I had no idea! I'm so happy to hear that they got back in contact after solar changed her number.:bawling: And he speaks so fondly of the girls it's so nice to hear. I'm just so glad we got confirmation that they're still friends thank you for this update. He also hinted that he developed some feelings for solar during their stint on wgm (I mean who can blame him). He said he thought "oh this could potentially work" while he was on the show eeeep! 

    4 hours ago, vateyyy said:

    did you guys know eric was recently guested on this podcast called "sooo many white guys" and they asked him about wgm and he said they kept in touch once in a while (this is just recently and after the it's okay to go a little crazy show) and that he bumped into yongsun's members a lot and enjoyed catching up with them (he addressed them as "those ladies") ahhhh:bawling:


    I found this link to listen to the podcast! He mentions solar at about 40:50


    • Like 1
  9. GA means General Admission. So it's all non-vip tickets:)

    1 hour ago, Yongyoon said:

    @zurah90 its a really big OMG! hahaha


    Hey but can i ask you something? Do you have knowledge about ticket. Well i just saw one of  eric 's my day about ticket and it says "if you have GA tix  in london shows you can upgrade to vip for early access and to hang out with me " But for me GA means solar "so-la"


    • Thanks 1
  10. The Facebook link is saying "content not found" for me so that's why I thought it was deleted:tears:

    On 6/14/2019 at 7:48 AM, zurah90 said:


    I heard many people said the video on the Facebook got deleted but i found it and it never been deleted and Eric's comment is still there :)


    Here's the fb link:



    Hahaha both of them are such dorks this is why I loved them so much on wgm. They're both not afraid to make fun of themselves honestly couple goals right there


    On 6/17/2019 at 12:33 AM, zurah90 said:

    Just saw a vid of Yongsun but that vibe from her made me think of Eric :joy:


    @Yongyoon Oh my gosh he did that cheek squish thing solar always did!! 

    • Like 1
  11. Yeah you're right about them being wary of fans, especially how fans reacted to solar singing "honestly" on Facebook. The video got so much hate it was taken down which is really sad. So if they are friends or more I think they would try to hide it alot. 

    14 hours ago, zurah90 said:

    Oh that's a refreshing theory @papamoo12 ! I meant i do realized Eric starts to wear accessories last year but everytime when i try to peek at it and to observe with Solar's, i just can't see any resemblance until you mentioned the similar round silver plate necklace... no matter how i try to zoom, i can't figure it out too!



    Oh yes! I ever think about that too but i don't know why i feel that ever since they ended wgm, i understand they didn't contact as much due to their respective busy schedules and having lots of tours lately... but it's just that both of them trying to be wary of their fans... that's why they never mention about each other through their solo activities. But at the same time, i do think they actually keep in touch (after that small reunion on mubank) and supporting of each other's music.



    Someone compiled all the moments of ddongie couple in 2018!



  12. @papamoo12 That is an interesting theory! But Im the same as @Yongyoonand can't really see the S engraving. I also got very curious when I saw that solar started wearing that necklace with the round pendant since I've never seen her wear it before but I didn't notice that eric had worn a similar one too on April 10. Where can I find the picture?


    I hope one day we'll know if they're still in contact I really liked their friendship (if they are more than friends even better lol). I have a secret wish for eric to guest star on solar's youtube Solarsido (she recently reached 600k subscribers yay!).


    Also have you guys checked out Eric's new podcast? It's so much fun the episode he did with tablo was hilarious. Maybe one day he'll review a mamamoo song too!


  13. Yes I love all of those moments !@Yongyoon

    Also some of my favourites:

    1. When eric chased solar in the chestnut farm pretending to have a worm

    2. THE proposal:wub:

    3. When solar kissed Eric's cheek in the photobooth


    In solar's livestream today on youtube (check out her channel solarsido!), she said she a year she wanted to go back to the most was 2016. I also want to go back to 2016, solar! 

    • Like 1
  14. Solar was at a restaurant called Spain Club. Her having Spanish food reminded me of the time eric and her went on a mukbang tour and solar tried Mexican food and American bbq for the first time idk why. I guess in a perfect world I want to believe he introduced her to it but thats just me hoping they're still in contact

    I've been rewatching wgm after the whole ring thing on twitter. Really miss seeing these two on screen. I hope we one day get a show with both of them as guests they're so entertaining together

    • Like 1
  15. I agree with @Yongyoon I don't think solar was wearing her wgm ring (as much as I wanted her to). I also don't think she was wearing it on rewrite the charts show since it's most likely the same ring as she was wearing at the festival. It's easy to mistake that ring as hexagonal from certain angles since it's flat on one side :tears:


    I do think eric was definitely wearing his ring back in March though it looks to me like the hexagonal ring and the green one are two separate rings?images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-kC_5pNLcFhSfixnMbNp

  16. Ah it would be great to see this thread come back alive and I'm glad you liked it @papamoo ! It seems to be the only safe space for ddongi shippers.

    Also another interesting point is Eric's new song was inspired by Carly Rae Jepson's Runaway (see below video at about 9:24)

    I found this quite interesting since eric released a very lowkey cover of the song on soundcloud (towards the end of wgm I believe) like a message to solar. I remember this being covered in this thread at some point. 


    • Thanks 2
  17. Kinda sad to see that this thread has died out there's some great content! And I miss this couple:tears: I have a theory that solar and eric had a bit of a thing after wgm. It honestly feels a bit delusional but I'll explain why I think this way.


    I believe it started after they won best couple at the mbc awards (especially since that signified the end of their wgm stint and the start of their non-work relationship). According to this article:




    Eric kissed someone soon after the awards and if my theory is correct, that someone was solar. Eric has mentioned that his first kiss was at 20. Through wgm we also got to know that hes only dated 2 other girls (that may have changed since this was 2 years ago). Either way, from that we can tell he's not the type of guy to jump from relationship to relationship/randomly kiss a stranger. That's what made me think his fellow kisee was solar. Then again, this is just an assumption maybe eric does kiss strangers or the whole kiss thing was just a joke who knows.


    Assuming they did date, I believe that ended during mamamoo's yes I am promotions (june/july 2017) for 2 reasons:

    1. Solar had a sudden fashion change: she cut her hair short and dyed it pink. This was the biggest hair change we had ever seen from her. Also, her clothing choices became alot more bold and revealing (quite enjoyed seeing her become so much more confident with her body and looks! We love a woman that loves herself!).


    2. They both got quite busy at this time; mamamoo with their comeback and eric with his first few concerts in the US.


    Reason 2 was probably the reason they ended things - they got too busy. However, I believe it was a mutual agreement and that they ended things on good terms, but they probably became awkward. Hence why solar changed her number without telling eric (mentioned in the article below).




    The reason why I think think it was mutual and ended on good terms is because eric still wished her happy bday in feb 2018 (metioned in article above). Also, they probably got back into contact after this since a vid of solar singing Eric's new song "Honestly" shortly after he released the song. This was posted on facebook somehwere but the vid was quickly taken down. But here's a tweet with the vid. Note that she had the lyrics somewhat memorised and this was literally just after eric released the song so he probably sent her the song before it was released (hence why she had it kinda memorised). I have a feeling this was more of a PR stunt but it gave a good indication that they had gotten back in contact and that eric got solars new number.



    Anyways. This is likely just me being delusional but I wanted to know if anyone else had the same suspicion? I really hope they can be friends or reunite for another show sometime I really enjoy their dynamic! Maybe one day we can get a duet from them fingers crossed.

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