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Rollito Deprimavera

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Posts posted by Rollito Deprimavera

  1. To me, it looks like attorney Kwon is bitter because things have been difficult for him, so he resents Young Woo because apparently she has it so much easier than him. But at some point he will come to his senses and acknowledge that Young Woo has to face many obstacles in life too. And I'm sure he will soften also because of Su Yeon, I don't think he can go against her too much, haha!! I'd love to see him pursuing her. :sweet:


    The kiss scene was really sweet. :wub: Young Woo and Jun Ho are super cute together. However, the not-holding hands scene left me a bit sad for Jun Ho. Hopefully they can reach a point where both of them are happy with the amount of physical contact, haha!! :lol:

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  2. Woah!! Yul was amazing today, I was cheering for him during the fights, haha!! :hwaiting:


    And the main couple getting in trouble together. I liked to see them doing things together but it was so nerve wracking, haha!! :lol: I bet Bu Yeong took control when the soul shifter was attacking her, and I don't think Mu Deok is running wild. But it's time already for them to start looking for the ice stone, so they can protect Naksu's soul. Uk has already all the information and he should be able to realize that the palace is suspicious and start investigating.

    Anyway, I loved that last hug, and even more the first hug from Uk, he's really sweet. Naksu will not be able to stay cold much longer... :fullofhearts:

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  3. 40 minutes ago, LeftCoastOppa said:

    how could Park Jin NOT notice the maidservant Kim scarf that Master Lee was wearing???

    LOL!! I'm sure he'll notice at some point and realize who's Maid Kim's admirer....It's cute to see him taking more and more efforts to keep her by his side. It'll be interesting to see what he does when he realises he has a rival. :D


    I loved ep.11, btw. There were plenty of romance scenes between all the pairings, and I laughed a lot. There is also some advancement with the plot. Now we know that Bu Yeong was brought from the dead, not sure if that means that Naksu can stay in her body since it was already sort of borrowed...I honestly don't mind if Naksu comes back to her body or stays in Mu Deok's as long as she recovers her powers at some point!!! :lol: Naksu staying powerless till the end, that would be the only thing that would make me angry at this drama, haha!!

    And regarding the main couple, I like that Naksu is being cold to Uk and in denial. It makes sense, thinking of the life that she had till now. She must have thought that she needed to remain heartless in order to survive and fulfill her revenge. It will be all the more sweet when she caves in and acknowledges how much she cares about Uk. :fullofhearts:

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  4. 22 hours ago, SleepyKitty said:

    So far, i think their formula still works for me.

    Same here, I usually enjoy their dramas. :) I like how they do romance and comedy. And so far I'm liking AoS a lot, so I will just enjoy the ride and try not to think of what will happen and which actors are going to be there...it's enough if it's funny and romantic, and Naksu recovers her powers at some point, haha!!


    By the way, I hope the 2nd part is not a prequel. I'm interested in the future of this story and how everything will end, not in getting more details about Naksu's wild life as a teenager...we already know how it ended and by the end of part 1, we'll know the rest of the relevant details.

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  5. 2 hours ago, frozentundra said:

    I think it would be extremely difficult to replicate that with another actress walking into the role and have it be believable.

    I'm loving Jung So Min too, she's amazing, and I hope she stays in the drama till the end, but as Bu Yeon, not Naksu. Otherwise, it would be sad that Naksu got trapped forever in a body that's not hers, and what about Bu Yeon's life? A good actress should be able to behave like Naksu, and keep up with Jung So Min's work. Plus, it is interesting for the story to see how Uk will react once Naksu returns to her body and original self.

    Anyway, I think this is the route they will take. The Hong Sisters were widely criticised and the viewers complained a lot about their drama Big. People didn't like the ending and one of the main complaints was the vague resolution of the story regarding the male lead's soul swapping. In that drama the female lead fell for a young guy that swapped body with an adult (Gong Yoo). Once they were in love, in the end people wanted to see them together, she and the guy, but returned to his real body...but they didn't show any other guy, just Gong Yoo. I understand that they wanted to use all his potential because he's superhot and charming and everyone loved him, but in the end, it was detrimental for the story and viewers got mad. I'd say that they will not do the same thing twice.

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  6. Hi guys! I have not much to say since I just started watching and need to catch up. So far I'm on episode 5 and I'm loving this drama so much!! :heart4: It didn't look so good on paper, but the plot, the characters, their friendship...so far everything is so beautiful and heart-warming, and I'm hooked. Yi Jin and Hee Do's moments together are really special. Can't wait to see what happens next. :D

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  7. I'm still wiping my tears, but apart from a couple of silly things I liked the end. I'm satisfied that they met again and likely fall in love as humans. It's clear from their story that both were together but sad and lonely as bulgasal: she wanted more and left him for the children, and he was obsessed with her since he had no one else. They both craved a family, so the end is more than just them reuniting to rekindle their love story, but this time around they can have a family and live a happy life. :fullofhearts: Nice that it ends in such a light and joyful way.


    I think the last episode was quite fine. The thing I missed the most is more romance during the whole drama...we were given only crumbs all the time. Would it had hurt so much to include a kiss and some more skinship? It was so cute when she confessed that she liked him, and he was acting all curious and confused...they could have exploited that cuteness so much more, ahhhh!! :crybaby:


    All in all, it was not perfect but I liked this drama a lot. :)I hadn't come to soompi to fangirl for a looong time and Bulgasal :heart: brought me back. The story was addictive, the romance super swoony, the cast amazing and the cinematography totally gorgeous. 

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  8. Well, it is certain that the curse will end, since Si Ho is pregnant and I bet we will see her daughter born alive this time around. Maybe it's enough if Hwal lets go of his grudge and forgives everyone? He is receiving so much love from the others...especially Sang Woon. He should realize that she never stopped loving him and discuss what happened with her. And Ms. Lee prophesy was about the soul going back to his owner, then somehow it will pass from Sang Woon to Euk Tal, and Sang Woon will be bulgasal again. Just hope Hwal doesn't die and we get a happy ending with them together and not just the promise that they will meet again sometime in the distant future...

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  9. Ok, so will any of them get their memories back? But since there was a misunderstanding between Hwal and Sang Eun, both of them need to remember in order to tell each other what they were thinking, and find out what really happened.

    And will there be a way for both to stay alive? Last time, out of Eul Tae, Hwal and Sang Eun, two of them survived and only the one who kept the soul died. So I guess if they manage to transfer the soul to Eul Tae, Hwal and Sang Eun could stay both as bulgasal. I'd like them to be alive and together in the end, they have gone through so much pain...:Please:

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  10. Hello guys!! Just dropping by to say that I'm loving this so much! :heart4:  It's a pity that I hopped on the Bulgasal train so late and I couldn't share all the fangirling with you before!


    I can't wait for next episode!! My theory is that Hwal and Sang Eun were the original Bulgasal couple. Eul Tae was jealous of Hwal and wanted to become immortal too. He managed to inflict a mortal wound on Bulgasal Hwal (which I still don't get how), and Hwal borrowed his soul since he didn't want to disappear yet,...maybe he wanted to say goodbye to his lover. But after that, Eul Tae didn't retrieve his soul as promised because what he wants is to stay as Bulgasal forever. Then, what he needs is his soul to be destroyed, so he will stay immortal and won't feel any pain. Sang Eun knew about this but Hwal lost his memories after reincarnating. So, in order to help Hwal, she stabbed him to take the soul so she could give it back to his owner. But Hwal, without his memories, misunderstood what she did and killed her, to she couldn't put the soul back into Eul Tae. And that's why she told Hwal that he was starting the vicious circle again, because he stopped her from putting an end to it.

    Awwwwww!!! I just hope that they can clear all the misunderstandings and reconcile!! 1000 years separated is too much, and they are so soft for each other... :please:

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  11. Hello everyone!! :) I just want to say that I'm loving this drama. :heart4: It's really cute, fun and heartwarming, and the cinematography is beautiful. The only quibble I have is that I find Du Sik's hot and cold play infuriating...I get that he's traumatized, but he's playing with Hye Jin's feelings and she's being hurt. This is why I like this new guy, who seems to have a good chance of seducing Hye Jin. He seems a good match for her and she looked pleased to see him again. This will distract her a bit and force Du Sik to decide whether he wants to stay on the side or will do something about his feelings for her...Anyway, I'm rooting for Du Sik. Hope he can overcome his trauma and start a beautiful relationship with Hye Jin, they make such a cute couple!  :fullofhearts:

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  12. 2 hours ago, c Cinc said:

    It seems that I am of minority here who LOVED the ending to bits. It was a very satisfying ending for me. Major kudos to the writers for sticking to their guns. They allowed Vincenzo to embody a mafia's murderous and tenacious ways to the very end. Vincenzo is probably one of the best-written anti-heroes I have seen in kdramas. He remained dark and merciless till the very end. We even got confirmation that he still continues to lead the same tenacious ways. This drama was never written to show a mafia's redemption arc or atonement. It was done to reiterate that the world can be so evil, that there would be instances where justice should be served mercilessly. With that in mind, Vincenzo is able to justify his existence as someone who uproots evil mercilessly, when the law is no longer sufficient to punish the monsters. As an audience, I feel so wrong rooting for a character like Vincenzo, but at the same time, this is what dramas are all about. We all have that inner monster in us and if I can allow that "monster" in me to be satisfied by vicariously living through a drama character, the writers have done their jobs. Thank you writers for not being cowards!

    I agree with you. I liked the ending well enough. Vincenzo never really showed intentions of changing his lifestyle, he just made friends while looking for the gold and protected them, and also avenged his mother. But in the end he did what he planned. It also makes sense to me that he stays in Malta, since after all, he lived in Italy for more than 20 years and he must have strong ties with his Italian family and life. Staying in Korea would have been the unnatural choice, since he only was there for a few months. And regarding Cha Young, it's fine that after going under the radar for a while, he shows up to tell her that he still loves her and that she has a place in his home, if she wants to go. That's a pretty satisfying and happy ending for this mafia couple. He's a killer and a wanted criminal after all, I don't know what people were expecting.

    All in all, I find the story quite consistent and well finished. Maybe the death of Han Seo was too much, I feel killing the sweet boy was an unnecessary sacrifice, just to highten the stakes in the last episode. But I'm not disappointed at all, I would have liked much less that they suddenly turn a cold blooded killer into a saint just for the purpose of having a standard happy ending. It would have been jarring and boring, another run-of-the mill drama. I prefer them to stay criminals. That's far more original, LOL :D

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  13. I'm worried sick about our baby boy Han Seo, please don't kill him!! He must keep growing as a decent person and business man and make Vincenzo proud. :crybaby:


    And after the display of love that Cha Young and Vincenzo did in the last scene, my bet is that they will run away together after everything ends. These two love each other and, by now, they are deeply involved in each other's lives. I don't see Cha Young going back to the life of a normal lawyer. Just hope we get a wedding scene or similar...I would be happy with just seeing them living incognito in their new home abroad. :D

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  14. Well, ep. 18 was totally thrilling and I'm happy that Han Seo stayed on Vincenzo's side and now he's allowed to address him as "hyung". That boy is so cute.


    Regarding Cha Young, I don't see why people are so shocked about what happened. Vincenzo travelling to Italy was a wake up call for her that he might disappear any moment, about how precarious is their "situation". So I understand that she wanted to put some emotional distance. Of course she couldn't do it well and in the end she couldn't help running to him in the airport and telling him someting, a veiled confession. And then, he decides to stay and comes back to save her when she's in great danger...could it be more romantic? I expect more insight on their feelings on next week's episodes and likely a more direct confession from both. And of course we will find out if they run away together or decide to separate. But this is a story about a villain and a criminal, even if he's charming and capable of love and good actions, so I wouldn't get my hopes high for a perfect happy ending.

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  15. I just hope that Han Seo hasn't really betrayed Vincenzo and they are working together in some crazy idea for making an escape.  When he tried to call him "hyung" before, his feelings seemed sincere.


    And regarding Cha Young, I understand her shock when Vincenzo killed the guy. Hating your father's killer is a thing and becoming involved with killings yourself is another one, and a path with no return. Maybe this makes her think about the distance between Vincenzo and her, because as much as she enjoys fighting out of the law, I doubt she wants to become an assassin...and this will always separate them. Not sure if they will end up running away together or with a prospect of a future together. In any case, I'm fine with this romance being subtle and a bit in the background, because with so much violence and revenge going on it would be a bit jarring that they focus on it now. I'd rather prefer that they hint at a future together in the finale, but after all the action and vengeance end.

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  16. Hello guys! So glad I finally watched Vincenzo. It's been an awesome ride, so thrilling and entertaining.

    Lady Gaga Compliment GIF

    I like that the show has a distinct flavor. I love the humorous tone, the action and also the main couple dynamics, with the camaraderie and playful flirting (hope they keep it that way, I don't want it to become too serious...not in the mood for drama and I suspect there is not enough time to flesh out a proper romance).


    Putting that aside, are there any Italian/European viewers that suffered with some cringey scenes? :wacko: I've lived 5 years abroad and when I came back, sometimes I had English words coming to my mind instead of those in my mother tongue and caught foreign accent. How is it possible that Vincenzo speaks perfect Korean after 25yr abroad? But ok, I understand the practical issues. The part that made me cringe more was SJK's Italian accent at the beginning, it was impossible to catch what he was saying, not vocalizing...he definitely needed a better teacher. I almost dropped it because of this, haha!! By ep.16 he has improved though. And apart from the talking, he has some distinctive Korean body language that he shouldn't have: like when he crosses his arms on his chest to say "no". Moreover, at the beginning he mourns the "boss mafioso" and calls him "Papa"...this is a word reserved for a father, so I assumed he was adopted by the mafia guy, and later we see the scene of the adoption and that looks nothing like an Italian mafia boss, rather a medium-upper class US couple. And what about the obsession that Italians have with their coffee...so unbelievable that he ends up loving soluble coffee. :lol: All in all, the Italian part looks quite weak and made up by people who know little to nothing about Italy, but I guess it is normal. Anyway, it is still a very enjoyable show. :)

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  17. Well, after watching ep.03, I'm liking this a lot :D The comedy is gold, the story is certainly intriguing, what's really going on there? And Shin Hye Sun is wonderful and carrying the show, love her!


    By the way, am I the only one liking the adopted cousin more than the king at this point? :luvarrow: And I'm not one to have 2nd lead syndrome often, but he seems so sweet! And the guy knows how to kiss, hehe!

    Anyway, I'm guessing that the likely course of action will be that the fight with the king was due to some misunderstanding on his side, and at some point he will change his opinion about her and romance will spark between the queen and the king, so he will stop plotting against her family. A pity because it's so fun to watch them being "enemies" and suspecting the other. And I wonder how the cook and the queen will exchange bodies again and if it will be a gradual thing, because I cannot believe that the cook will play along with the king trying to seduce him.

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  18. Just dropping by to say that I'm loving this drama!  :heart4:

    It is cheesy and cliché and simple...but it's a nice mix of light romance and comedy, it's well done and the actors are nice enough to make me worry about them and have my sympathy. Yu Kyung is really adorable and Soo Ho is so funny being so shy about his growing attachment to her.


    The only thing I would have changed is the fact that she's supposed to be so ugly without make up...that makes things a bit unbelievable. They could have softened a bit this angle. It is difficult enough if people were mocking her for her thick eyebrows or acne. It's enough to traumatise a teenage girl, you don't need to make her supposedly so ugly that everyone will jump scared when they see her without make up.

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  19. I enjoyed episodes 13 and 14 a lot. Their professional and personal journey is entertaining and I care about all the characters. Plus, I like much more the new set up, where they are more mature and confident so I expect more success for their start up...and progress with their relationships. I'm really curious to see how the self-driving car project will go, and I really, really want to see Do San and Dal Mi flirting and restarting their relationship. :sparklyeyes:


    However, there are certain things that have me pulling my hair, all the writer's fault. Like, how is it possible that Ji Pyeong didn't confess his feelings for Dal Mi in 3 years???!!!! Last week he was crying in the corners because grandma wanted him to step aside, because, you know, he WANTED Dal Mi for himself, BADLY. I also struggled a lot with his sudden realization of feelings after 15 years of doing nothing to get closer to her. But that's simply not believable at all. A young, handsome, rich guy, apparently so in love, would never sit idle and see how another man gets the girl he likes, no matter how shy or traumatized, he would have confessed. I also don't understand Dal Mi's behaviour. She goes to look for Do San and once she's there with him and insists in talking....all she does is falling asleep (a successful move though). When they have a big personal mess and a very important professional project to discuss. Then Do San simply decides that he will join her. I missed an adult conversation between Do San and Dal Mi, agreeing that they would work together and forget about the past, even if that's a lie and both are harbouring hopes of seducing the other again...Whatever, I'd say that the actors are doing a great job, because they are bringing the characters to life in a way that makes possible to overlook the plot holes and enjoy the story. Seon Ho is great, Suzy has impressed me favorably, ...and Joo Hyuk is absolutely killing it :heart4:, you would believe he's that annoying nerd that is obsessed with this girl and cannot let go...


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  20. Ok, I don't like how we got to this point, with all the contract signing, fist fights and all the unrealistic stuff, but I'm moderately optimistic for what's to come now. It feels more realistic that they failed anyway, that's what life is about, you try something and many times you fall and you have to stand up and try again. Plus, Dal Mi and Do San need some time apart. Do San needs to build some confidence and mature. And Dal Mi needs to take distance from this romantic-letters mess and clear her feelings...also, she needs to start a more solid project that will give her the opportunity to succeed. It'll be nice if they meet after 3 years as more mature and successful people...I anticipate the sparks flying in their next meeting. :sparklyeyes:

    Also, while Do San is away, Dal Mi and her sister can get closer...a perfect opportunity to introduce the sister to Ji Pyeong :D I think they would make a great couple, although the JP-DM shippers will disagree. But In Jae and Ji Pyieong seem more alike to me, intelligent and business oriented, I think they would understand each other well. I want Good Boy to find love too :) At this point it's pretty clear that Dal Mi is more caught with Do San than Ji Pyeong, and it's boring and sad to see such a good guy stuck with one girl that doesn't love him, just for the sake of maintaining a love triangle in the drama. It's not necesary, hope Ji Pyeong gets his own love story here.

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  21. Mmmm, I will roll with it but I didn't like too much the recent developments. No one would sign a contract so big without reading it and knowing all the clauses. Plus, it is a contract that involves further collaboration...an angry Do San is worth nothing to 2STO, they need someone eager and motivated. And apparently they are buying Samsam Tech to make him work exclusively for them, so why would they want to trick them? It just doesn't make any sense...


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  22. 7 hours ago, Sleepy Owl said:

    I have a lot of issues with the recent episodes here.

    Agree, I felt uncomfortable with Do San's behaviour during last episode. This boy needs someone to guide him out of this pit of insecurities that he's carving for himself. The thing is, he was insecure because his company seemed to go nowhere. Then Dal mi appeared out of the blue, someone who told him that he's great, a very pretty girl who seemed interested in him, and he got clingy to that feeling of being looked up to. But knowing he was somewhat cheating and not deserving those attentions, his insecurities got worse. And now, he starts making life-changing decisions only to help a girl he feels indebted to. He needs to take a step back from Dal Mi and find himself first. Do San needs to see that he's indeed a great guy, thoughtful and goodhearted, intelligent, and he's launching a startup who looks very promising. That is far from being a failure and he needs to understand it soon.


    As for Ji Pyeong, he seems to be taking steps in the right direction. He looked for Dal Mi and told her everything, including his feelings....finally!! Much better than before. Although not sure about the offer for a plan B, isn't that going too far? Anyway that's not going to happen...


    And Dal Mi, I have some issues too with all the drama about Do San lying and suddenly feeling uncapable of anything. I can't imagine ruining an important project because some letters I received when I was a teenager and someone lying to me about the letters. I get that she's down, but I hope that she overcomes her sadness and owns that Demo day presentation. The drama is selling her as competent, hard worker and business savvy...enough to land and maintain a CEO position and company stocks with no previous experience or training. Do San gave her all this because he likes her, now it's time to rise to the occasion and demonstrate that she was a good choice. She needs to do it well, if they have to go to plan B or Do San needs to go to San Francisco to save the company, it will be a mess.


    Anyway, I hope these young people learn how to boost their self-esteem and be more confident. I think everything else will follow after that. :)

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  23. 9 hours ago, peachfuzz said:

    I’m so thankful this Soompi discussion exists!

    Agree!! I left the subreddit because of the ongoing "war". Soompi forums have always been more friendly and with a sense of community :allgoodlol:. In general people come here to share the love for the drama and their favorites, not to fight with others. I've been in reddit because for a while Soompi had a lot of problems with logins, but if that's over, I'm back for good.


    Regarding the series, at this point I just want to say that I like both guys, although I ship Dal Mi with Do San. But I think both of them are good natured, and they were caught in the lies and weren't able to do the right thing before. As for Dal Mi, I can't imagine how she would feel, because she likes a lot Do San and he's gaining her heart with all the things he's doing for her. But on the other side, I get the romantic appeal of having a misterious 1st love with whom you exchanged letters for years...and suddenly you meet again that boy that is now a handsome competent man that apparently is interested in you, that would make my heart flutter too.


    Anyway, my prediction about how this will go: Dal Mi and Do San will split up, but keep being colleagues at work. Dal Mi will get closer to Ji Pyeong and maybe date, to see if the old flame is still there in the present. By the end, either Do San will start dating someone else, or he will be offered to go to San Francisco, and there we will see if Dal Mi really likes him or not. Maybe they will end up together and take off to USA, or maybe Do San will go alone. Another possibility I see is that Do San leaves alone and comes back years after that and meets Dal Mi again...but I don't like this idea too much because it means that Do San really needs to become a rich successful man to be loved, and I like more the idea that Dal Mi chooses him although he's still a "work in progress".

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