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Rollito Deprimavera

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Posts posted by Rollito Deprimavera

  1. Well, I found the finale a little underwhelming, anti-climatic...the setup was so dramatic, I was expecting it would end with a bang, and the revenge would be satisfying... But in the end it was about management rights of big corporations?? That left me quite cold. Plus, I'd have preferred he'd end the series as Do Joon, not going back to be Hyun Woo.

    All in all, it was super fun and I loved it, just maybe my expectations for the ending were too high.

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  2. 20 hours ago, ValentineJ said:

    Having him died to return to his old body

    When I said killing himself I meant that DJ could be behind HW's death, namely hire Jinyoung the intern and making sure he gets the slush fund money. Since it's going to happen anyway.

    Although after thinking about it, I think it would be possible to have the intern followed and steal the money from him later, since he knows how and where everything is going to happen.

    Apart from that, I think the accident they refer at the beginning where DJ died is not necessarily the same accident we saw where DJ and Grandpa didn't die. There might be another accident in the future. For what I've seen so far, there are no signals that indicate that the future where DJ lived as HW will change one bit.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Jean Chua said:

    I thought it’ll be DJ too, cos he knows he needs to kill himself so he can be reincarnated rich (if HW doesn’t die, there’s no story anymore right? :D) 

    Agree. Killing himself is the way to go: he knows it will happen anyway. And if he's the one doing it, he will make sure to take the money from the slush fund. If he's not the one to take action, it will be one of his cousins/uncles...Plus, it's super dramatic, so in my opinion that's what is going to happen.

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  4. 12 hours ago, agenth said:

    It was really out of the blue to see he was ready to propose to her...

    I think it's an intentional choice of showrunners, to keep the romance in the background. So I don't mind anymore that we are surprised with sudden changes in their relationship and I will roll with it. After all, the core of the show is DJ's fight to take over Soonyang.

    Anyway, I think they'll end up together in the end. But now the most important question is how is he going to escape the next murder attempt, and how is he going to keep buying Soonyang shares...can't wait for next week's episodes! :lol:

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  5. Awwww!! I loved eps.3 and 4. Uk and Naksu are so sweet together, can't wait for Uk to learn that she's Naksu after all  :sparklyeyes: I was not expecting the kiss and got the butterflies, LJW and GYJ have great chemistry and they make an awesome on screen couple :fullofhearts:


    And Master Lee...I get why he could choose to say nothing about Bu Yeon's identity. Getting her memories back will only bring sadness to Naksu. Maybe he prefers to let them live and get together again without the burden of the past.


    I'm enjoying the story a lot for now. But it is time someone starts working on getting rid of Jin Mu. That's the only drawback to this 2nd season, and that badass assassin Naksu has disappeared maybe for good. I'd have liked seeing more of her. But ok, I'll accept that she has changed and being an assassin makes no sense for her anymore, just hope she keeps being her spunky and strong willed self...


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  6. 11 hours ago, andy78 said:

    when the old man looks at the cars photos and said :nobody died this is a great car!!!

    I loved that scene, it was kind of sweet. Grandpa was so happy. And Do Joon was there just looking affectionately at him and thinking how amazing is his crazy grandpa. I'm sad that Grandpa is sick and will die soon, he's a formidable character and his scenes with Do Joon are gold.


    Anyway, I can't wait till next week and see what happens next. I think the only way out for Do Joon is to fake his own death and act from the shadows, he will grab the 600M$ from the slush fund and in the end defeat the rest of his family. That's the only way to comply with what he knows will happen in the future.

    Also, since they insisted so much in the "trust no one" thing, we will likely see more unexpected betrayals. Just hope that the show keeps being this thrilling till the end.



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  7. Awww, so glad AoS is back!! :hooray2: I loved the first episode. 

    But I'm disappointed that it seems it's really Bu Yeon there and not Naksu. In the teasers they showed some scenes of her with petrified skin on her face, so I guess she must be a soul shifter. Can the love story get more confusing? :Megalol:I was hoping for a 2nd season of real Naksu and Uk longing for each other and finding their way back together. But now I don't know what to expect...I'll just go with the flow and enjoy for now, the scenes with LJW and GJY are lovely, they have great chemistry together, and it's nice to see the rest of the AoS gang.

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  8. I just watched ep.10 and OMG!!! :wut:


    I knew the accident was coming but I was still shocked. And I have so many questions now. Will he die again or survive and hide knowing that he'll be officially dead and he already knows that he cannot change the future? The other option is that he dies again and reincarnates in another person, which would be very weird and too complicated for the story. And he must stay alive to keep his revenge going...


    Also, seeing how things are going so far, I predict that he'll be the one to order his own death in the future, so he can get the 600M$ of the slush fund and win over his other competitors and finally be the owner of Soonyang. That'd make the story kind of a full circle and certainly more dramatic. The prosecutor will help and they will get a happy ending together...please...There's not much romance, but I like the bits that we have seen so far, they make a cute couple. :fullofhearts:


    Finally, I'm sad if Grandpa dies already. I enjoyed him and his interactions with Do Joon so much. Every time they are together sparks fly. Both are fascinated and respect the other, and have those love-hate feelings between them. Do Joon is furious that Grandpa's greed hurt his family so much and so many poor people, but he enjoys being his grandson and he admires him (God knows how many times he read his memoir book, and the first time he saw Grandpa he was literally awestruck). And Grandpa really likes how Do Joon resembles him, even if he's angry at him sometimes or even threatens him. So sad they will not spend time together anymore.



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  9. Can't wait to watch ep.08!! :yay: The relationship between Do Joon and his grandfather is so fascinating. I don't think the grandfather will be the one to attack Do Joon in the end, he respects his talent and ambition. The "accident" that is mentioned must have been planned by the eldest son and grandson. Hope Do Joon survives and plans the company take over while hiding...


    Also, I really like the chemistry between Do Joon and Min Hyun. It's a pity that he rejected her. But then I remembered that he's supposed to know her well from his other life. Anyway, it's weird that he accused her of wanting to be the daughter-in-law of Soonyang and have him as a puppet: she's been offered that already with his cousin. She preferred him for being ambitious and capable on his own and was clearly attracted to him.


    Regarding the future prosecutor, not that I dislike her, but their relationship is boring and it appears that they barely see each other since he has no idea of her whereabouts...how are we supposed to believe that he is so interested that he runs to her the moment another woman makes advances on him?


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  10. I loved the first episodes and I'm hooked! :ilike:

    The setup is so thrilling...I want to see how he tightens the net around his killers, and how he uses the power he has, knowing what's going to happen. For now, I love his interactions with the grandfather and his new mother. And I'm so curious about what his enemies will do to him. It is clear that the prosecutor is attacking the company because whatever they did to him. And also the other grandson was complaining about an accident and whatever the father did in order to keep him as heir, so they must have done something terrible to Do Joon...

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  11. LOL, it's me the only one who's excited about season 2? :hahah!:


    The plot dragged a lot in the second half of season 1, they could have done it with 16 episodes and get a better result...But, in compensation, I love all the characters and the setup, and the anticipation for the revenge that's coming for Jin Mu, and real Naksu is coming back!!! :sparklyeyes:


    My predictions for season 2:

    - Mu Deok is found by Cho Yeon. Mama Jin will perform some magic in order to separate Naksu's soul from Bu Yeon's body. Since Bu Yeon is so powerful, she can recover. Not sure if she will wake up or stay unconscious and wake up only in the end. As a result of the magic performed, Naksu's soul will be expelled from Bu Yeon's body and not sure how will materialize in her body again. Maybe she will have amnesia.

    - Cho Yeon might be off to kill Naksu once she learns her father's assassin might be alive.

    - Yul will be out there looking for Naksu in order to save her, and will meet a new girl he likes.

    - Jang Uk will look for Naksu, and not sure how this will interfere with pursuing and killing Jin Mu.

    - Hope there is a happy ending for everyone and Jin Mu dies very painfully.

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  12. 1 hour ago, SleepyKitty said:

    what is going to happen with the body though? Is janguk just going to marry this 2 in 1 deal then?

    I think one of them is going to die. Either Naksu will die since she's doomed as a shoul shifter without a body, or Bu Yeon who was rescued from death by her mother and is living on borrowed time...It is also possible that Naksu's body is remade. Maybe the ice stone has the power to return her body? Uk seems determined to use it to protect Naksu, so I wonder what he will be able to do with it.

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  13. Not really happy with the plot developments, but it was fun to see how everyone knows already that Bu Yeon is fake and her name is So I. The Queen being a soul-shifter is also a widely known fact apparently. I'd like that they do something with all that knowledge though. Anyway, just hope that with this attempt assassination Naksu will recover her powers (maybe Bu Yeon will be debilitated with the agression or the stone proximity??), we see her  using a sword in the preview so who knows...Powerless Naksu is no fun anymore, I need to see a change. And also the romantic relationship with Uk is stalling a bit, are we not getting couple scenes, real kisses, something that makes our heart race? Because it's hard for me to believe anymore that they are smitten with each other, at this point they seem more like partners in crime...which is not a bad thing per se, but I miss a more romantic approach! :crybaby:

    Luckily tomorrow there's another episode so there has to be more progress here.

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  14. Seems I'm in the minority here, but I don't think Kwon lawyer is that bad at the core. And I think he's redeemable... maybe Soo Yeon's interest will be the push he needs to step up and be a bettter person.

    I don't see him as bad, he's rather bitter because he's suffering: he seems to have gone through a lot, supporting his parents and trying to make a career in a super-competitive and unfair environment. He might be telling to himself that he will do anything to succeed and that he shouldn't feel guilty for using others that are luckier than him. He said that his father had health problems, maybe for him succeeding in Hanbada or entering Taesan is the solution to have her father's hospital bills paid. But in the end, when he gets close to the others, Jun Ho, Soo Yeon, Young Woo..., I think he will soften and do the right thing. And if that's the case, I wouldn't mind that he and Soo Yeon become a couple...they are kind of cute together and there's definitely a spark there. ;)

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  15. On 8/10/2022 at 12:54 PM, K-dramafan22 said:

    Yul is quite a die-hard type of guy. :heart2beat: Once he is fixated on someone like Naksu, I think it would be very hard for him to have eyes for anyone else.   ...so.... Sol-i really does not stand a chance....

    But the weakness for an old love cannot beat the fireworks of an ardent new love...Naksu likes her student, they are an item already, they cannot spend an hour separated before they start looking for each other :wub:

    It's nice that they are still so fond of each other, but Naksu has moved on already, and Yul should do the same. I'd like that they bring a new love interest for him, a wild warrior girl would suit him well. Since he's the shy type, a girl that's forward and sassy would be ideal. Let's see what happens, I'd really love to see how everyone finds love, including Yul and the Crown Prince :lol:



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  16. Ok, today the conversation between Uk and Mu Deok left me confused. I thought everyone knew at this point that Naksu had been used by the baddies and that she was wrong about what happened to her father...I get that Park Jin and the others might want to kill her if she tries to keep the Ice Stone in order to survive as a soul shifter, but why would she fight with Uk? shouldn't he take her side if she's discovered and attacked? Because she's not planning on attacking anyone first, does she? She doesn't have to avenge her father anymore, except maybe for Jin Mu. I'd like the drama to be more clear about what Naksu wants to do after getting the ice stone and her powers back. Also, I miss more romance scenes between the main couple...they say a lot that they like each other and had many swoon-worthy scenes, but we didn't get a real kiss yet where they show their romantic chemistry, haha!! 

    Besides that, I'd rather see some progress on the whole affair with the lost Jin daughter. I hope that So I doesn't last much and Mu Deok is found to be the lost Bu Yeon. And there are so many plot lines to tie, like what will happen with the Queen's soul, Jang Gang, etc. I hope that they don't keep developing all these plot lines and leave Naksu getting the ice stone for the very end, so everything will be solved in the last 5minutes with the stone destroyed and Naksu dying or finding a way out and staying with Uk.

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  17. Ok, last night nothing really happened. I hope ep.16 brings more plot progress. On the other hand, at least the scene with Uk and Mu Deok was awesome. I loved how much on an item they are already and they were able to get out of Park Jin's trap by saying both the same thing. And then they run to find the other... :fullofhearts: The talk about their feelings ended too light for my taste and I'd have liked to see Uk pulling her for a kiss. After all she said that she loved him to death, haha!! A deeper kiss than last time was required :wub: Hope tonight we get more romantic moments between the couple.

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  18. Just dropping by to say that I'm liking this a lot. :fullofhearts: The actors are great, and all the stuff about the workplace feels relatable. I can relate to the struggle of the leads, the way ME wants to change careers but can't fully let go of her former job, or the way JY is frustrated since he puts so much effort and he sees no results, no recognition, even he's suffering abuse from the writers, or the pressure the team leader has to succeed or they will close the department...

    From the first episodes, I loved the train scene the most. It was so beautifully filmed and ME and JY had such a candid and deep exchange of thoughts. I wonder if there will be any romance and with whom, since she has good chemistry with her colleague and also her boss. I don't think I want this to turn into a romance drama, but it would be nice to get a bit here and there, hinting that something might happen later, hehe!


    For now, I'll be cheering for the two newbies, I really want them to succeed. :D


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  19. So many thoughts after episode 14... I think Master Lee is not a soul shifter, he's just teasing people in the palace in order to discover where are the infiltrated soul shifters. His pupil grandpa recognized him and said that he hadn't aged. But now Uk thinks Master Lee is definitely on their side and I'm not so sure about it.

    It seems that Uk is destined to destroy the ice stone, but what will happen to Naksu then, can she live if the stone is destroyed? Anyway, I guess there will be fight among the good guys because Park Jin and Yul will likely want to destroy the stone while Uk will want to use it to protect Naksu... I don't know, but it's about time she recovers her power, I miss kickass Naksu! :Please:  She should be the one to destroy Jin Mu.


    Anyway, I love how Uk is a fast learner and used his master teachings against her, heee! That kiss!! :fullofhearts:

    And I'm anticipating next time Park Jin and Maid Kim will meet. :wub: I don't think he can hold his feelings for much longer, haha!!


    BTW, anyone else falling for Lee Jae Wook here? :heart:  Dunno, he's not my type and maybe not that canonically attractive, but he has such beautiful eyes, I'm so taken with him these days, haha!! :lol:

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