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Posts posted by SamLien
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^Yup I agree its hoot. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gah!!! I can't wait to watch music japan's episode next week since Alice Nine. would be performing. I just watched Music Japan's episode for today and I saw the teaser for next week. . . I was actually screaming when I saw Shou in there hahahaha. . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^ Lols I actually liked the flowery shirt on Saga as well. . . I think he was able to errrr. . . carry it off decently . . . made him more smexy and not look girly hahahaha. . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just visited the OHP today the boy changed his position again hahaha. . . the countdown is down to 6 already ahhhh can't wait!!!! Only 6 more days to go!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just watched Horizon PV today. . . a pretty good song with a really nice PV. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One of the best kdramas I have ever watched. . . I'm just disappointed when it came to an end though hahaha I was hoping that the series would go on and on and on but oh well hahaha. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Though I just read the first book of Harry Potter I think it's much better than twilight. J.K's writing is much more polished compared to Stephenie Meyer. . . . .J.K. has a way with words that makes the book a good read. The idea of Twilight made me love the book but when I re-read the series it didn't appeal to me that much anymore just as much as it did when I first read it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Watched this several months ago . . . re-watched it a week ago and I'm still loving it. Cute storyline. . .made me laugh and cry a lot hahahaha. . . . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow I dunno what to say about the covers. . . hmmm I guess they're okay hahaha I like Zekkeishoku's cover the most though. . . but oh well. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Sucks though I think the regular version has a better cover than the limited edition <_< But oh well. . . can't really do anything 'bout it anymore I guess i'd just order the regular version next time. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG thanks for the info. . . I just visited the OHP yesterday and it was still rainbows hahaha. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The song is just *dies* awesome. . . I can't wait for January!!! I can't wait to get my copy of VANDALIZE!!!! I'm so excited for it!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm gonna butt in now lol. . . I agree with everyone saying that the slight change in Alice Nine.'s music isn't something we should be disappointed or feel bad about. . . honestly as long as they enjoy what they're doing and their passion for their craft doesn't dissipate i'm very fine with the change.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Besides in my POV even though the feel of their music had a change I still think that the songs are still alice nine. . . their mark is still there. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Its good to see their flexibility in what they do. . . they can go all out rock and then be a little subtle in the next. . this just goes to show what kind of incredible band they really are. .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh wait going off topic for a while I just wanna ask about the discotheque dvd. . . I was already going to buy the disc earlier from cdjapan but then when I was about to checkout I noticed that the price is 5500 yen. . . I was like O__O the heck . . .from what I could remember it was only 5000 yen whoa I can't believe I mistook 5500 yen for 5000 yen huhuhuhu. . .*cries*
































































































































































































































































































































































































    thank goodness I got the price for vandalize right phew. . . now all I need to do is wait for its release *dances around*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for posting the tracklist Eddie. . . I was supposed to post it later but yeah you beat me lol XDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hmmm I'm excited to hear the other version of Mirrorball. . .

































































































    ^ Reccomended songs:

    RAINBOWS, MIRROR BALL, RURI NO AME, CROSS GAME (their newest song), VELVET, "Q", TIME MACHINE (one of their best "old" songs, IMHO), Heisei juushichinen shichigatsu nanoka, and Shunkashuutou.
































































































































































































    It's so nice to see new fans. Hiroto's my favorite... (^_~) I've been a big fan of A9 since April of this year. <3































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Agree!!!! those songs are awesome. . . hmmm my additions *thinks* perhaps you'd like to give a shot on WHITE PRAYER and WORLD END ANTHOLOGY . . these are some songs I first listened to before I became a fan lols. . .
































































































































































































    And of course I'm a SHOU and SAGA fangirl of course :blush: hehehehehehe *squeals*

































































    ^yeh i always had thought Tora was lead guitarist until like this year. Yeh in their more recent songs, Hiroto has been having more solos and stuff xD i was thinking maybe cuz of Tora's neck pains but no idea cuz he still plays as much even if he wasn't lead =S

    Hiroto's new makeup really remind me of Saga, though i like him better with less makeup T__T same with Saga. They have naturally pretty eyes <3 haha































































































































































































































































































































































































    I like Hiroto with less make up too T__T
































































































































































































    Gah!! I'm totally lovin' Tora's contacts!!! I wore my own pair of contacts earlier just for fun and people really got freaked out, thought I was being possessed by a spirit or something lol hahahahaha XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah!!! I PWN this page :P wooo!!!





































    hi everyone, i just found out about this band, and they are awesome!

    i just had a question... are they all male, or are they like a boyand girl band??!
























    confused cuz of the makeup..and all..
























    they are all so pretty
























    ehehe..sorry for the lame question. i really like them, but i dont know if they are all male,,. or not. eheh
























    and what are their namess? ? lol.. sorry for being a total newb.















































    Hi nam202 welcome to the alice nine. thread hope you'd be around often ^^
























    Yup they're all male gorgeous males lolz hehehe






































































































































    --I reposted the pics I posted here before lolz XDD




































    Yeah!!! Obama won. . . not that it's any of my beeswax anyway but yeah hahaha. . .
























    OMG!!! Eddie I love your siggie gah!!!!! Shou!!!!
























    Shou's clothes in arena Oh my!!! *major fangirling mode* *staring at gorgeous legs XD*. . . . But dude what's up with hiroto's pants <_< . . .Nao looks soo adorable hahaha. . . Tora's hair is soooooo cool too bad I chose blue for my hair lolz next time i'm gonna pick purple!!!. . . Saga awww looks sooo classy in that suit hehehehe, loving the hair as well. . .




































    I freakin' love their ZERO performance!!!!
























    Gah!!! I can't wait to have my discotheque Cd!!!!!!!




























    I F*#%^& love alice nine!!! I really do... <3



























































































    Gyah!!! gotta dl the rips now wohoo can't wait to watch it ^^
























    Gah I love the Strawberry Fuzz number uwahhh!!! Darn!!! I love the shirt I should've ordered one for myself huhuhuhuhuhu. . . . .




































    ^that bald girl gave me the creeps O_O . . . hmmm my mom already knew alice nine. were boys when she first saw them XD
























    Is anyone here going to buy vandalize *sigh* I'm not sure if I'd buy one huhuhuhu but im nailing the limited edition I wanna have the extra XDDD









    ^ As far as a PV goes, I thought The GazettE's LEECH was better. A9's videos always get kinda boring to me, but it's usually more about the music anyway. (^_~)
















































    Now that you've mentioned it yeah I think LEECH is one of the most well made PVS I have ever seen lately. Oh well Gazette always have great PVS anyway. . . Hmmm about cross game well I did like the music but the one who made me like the PV was actually Shou lolz I dunno I just can't help but fangirl over him XDDD awww I didn't see much of Hiroto here T__T




































    OMG!!! I just watched the Cross Game PV wahhh I can't beleive I just watched it today!!! It's sooo awesome uwahhh!!!! The PV is simple but gah its one of the most awesome pvs I have ever watched . . . sooo many views of Shou from behind *snickers* and he looks more gorgeous than ever *fangirl mode*
























    And gah I'm loving Tora's contacts. . . weee I have a pair of those contacts as well, Iw ore it during the halloween party we had hahahaha . . .
























    But dude what's up with the flowery shirt Saga??? hahahaha oh well he still look good in it sooo yeah. . . .
























    All in all another awesome PV and another awesome song from Alice Nine.!!!!




































    - name SamLien (Sammie)
























    - picture check my 411 XD
























    - gender Female of course. . . duh
























    - age (specific or general, e.g., 20+) 18
























    - location Cavite
























    - ethnicity Filipina
























    - interests cooking, reading, watching tv, photoshop-ing, food trip, drawing, writing fanfics, meeting friends weeee
























    - links : nasa 411 ko yung iba hehehe









    ^ "Destruction of culture"? OMG! A9 IS GOING "DEEP" ON US!! ROTFLMAO~~~

    No more strawberry fuzz for us, now it's VANDALIZE~ ROTFL~
















































    Yeah, I saw the scans with Shou. I thought he looked absolutely fabulous. XD







































































    Yeah no more strawberry fuzz for us XD let's VANDALIZE . . . what a 360 degree turn around from a happy happy title now it sounds pretty serious hahaha
























    He looks sooooo gorgeous sitting atop that horse hahaha. . . *droolz* *fangirl mode*





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