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Posts posted by SamLien


    ...and so it seems and no credit to me, didn't even ask! *goes off to scold someone*...

    About Shou's eye disease, its not its more of a tic, he just blinks excessively, that's all I've heard/read















    Whoa wait did someone repost your pics/scans without permission??








    Thanks for the info on Shou's eye :lol: Oh wait your name reminds me of someone from lj hmmmm. . . .









    :o <--my face. EYE DISEASE?! WHAT?!







    lawl ;~; I only knew he had tonsillitis. Hiroto's new hairstyle reminds me of Hello Dear Numbers and Mirrorball/Cosmic world. lawl His hair is a hybrid








    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/Mou...10153852215.jpg ;~; I save their pictures too :ph34r:








    His stomach is a pit! The tie goes in pretty far.








    That microphone was purdy @__@, but I want Shou's clothes. They're all so purdy.















    :tears: Huhuhuhu I wonder what eye disease is it. . .








    OMG! Pon's hair!!!! Pffttt!!! It reminds me so much of Pondori lawl. . .Makes him look more Kawaii than Hot ROFL








    I want Shou's clothes tooo!!!!!!! I want the:








    =white Jacket and Black Pants (White Prayer)








    =Jacket and Head Dress (Cosmic World)








    =Purple Hoodie (Rainbows)








    and a lot more hahahaha. . . .








    I also want his Justin Davis necklace *cries*



    ^ make it 3 stalkers :ph34r:

    but i only started again yesterday after a while TT"








    found out that shou had an eye disease. OMG D:
















    yes the mirrorball microphone has been sold off to me. *cough* I WISHHHH IT WAS MINNEE D:








    the microphone is indeed cool.















    Wait Shou have an eye disease????????? OMG what disease is it? Is it recent or the past already??? No Shou!!!!!!!!!



    Lawl I have an LJ acc XD, but I think I saw the pictures on crunchyroll ? ;0. Tora's white contacts = <3. His hair looks funnay. haha -dead-

    Does anyone else read their [translated] blogs? o-o I feel stalkerish ;3








    Saga's goal was to become hawter ;D....I see it working.















    I always read their blogs XD then that makes us two stalker-ish fangirls XP








    Sidenote: Wow the mirrorball microphone has been sold off >__<. . . [source: my friends relative working in PS]. . .I've been mentioning that mic for a while now XD I feel so obsessed with it hahaha



    talking about old pv's

    blue planet made me so sad TT"








    the pink bunny girl in their is so random...D:








    and when shou is playing chess with her.








    did you see that smirk on his face?








    he was like all ..whats that word.. mesmerized by her TT_________TT








    maybe im just overeacting >>"























    LOL I was rather envious of that girl when she was playing chess with Shou XP. . . I have to agree with you, her prescence in the PV is kinda random.








    EDIT: Yay!!! I finally reached my 400th post XD











    Yeah I like Shou's little dance in Cosmic World too!!








    Shou always makes too much hand gestures though XD. . . My friend and I often joke about how much he moves his hands around. Some just ends up looking funny ROFL








    Shou might have a chance in dancing but for acting i'm not so sure XP. . .I was laughing so hard when I was watching their mini movie. Argh!!! *dodges flying daggers*








    SIDE NOTE: I was re-watching the mirrorball PV and I still can't stop staring at the super cool microphone XDD











    I know almost all of us are anxious to see the PS Carnival video. And happy news!!!!!

















    Hopefully they'll be selling a lot of alice nine. things at the anime con. >__<.

    Here's the shop links:
















    http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=154179 [Holy crap D: cosmic world poster....-want- );! That's like my favorite song/concept of theirs!]








    I don't know which one is my favorite member >__< they're all so cool. Shou is too pretty handsome and tall XD. Tora and Hiroto have awesome guitar skills and they're sexay x]. Saga is the sex. Nao has an awesome laugh lawll. :D








    Also! Welcome to the thread AmistA (8. We'll definitely indulge in our fangirl/boyism together XD.















    Yay! Thanks for the links!!! n___n hopefully i'd be able to save more money in the coming days. Gah!! I'm starting to go broke already and I still have to pay for the Discotheque Wallet I had my friend from Japan purchase for me :tears:








    The cosmic world look. . . ahhh that is a memorable Alice Nine. look especially the golden pants and Shou's headdress I so love. . .I have a poster for that look lol a freebie I got when I purchased the Alpha Album XD











    Yay!! A new album. . . well about time for them to release another one. . .I know it would be as good as NIL and Stacked Rubbish (which is my fave album). .








    Am thinking that Guren would be included in the new album. Hope so. I love that song!. . . . Can't wait for it. So much excitement going on. . . .
















    Hmm not sure if someone posted this before me but I'm gonna add the link anyway ROFL








    To those who are waiting for the release of the PS Carnival DVD on April here's a preview up-ed on The GazettE's Myspace. Just click the link below to be redirected to the page.



















    Hmmm just finished reading the latest manga and well it was okay for the first part. I'm just so excited that Ryoma's back. I just thought that the new manga would start off where the previous one has left off. Oh well anyways, I'm gonna patiently wait for the next one. Hope Ryoma's been doing well and somehow have some new kick richard simmons moves that would surely keep me hanging onto my seat. But gah the next one would be released on May. Awwww such a long wait *sniffs*



    ^ awww i want your stuff D:

    im not allowed to buy online >>"








    and the asian shops here hardly sell jrock D: the only thing i found was a 'porno graffiti' album and a xjapan dvd.








    mannn i so want the shirt TT"
















    favourite member : shou~








    cus he just so shou :D















    Actually shops here in our country only sell cds of L'arc~en~ciel and the jrock cds I have are bought online. I'm shedding almost double the amount of the item since I get shopping service from a friend coz I don't have paypal or even a credit card huhuhuhuhu. . . :tears:








    I just ordered a copy of discotheque lol I know a few months too late but money got jumbled up lol hahaha hopefully i'd get it next week :blush:








    We both like Shou hurray!!!!! Just gotta' love him :blush: Because Shou is Shou . . . .



    Lawl. On Heyx3, did he talk about getting excited to go eat food?

    The Discotheque shirt looks fun ;~; i want one too. I don't have any alice nine items! lawl but I'll be getting some soon because I bought some from the selling section @___@ it was tempting. I'll also probably be able to buy some at an anime convention coming up :D I need to save up though ;~;








    Which member is everyone's favorite and why? lawl















    Yup the shirt looks so cool especially when I've seen Pon wearing the blue one in a pic I saw in LJ. Hmmm am trying hard to get more Alice Nine items. All I have are: 3 albums and both versions of Cross Game. 3 posters, several pamphlets (benefit for purchases of their cds), Magazines and hopefully my very own Discotheque T-Shirt.








    Ooohhh there's someone selling Alice Nine. stuffs here in soompi? I haven't seen the marketplace here so I'm not aware lol XD Maybe you can share the link? hehehe








    My favorite is SHOU!!!!!!!!! LOVE!!! LOVE!!! LOVE!!! And I dunno why LOL :P








    Hi AmistA!!! Welcome to the AliceNine. thread :lol:



















    ^Whoa I thought my earphone was busted lol I had to use the new one and I thought the new one is also busted. So the audio has some problems whew. . .








    ^I listen to The Gazette, their song Calm Envy, Cassis and Guren, alongside Alice Nine. on a daily basis. :blush:








    Now for my opinion on Distress and Coma PV. . . all I can say is that Ruki!!!!! You're definitely kickin' some major richard simmons rofl can't help it. . . . HOT=RUKI!!!!!!!!!! *severe nosebleed* I think without a doubt that after a few more replays and hopefully a higher quality release of the PV will make Distress and Coma my next favorite PV besides Guren. . .



    ^ yeh it was the shape of the jacket O___O" and then the red frill thingo was just =___='

    oh wells if its shou <3






    mann im so bad at rembering which look was which --'






    but i do rember saga+flower shirt = HOOT :D











    Glad to know that I'm not the only one who found the shape of his jacket rather weird XD






    "saga+flower shirt = HOOT" -----> the outfit from Cross Game right? Hmm he does look hot there but not all were that fond of the print XD

    Ah, Tora's cat on his guitar amp?

    I've never been able to make out what Nao's emoticon means... ); It just has so much going on.











    Yup its the one on the amp . . .I sometimes fail at recognizing what the emoticons mean but the emoticons are pretty cool XD






    Gah!!! The threads being pretty quiet again lately :tears: Ahhh I wish I'd have my own Discotheque tour shirt soon. I've been dying to have my own lol. . . . What are your most prized Alice Nine items(cds, dvds, tour goods etc.)? Mind sharing stories bout it or pics? XD


  14. Gah!! Can't wait for episode 18. . . I had to rewatch all episodes today coz it's been a while since I last saw an episode. I'm loving Ji Hoo. From all the versions of HYD, I've always like Rui/Lei/Ji Hoo character. Always been there to cheer up and support Jan Di when Jun Pyo's not around. I've always wanted Jandi and Ji Hoo's character to end up together in all versions of BOF but sadly I know it would be impossible to happen. Kinda heartbreaking.

































































































































    Ah, so that's what it's called. Don't the other members have characters also? I remember watching Hiroto looking at fanmail with drawings lawl.

    lawl o-o His hair looked so fun in Mirror Ball and Cosmic World.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Tora also has a character ---> Nekocabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Shou-----> I think it's a crown. Am not sure though :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Saga----> I dunno what's his character XP
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Nao-----> perhaps this is his? ---> (●´┏_┓`●) . . . or I could be wrong. We all know Nao san always use emoticons like this XD

    OOHH THATTTS ITT. its the mirror ball look <3

    that look was pretty ^^ except i just didnt like shou's jacket thingo TT" ierno. it was just weird.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I didn't like the jacket that much as well T___T" Perhaps it was the cut of the jacket? LOL

    What is your favourite alice nine look?

    Your Fave Shou look?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's mine:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Alice Nine.: Ruri no Ame
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Shou: White Prayer, Ruri no Ame and The Beautiful Name
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hiroto: Mirrorball
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Saga: Cross Game
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Tora: Mirrorball
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Nao: Ruri no Ame
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Whoopsss can't help it can't pick which look I like for Shou the best XD

































































































































































































































































    ^ eh? Mirror Ball look? Or cosmic world look?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think strawberrylove is talking about the Mirror Ball look?? Not sure myself >___<

































































































































































































































































    Lawl. I always thought White Prayer was a slow song because I'm not too fond of slow songs, but I mixed up White Prayer and Eraser. (Even though I like Eraser) Therefore, I never really listened to it until a few days ago. It's a pwnage song lawl. In White Prayer, when Hiroto and Tora were in that glassed cage, Hiroto looked like he didn't want to be with Tora XD. I always thought he looked cool in White Prayer, but I think he looks cooler in Cross Game. He's just...pure pretty handsome in that MV plus Tora looks cool too. ;D >__< What's Pondori lawl..? D: Is that also Hiroto's nickname?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is this from Ruri No Ame's arc? lawl nipple *__*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Pondori is Pon's character the chicken XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Here's a pic of the Pondori ----> 15362343.png
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yup the pic is from Ruri no Ame n___n

































































































































































































































































    ^Lawl. What's your first favorite look for Shou? [He's really pretty handsome in Cross Game XD I couldn't stop watching it.] I want Tora's purpleness );! and at least Hiroto's hair isn't draping over his face anymore. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gotta say its the White Prayer look. . . Its soooooo cool!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah Shou's really pretty handsome huh. Yep its a good thing Pon's hair ain't blocking his face anymore. But the hairstyle makes me lol at some point. Its very much like Pondori hahahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wow there are new posters in the thread :w00t: welcome to the alice nine. thread ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Alice Nine.'s having a live today I wish I was there :tears: *sighs* so lighten up my mood tonight I wanna share a pic I Print Screened Earlier. hope you guys share the same Alice Nine. love when you see this gorgeous pic.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Man! This has got to be my second most favorite Shou look! He get's prettier and prettier. . . errr handsome!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And Pon!!!!!! The hair!!!! Pondori!!! Looks weird and cool at the same time rofl. . . :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Catchiest hmm I think: Rainbows (of course hehe), Blue Planet, Q (includes some Saga smexiness XD),Tsubasa, I dunno but I think Cross Game as well. :blush:

































































































































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