Jump to content


  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

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    I love Waterfall!! I can't wait to hear the rest of the song!! And for Mirrorball *dies* it's the version from Discotheque!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Crap I'm so sorry double post :sweatingbullets: My internet connections acting funny. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A few more hours before 2009. . . (Advance) Happy New Year Alice Nine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gah!! Another update. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    The threads been awfully quiet these past few days. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ZY Magazine No. 44 Scans

































































































































































































































































    Here is the address where you can the manga. I bought up to 6 volumes in that adress :)

    All of them are from Fully booked
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Level R3, Shop 330,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Tel. No.: (632)756-5001 to 04
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Fax No. : (632)898-0925
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks to seniee for the adress.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hopre that helps... and thanks for the link! :K:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Gah. . .I'm so useless in this thread lols so yeah I keep flooding it with links XD
































































































































































































































































    Scans again!!!!
































































































































































































































































    Shoxx Vol. 192 (Feb. 2009) Scans
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyone here who checked their OHP lately??The preview for the first six songs of Vandalize are up on the albums section. . hehehehe
































































































































































































































































    EDIT AGAIN- - - -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    credits: Group pic shoua9 and the rest of pics copied from psc site
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Link for ZY Photoshoot
































































































































































































































































    YA-BAY-YO!! w/ Nao and Tora

































































































































    OMGG~~ *fangirl mode on* KYAAAAAA~~

    i literally squealed when it came on :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































    (partly because my dog snuck inside and nibbled on my foot ;;___;; at the same time the images finsh loading LOOL)
































































































































































































































































    *gasp* maybe black hair isnt so bad after all.
































































































































































































































































    BRB guys. gona stare at the images agn @___@"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I was screaming like hell when I saw the pics earlier hahahaha. . . :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































    Yeah I think Shou's black hair isnt so bad just takes time before I get used to it. And I don't think it would take me long enough since the black hair makes Shou prettier . . . ahem *cough**cough* I mean handsome pwahahaha. . .
































































































































































































































































    Wait I didn't notice if he has black hair in the pic I think 'twas his brown hair or I may be wrong *scratches head* :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A link to Shou's gorgeous self once more!!!
































































































































































































































































    Kera January 2009 pics Ft. Shou

































































































































    beautiful name sounds kinda good. but cross game all the way still~~~

    and am i the only one that like blonde shou? D;
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    alice nine. - LOL. yes you fanboy more than i fangirl XD
































































































































































































































































    and i dont know you but i do because, ive heard of you b4.
































































































































































































































































    + i know your bebo other half. :sweatingbullets:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Lols youre not the only one who like Shou's blonde hair I also like it hehehe. . . I'm still getting used to his new hair color hahahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Beautiful Name is a nice song now I seriously can't wait for the release of the album!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































    DL Link for the scans of the CD Data Magazine Alice Nine 2009 Calendar:
































































































































































































































































    CD Data Mag. Alice Nine 2009 Calendar
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Beautiful name DL link is out as well:
































































































































































































































































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    Holy crap! I just watched the pv lol and I was like staring at Shou. . . I'm lovin' his new hair color more and more. It really suits him but I still love his previous hair color XD. . . whoa wait I just commented on his looks instead of the music hahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^hmmm now that you've mentioned it yeah the space between alice and nine. is absent since cross game hehehe. . .
































































































































































































































































    Argh!!! I can't wait to receive my copy of Vandalize. . .I'm lovin' Shou's look sooo much. . Shou looks more like a fashion model rather than a vk artist lolz. . . . .
























































































































    credits:miy382avi (COVER FOR B=PASS)
























    Probably their new look for Vandalize. . . I'm lovin' Shou's look *droolz*
























    Some more updates: Click links below to redirect. . .
























    Alice Nine. Cross Game Weekend Event
























    Links For Alice Nine.'s Music Japan Performance
























    Shoxx Feb. 2009 Preview Scans




































    ^Yup I was able to watch Music Japan 'coz we have NHK Channel on our tv. . . the wonders of cable tv lol XD
























    Can't wait for the release of Vandalize I'm sure Alice Nine. would be on Music Japan again because of it. Yay!!!




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ahhh!!! OMG!!! I'm close to hyperventilating right now. . . currently watching Alice Nine's guesting in Music Japan on tv right now!!! I can't do anything else but scream wahhh!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OMG!!! It's finished already darn what a rip off they should've played the whole song lol I waited for a week. . . well anyway they were soo darn good the performance was kick richard simmons lol . . . I was so hyped up by their performance that I kept screaming till naitomea's performance XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    And scans for both edition of the single are up as well:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    sidenote: ooohhh im so mad I should have ordered both editions T__T mine didn't come with a poster *cries*

































































































































    Look what I just read:

    This song made me cry!! It's so beautiful you guys, I don't even have the right words for it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was on the verge of sobbing, seriously... (T__T)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    It sounds A LOT different from ANYTHING they have done so far, I don't care what anyone else saying.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    This song is definitely their best, hands down. Well, in my opinion.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    This song is so... I'm at a loss for words
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You know; it's ELECTRIC EDEN, ok. That's what it is, it's an ELECTRIC EDEN for your ears.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    PWNS everything they've ever done, IMO. 20 millions times better than CROSS GAME or RAINBOWS or ERASER. Even MIRROR BALL!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    It kinda reminds me of SUGIZO, too. It has a similar style to it...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now I want to read some lyrics. This song makes me think of some terrible event that's happened or a great loss...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I totally agree with you about this one when I listened to this earlier since I finally received my copy of the cd lols haha, I really cried T__T. . .This song officially is one of my most favorite Alice Nine. songs ever. It just toppled over my intense love for World End Anthology. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Alice Nine. definitely nailed this one just like how my friend would like to put it. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dim Sum of course. . . am not really up for raw food so yeah even though I like certain Japanese food, raw ones aren't in my fave list. . . . :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ohhh I just heard about this news regarding the new arc several days ago when I was reading a fanfiction in fanfiction.net. . .
































































































































































































































































































































    I sure hope Ryoma and the gang would still be the highlight of the show probably when they're already in high school and Ryoma comes back from America. . . and please I sure hope that Ryoma would actually have a worthy love interest this time hehehehe. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^Yup they'd be in Music Japan hahaha I saw them in the teaser during last weeks episode. . .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Alice Nine. Barks Christmas Message and Interview

































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..