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Posts posted by starryknights

  1. 1 minute ago, Princi_86 said:

    For me he's still a child lol. Even though I'm not so old, I consider his age as a age of child haha. 

    Aha, oh yeah, I totally know what you mean. Although, how old/young IS he, really? ^_^ but yeah, I just meant that the last time I saw him in Pinnochio, he was such a tiny little thing, so short and everything, so now seeing his ig of him so tall and older-looking, I was just taken aback. Just another case of "They grow up so fast!" :o:rolleyes:

    • Like 6
  2. On October 9, 2016 at 7:02 PM, Princi_86 said:

    As well I suppose they're filming Kim Shin's childhood or smth related to kids. Cos this child actor is currently in Quebec and posting with Goblin's hashtags 



    That child actor!... Is no longer a child! He's all grown up! I loved him in Pinnochio and now, omg, he's so tall! Can't wait to see the cool timelapse/time-transcending scenes. 

    • Like 6
  3. 22 hours ago, yaoyao20121221 said:

    and he said It rained all day the second day in Canada,so the  crew had a day off. 

    I really hope some of the cast and crew spent some of their day off together, to get to know one another more... Okay, I'm mainly talking about Gong Yoo and Kim Go-eun. :) really hope they hung out over coffee/tea and lunch or smth... Sigh, there goes my fangirl heart dreaming again... But of course, I'll be content if they all just spend their day off sleeping in and relaxing, of course, b/c we all know they could probably use any extra sleeping time they can get! I know I do, and I'm not even a celebrity. ;)

    • Like 5
  4. https://mobile.twitter.com/goeunnie/status/784982762956558336


    This was probably shown at the recent tvN Awards. I have a feeling that Gong Yoo got embarassed and flustered because of the cheesiness of Kim Eun-sook's script/writing? Lawl. I love that he's sitting next to Kim Go-eun and would love to see more from the script read to see how they all interacted with each other. I always find these fun to watch. Anyways, I'm really glad to see him smile and laugh because I was disappointed after seeing the script reading photos of him with a straight face, thinking he was being too serious, so this was a great reassurance that he's still a cutie. Hahaha. I wonder what made everyone crack up.

    • Like 6
  5. 3 hours ago, princess nour90 said:

    First teaser ( narration only)Gong yoo voice is so dreamy :heart: 

    Please Dec come quickly 

    *Wasn't sure if the same rules of quoting applies for videos as well, but thought I'd remove 'em just in case.

    Anyways, OMGJSLKDFJSLKDJFKLSJDFKLSJJJLL!!! I can't believe it's out! Thank you so much for sharing, @princess nour90!! It's so little, but gets me pump for what's to come! Can't wait to actually see them all in action on my screen--all their faces, omg. December seriously cannot come quick enough! Gonna go rewatch the teasers again (and again and again) now. I'm gonna try to make out some Korean with my extremely limited understanding of the language (*sigh*). Can't wait for subs. It's giving me quite an eerie and melancholy feeling about it, though. On the other hand, I absolutely LOVE the penmanship of the person writing in the videos--it's so pretty. I wonder if it's Gong Yoo's handwriting? If so, gah, *swoons some more* BUT OMG! IT REALLY IS COMING OUT DECEMBER 2ND! YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS.

    • Like 4
  6. On October 7, 2016 at 6:55 PM, lkgy99 said:

    btw Did you guys ask yourselves What do orphan girl do in Canada with school outfit !!!

    like How she got there from korea to canda it doesn't make any sense right

    so I have a Two scenarios For this matter in my mind

    1 - Maybe kim shin Transported her to there To show her his power (I prefer this scenario)

    2 - Maybe she with Living there from the start (But how and we have seen her in the book store
    in korea w yook sungjae)

    3 - Maybe For Another reason

    What do you think guys .

    Hi, @lkgy99! This question actually did cross my mind, but I couldn't think of any reasons why Eun-tak would be in Canada... anybody have any ideas? :grin: I kinda wish they'd film in China so she can show off her Chinese-speaking skillz. But I guess that wouldn't be possible due to the currently hostile relationship between Korea and China. Maybe they'll be a scene where she'll get to speak Chinese... and sing! Gosh, I love her singing voice, it's so hauntingly beautiful.

    • Like 5
  7. 18 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

    This long haired woman is not KGE..the one from cheese in the trap..


    Who is this? Have seen her somewhere..can't place it but she is def not KGE

    Her name is Lee El and she's an actress that you've probably seen here and there in other dramas and/or movies. Her role in Goblin is part of Kim Go-eun's (Ji Eun-tak) support system. She provides strength and support (I'm assuming emotionally and physically) to Eun-tak for her to get through the day with the addition of the Goblin in her life.

    • Like 6
  8. 1 hour ago, yaoyao20121221 said:

    It is reported that the drama will debut in 12.02.:heart:

    Omo, I sure hope so because if I have to wait until December, I'm glad it's not towards the end of the month! Also, thanks for sharing the photos, @yaoyao20121221

    *Btw, since we're not supposed to quote pictures, can I just delete the photos when I quote 'em--like what I did above? I'm new, so feel free to correct me and show me around, guys.

    @Princi_86 Nice! Can't wait to see more promo materials from Goblin! Thanks for sharing!

    • Like 4
  9. 26 minutes ago, gangurhar said:

    Hi Everyone!

    I notice a ton of familiar ID's from the DOTS and CITT's forums. I'm a huge fan of KES' dramas (say what you want to say but she writes addicting and fun dramas that are a blast to watch) and I love the entire cast of this drama. 

    Have faith in KGE's casting everyone KES personally picks her casts out and writes her script keeping them in mind so she's picked KGE for a very good reason. 

    3 month countdown let's go!!! :w00t: Hope to talk and fangirl more ~

    Hi, gangurhar! 

    I've watched a few of Kim Eun-sook's dramas (Secret Garden, Heirs, and Descendants) and I thoroughly enjoyed most of them and remember being addicted to 'em, too, so I'm actually not worried either. I'm already in love with the cast of Goblin, so crossing my fingers that this is gonna be fun and addicting, too!

    I have total faith in Kim Go-eun, so yes, counting down the days and hope to talk and fangirl more with you and everyone here, too!

    • Like 6
  10. On 10/5/2016 at 4:02 AM, hairuchii said:


    Hi Hiemoi! Yes, I do not understand why so many would leave such hateful comment about KGE, and the KGE and GY pairing. They have to watch the drama first before they can have any validity in what they say! KGE is also a respectable actress and I find her very likable! She appeared in Happy Together once and, although nervous, she was very relatable in how down-to-earth she was! 

    I am very much looking forward to seeing both Gong Yoo and KGE on screen together and, of course, the WEEKLY DOSE OF GONG YOO. Owh. That man, seriously, is so beautiful. 

    Yes! Watch first, talk later, ppl! Geez. It's whatever, I'm kinda immune to all the nonsensical haters now. I smh and tsk tsk and just spazz abt my favs by myself and I'm just glad there are ppl/fans w/ sense like you that are still out there to talk logic. Yay for logic and being mature!

    *nods* I think Kim Go-eun is very likable, too. Definitely down-to-earth, along with charismatic and charming. Loved her in Happy Together! It's always nice to learn more about your favs, y'know? I really wanna hear her sing more and seeing that she loves heights, I'm hoping she'll get to fly around (someway, somehow) in Goblin. Hehe. Please also have her, Sung-jae and Gong Yoo sing for the drama's OST (preferably together, hehe). :) I love their singing voices.

    Aha, weekly dose of Gong Yoo sounds like something I can get used to. ;) Bring it on! But yeah, can't wait to see both of them together onscreen. I wonder how their on/offscreen chemistry will be...

    • Like 6
  11. 3 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

    KGE is 22.. Gong yoo is approaching 40..


    Personally of all the dramas that have released or otherwise too, I haven't had any problem with age. Purely my opinion, but unless there is legal pedophile activity involved, I honestly don't see the reason for age playing villain in a sincere romance arc..

    Um, Kim Go-eun is 25 (or 26 in Korean age). Unless you're talking about her character role. But yeah, she's in her mid twenties irl, so... she's grown. 

    I can't wait to see my baes together.

    • Like 5
  12. 4 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

    I am really really looking forward to this drama mostly because of Gong Yoo and getting a weekly dose of him. I also really enjoy KGE and think she's a great actress (she was wonderful in Cheese in the Trap). The one thing that gives me pause is the fact that KGE is going to play a high schooler. WHYYYYYY WHYYYY WHYYY do the drama gods hate me and keep saddling me with inappropriate age gaps. I mean Gong would already be playing a gabillion year old goblin, did they really have add high school age love interest to it. I am praying that she is only in high school for like the set up episodes and that by the time she and Gong meet and romance she's officially a college age. KGE is too old to be playing a high schooler any ways. Other than that one thing, I am really really looking forward to this. Though I never like this writers work -yeah I'm one of the few who couldn't get into DOTS and dropped it after ep 4- I'm really hoping that this will be good and not have me rolling my eyes and frustrated by the cheesy aspects of things. 

    First of all, I LOVE your icon. Aha, that kid was so darn cute in that scene! Also loved how smart he is when he quickly learned that Hwa-shin would buy all his drawings. Hehehe.

    Anyways, I too, didn't like the fact that Kim Go-eun would be playing a high schooler. I'd rather she play the twenty-something that she is. So you make a good point; I hope they do have her grow older when she meets Gong Yoo's character. We'll see. On another note, if she'll look anything like her role in Eungyo, she'll pull off the high schooler look for sure.

    • Like 4
  13. 4 hours ago, princess nour90 said:

    me too i can't wait anymore :tears: i want to watch first trailer first stills of all characters

    Yes, exactly! princess nour90, you're me. I want to and can't wait to see more pictures--whether it's BTS stills and/or promo shots! Then comes teaser and trailer videos, omg, it's all too exciting! I just wanna see how it'll all play out on our screens because I still can't really imagine the characters and plot come to life.

    • Like 3
  14. On 9/30/2016 at 7:54 PM, princess nour90 said:

    ‘도깨비’측 “공유 김고은 캐나다 간다, 열흘 넘게 촬영”

    공유, 김고은이 캐나다로 향한다. '도깨비' 해외 촬영을 위해서다.

    tvN 새 금토드라마 '도깨비' 측 한 관계자는 9월 30일 뉴스엔에 "공유 김고은이 함께 오는 10월 5일 '도깨비' 촬영 차 캐나다로 출국한다. 열흘 넘게 머물며 촬영할 예정이다"라고 말했다.

    한편 '도깨비'는 도깨비와 저승사자, 도깨비 신부의 슬프고 이상하고 아름다운 이야기를 그린 신비로운 낭만 설화로 공유는 도깨비 김신 역을, 김고은은 고등학생 지은탁

    역을 맡았다. 오는 12월 첫 방송

    according to this article Gong yoo and Kim Go Eun 'll shoot overseas"Canada" and they 'll leave to Canada in 5thOct and 'll stay there more than ten days

    Omg, I wonder how it'll all play out--the overseas scenes, the interaction/chemistry between the actors, the storyline, etc.! How are they all going to meet (especially Kim Shin and Eun-tak!)? I'm so stoked and my goodness, I've been patiently waiting but it's so hard... :bawling:



    Mod edit: Do not quote images.

    • Like 3
  15. On 9/26/2016 at 3:59 AM, hairuchii said:


    Hello! This is such an adorable post that I feel like I have to respond! I was pretty much in the same position two years ago and, finally succumbed to the great motivation to create an account and start posting! I am not very regular on this forum though - I only start posting more often when there is a drama that I really want to talk and rave about! :blush:

    I quite like Kim Go Eun too - I was a little taken aback when the netizens reacted quite negatively to the first news of her being casted as the potential love interest of Gong Yoo and the goblin. I find her image appealingly normal and, because of how she has that image of the girl-next-door, she has a high chance of fitting the role of the human bride, I think!

    Nice to meet you! :) I am so obviously a fan of Gong Yoo though. :D

    Omg, hi~ hairuchii! Nice to meet you, too! Thank you for the sweet reply. I think I'll be the same as you in regards to how active I'll be on here. Hehe, that's why I can't wait for more Goblin goodies so we can all post/talk and spazz! Speaking of which, they are so stingy on the promotional materials!

    As for Kim Go-eun, she completely won me over in Cheese with her realistic, natural and relatable interpretation of Hong Seol, and I fell head over heels for her (acting) ever since. I've come to the realization that most K-netizens (at least the ones that leave unnecessary and hateful comments) are, for lack of a better word, haters (and haters gonna hate, of course). The way they spit spiteful comments about a person's appearance is beyond shallow and just utterly disgraceful and disgusting. Sigh... Anyways, yes, I love and appreciate her down-to-earth vibe because she seems chill and cool. I think she's pretty as she is, but she can be really gorgeous when all dolled up, too. I'm super excited to see how her chemistry is going to be with Gong Yoo, as well as how everyone will interact with each other. I love the fact that after reading about Gong Yoo wanting to act with Kim Go-eun, news broke out about her potential casting, making my fangirl heart hope that he was the one that suggested her to be his costar (it's very likely that that was the case, people!), so I'm excited to see how they will interact with each other. Also also, Kim Go-eun shared that Coffee Prince is one of her fav dramas (which was the reason why she chose Cheese, because of the director), so I'm just fangirling for myself and on their behalf, really.

    Gong Yoo's a hunk and Go-eun's so charismatic and charming, so yeah, big fan here, too. :heart::heart::heart:

    • Like 4
  16. On September 1, 2016 at 2:17 AM, tw20127 said:

    Hello all...I've decided to join this thread because this drama happens to have all my favorite actors in it.:wub: The story about a goblin and a grim reaper sounds very interesting and I really liked the way Kim Eun Sook writer wrote the two separate love lines in DOTS...I'm very happy that there won't be a major love triangle forming in this drama (no shipping wars yay:D) Also, tvN's dramas are top-notched in the industry so I have really high hopes for this drama! :blush:

    Since I could understand some Chinese, I will translate this picture here:


    Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) 

    • Goblin
    • His name has a hidden meaning. His name "Shin" means belief. The people call him "Believe in god"
    • He was stabbed by the sword of a king he once served, but manages to survive as a goblin

    Wang Yeo (Lee Dong Wook)

    • Grim Reaper (a messenger of the underworld)
    • He was abandoned by the king he served and died. Cursed with amnesia and became a messenger of the underworld.
    • He doesn't remember anything aside from his responsibilities as the reaper
    • He meets a woman (the reincarnation of the king he served) and experiences a sense of deja vu

    In regards to Wang Yeo and Kim Shin, the picture mentioned that the two characters will have a "bromance" The two of them coincidentally become roommates. They argue a lot but also depend on each other a lot.

    Ji Eun Tak (Kim Go Eun)

    • Human bride to Kim Shin
    • High school student
    • Orphan
    • Because she was an orphan she had an unfortunate childhood, but she is very strong and positive in character and retains her will
    • Her life of poverty suddenly takes a turn to fantasy

    Kim Sun (Yoo In Na)

    • Female con artist
    • Orphan
    • She uses her beauty to take advantage of men and fill her own pockets. However, when she meets Wang Yeo she falls in love


    Note: Details of the drama are subject to change. It is unconfirmed whether it would be 100% preproduced. The airing date is sometime in the middle of December 2016 on Fridays and Saturdays. The genre is "romantic comedy" but doesn't necessarily mean it will be a happy ending :o

    Detailed character descriptions:

    Kim Shin

      Reveal hidden contents

    Kim Shin: He was a "war god" who bathed in blood and killed his enemies in order to grant the common people peaceful lives.

    However, he only saw the sharp blades of his enemies and failed to see the fear and jealousy of the one he served, and died under the sword of the master he protected.

    Whether it is by the heavens' will or not, Kim Shin has survived as a goblin for the past 939 years. 

    The sword is still stuck in his heart, constantly reminding him of the pain he suffered when he died. As a result, he suffers from weak nerves, bipolar disorder, and insomnia. 

    Nothing has changed. A thousand years pass. The weak king. The weather is still ironically bright and sunny.

    Even after he becomes a goblin he couldn't change his old habits as a human. Even though the people didn't know, Kim Shin was still their guardian god throughout the 900 years.

    Aside from the eternally ticking time, the only thing eternal is the grim reaper who lives with him.

    The fact that someone else is immortal like him provides great comfort...it is the reason why he kept the reaper as roommate despite the horrible environment

    Unlike Wang Yeol who abstains from worldly pleasures, he loves beautiful women, barbecues, and alcohol, which suits his "disposition of a general"

    "Only the bride of the goblin can pull the sword out"

    It is a very romantic curse.

    He thought it would be easy. Height, taste, sexy gaze, and most importantly, time and money. He has all the things a woman want. But he doesn't know what kind of woman could pull the sword out.

    One day, he meets a 19 year old girl who calls herself the bride of the goblin. A fresh-faced high school student, Eun Tak could become the tool that will end his pain and make him disappear. In other words, Eun Tak is the only thing that could kill him. 

    Although he could finally escape from all the pain and loneliness, Kim Shin is hesitant.

    Because of Eun Tak's bright smile, the days where he doesn't want to disappear have increased.

    Wang Yeo: 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Wang Yeo: 

    Disciple asks: What is death?

    Confucius answers: You can't talk about death when you don't understand life itself

    Like Confucius, he is also asked that question a lot. He always answers: "Death, is a date with me."

    I am a messenger of the Underworld. When I opened my eyes again (after death), I have become a reaper. 

    Everyone is surprised when they see him. First they would find him handsome. Then come the realization: "Oh, I'm dead."

    The pale face, black lips, and black robes are things of the past. Replacing the "records books" are the GQ magazines. Wang Yeo favors Northern European designs.

    He has forgotten when exactly that he started his job as the reaper. He has helped countless souls cross to the underworld.

    Because he is very experienced, he could sense a dying person from a single sentence. 

    People are becoming more unwilling to leave the living world. But some are too eager to leave without another glance.

    Living with the goblin Kim Shin, Wang Yeo's personal limits are tested 12 times every day.

    Whenever it gets bad, Wang Yeo would think: "What did I do in my last life to deserve this?"

    But, he has no clue of his past life, what kind of person he was, and why and how he had become the reaper.

    He dislikes vagueness. White or Black, Cold or Hot, Life or Death. He likes to distinct everything clearly.

    Anything that requires compassion or imagination isn't his hobby.

    The only thing that catches his interest are television dramas which are "melodramatic to the max"

    He is addicted to them because they are unpredictable.

    However, he feels dizzy upon meeting a woman. A wave of nostalgia and yearning washes over him...even though it was the first time he met her. 

    Despite the fake clothing and accessories she wears from head to toe, she still shines brightly, just like her name, Sunny. 

    From then on Sunny became his interest. He finds everything about her fascinating.

    He tried to use his imagination, but all the answers to the questions were wrong...since he learned them from watching dramas.

    Every time this happens Sunny would laugh. 

    He is confused. 

    Is this fate? Or is it a mistake?

    Ji Eun Tak:

      Reveal hidden contents

    Ji Eun Tak:

    Her nickname is "Mr. Lee" her life of poverty has taken a sudden turn to fantasy.

    The night her mother died, she had no choice but move with her aunt's family. Without her mother by her side, Eun Tak endured the abuse of her aunt and her children.

    She came to an understanding. There are no gods in this world.

    She wanted to become a normal high school student. But from birth, she was anything but ordinary.

    When Eun Tak's father heard her mother was pregnant, he abandoned them.

    Her mother died when she was nine years old.

    Despite this, Eun Tak continues to be positive and tells herself "I have lived with Mom for nine years. Which means I have lived a happy life more than half my life."

    She can see things that others can't.

    When her neighbor's dog died, she found out the fact that she could see the spirits.

    Because of this strange ability, she was often ostracized by the others.

    In the whirlpool of her misfortunes she meets Kim Shin. In the beginning she thought he was a normal spirit. To her surprise he was actually a goblin...and the fact that she was fated to become his bride.


    Is it fate? Fate...

    What a romantic word.

    Most importantly, unlike how it is in the folktales, he (the goblin) is much more handsome.

    No matter which door she opens, it would become a dreamlike paradise full of fantasy and adventure.

    Her curiosity is awakened. It has become a habit.

    She wants to see him even when he wasn't around.

    Waiting for Kim Shin...is just as exciting as waiting for the beautiful future that has yet to come.

    Even though his unstable temperament does cause trouble from time to time...she understood since there is a sword stuck inside his heart. 

    But, the sentence "pull out the sword" hurts just as much as saying farewell.

    If humans souls could live four lives, then which life was she on?

    She wished this was her first.

    Because she wanted to meet him in her second, third, and fourth life.


    Kim Sun: 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Kim Sun:

    Sunny, who can "easily become someone's first love" is approaching her thirties.

    Since a long time ago she knew that women who knows how to do agyeo will live the most comfortably.

    A man's appearance is the window into his mind.

    Therefore, diamond rings are a must.

    She is an orphan.

    A fortune teller once told her: "Her life is like a boat floating in the endless ocean."

    Kim Sun asked, her eyes shining: "Is there a handsome man on the boat with me?"

    She thinks her face is a money saver (since she doesn't need to spend extra money because she was already beautiful)

    All her money is spent on clothes and shoes. 

    Money may be limited, but beauty isn't.

    There are many "wallets" on the streets. She only needs to take one by the arm to the cashier.

    Everything about her looks glamorous and luxurious.

    Because she likes things that shine brightly, she even changed her name to "Sunny"

    However, the more she acted this way, the more her life loses its shine. Her debt also increased.

    The strange credit card bills all happen to bear her signatures...there's no mistake.

    She is also struggling to pay her rent. Along with the pay of her workers.

    Kim Sun found the ring she wanted when she meets Wang Yeo the first time.

    He was the first man who did not yield to her.

    He had deep, soulful eyes that were full of sadness.

    A glance of his clothes and accessories tells her that his annual income is at least 100 million.

    She knew immediately that he is a single man who hasn't experienced love yet.

    When she began to approach him, she also began to find more things about him that were strange.

    Going to work means shutting himself inside his home. His age, his past...those are the things he never mentions.

    Even though she doesn't know anything about his past...she still imagines a future with the two of them together.

    At first she thought he was merely a handsome fool. But from time to time his eyes, full of sadness, would appear before her.

    Even though she doesn't really sympathize with others...







    Thank you so much for all the super jinjja daebak information! This was really insightful and you're fantastic for taking the time and effort to translate and share this information with everyone here. :))) Reading this got me excited and the detailed plot/character descriptions allows me to understand it all more and I'm looking forward to this more than ever now. December is just too long~! Thanks a bunch! 

    • Like 8
  17. On 9/26/2016 at 9:38 AM, melodymel said:

    Kim Sohyun will make a special appearance in Goblin. She will play the queen (we already have a king who is Kwak Dong Yeon). She's talented and I'm happy to see her reunite with Sungjae after School 2015 (although I don't think they will have any scenes together). The drama's cast is getting even better. 



    Omo! I didn't even think about Sung-jae x Kim So-hyun reunion! Aw man, they cheated me w/ the Ghost casting, so I really wanna see them act together again!

    Mod edit: Do not quote images.

    • Like 5
  18. ALAS! After years (jk) of lurking around this forum, I finally got myself to make an account to jot down my thoughts and ~feels~ about this upcoming masterpiece drama with you guys. So, hi everyone! I've literally been following this drama ever since news of Kim Go-eun's casting came out, so needless to say, I'm a fan of hers (and Gong Yoo and Sung-jae and pretty much everyone else in the cast b/c casting is quite perf. :blush:) and I've been so excited about her comeback--along w/ the gorgeous Gong Yoo! Thanks to the person that created this forum and to everyone that's been participating and omg, all the goodies ya'll been posting! Can't wait to join in w/ the progress w/ this drama from now on.

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