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Posts posted by redfrommars

  1. 8 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

    WTH!!!! The episode is leaked!!! WTHHH!!!?

    This things only happen to Moon Lovers. :fearful:


    Though I'm not really happy with all this leaked spoilers and whole episode... it might back fire later... sure SBS is really F*** right now... they should really get there s**t together and arrange a fix schedule for MLSHR. They don't know how crazy powerful Eclipses are~~:phew:

    Going to bed. See you tomorrow night Eclipses. Still waiting for good things to come before the storm~

    Hope I dreamt of our SoSoo couple tonight~~

    *virtual hugs and kisses

    • Like 17
  2. So Youku releases ep 17 prev and weibo releases episode 16 second prev. And both are taken down immediately.  pff1-onion-head

    I'm laughing right now. What the F is happening?

    In any case someone missed the 2nd prev of ep 16 posted from weibo...


    Eun and SD surrounded by many guards. WY from a far using his bow and arrow and shoots Eun in the arm.  SD on ground looks dead. WS came and defend Eun. Jung and Su came to witness what's happening. WY shoots Eun on the chest (HS premonition). WS dropped his sword on the floor to assist Eun looks like already dying. Eun seems asking a favor or something for his bday back then when So doesn't have any gift for him.

    I think reference from this:

    photo vlcsnap-2016-10-17-22h27m53s198_zps22ktxk4y.png

    photo vlcsnap-2016-10-17-22h28m01s21_zpsle4gcpvf.png


    • Like 12
  3. 10 minutes ago, dramu51ch0c10ve said:



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  4. 1 hour ago, soorani said:

    My friend just sent me a really great analysis she found on this Tumblr and I absolutely loved it so here you go: 

    It seems like she analyzed every episode till now.. well I found something to do while waiting for tomorrow's episode :D

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    Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Episodes 14-15

    It took me a while to get this one up, and it’s not even as long or complicated as my usual reviews, I just had a hard time sitting down and doing it. For the first time since this show began to air at the end of August, I found myself kind of relieved that the episodes were over and I got a bit of a reprieve. Not because I thought this week was bad, by no means. But I’ve felt so emotionally strung out with this story for the last two weeks, it was nice to have a few days to regroup.

    I feel us hurtling headlong toward the end of the show—only 5 episodes left—and I’m not prepared. I’m just stalking up on lotion fortified tissues and bracing myself.

    Scanning through other commentary and my askbox, disappointment seems to be the word of the week. Disappointment with Jung and his attitude toward So. Disappointment with Soo especially, for all kind of things. Because she didn’t trust So and tell him where Eun and Soon Deol were hiding. Because she didn’t detect and stop Moo’s poisoning. Because of her lack of history knowledge. Because she hasn’t done more to try to change the future. And even because she waited two years to accept So’s feelings. She just couldn’t do anything right.


    A lot of people on my dash already jettisoned the SoSoo loveline long ago. They were primed early on by 4th prince’s death threats and physical intimidation, and the forced kiss at the end of 9 cinched it. Into the garbage with the whole ship. Which is totally fine, ship and let ship. I was down for this kind of unhealthy, high-risk, high-intensity relationship from page one, so it was going to take a lot to scare me off. But though I have been at various times called “So apologist” I don’t feel a particular devotion to one character or another, not so far as to sacrifice the narrative as a whole. For me characterization trumps a swoony romance every day of the week. As long as all the characters are consistent I’m happy.

    Let me not be accused of being more empathetic toward my male characters than I am toward my female characters. Let it not be said I’m less cognizant of the consistency in Soo’s character development than I am of So’s.

    I didn’t see the fandom at large close ranks and defend Hae Soo this week, and it would have been nice to see at least as much passion about the legitimacy of her feelings as there was for So after the forced kiss. I’m not sure why it always seems to work that way. Is it because of the way people feel about IU? Just the tendency of Kdrama fandom at large to be harder on the female characters than it is on male characters? Or maybe it’s in some part people comparing Soo unfavorably to Rouxi from the original Cdrama. Is it just that she’s the main female character, she’s front and center all the time, and so we have the tendency to over analyze and criticize everything she does?

    The thing that really makes me itch is the idea that Soo is being held to this impossible standard that no human person would be able to maintain. A higher standard, indeed, than the other characters in the show, male and female. She is really in an impossible position and considering what she’s been through, I think any other choice she could have made would have been out of character.

    Soo has so many people giving her advice it’s crazy. She has Ji Mong in one ear, telling her that she can’t do anything but watch things unfold. Under no condition should she attempt to meddle with history. She has the late King in the other ear telling her that she shouldn’t be so wrapped up in what is going to happen in the future that she loses what she currently has. Rattling around in her head are also the words of her late mentor: don’t trust anyone, especially not the words of princes, the palace changes people. She has her recent painful experience with Wook corroborating that. She has a lover ready to abnegate his principles and personal well being in exchange for her safety, and to top it all off she has disturbing premonitions she can’t tell anybody about showing that same lover is going to murder Eun and Soon Deok, Soo’s dear friends.


    In that situation, what would you do? There are bigger things at play here than whether Soo trusts So deep down. But sure, at the risk of your friends lives and your own lifelong happiness, trust your boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?

    But framing this conversation in terms of trust is probably the wrong way to think about it. Because Ido think that Soo trusts So, that has been demonstrated over and over again. 


    But there’s a difference between trusting someone, and expecting them to behave outside of their established pattern and personal interests. Soo has already seen So bow and swear allegiance to a brother he hates over the murdered body of a brother he dearly loved in order to save her. She knows what value he places on her life, she knows what he would be willing to do to keep her safe. And that’s a double-edged sword. On one hand it can give her a sense of absolute security as he stands by her side, on the other hand it gives her ever reason to fear what he could do if the situation arises where her values and her personal safety are placed at odds.

    Would he do something Soo found morally abhorrent if it was the only way to save her life? The answer is yes. Absolutely yes.

    The incident where Soo hides Jung in her room is kind of a dry run for what happens with Eun and Soon Deok. Soo and So clearly demonstrate their priorities, and establish the parameters for honesty and trust in their relationship in episode 14.

    At the top of Soo’s list is the lives and happiness of all the brothers, above any of her romantic relationships. That has always been the case. She loves So, certainly, but she would not sacrifice a single one of her princes in order to be with him. 


    She still refuses to choose sides, even though Jung calls her naive for trying to play referee in an untenable situation. She’ll still put herself bodily between her friends and So, if that’s what it takes, and threaten her own life to keep everyone safe and alive.


    At the top of So’s priority list is Soo’s life and safety. But Soo’s life doesn’t necessarily equate to her desires or approval. He has demonstrated that he will make decisions which put her happiness at risk, but not her life. He tries to protect her happiness because he loves her, but if it comes down to not getting married because she won’t like it and sending a small child to suffer as a hostage in Khitan, his choice is clear. He’ll try to avoid to killing his brothers because he knows it will scar her, but there might be instances where he can’t avoid it. And he acknowledges that. He said so when she asked him to spare Wook. It was demonstrated when he fought Yo on the cliffs. And it is the subtext of the situation with Eun. He’ll do everything he can to save Eun’s life, but there’s no way he can guarantee it.

    She never directly lies to So about Eun, she only withholds information, which in her mind is consistent with the established ground rules of their relationship.


    Soo doesn’t want to be the reason So does something to his brothers. Whether because he loves her or because he is trying to protect her, she doesn’t want to put him in the position to make that choice.

    It might not meet your romantic ideal, but I think her decision is respectable. The SoSoo relationship is still wildly imperfect, but I think that’s part of what makes it fascinating. Certainly there is this idea that love cannot exist where there isn’t trust. Or that loving someone and fearing them are mutually exclusive concepts. But I don’t think that’s the case for SoSoo. I think Soo has decided to love So in the moment and not hold his future actions against him, even though she has knowledge of them—or at least believes she has knowledge of them. She believes in her heart that he is eventually going to scar her, but she has decided to be with him anyway.


    Loving someone with the expectation that they will eventually break your trust and break your heart is definitely not a healthy way to approach a new relationship, but Soo has been hurt too many times by the men she loved to believe in their promises. What’s more, she has her own recollection of history and her frightening visions assuring her that So is going to turn into a monster before her eyes, but she’s chosen him anyway. She’s offered up her heart, fully believing that there’s just another dagger waiting for it. To my mind, that makes her incredibly courageous.

    In addition to her conduct toward So, the other big gripe I’ve seen about Soo—not just this week but pretty solidly since the rain ritual—is that she isn’t doing enough to try to change the future, or that she isn’t going about it the right way. But this week we got confirmation of something that I’ve long doubted was even possible: history is changing and Soo is the reason why.


    Not only have we gotten confirmation of changing timelines, but some actual insight into how. From what and into what. Ji Mong’s words to So seem to confirm something I’ve long speculated about, but have had no way to test or confirm. We appear to be moving from an alternate time line to a true time line. Soo’s future and history knowledge is actually the alternate history, and we are moving closer to the version of events recorded in the true history of the period. In the alternate time line So is a murderous psychopath who kills his entire family and his long term subjects without remorse. Yo is a traitor, but never takes the throne.

    It seems that the details of the visions themselves are not changing, but perhaps some of the circumstances are changing. And the affect around them.

    I think it comes down to her giving So reason not to want to kill his brothers, motivation to be good, not to kill without reason. The old “Wolf Dog” So would probably not have held back when he was fighting Yo. The old So would not have hesitated to run him through. But the So who believes there is a real possibility he will lose Soo forever if he kills one of his brothers, held back. I think if we can pinpoint it anywhere, that is the moment where the details of history began to change. I think Yo was supposed to die there in the original timeline, and because he didn’t he ended up on the throne.

    If we think about the reasons why Soo is here and the effect that she’s having, we have to think back to her last conversation with Taejo, when he told her that the reason she was there in the past was to assist Crown Prince Moo in rising to the throne. She did exactly what she was supposed to do in that instance. She withheld information from Wook, who was fomenting rebellion, she gave the information to So who was loyal to the Crown Prince.

    The things that she was not meant to do was warn Wook about So, which has had a large influence on Wook’s trajectory after his fall, as well as his suspicion and animosity toward his 4th brother. What she wasn’t supposed to do was warn So off his predestined path. To warn him to be cautious, not to kill anyone, not to hurt his brothers, not to draw his sword without good reason. I would argue that her “lectures” which he is always dismissing, but seems to have taken deeply to heart in some ways, combined with his ever-deepening lover for her had a direct impact in allowing Yo to survive and changing the timeline.

    If So had never met Soo, if he had never fallen in love with her, if she hadn’t made her fear of his violent ways so incredibly clear and given him a reason to keep his brothers a live (i.e. not to scar her) then I think he would have killed Yo right then and there and history would have played out the way that Ji Mong was expecting.

    Since the question is one of determinism vs. the ability to change the future, it’s hard to say if the situation with Eun will be changed in the same way. Afterall, Soo’s visions still predict Eun’s death. And it’s not clear if her interference and attempts to get Eun and Soon Deok out of the palace without So’s help, will directly result in the fall out that she was trying to avoid (the self-fulfilling prophecy) or if she has managed to sway things in any way by her interference.

    It’s hard to say if she’s changing the course of history or this was always the way things were meant to play out, and she’s in the past to guarantee that the course of things gets corrected. What is clear is that she has had an effect on So’s personality. He is not the kind of person who would murder a brother in cold blood and laugh about it. He is the kind of person who would deeply regret and weep over the death of a brother, even an evil brother. And I believe in some part, Soo is the reason for that.








    So we might get an ending where Go Ha Jin returns to her time where she saw the changes that was made in history (like WS not being a psycopath/cruel ruler) but she is the only one who knows this but for other people it's the original history that was written. (like in In Hyun's man where history is rewritten when there are changes that was made. though there are things that happened but becomes hidden from history*in history, Boongdo died but he went missing from the cell before his execution. government hid the truth as they always do to protect power).

    • Like 17
  5. 1 hour ago, antiherofans said:


    That is me :sweatingbullets:. I can't wait to go back to my real life after SHR. Yesterday, I went outside and suddenly realize the sky, the sun, the trees, etc. It feels like I have been in a weird dream or something like that for the past 2 months. This show destroy my life :lol:

    My moment of realization:

    I haven't bother to look at the sky, sun and trees since I the drama started. :dizzy:

    I immediately want to arrive home from work so I can check the forum for updates with previews, bts and news. :lol:

    I guess this drama become my life xD

    Now can I have another BTS? Or any pd notes? kekekeke

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