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Daisy Str

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Posts posted by Daisy Str

  1. On 24 September 2016 at 0:25 PM, rubie said:

    September 24, 2016

    Starlet to Appear in Much Anticipated TV Series

    Source: The Chosun Ilbo

     @rubie, thanks for sharing this article! :)

    But I think SHS would much more deserve the title "actress" rather than starlet. :( Would have preferred to have the article title be: "Actress to Appear in Much Anticipated TV Series." :rolleyes:

    • Like 5
  2. 21 hours ago, OliviaMT said:


    How is she ugly?!  Argg...I can't stand the standard beauty in Korea...

    What?! Ugly & a nobody?! :huh: :( Definitely not!!! B) :rolleyes:


    That article reminded me of the post I made weeks ago (which I quote below) at the "Five Children" forum thread to refute negative comments about SHS, her portrayal of YT, and her partnership with SH (as SM).

    On 17 August 2016 at 2:52 AM, Daisy Str said:

    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," so the way we look at things is subjective. Looking at the older pic of YT-SM from Ep.31 & the newer one from Ep.51:

    If that isn't (real/natural & not made-up/cosmetic) beauty/attractiveness (of YT), I don't know what is. But I think what matters more is one's inner beauty, which I see in her too.

    If that isn't innate appeal/charm (of "both" YT & SM), I don't know what is.

    If that isn't "mutual" attraction between YT & SM onscreen (and good acting ability of both of them, since we're talking about the show), I don't know what is. That onscreen attraction had to be two-way, or else their tandem couldn't have been phenomenal & with undeniable chemistry (as far as I can see, even offscreen). Moreso, every individual is unique, thus what the well-loved YT & SM brought into their phenomenal tandem, made their tandem unique (& special to some or lots of us here).

    Furthermore, if that isn't progress (in YT's character from a naive/innocent girl just finding her real "first" love, to a still innocent but resolute woman holding on to her one true love), I don't know what is.

    And may I add, SHS helped SH gain popularity as much as (if not more than) SH helped SHS gain it. Even SH said in an interview that SHS, and being paired with her, brought about viewers' heightened interest in him. He's been an actor for more years, and paired with other leading ladies (including the actress who plays JJ), but his popularity has only reached this much after being paired with SHS.

    Just my two cents worth... :) :rolleyes:


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  3. Happy Birthday, Shin Hye Sun! God bless you! :) :D

    Thank you so much for your beautiful, lovable, believable, natural, great portrayal of Lee Yeon Tae, and for your heart-warming, heart-wrenching, heart-fluttering, wonderful, perfect-fit partnership with Sung Hoon (as Kim Sang Min) on the recently concluded show "Five Enough." As YT-SM, you have made us laugh, cry, feel the love, and have an all-together lovely & fun time, albeit for just several months. Nevertheless, the agony of missing it is worth all the happiness it gave us even for a time. :) :blush:

    Now here's a photo collage of some of my favorites of your scenes on the show. I especially like the scenes of the beautiful & touching wedding on the finale: YT was such a radiant & gorgeous bride, SM was a handsome groom... a beautiful couple that looks good (& belong) together. :) :wub:


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  4. 5 hours ago, meechuttso said:

    I like to imagine that she reads this thread and obliged my wishes by posting again :phew:


    Hello, this is Shin HyeSun. 7 months I lived as YeonTae. Through this drama called "Five Children", I have received the kind of love that I dared not have even imagined. To bid farewell now, rather than a sense of freedom, feelings of heartache(아쉬움- 'longing for something missed') and sadness comes first, but to the extent that YeonTae has become happy I would like to smile and let her go. Through 7 months of so many people's rooting and encouragement, this truly unworthy newbie actress seems to have matured leaps and bounds ('grown a hand taller'). When I look back these were times that feel like a dream. Together along with teachers and seniors, and colleague actors, I got to learn the joy of acting; and working alongside a top-notch staff worthy of director Kim JungGyu, writer Jung Hana, I got to know the happiness of the shooting scene. As I continue on in my acting, I shall always live while recalling this present mindset. And to my fans. For YeonTae and for caring for and loving this actress Shin HyeSun I thank you most truely. In the upcoming "One Day"(movie) and "Legend of the Blue Sea"(drama), I shall do my utmost to repay with yet different (facets of my) acting. Finally, please be sure to watch tonight's last episode of "Five Children". I shall endeavor to be an actress who will always keep the faith. Everyone I love you.


    While SungHoon / SangMin's tux pics float about, the bride YeonTae's white gown is a top secret so far. She coyly only posts a pic only of her script keeping her viewers craning their necks in waiting. What great drama! :sweatingbullets:

    Beautiful & touching words from beautiful SHS (our YT)! :heart: And written just in time, especially as we now have mixed feelings of excitement about (including "the" wedding) :D and melancholy over :( the "last" episode of "Five Children" tonight! B)

    @meechuttso, thanks for sharing! :D

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  5. Here's a video of SHS when she accepted the (Female) Newcomer "Scene Stealer" Award: She's statuesque & beautiful! :) Btw, the video includes her acceptance speech. The only thing I understood was "thank you!" But still, she's cute! :D

    Thanks to @stroppyse for providing the translation of her speech:
    "I was shaking so much… I want to give thanks for an award like this, and just being here in the same place with such great seniors (in the industry), it’s such an honor. I keep thinking that I want to work hard and to do bigger roles. Thank you so much.  I’ll work harder in the future. Thank you."



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