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Posts posted by jeanniejay

  1. Done watching Passionate Love & really loved Sung Hoon's character Kang Moo Yeol in it as well as his pairing with the character Im Se Kyung. The makers could've definitely done so much better with this show by maybe reducing the length & also less focus on some characters I thoroughly disliked but especially by giving more/equal screen space for SHs character & this couple but I was still quite okay with how things ended up being for Kang Moo Yeol. Made an MV on them, hope everyone likes it.

    @evie7 Tag Tag :)



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  2. 12 hours ago, luvsdramas said:

    @jeanniejay I forgot to ask if you have caught the Happy Together unique couples ep with Sung Hoon and Shin Hye Sun. He comes across very likeable and sweet-mannered there as he only says good things abt his co-star and laughs a lot. Very cute. And sings very sweetly at the end! Go get it on YouTube... and if you are pressed for time to catch Five Children, just go to the ig @sangminyeontae go to the bio and click on the FB page of sangminyeontae to catch only the Sung Hoon & Shin Hye Sun scenes strung together very nicely. 


    Yes I have watched almost all of his interviews or variety shows that had English subs & Happy Together with SH & SHS was surely 1 of the cutest. I sooo agree that he does come across as extremely humble & well mannered & also very honest whether it be questions of his professional or personal life & then there is his shyness which brings the laughs :wub: Na na I want to watch Five Children completely without missing even 1 scene of the goofy KSM but yesss I did watch a lot of their scenes on YT & they were sooo cute. I finished Oh My Venus a couple of days ago will be watching FC next.

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  3. Hii @luvsdramas Its the same for me, very very new here. Joined in Feb posted like 5 posts & disappeared I don't know why. Now SH brought me here again :) I haven't seen Passionate Love but I can see how he must have caught your attention in the sea of characters.. the man has that power :wub: I'm still in the catching up phase since I became his fan only a couple of weeks ago so with the dramas, the variety shows, the MVs, the singing, the djing etc its soooo much fun. Till now my fav of SH would be Noble My Love, New Tales Of Gisaeng & Cool Kiz. Oh I cry everytime I watch the final 2 epis of Cool Kiz, every single time :tears: Oh I will definitely watch FE, that show has earned SH too many compliments for me to give it a miss. Yessss plssss come to this thread more, I need company in fangirling u see :lol:

    @fashiondream I know I know, I've already cheated & seen quite a lot of Sang Min scenes in FE, he is such a cute goofball in it I burst out laughing every time he even breathes :lol: Fingers crossed he keeps surprising us with more of his talent in different genres & gets lead roles in every genre.

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  4. Hii @fashiondream

    Glad to be here. Also yessss of course loved all the dogs & cats in NML too... my cat gives me the same attitude so am a fan of Mal Raeng too :D SH in funny scenes is just sooo perfect be it his shift of expressions or his physical gags or his reactions, you just can't help but crack up for example in NML when CYS wakes him up screaming after puking on the poor fellow the previous night & he is all "what what what & my heart" :joy:. Oh I have yet to watch Five Enough & Oh My Venus, Korean Snake is gonna be first preference & then FE. Anyways SHs next projects have a few months to go so I'll just take my time catching up on them all or I'll have nothing to watch in my free time. His off screen persona is such a mix of witty but shy its just a ball watching him in interviews & variety shows.

    Loved loved loved this teeny Orange Factory vid with this music more than the one you posted, I would sooooo cast him in a Bond like movie or drama if it were up to me :glasses:


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  5. Hello!!!!:)

    First time posting here, my name is Jeannie. I randomly came across some scenes of New Tales Of Gisaeng on YT a couple of weeks ago & after watching & loving it couldn't help but become a fan of this special man. After that my silly brain realized that SH is the white haired hottie from Faith where I was supposed to hate him but just couldn't. Then watched Noble, My Love which is my absolute favorite show at the moment which I can't stop watching. Love the way he looks in this all cool & suave & also his chemistry with KJK. Then watched CKOTB Swimming & there was no looking back, I mean SH in this show is MAGIC right??? Loved watching him goofing around in Knowin Bros & also Running Man especially when he went He Man in the end & won. Love it when he DJs, its like he is in his own world. So yeah in short just adore Bang Sung Hoon & his many talents & charms :wub:

    Really glad I came across this thread for SH, thank u all for the updated info.

    Looking forward to Come Back To Busan Port & My Secret Romance next year. Also that idol drama thingy if its confirmed that is.

    A simple Noble My Love MV for u guys, hope u all like it :sweatingbullets:

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  6. 11 hours ago, joannabof said:


    Standing Ovation seems like I got a chellenger up in this place and admittedly way better then me cries:bawling:

    I'm actully in the middle of something big aswell working on a video but these videos you drop they are simply high class big kudos 


    Thank you Thank you!!! I am honored that you see me as a challenger as I've seen your Gangnam video and it was AWESOME!! Really glad you liked my MVs, looking forward to the vid you are working on :)

    9 hours ago, urkhan said:


     Thanks for sharing the videos and welcome to Soompi 




    You are most welcome and Thank you for the welcome :)

    • Like 4
  7. Hello

    I'm a newbie to LMH & Soompi. Watched BOF a couple of months ago and loved his performance so much that ended up watching PT, City Hunter and Faith in the span of a week. I'm yet to watch Heirs and Gangnam 1970, will do so soon.

    Also made MVs on 2 of his characters, I hope its okay to post them here if not do pm me and i'll remove them :)

    Gu Junpyo MV | Remember The Name (Boys Over Flowers)



    Choi Young MV | Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Faith)





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  8. Thank you so much for liking my MVs' - minsun4eva, AthmaM, Carmel1, angelface88 & minoku2209 :)

    Here's 2 more

    Haru Haru


    All Of Me



    Anyways absolutely loved GHS's new collab single with The Blind, its super adorable with cute lyrics and I love listening to it everyday :wub:

    Regards, Jeannie

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  9. Hello

    I am a newbie JunDi fan as I found Boys Over Flowers only about a month ago and fell in love with their craziness. I am very very late to the JunDi party I know :D Have read through most of this thread to try and catch up.

    Have made a couple of MVs on them, hope you like them.







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