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Posts posted by charlieblue17

  1. I promised myself I wouldn't cry. Held it in quite bravely. But then I saw the BST of the final scene and could not help it anymore.

    It's been a hell of a ride.  While the writing could not quite live up to the exceptional beginning for the entire run, the story execution was amazing throughout. Standing ovations for actors and director alike. Life will be a bit less bright without W in it, but I'll smile once in a while imagining KC an YJ as they live their 50y-long final chapter in the W dramaverse.

    Happy Chuseok everyone! Wishing health and love to you all.


    PS: just realised something: YJ did actually get a little part of her ideal happy ending after all - in each other's arms staring into the sunset... 

    • Like 14

    I only watched the last 3 episodes today. I could blame the delay on being busy or travelling, but the truth is that I was too afraid that my heart would not be able to take it... Now that I am up to date, it turns our that i don't have too many things to say (as I thought girlfriday's comments were very much aligned to my thoughts, and much better articulated). I'll say this: had my doubts along the way but as the story comes back full circle it all makes sense. I thought it may be too clever for its own good but it ended up just clever. One single thing still needed: a logical ending. Even without fancy cinderella parties or even without pink shaded sunsets, these two have to end up together. That's the most logical ending for W, right?

    • Like 12

    The manwha KC who gave YJ up as a way to protect her was a bit dumb. I love the new real-world KC who decided that the only end-game he is willing to accept is one in which they end up  together. The KC who thinks that the only earthly possession of his old life that he needs to keep is his wedding ring, that one's a keeper. :-)

    • Like 12

    This show is messing with my brain... I am starting to see hope even in what -on paper- sounds like the most depressing things. Somehow, KCs "I gave up trying to fight it, maybe I am meant to have a sad ending" no longer sounds like giving up, but rather like "This quest for a happy ending only brought us pain and suffering. I'd rather simply enjoy the fact that we are together".

    Also, if i liked that during the 'amnesia' episode they kept repeating things they did before, I absolutely love that now they both continue to do it but intentionally... It's like a conscious affirmation of their commitment to the relationship.

    KCs teasing is not just that, but it seems to me like an attempt to get her to acknowledge their true relationship. It reminds me a bit of the prison scene where at some level he also was proving her her to admit her feelings. KC: "So you kissed me because you missed having a man around..." imaginary YJ: "No, you idiot. I did it because I love you!" :P

    All-in-all I am happiest when they are together. So let's see what you throw at us next, Show. I'm all up for it.

    PS: just found this really nice tidbit on the site of a friend and wanted to share (emphasis mine):

    Can we talk about how Chul is totally trying to measure up to his past self? How he's like "So I can't buy you a $3,000 dress like the other guy, but just know I really want to." "Maybe the other guy couldn't cook but I looked richard simmons up on youtube, girl, let me make you something Italian." He read that book so much he memorized it. I just can't with him. He spent a month preparing for the day he'd see her again, to give her the romance he thinks she deserves. Boy breaks my heart.



    He can’t be the same Chul as before. He can’t be the man he was before. So he desperately wants to do better. To BE better. If he can’t be the Chul she knew and fell for, then damn it he’s going to fight to be better. To chase her, love her, fight for her, more than that idiot Chul ever did. Because that Chul? The one he can’t remember? Didn’t fight for her. He sacrificed himself and gave up instead of fighting and staying by her side to protect her. 

    So he studied. He practiced. He reread his comic. Because it’s all he can do until she’s by his side again. Ready to fight to rebuild their love, and fight to protect her.

    • Like 18

    E10 was probably my favourite so far, from an emotional perspective. There's something so poignant in falling in love with the love of your life second time round, when the same words or actions now come with an extra layer of nostalgia. Hurts so good...

    "If I am to suffer this badly, you should at least get your happy ending"...

    YJ sure is my kind of hero. :-)

    In case you are wondering, the lyrics go something like this:

    A last glance...
    Just as always...
    Not knowing how long the wait 
    before I get to see you again...

    I smile, pretending I don't care...

    • Like 20
  6. one good thing about the amnesia storyline is that we get to see KC fall in love with YJ all over again.

    On rewatch e9 shows hints of it already...

    PS: also noticed that the day he left the hospital he was wearing exactly the same outfit as the first time 'round. Free will or destiny, it's interesting how he ends up making the same choices. 

    PPS: also you have to admire YJs strength - not only because she respects his decision and follows his wishes but also because she remains completely honest with him in terms of her feelings and actions (I particularly  like that when he asked her why she was behaving that way she answered with the truth, even if it doesn't make sense to KC at the moment). 

    • Like 12
  7. Working my way out of E9-induced depression...

    I'm with KC on this one: dear writer please give us a happy ending that we can accept.

    But in the mean time, here's a new vid, themed to one of my favourite KIndie songs

    - it's about feelings staying even after a relationship ended (lyrics in spoiler).

    There is still a lot left 
    Of my unchanging heart
    Many words I couldn’t say
    are still locked in here as well
    I couldn’t erase the days past 
    Sometimes I still remember
    the lines of your face...
    We are too much alike,
    Down to the roots of our hair
    Missing you every day,
    Wanting to see your face
    The day I said "I love you"
    My heart was overwhelmed...
    You smiled shyly, an exact match of my lips
    Yesterday, today, tomorrow
    Through hurt, and sadness… flowing
    Of my unchanging heart
    There is still a lot left.
    ——— vid up to here, but the song goes on, quite appropriately -----
    Harbouring all the feelings
    I could not keep hidden
    I told myself to forget all the past,
    to try to erase you
    Regardless, your face still emerges,
    no point, I should't have bothered.
    Back then, why did I do it?
    Why didnt't I hold you a little longer?
    I know it's over and I am left alone, 
    talking about love all by myself.
    You promised we would be happy...
    Yesterday, today, tomorrow
    Through hurt, and sadness, flowing
    So ... So ...
    Of my unchanging heart
    There is still a lot left.
    The words I could not say
    They are all still ringing inside 
    PS: this is just my approximate version, could not find one online...

    KC: From now on forget me.
    YJ: Are you happy now? I'm not...
    KC: Are you ok?
    KC: I remember you, doctor... Why do you keep looking at me that way?:


    • Like 15
  8. Now excuse me while I'm off watching some puppy vids. I need lots of puppies (and ice-cream) to survive ep9...

    PS: on rewatch... if he does not remember her, he at least still smiles at her extra hard - the way he used to first time round... And the ring scene left enough of an impression for him to think about her when a doctor was needed (?)...

    PPS: I'm watching this on repeat as desensitisation therapy, just in case ep.10 continues on the same tone...

    PPPS: YJ's being called in and out of existence in KC's world feels like a very special circle of hell (and I was kind of mad at KC for putting her through it, tbh). But then on some level it is the ultimate proof that they are meant to be: even when he cannot remember her, his soul is still longing for her... Heartbreaking but extremely romantic.

    • Like 13
  9. On 11 Aug 2016 at 4:49 PM, stroppyse said:

    As for Kang Chul, I think he feels something for her, but it's still at the nascent stage.


    Hmmm, there's already been quite a bit of progression in KC's feelings, imo

    he was definitely interested from the very beginning - grateful/intrigued/baffled/amused/physically attracted; he smiles at her all the time... [for a while i thought he was just that kind of person but while prepping clips for my fanmvs i figured it out: he does that overwhelmingly when she's in front of him (stats don't lie). ]

    Then when despite her best intentions YJ tells him the truth, the universe tilts on his axis... and he does not know who he is anymore. she becomes his anchor - the one who knows him in his entirety, and loves him just the same (he is a person in her eyes not a manhwa character, cf. discussion at the hospital). I think it's at this point when it became love for him too; it's just that he did not believe that it could lead to anything - with him being a character in a comic her father created and all the mess that came from it.

    When she choses to save him, I think at some level he understands why she did it (she is after all a pretty terrible liar and her attempts at pulling him away from the edge of the metaphorical Han Gan bridge are kind of transparent) and he desperately wants to believe in her feelings. But he's wallowing in self-doubt  and scared as @Adnanavery aptly pointed out. Self-doubt because of his feeling of unworthiness (which must be hell for someone who was originally so self-assured and confident in his purpose), that also manifests in his anger at having his choice of dying taken away. Scared - of being left alone, as a toy that is eventually forgotten (girlfriday's comments on this are just perfect).

    He loves her still (or more) but needs reassurance to start acting on these feelings. As she disappears after saying "i love you" he realises that losing her right now is worse than anything else he experienced. The micro-nod, eyes flooded in unshed tears, that acknowledges this once she is back is so perfect. It's the beginning of hope. Once he figured it out, he goes all out. Homework about romance is a natural approach for a person with zero real dating experience and who hard-worked his way to every success. Painfully aware of the precariousness of their relationship, he wants to hold on to every moment he gets to spend together. They may not have forever but they can love now.


    Prognosis for the immediate future: Putting her safety above all else (ep8?) is also a natural progression for someone who lost everything dear to the vagaries of his world. Although I think she's strong enough to see through it and to chose to stay regardless.*** Because she puts him first too. Which is why they are perfect together. :heart:


    PS: I hope YJ tells him off in full fangirl style: "What is this noble idiocy rubbish? I've seen it done before and it's invariably a bad idea. I'm not letting you push me way. I'm staying and that's final." :P

    PPS: I seem to be on the minority side concerning the issue of YJ being able to draw KC in that I don't see it as a big issue between them. She may have pulled him out of the Gan river (any person would try to save their loved one from an attempted suicide, she simply has more powerful means to do it), but she did not make him run to her the first thing after he woke up. She never tried (and never would try) to force his feelings one way or another. She's working her hardest to convince him that life is worth living but without enforcing the how (the "I personally like sweet romance" is more of a suggestion than anything else). And he knows it. Plus as they both acknowledged during their fight at the police station it is KC who gets to decide when she is with him.

    • Like 15
  10. grin-fest

    PS: if you are in a country where youtube blocks this, here's an alternative link: http://dai.ly/x4o9ozg



    thoughts on the more serious side of ep.7

    It's interesting how similar the two of them are. The scene in the prison bus when she puts this extra-cheerful front to compensate for the sadness and desperation she knows he is feeling... He does the same - smiling when his heart is in torment. Also behind the glibness the subtext is so supportive - however you came to be, we can decide on the future together ( meaning a. you are free to chose what you become and b. I am here for you) no matter how he choses to misconstrue it.

    The following morning when he asked her what right she had to decide whether he lives or dies... there is a dissonance between what he says and how he feels (based on how he looks at her). When she finally relents to say that "Yes I can see that saving you was my mistake" you can see for a second the mask slipping through - he looks so despondent. Because what he really wanted to hear was that there is a reason to continue living. The Because I love you... following hits him at his most vulnerable. More so because this time he knows she really means it.

    His indirect confession aka "stop doing swoony things because my heart is weak right now and you'll be sent away" is extra cute.

    I just want them happily dating for all eternity (wouldn't be much of a drama but they kind of deserve it...).


    PPPS: Yay! S.Korea actually got a gold medal in shooting :)

    • Like 24
  11. for those of you competent in Korean (and with excellent eye sight), I have a quick question:

    there are 2 bits of text written on the bridge, which are shown in ep.6 the scene where YJ runs there after reading the letter.

    I can decipher the one on the left  "사라질만 합니다" ("I am disappearing") but can't really read the second.  Part of it shows better the previous bridge scene with KC, but the beginning is obscured by his hand... "**이 패로는" ( sth about losses?) Anyone figured it out?

    ***correction, at the beginning of ep7 one can see text under hand  삶이 때로는 (sometimes life...)

    PS: looking at it again, I am not entirely sure that the text showing in KC's bridge scene is the same as the text on the right in YJ's. The content seems to change over time (?) May be a clue of some sort. Still puzzled.

    PPS: I'm pretty sure this will turn out to be important, because so far the show has payed exquisite attention to detail. Even visually, the emphasis on parallel lines in the critical scenes... (particularly at YJ's han bridge scene, but discretely all over, e.g. during the kiss - fence in the background). Also at the prison after KC's world froze after discovering it's nature -- the lines get messy (on the landing, as he collapses after looking down at all the frozen people) as the universes start to interfere with one another. 

    • Like 3
  12. here's a little something to set the tone for the new ep (14min to go!)


     그 느낌... when your world falls apart and the only thing keeping you together is the love of a woman...

    PS: denoising the voices was bit messy, but please stick with it a little, I promise it will be worth it. I think it's actually one of my better efforts.  Comments welcome.

    • Like 6
  13. Thoughts on ep.5

    Why KC fell in love with YJ: in the middle of all the craziness, when his entire world was turned upside down to the point where he doubts his very existence, she says "I'll take care of you, i've been in this situation as well so I know how you feel - different world, no money, no place to stay, no id; I may not be as rich as you but i'll share what i have". She is the person who -- knowing everything-- still treats him as a real person. "We're not that different, we're in this together." (paraphrasing) She gives him back meaning at a time when everything seemed pointless. He puts all his longing and desperation in that goodbye kiss. So very sad.

    Shooting evil-dad: Oh's message is an exact opposite to YJ's. "You're a monster, just a character that I created, powerless to get revenge for your family, too nice to actually hurt anyone - that's what the readers like, but for your actual purpose (revenge) you're a failure" (sounds a lot like ramblings of an alcoholic who passes his own feelings of ineptitude onto the rest of the world, as KC rightfully points out). Nonetheless, despite all this rubbish, KC choses to take the high road - "just draw the face of the killer, give me (and my friends) a happy ending and i'll be out of your hair". He does it primarily because of YJ and says so.

    Even when Oh refuses, he gives him more time to find a solution. What finally gets to him is that until the very end Oh's just saying "yeah i didn't think you had it in you to actually do anything about it" (because I made you that way). So KC's shooting Oh is an act of taking control of his own life (proving his free will in a way). It was a moment of madness and he regretted it immediately. The silver lining is that YJ heard the entire conversation. On paper KC shooting her dad is the ultimate deal breaker but - as KC pointed out before - context is everything. I think YJ would be more willing to forgive him than he would himself (at least as long as dad doesn't actually die).

    Oh's such a nutcase - i can't get my head around why he's so strongly against giving the manhwa some positive resolution. He hates KC so much at this point that he seems beyond reason. he may blame the "monster" KC for making him crazy (which is extra ridiculous since he's been drinking himself to death for 10+ years without the help of anyone) but he's a lot less human than his 'creation'. Irony...

    Lastly (but chronologically first) the scene at the bookshop... can't see those reactions and think for a second that he's anything but a living breathing person. It takes a very particular kind of man to find humour on the brink of the abyss. KC :heart:

    Can't wait to see what happens next. 

    • Like 21
  14. new vid


    Thoughts on the general discussion:

    Acting: both HHJ and LJS are doing an amazing job so far (as expected, loved him in IHYV and her in Brilliant Legacy)

    KC in the 'real' world: no reason why a manga character should have to abide by the normal laws there, but I would very much like some clarification on what makes the transition between worlds possible (my current theory is that for protagonists it has to do with her feelings for him, which may have started 7y ago at the han bridge, while the killer is a "plot device" so he can appear and disappear at the wish of the writer). I do like the fact that we get to discover the rules at the same pace as the characters, but a clear logic would be nice.

    Excited by the possibility of YJ accessing the other universe through drawing (cf. her mother's comment in ep1? that they should have sent her to art school).

    What does not make sense to me is the manga chronology in YJ's world: first of all the title of the manga is "W" which presumably has to do with KC's search for the who and why of his family's murders BUT the manga was going on for years before the murders since the han bridge incident happened before KC set up the W station/operation...presumably under the same title(??) I'm probably rambling, but can;t get my head around the alignment of the time axis in the two worlds.

    What I want for the immediate future: more cutesy interactions between leads, my mood lifts substantially when they share the screen (hence liked ep3 better than 4 although i applaud the major plot developments in the later).

    • Like 10
  15. Ep.5 promises some massive changes (KC confronting YJ's dad, the latter ending up in the hospital/dead? and KC's attempted suicide after becoming a "murderer").  I expect some misdirect from the preview but still... can't imagine how the writer will push the story forward after that. Please be good. In any case - this is some awesome storytelling so far (with some amazing cinematography to boot, :heart: the director btw). Can't think of any other show where I had absolutely no idea where the story goes next.  W-day come sooner...


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