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Fob Asians and Non-Fob Asians dating.


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Ok so just from personal observations I don't see a lot of Fob Asians and Non-Fob Asians dating in the west. Now I understand that there is a cultural difference but I have seen an non-fob Asian guy dating a Fob Asian girl, but never really the other way around.

Do Fob Asian guys not like Non-fobby Asian girls?

Please share some stories if you have any!

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I am nonFob Asian and my ex was a Fob Asian. she said she liked ABCs. and was trying to practice her English. I think men are more traditional, the Fob ones. Also, nonFob Asian girls don't like Asian men, not even the nonFob ones, they usually like white men, at least here in Hawaii. Fob Asian girls are more attracted to the American citizenship thing than Fob Asian men are.

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Being a non-fob, I find a certain respect to the FOB asians, being taught harder materials in school, putting up with the stress that they certainly have in their country because of cultural expectations, war, economy, and so forth.

That said, I'm a male, I would think the Americanized asian girls would be a little more vain, and pretend to be american lol.

However, I've been surprised.

There was this one girl from one of the top asian countries... She dated some loser that I know for 2 years, and finally came to him with ''To tell you the truth, I don't like you, I've been dating you all this time to get citizenship, I will pay you $90,000 if you marry me!'' and the idiot declined, then he posted it on facebook, told me while at work, and got fired from his job because he couldn't shut his mouth about it.

I know it's deception, but he was a failure, his grades were going nowhere, he was doing drugs, kicked out of his house, being my senior, but 3 years behind academically... Very ugly, it was a miracle for him, and a typical business transaction attempt by the fob asian girl.

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the truth is that this has nothing to do with being a fob, the language barrier isn't even the largest factor as many fobs know english and many non-fobs know native toungues 

the reason you don't see this all too often is 2 fold, 1 fobs have friends they meet through networks of shared experience, being new to a country and living in the same area is a pretty significant shared experience thus friendship grows from this. so fobs have a bigger chance to even meet other fobs than they do to meet non-fobs.
now for those cases where contact is pretty much equal, the reason why relationships have issues starting is due to closeness with tradition. when a non-fob makes it with a fob, usually the non-fob is very intouch with old tradition, or the non-fob is a super wannabe western
Asians with out roots in tradition have no courtesy/manners that were expected of everyone in the home country. 

It is far more common for a man to show less manner to a woman than a woman to show less manner to a man, thus when a fob-woman goes out with a non-fob man, or non traditional man, she is usually used to being treated worse. this is why the vast majority of the interracial marriages with Asian women usually involve the more "country bumpkin looking" woman, "overweight" women, and/or "dishonored woman" such as divorced after cheating, having illigit children etc. etc. but many non asian americans don't seem to care about that type of thing. 
also, to be a gold digger of a rich asian man, requires a woman to be 10x perttier with also good parenting skills and cooking and homemaking skills compared to to be a gold digger of a rich white man requires her to be a woman and "ethnic" looking.
these are generalizations but hold to be true at least 75% of the time, and at least 90% of the time if you only look at older couples (35+ years old)

if you are a westernized asian girl who wants to be with a fob-asian guy, first of all you need to undrestand beauty standards out side of america are MUCH higher, so first off become as pretty as an above average girl in the country of that fob-male's origin country. second you must show respect reflective of what is expected in said origin country. 
also when traditional asians get romantic, the idea is for it to end in marriage, the idea of casual dating (dating with the knowledge that you do not want to get married to this person later) is more or less the realm of scumbags. so be the type of girl your mother would like your brother to bring home. pleasant, happy, smart, healthy, pretty, perfect for the man of the family, this would make a traditional male more likely to accept you, as you could easily become wife material with age.

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Guest Velstadt

I'm a non-fob but I have heard that non-fob Asian women don't like fobby Asian men because they lack the maturity and sense of confidence of non-fobs. It all depends on preferences, however. In my opinion, I think fobs and fobs get along better than non-fobs with fobs (regardless of gender combination).

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I know have a friend that's been in a relationship with a fob girl for like 2 years. I think it just depends, personally I think fob Asian girls seem very materialistic and would cause a lot of drama cause that's the only richard simmons they watch.

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

To be honest, a lot of the international Asian students here are interested in me but I'm not interested in them. I've met a few I was interested, but they were really different from most of the Fob guys because they were pretty liberal. It's actually kind of hard to find a Fob guy here who isn't homophobic or believes in gender roles/duties. Also most of the Fob guys I met are really insecure when talking to women, it kind of turns me off.
On campus, it's either a relationship between fob girls and fob guys, or a fob girl and a white guy. I don't really know any non-fob guys that are interested in fob girls, and vice versa. 

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Guest atypicalgirl

I wouldn't say that Fob guys don't like non-Fob girls, I think that it's because Fobs tend to stick with Fobs and vice versa, they don't get to interact and know each other. I am currently dating a 'Fob' guy that I met through a friend in first year. It was 5 years since he moved here from Korea and there were some slight language barriers but we turned out well :)  

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