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Signals were totally wrong?

Guest rekashin

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Guest rekashin

Hello guys I am in need of advice as I have been out of the "dating game" for quite a while and well Im not sure if im getting these signals wrong or the dating game has changed.
So it all started when I met this girl through a friend. We didn't talk much through our first meeting but she piqued my interest but not enough for me to pursue her. My friend then invited me to her birthday for a small get together (I didnt know anyone there except for the friend who invited me) then I saw her (lets call her "Lenne") and the way she looked had me at awe.
So through out the party we all talked, ate potluck and etc. Lenne and I got to talking. Basically just random stuff, what shes been up to, what animes she watches, games she plays and so forth. I am not a touchy guy, im pretty shy about being physical with girls as I dont want to make them feel awkward but she was like touching my hands, playing with my hair and chose to stand next to me when we took a group picture. At the end of the night, we exchanged snap chat information (lame I know but hey you take what you can get I guess) and that concluded the 2nd time we met. 

We talked to each other by snapchatting and getting to know her little by little which eventually led to me asking her to go out which she said yes. So we went out to watch a movie, we went shopping all around the mall, talked and ate dinner (time went by really fast). We had a pretty awesome time from my point of view. Heres the thing, during dinner I casually asked about her rings and insanely enough, she had a fiance. HOLY GUACK, we pretty much spent like 6-7 hours going out. So im kinda at loss since the signs she gave me was pretty confusing (during the movie, she got a drink and she told me we can share the same drink, drinking from the same straw), she was touching my hair again and also and she was resting her arms around my shoulders. So what do you guys think, as I am pretty confused :(. (I wont pursue her as I am no home wrecker, but the signs were confusing)

ALSO quick note: before asking her to go out, I asked her close friend (the one who invited me to the birthday party) if she had a boyfriend and she said she did not. So that basically led me to asking her out

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Guest rekashin


When I asked about her fiance, she was somewhat open about it. She is still with her fiance thats for sure. Though she never tells me anything unless I bring it up.

Its most likely #2 but is it normal for some girls to be a bit touchy? I mean a hug here and there is normal, but sharing a drink and using the same straw, and touching someones hair is a bit.. misleading is it not?

It is a weird thing for her not to know, especially I specifically asked her to ask "Lenne"  and she replied that she doesn't. When I found out about it and told my friend, she was suprised as well :/.

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Guest rekashin


Well thats a new perspective I can take a look at.. LOL. Though she knows I just got off a long term relationship (with a girl mind you :P) so maybe uncheck the Gay and Im probably in the friend zone (which I dont mind since she does have a fiance)

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Guest rekashin


Oh she had multiple rings on, like the ones the cover your whole fingers.. I would say she had about 3-4 rings? So I thought it was a fashion statement.
Im thinking he does exists, no reason she would lie about it I think.

Its already reaching season finale :0.

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wow that's a crazy story. the dating game has changed, but not in the ways that would cause women to cheat like that, at least that's what I think... definitely confusing and you read the signs the way anyone would've. sh*x haha, I was getting happy for you until the ring thing. MAJOR CURVEBALL and very interesting story, VERY. thanks for sharing btw.

wow, I can't believe she would do all those things, and go on that date with you. touching your hair is def interesting, most people don't do that. only reason why some people touch my hair is that I have a rattail and girls constantly want to braid it- well in highschool haha. one girl shared straws with me before too, I was also surprised, but she has a bf (in fact I posted about this before, the most interesting text i've ever received, similar story, girl with good chemistry, but also a bf already). but since my friend shared straws with me while having a boyfriend, I now don't think it's that big of a deal.

good luck dude, keep your eyes open and be on the lookout for new girls, but if you stay this one's friend, you can probably have her after they break up and you swoop in. I honestly would've thought she liked you.

My experience with the first of Lie's scenarios- "she's a cheater", definitely a possibility. my ex was that girl, she did all that lovey-dovey stuff with me while she had a bf. their relationship is hardly existent, very weak, and not much better than a contract marriage. and that could be true about Lenne. She might be looking for a way out. when she finds the right one, she will ditch her fiance.

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Guest cynidoll

She's not a rarity, uncommon, or unusual. She's a girl who's about to make a big commitment to someone soon.Girl's are funny that way. We twist and turn situations to make things happen to us instead of making it happen ourselves.
She's a cheater, dude. She's not gonna tug your zipper open because then she's cheating. She's waiting for you to help her cheat.
When my friend got into a serious relationship, she asked me to go to a lake house for the weekend that this frat was hosting....... specifically without our boyfriends. I told her, "i know what you're trying to make me do" and all she said was "i know, sorry."

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Wow, a girl whose honest for once. From my experiences with women, they can lie to themselves very well and they can almost justify any act with some of the most outrageous claims I've ever heard.
ex. "I cheated cause he's never around, mainly cause he's working to support all of us but still!" 

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Guest rekashin

I was really surprised when she said she had a fiance. It was in a middle of dinner too, so I was like eating my hotpot and it was one of those freeze moment where i just stared at my food and I had to digest what happened and what it meant. 

As much as I like her, I just stopped pursuing her. I didn't want to be the guy who who would be the cause of their break up, (just like what happened to me a few months ago D:, RIP relationship)

Thanks for all of your input, unfortunately the show didnt get enough funding for season 2. It was a weird season 1 though :P.

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Guest severus

She could be just that chummy with male friends. 
When it comes to friends, the line between genders is a little blurred for some people. 
Maybe it's because she grew up with a brother? Hung around a lot of 'bros'? BFF is a 6'2 gay jock who snapchats her asking for opinions on man-thongs? 

BUT, girlfriend here is probably trying to cheat.

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