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Stars Look Alike

Guest lazygrl

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Guest Melyxcious

ahahah wow they do look alike =O

especially with alyssa milano o-o!!

thai celebs.. hmmm..

i'm curious now o.o

-searches for piccies-


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Guest k r e m e s

Wait what? Those are not look-a-likes. That's really them (well, Raven and Alyssa Milano for certain.)

Are you saying these celebs all look similar?

Edit: I'm retarded. Yeah, Nat does look a lot like Alyssa Milano. I do not agree with the rest of the comparisons though. I can see certain similarities, but not enough to classify them "look alikes."

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Guest blissfully_unaware13x

wow raven and tat girl really do look alike! and when i saw the pic of the next girl i KNEW she was gonna be related to alyssa milano cuz they DO look sooooo alike!!!! lol

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Guest miss sweetie

in the first picture of the thai actress katreeya english--- she does look like raven. but as you scroll down to look at the other pictures--- she doesn't.

IN the first picture of nat myria--- the first person that came to my mind was alyssa milano. holy crap!

for the rest of the other pictures---- not so much.

they share some of the same features.

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Guest Born: 1985

Nat Myria and Alyssa Milano do share a look, but Oohh I never even thought of that before....Nat used to be my fave Thai singer..she's so puuurty!

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