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On the verge of a break-up or...?  Need advice on what to do now...

Guest babyyheavennn

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Guest babyyheavennn

So my relationship is a lot like AmIanIdiot (http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2005282/need-some-opinionsfeedback-about-my-relationshipsituation-long#latest) at the moment; it's going downhill...

I've posted about this before but I feel like it's getting worst now; http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2004234/what-to-do#latest
So my boyfriend and I have been together since April and there hasn't been a moment where we had fought or argued. Like AmIanIdiot, “We're good together, we can live pretty well together, we have all sorts of fun, we can stare into each others eyes for long periods of time without even saying a word and we just smile." I'm his first girlfriend and he was really persistent in trying to get me to be his girlfriend. All his friends (which some are mine as well) have told me that he's a really sincere and sweet guy. And his best friend has also told me that he's serious about me and has given me his heart. I can (or could) tell that his love for me was genuine (that was why I accepted in the end and fell for him). I've hurt him numerous times but each and every time, he's forgiven me without hesitation. This guy is someone who will stop in a middle of a gaming session, close the game and just talk to me no matter what and has done that countless times. He would always wait for me to go to sleep before he does & there wasnt a time where I would doubt him or would argue (besides those one time before we left and this situation).  But recently, everything's going downhill...

So this summer, he's left to China to go visit his friends and family...  【Im not gonna continue the story, just read here; http://forums.soompi.com/discussion/2004234/what-to-do#latest 】

After that conversation when we made up, I thought things would go back to normal.. or at least how they were before that incident but not as... but he hasn't even talked to at ALL. But since I have him on renren (chinese facebook), I could see his updates and such. Just recently, one of his friend shared one of his pictures in another person's album. That person was a girl. I know it's no big deal that it's a girl and I shouldn't worry but I was curious so I looked through the album. And in that album, I discovered that he (my boyfriend) had bought her a pair of Dr.Dre Beats. Now I remember faintly that he said that he was to buy a pair of beats for his cousin but.. that girl ... I just don't think thats his cousin. And just recently, it was Chinese valentine (七夕), and I said happy valentines to him dispite the fact that we didn't even talk. He never replied. And I know for a fact that he's been on too (as in right now as well). Also, everytime if I would post a comment on any of his statuses, he wouldn't reply anything. He has a habit of doing that sometimes to people but the thing is, he's replied to other people on his statuses... GIRLS. And it's usually the same few girls too.

I haven't said any of this to him. I'm still scared to bother him... But right now, I know nothing about what's going on about him. And he doesn't even bother to ask "how are you" to me. Last time we talked was ... 20 days ago. I've been pretty much torturing myself these past few weeks. I keep on worrying that he's cheating on me or something. Now before he left, he had said, "wait for me (to come back)" and some other promises like "I won't leave your side after I get back" (after we got into an aguement once; more info in the link above).

I've had sleepless (where there would be nightmares about this) nights, "cry myself to sleep" nights, crappy days, etc. over this for weeks.

So now, what should I do? I'm thinking of waiting 2 more weeks (since thats when we're both getting back to Canada, and no, not together) and see what happens then. But is that the right choice? Should I just break up? My friends who I've told this to have said many different opinions and comments; "he only wants a girl beside him", "just wait and see what happens", "I never thought he would be like this“, ”Break up with him“, "Maybe he's just really busy", etc. So I have no idea what to think ><

I've considered breaking up but I still like him... or love him, I should say, and I'd be pretty much mentally killing myself if I did and had to face him this school year (his last year). To make it worst, his other best friend (who's a girl) is coming to our school... Needless to say, I'm extremely jealous of their relationship even though I know those two wont date.. But I just cant help it but to be extremely jealous everytime he mentions her.


Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, it's night here and I've had a hectic day.. I'm tired but I couldn't help it but to write out what I've been holding in for such a long time.Please tell me your opinion of this and what you think is right for me to do..

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Guest Maaiissterr

You in pretty much the same situation as my friend. Boyfriend went on vacation over the summer and now that he's back everything is different- no texts, no calls, no 'I'm back. I miss you.' So like I tell her, stop torturing yourself crying over this. Take this time and find something to ease your mind and then figure out how you really feel about him. Do you love him or do you just like him. When you guys are back home I think that you two need to have a talk about where you both see the relationship going. If you both aren't on the same page then it's kind of useless to still be together you know. You know and see all these signs from how he's been acting lately. Maybe he had a change of heart or he just doesn't have to same feelings as he did when you first dated. It's okay to try to hang onto someone that you really really love but sometimes you have to know when to let go.

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Guest jaymuney

yeah wait till he comes back, confront him, and talk about it. Even if you still love him, if he doesnt it love you in return, it will be a one sided love relationship and that means its time to let go.

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Guest mularice

Wow, really tough one.

If it were me, I think I would break up. It's not normal at all and how he is behaving is very hurtful.

Then again, it's only 2 weeks, you don't know what might happen.. but do you think you will ever go back to feeling happy and secure with him when he does return? I would find it hard to trust him. I would also find it difficult to understand ANY reason why he has behaved like this. I do think you need proper closure or a chance to talk to him about his behaviour, even if it isn't the best news.

It is weird how a bit of distance and it's like the promises made before disappear.. Don't waste your tears on guys like this - you have given him plenty of chances to redeem himself from his actions/or lack of action, sometimes it's better to move on.

Good luck x

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Guest yoon001

You can't control your attraction to someone, so if that's the case, and he's lost interest in you, then you're out of luck. There are 3 BILLION other dudes on this planet, and I hate to break it to you, but there is no "the one" I believe that there are "ones" for you for different points in your life, but use those relationships to grow and evolve

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If my bf did this to me, I would assume this is his silent way of breaking up with me. I woulnd't count on him doing it in person or whatever when he comes back. He sounds like a coward. Do yourself the favour and consider him an ex right now. He's acting like an ex, not a bf. Good luck. He's being ridiculous.

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Guest RawryLovex

I say just ignore him and enjoy your vacation and wait until he comes back.  I ignored my bf and my bf ignored me when we were in China. Lol China just has this thing making people ignore each other. And about that girl? It's probably just some freaking weirdo chick who's trying to flirt her way through Canada. Chinese girls (no offense) has that kind of mind and believe me, they are smart.


I say, Just wait until he comes back and see what it will happen.

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Guest babyyheavennn

@Maaiissterr // at least it makes e feel better to know that I'm not the only one facing this problem. May I know what happened to your friend and her bf now? Like did they talk about it (if they did, what did she do?)

@snaiza // Even if we talk, do you think I shouldd let go? even if he still loves me?

@mularice // I, honestly, don't know. I've thought about <<do you think you will ever go back to feeling happy and secure with him when he does return?>> and I have no idea. Maybe I would if he gave me a reaonable reason but like you said, there shouldn't be any reason... But - I don't know . I just want to know the truth and his reason behind it all... Thanks for your help c:

@azurette // Maybe.. but I dont know why but I always have the tiniest hope that it isn't like that. I mean if he want to break up, shouldn't guys have the balls to at least say it? (no effence to guys)

@rawryLovex // You guys ignored each other... You guys both didn't mind and it just happened naturally? Like you guys didn't agree on it and it just happened? Are you guys still together? Just wondering xP

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Guest Kitty Kat1430291813

Sounds like initially he wasn't trying to ignore you intentionally, but rather just wanted to enjoy his vacation and didn't think you'd have a problem with talking only every other day. You felt he was purposely ignoring you and pushed the issue. Naturally he felt it as unfair hence him not telling you he's unable to meet you at the hotel. 
At this point I think he's just not into it anymore, it being your relationship. No matter how busy a guy is, he will find a way to make time for his girlfriend. You said you're scared to bother him, do you really think that's the way a healthy relationship should be? You're so afraid of losing him that you can't speak freely and honestly? I would just break it off and move on. 
However, if I may be brutally honest, I don't think you're ready to do that at this point. So if I may suggest, just leave it be for now, go about your day and see what he does when he comes back. I would not initiate contact. You said you practically had to beg for contact a few times, there's nothing you can or should do, the ball is his court. I'm sure he's aware of this problem, if he doesn't reach out within a week of his return. I'd move on.

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