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Last Movie You Saw?

Guest Nat1980

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Guest umbanana

I went to see Star Trek on Tuesday - ABSOLUTELY loved it - never imagined it to be THAT good.

Also went to see Away we go (international premiere at edi film fest!! :D) last night

and going to see The private lives of Pippa Lee tonight... as well as Sam Mendes this evening!!!

The joys of having absolutely nothing to do but watch movies and attend film fest events :D

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Guest elainx3

Year One

It was OK. Quite random.. sometimes too over the top.

Not one of the funniest movies i have seen..

The Proposal

Loveddd this movie :D

Veryyy funny & cute movie! :)

Planning to watch it again...

And Ryan Reynolds is <3

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Guest razberrymeringue

i saw year one last night...i thought it was hilarious!!

but i was with my friends and we were slap happy already,

so maybe that has something to do with it..hahaha.

i still enjoyed it a lot though, and i LOVE michael cera!


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Guest ilovetrees

The last movie I watched was at HOME (Correct me if this thread is only for the last move you saw in a THEATER) was 88 Minutes, a good thriller movie, the suspense keeps going all the way to the end of the movie.

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Guest ~S.O.S~

I saw The Proposal today. It was really cute!

And right now, I'm watching Before Sunrise; an oldie, but goodie (:

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Guest lulybonynsungie

national treasure...cuz it was on tv lol and some vin diesel movie that i never figured out the name....

oooo i really wanna see year one and the proposal!

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Guest yi_jae_soo

I saw Iron Man!!! Actually for the very first time!! It was very good! Now I'm really pumped for the sequel!

I also watched Terminator:Salvation. I thought it was pretty good, but I don't understand why the critics didn't like it...Lol I only watched it for Christian Bale, and then I came out of the theater thinking about Anton Yelchin XDD

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Guest chungalung

Mmm. The last movie I saw in movie theaters was "The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3".

I never knew that movie was a remake of the 1970 version!

After I watched that movie, on the same day, I saw the older one on TV.

They did copy the same stuff from the older one in the recent film, but they also added their own stuff too.

It was a really well-made movie. :)

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Guest xoSushi

The last movie I saw in theaters was The Hangover. SO FUNNY!

I watched so many movies this month! Up in 3D, Dance Flick, X-Men Origins, Night at the Museum 2, He's Just Not That Into You, Coraline, and Mall Cop.

The last movie I saw on my computer was Fired Up. Cheesy comedy but overall enjoyed. :)

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