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Last Movie You Saw?

Guest Nat1980

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Guest hyeminnie

A Christmas Carol w/ Jim Carrey


Going in, I knew it would be bad, and it was just that. I didn't believe Jim as Scrooge. He had an okay accent, but the emotions definitely weren't there (especially the scene where Marley visits him in his room). They tried to make it more family friendly and added some comedic parts which I didn't think worked. It doesn't fit Scrooge's character.

Highlight: Andrea Bocelli singing "God Bless us Everyone" during the credits.

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Guest pepsi_twist9

I saw Zombieland. It was alright, my only problem is that it didn't live up to the hype it created - everybody was telling me "oh, it's SO funny," and when I saw it, yeah, it was funny, but it wasn't that funny.

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Guest disfunktional.

2012, most parts got me all teary T.T would have been better if there weren't 10 hype-ash 8 year olds watching and taking bathroom breaks every half an hour -.- This movie gets you thinking, when i was walking to the parking lot i kept looking on the ground like it was about to crack in half or something *shivers*

i heard the theater was crowded since opening day, like almost every show time the place was packed.

Thought it would have died down today but it was freaking full!

hyeminnie ; aww really? me and my friends were looking forward to seeing it this saturday >____> I don't like most of the Jim Carey movies i watch though~

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i got to see when in rome ; )

it comes out jan. 29 but i got to see it early on campus~

typical chic flick. i liked it though :)

josh duhamel is HOT!

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Guest marasshi

^Gene Wilder?

I just watched Before Sunrise. Someone mentioned it in this thread before and I got interested because of the story, even though I dislike Ethan Hawke. But it was cute. My favorite scene was the one in the listening booth in the record store.


Just finished Before Sunset. Great sequel to a pretty okay movie. I liked this one better, but you really have to watch both (in succession for maximum effect) to appreciate how great they are.

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these r d tyms i dnt h8 living hre at d end part of d world coz international dateline wise we were able to have midnyt screenings of some movies jst a bit tad earlier :lol:

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Just watched Spread... but I shouldn't have. I only wanted to see this film because of Ashton Kutcher but it was a complete waste of time. Can't believe the ranking is 6.1/10 for this on imdb. Seriously, the only thing I liked about this movie was how the story ended.

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