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Guest sky.xo

uni wouldn't suck so much

if i could look forward to seeing you

every day =)

can't wait until next year.

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Guest huyen2501

i'm GLAD i had the opportunity to SHOW you what i really think you're worth today. DON'T MESS WITH ME. i am fed up with your crap for the past few months and even before that. you disrespectful and immature BRAT. i hope life remains cruel to you! i'm gonna celebrate in 3 days when you get the freak out of this house!

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you broke my heart. and now its time for me to move on, as much fate as i had in you, and as much trust i gave you, and you knew i dont trust anyone, i regret trusting you to that extent. you only proved me right, its okay. i will move on, believe that. i still love you, and i think i always will i understand , i really do, i understand why you had to do it, i know you love me, or once did, but that will not stop me from keeping strong. i love you.

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Guest d0rkifiedxl0ser

You're slowly killing me, can't you see that. I just want to see you again so we can talk and work things out.

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Guest happy2friends

I don't know if I should wait for you anymore.

I'm trying my best, but everything is so crazy right now. Maybe I wished for too much. And too much happened all at the same time.

Can we ever work this out?

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Guest Arisu.In.SuJu.Land

Oh please, make up your mind! Do you know how frustrating this is for me?

Srsly, you're so oblivious, it just...I can't even explain it. Wow.

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Guest AMIbunny

Mom.. i didn't mean to yell at you. You didn't do anything, its not your fault at all. I should have been nice to you.. instead I used a voice tone that you didnt deserve...im so sorry. I really truly am. I'll make it up to you..


Why aren't you contacting me? Texting me? Calling me? IMing me?? I know I should'nt be mad at you..but you totally just ruined me right now. I have gotten mad at a stupid thing, But I just want you to know what I feel... I want you to contact me first this time...it seems like i'm always the one contacting you... I love you.. i dont hate you.... i really don't. I'm sorry...but please.. i hope you do try to fix things..and REALIZE.

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Guest NuChee


You know to say all the right things...

I really really like you. Hearing your assurance makes me happy.

But you still love her don't you? =[

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some times i wonder what would have happened if i wasnt so dense...

would i still be sitting here thinking of yu...

would yu be thinking of me??

ha... sometimes i wonder if yu still remember me...

it seems so long ago doesnt it??

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Guest to.angie

Everything I had planned on saying seemed so perfect at that moment. All the things I wanted to tell you were like a list I had composed in my mind. I wanted to check each and everyone of those daunting tasks off. When I opened my mouth, nothing came out. The things I intended on telling you were not even close to what I let you know. I wanted to tell you to live your life well even if I couldn't live mine well. I wanted to tell you that I know that living a life without me is easy for you but you living a life without me is difficult for me to even begin to fathom. I wanted to say goodbye. I wanted to let you go. I wanted to say I love you. There's always the possibility though that you already know all this but are just pretending to be both blind and deaf. It's probably wishful thinking but there's another way, isn't there? A way that doesn't involve having to forcibly let you slip away from me. Tell me exactly what it is you want from me because I can't stand being reminded of you each and every second of the day. It makes me feel like I'm falling...and I don't want to fall into an eternal abyss when I know that no one is going to try to catch me on my way downward. I don't want all this time to have been a waste of time. As of right now, that's all I can think it is though. You know I've always been a firm believer in second chances. I always thought that there were various windows of opportunities. I thought that those windows were limitless. But maybe we unknowingly crossed that line. I never would have allowed myself to succumb to this idea in the past but under these circumstances, I'm starting to understand that there may have been certain truths that I overlooked. I'm sorry that I don't know what more I can do to save us from going our separate ways. Maybe we have finally hit the point of no return.

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