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New clip, please come listen :)

Guest IHMJack

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Please, stop putting up polls. A lot of the people here won't rate your singing, they'll just give you advice on how to improve.

There's no use in putting up a poll anyway, if people just rate you then you wouldn't know how to get better and if people help you on how to get better, you don't need to get your singing rated. xD

First of all, the clip is way too short to get anything from it. It's like...2 lines. That's not enough to tell what your weak/strong points are. From what I can tell though, you should stop holding back. If you hold back, it's harder to get emotion out. I know the original artist may have sang it softly too but there's a difference. You're making it soft on purpose, the singing is soft because that's what comes out when you believe what the song is singing. I'm not making much sense but I hope you get what I mean ^^0

Sorry if I sounded harsh but basically I'm saying that you shouldn't force yourself to sing softer and just sing. And make your clips longer.

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Guest IHMJack

The poll really is for fun and for my infomation really. Its better than hearing "you are good" or "you are ok" or "you need practice", a number system just tells me better.

I will try to use fuller voice later, how in the world does the original singers sing softly but its not a problem, but when I sing softly it becomes a problem????? I must be doing it wrong

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Guest hulie-oh

I don't know if what you're singing is the beginning verse, chorus, bridge, etc. but I guess that doesn't really matter with the point that I'm going to make.

First off, as most of the above said, the clip is too short.

Second, if you want us to give you a good score with your poll above, you picked the wrong part to sing. Bluntly put, the clip doesn't show your talent at all. It's... simple.

Third, I noticed that you weren't on pitch in some areas of your short clip when you start that pitch. And the beginning entrance wasn't "good enough."

Try again and make it a longer clip. Honestly though, with this clip, I'd give you a 3 for effort (that is if 1 is lowest and 10 is highest). It just doesn't show me what it is that you've got.

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The poll really is for fun and for my infomation really. Its better than hearing "you are good" or "you are ok" or "you need practice", a number system just tells me better.

I will try to use fuller voice later, how in the world does the original singers sing softly but its not a problem, but when I sing softly it becomes a problem????? I must be doing it wrong

it's because you're straining and holding back your voice which isn't letting air flow properly through you vocal folds that's why it's not working and you can't juss copy singers you like because not all singers sing properly. start practicing your full voice so it gets better, don't hide it to get worse and push out with the bottom of ur stomach because it'll help you control your breathing

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You shouldn't imitate other singers and expect that you're doing the right thing. Quite frankly, everything about the way you sang the clip is wrong, and it's because of the following reasons:

-You sound really hoarse as if you need more air.

-Pronunciation is off.

-You're not using your full voice.

Just because you're singing quietly doesn't mean that you use less air and don't sing from your stomach. In fact, singing quietly requires MORE air and MORE from your stomach than singing loudly because of breath control.

I scored you a 1 because from the 15-second clip you provided, I couldn't grade you. 1 isn't necessarily for the worst, but it's 1 for "ungradable". In fact, just about all of your clips on your soundclick are too short to be gradable in any way.

If you want to really improve, you have to acquire either a vocal teacher or sing in a chorus. You should also consider getting rid of this number system because it really won't do you any good. You say it's a nice indicator than "get better" or "good job", but numbers are only numbers. You shouldn't rely on them to judge your skills. After all, all of us are, like you, amateurs - what we say can only take you so far. If you really want some musical feedback on your skills, you should chase a professional and not us.

This number system can also create mass bias - what if I randomly gave you a 8 up there just because I felt like it? Are you going to look at the 8 and go, "man, I must be really good because I got an 8"? That's another reason why the number system is unreliable because you don't know who the person behind the computer screen is - that person might be someone who knows nothing about music and may think your clip is decent and give you a 5 or 6, or that person might be a more experienced musician who could give you a lower score.

Next time, please record a longer clip WITH the chorus included. Singing the lower notes of one song won't do you any good if you can't reach the harder parts of that same song.

I also must apologize for my harshness of this reply, but I just feel as someone had to point this out to you. Hopefully you'll take my advice not the wrong way, but instead use them to further and better your singing talents.

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Guest IHMJack

hummmmm.... pretty cool, Mr.Johnnymoon, actually reply my thread.

alot of people seem to have things against the number system for some reason, I wonder if you guys are getting annoyed with my number system?

This is for johnny, I will try to remember to use fuller voice in the future, I seem to always overlook that problem for some reason.

How in the world do you sing korean correctly if you dont understand the language at all??? maybe I will just stick to the language I understand.

How long does a clip have to be??? do be considered not "too short"???

hummmm... I dont think you said anything harsh so dont worry.

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me with this long reply! :) :) :) :)

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Well, I'm not Johnny, but I wanted to reply.

alot of people seem to have things against the number system for some reason, I wonder if you guys are getting annoyed with my number system?

Johnny already said why your polls are basically useless. lol

This is for johnny, I will try to remember to use fuller voice in the future, I seem to always overlook that problem for some reason.

Well, you overlooked that problem in every single one of your clips.

How in the world do you sing korean correctly if you dont understand the language at all??? maybe I will just stick to the language I understand.

There are many non-Korean singers here who sing in Korean very well. Just practice.

How long does a clip have to be??? do be considered not "too short"???

At least a minute. Try to include the chorus like Johnny mentioned. 15 seconds just aren't enough.

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Guest Sakura Li

"This is for johnny, I will try to remember to use fuller voice in the future, I seem to always overlook that problem for some reason."

- How can you overlook that if that's practically the only thing that everyone tells you to do?

"How in the world do you sing korean correctly if you dont understand the language at all??? maybe I will just stick to the language I understand."

- If you already knew that then why did you sing in Korean in the first place?

"How long does a clip have to be??? do be considered not "too short"???"

- You think an 18 second clip is not short? At least sing something for 1 minute.

And please, no more rating system. Whoops. Jaeho beat me to it. =p oh well.

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Guest malmanea87

haha man ppl are juss way too uptight about this.

he can post a number scale if he wants to.

if u dun like it, dun vote. that simple right?

as for the clip, it IS too short to actually say anything about it.

a long enough clip would be like one whole verse (verse + chorus)

oh and btw, i recommend sticking w/ the language you know or more practive on pronounciation.

i kinda understand wut ur singing, but daz cuz i know the song.

so yea, i think language sorta plays big part when no one actually understands wut ur singing.

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Guest ADORE.you

umm not to be harsh or anything since alot has been said above .. i guess all i can say is maybe you should get the lyrics to the songs that you sing and study them for a bit before actually singing the song.. because people that understand the language could misinterpret your message..

theory before practical .. is important

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I think many of the people who replied above already mentioned what I would have said. As for the number system, I'm not going to close your topics whenever you post with a poll of 1-10 rating, but I made my case on why I think using the number system is impractical and unnecessary. It's up to you on what you do want to do with it; whichever way you choose, more power to you.

As to how long a clip should be, sing at least a verse and a chorus... Many times, you should see yourself past the minute mark on many songs if you sing both verse and chorus.

Pronuncation just takes practice. If Korean is too hard for you to sing, then sing songs written the languages that you know well.

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