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What's Non-asian About You?

Guest Take Five

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Guest sodaniechea

-I can't read/write my language

-I'm not majoring in the medical field

-I have a diverse set of friends

-I don't have an accent

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Guest missyblue


1. i dont know how to play chinese poker, but will learn, when i have time Xd

2. i hate handball with a passion, because i cant play, and i dont like how people get pissed off when they lose... D:

3. i dont know how to write in chinese, but know how to read SOME words... not all. XD

4. i suck at math

thats about it XD

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Guest funky_monkey

-I don't live in the East

-I can't read and write my own language

-My parents say I'm crap at using chopsticks (although I think I'm pretty decent :D)


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Guest Uyen Duong

WELL, I'm not smart. Math is ew.. D:

I don't speak my own language fluently because once I hit

school, I started speaking lots of Englishhh.. TT___TT

I can't think of anything else.. O__O..

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Guest viper2788

whats not asian:

1)dont have asian friends like that... not whitewashed but no real preference in friends

2)ok but not too good in math

3)cant read/write korean

4)i listen to rock and country. hate asian pop.

5)dont own any fobby clothes, nor do i know where to buy em

6)im a deccent writer

7)whoever said asians couldnt drive? i believe its more of a gender thing..

8)speak in english with my parents most of the time

9)born and raised here in MD

10)i had fun growing up.. unlike most asian kids =)

11)i cant stand soju... no matter how much i try to enjoy it. beer > soju

whats asian:

1)mechanical engineering major

2)i drive a scion tC?

3)speak great korean

4)love korean food

5)know my fair share of national history


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Guest squallie

Well for me, there's this thing I have against my race in my area. They all dress the same, look the same, act the same and only hang out within their race. I really can't stand them and everytime I walk into an area filled with them, they ALWAYS stare at me. So yea, I prefer to hang out with my spanish/black friends over my asian ones. I also prefer pasta over rice and I have really wide hips and a big butt. lol.

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Guest jjoongieluv

Well me being only half, I dunno if this really counts.

But at school, non-asians make funny of squinty eyes.. I got big eyes.. >_>

im half too.

i dont know if i have big eyes but i dont have asian eyes

i dont dress asian

i dont have any asian friends nowadays (only had them when i still lived with my mom since shes the korean one but since my dads in the military i move around a lot)

i suck at math. its my worst subject.

i cant speak korean.

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Guest iridescent opal

-I can't speak Chinese fluently. :P

-I'm not that good at maths.

-I usually don't use chopsticks.

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Guest x_twinkletoes

i can't speak/read/or write any of the asian languages.




i can only understand bits of chaozhou & cambodian.so i'm basically considered a disgrace to my family. my brother & sister don't know much neither :/

instead, we all respond in english to my parents. :ph34r:

*but im planning on learning mandarin. [:

i have weird hair.

its tangly/bushy/thick/wavy/curly/frizzy/unmanagable.

^ it makes people think im not asian.

i get mistaken for being hispanic, mainly cause im soo dark.

well, khmers are dark :P

asian quality =

- even though i hate math, i manage to get As/Bs.

- i get As/Bs in all my subjects.

- ^ i'm nerd status.

- i love rice (:

- i love asianfoooddd.

- squinty eyes. [on sunny days, it seems as if my eyes are closed. -__-]

- i have more asian friends.

- i'm on the computer for hours at a time.

- my fob accent comes out sometimes when i speak to fast. XD

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Guest kikkie

Sometimes, I really despise Asians. Because some have really bad habits, lack in manners and etiquette, have that stupid accent (god how I hate those), their humbleness/shyness, preference for boy kids and their own kids over girls and other children, how they push their kids to do more over the summer when the kids aren't going to learn anything anyways, and a million other things.

I'm sure that this applies to multitudes of other people, but it seems to be overwhelming in Asians.

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