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What's Non-asian About You?

Guest Take Five

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Guest Angxizzle

im really good in english i make such good grades in the class but in math i sorta suck. also, i dont have a really high gpa...even though im an all honors student. T_T

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Guest EmpsTreenee

hmm. i dont always have straight a's

i dont have an "asian" accent... or calif accent (like SOME asians in orange county) mine is british which is pretty awesome :D

i dont hang out with an asian group

i dont hello kitty everything i have.

my hair isnt a mullet style or anything dramatic.

i dont wear circle lenses (nor make up for that matter).

i have natural brown hair.

i'm not ALWAYS hyper and jump around like a maniac (sorry for the harsh stereotype but a lot of asian girls i know do that to get attention, including my sister)

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Guest jiraffe

Eh, hm.

- Well I don't purposely try to hangout specifically with Asians, I just do. But I hangout the white people group (haha) sometimes, too.

- One of my best friends is white.

- I'm not good at math, I'm average.

- I'm definitely not one of those who can say "Awww man I got such a horrible SAT score.. 2300.. I need to retake it.. blahblahblahhh.." -__-

^I wouldn't want to be anyway cuz those are the ones asking to get punched in the face, haha. Ya feelin meh?

- Uhh, I'm a non- addict of those Asian dramas and such, no Kpop, thanks

I don't know, other than that, I'm pretty Asian. Haha. Especially for being on this site xD

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Guest french toast

-i can't speak my language well

-i suckkkkk at math

-im not a straight A student

-i could care less about asian celebrities and singers

-i dress totally opposite from a fob

i think the 'asianest' thing about me is soompi haha p:

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Guest YamaSushi7

-I hate math, but I'm okay in it.

-I can't speak Chinese anymore.

-My dad has made meatloaf before.

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Guest Pongie

I don't have 4+ gpa ;__________;

ok ok seriously this time

I'd rather hang out with my white friends over asian friends

I have a thing against fobs =____= or the ones I know of...all theones I know of


I dislike kimchi :D

Agree with all of those beside the last one, since Kimchi is the bomb. lol.

^ LMFAO. I don't either. ToT~

But seriously, I don't apply myself like I'm supposed to. I procrastinate to the point where I don't even do an assignment from time to time. :(

HAHA, same here. I remember last time I handed in an essay two months after it was due, cause I told my teacher I was having a battle within myself about the pro and cons of WW1+2. So with that in mind, I pretty much got kicked out of his class.

And another thing, I live in the States.

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Guest steph*funny

-I live on the outskirts of the most ASIAN cities in SoCal.

-I push myself academically more than my parents do (they don't at all, actually..)

-I pretty much died in Calculus last year.

-Almost all of my friends are white, and I go to a private [mostly white] school.

-I'm 5'8".

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I am a total failure when it comes to math.

I can't write or read Chinese; I can only speak Mandarin, and I'm not fluent, either.

And also, I don't fight for the bill w/ my friends when we go out to eat, but then again, maybe that's because I'm not an adult yet.

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Guest lolimomi

my exam mark are excellent xcept for math..

i even fail..goshhh..

i speak english without accent..

i dont wear fobby clothes..

i dont watch asian drama..coz i hate it

my parents is not strict..

my eyes is really big..lol..

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Guest RockStar17

Pretty much everything? Specifically

- I fail at everything (academics, life in general haha)

- I don't eat Filipino food (or any Asian food)

- English is my first and only language

- Neither I nor my parents are fobs

I think the only things that makes me Asian are my face, my height, and that I'm gonna be a nurse

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Guest treehunny

i'm not a bio major

i hate paris by night

i wish i could tan

i don't have a practical car

i can't live without a calculator

i dislike asian weddings

i can't play badminton/tennis/piano/etc.

i hate pho and chao (porridge)

i only speak to my friends in english

i don't hang out with an asian crowd in college

umm, and i was born and raised in the U.S.

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Guest Tinateukbum

I'll do this just for boredom fun.

I'm a good driver.

I don't drive an Asian-made car.

I tan easily:].

Born here; no accent.

I have big feet lol.

I'm not majoring in the Medicine field.

For the stereotypes&people who think all Asians have small eyes --- i have big eyes o.o

I've been called 'white-washed'; but i dont fully think so.

Yeupp that's mee.

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

I'm better at english than maths AND I suck at biology and all sciences

I have an Australian accent

My parents aren't forcing me to become a doctor/lawyer/work in something business or commerce related

I can't play the piano

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Guest emilyXx

-DOn't have chinese/asian friends...

- My sister says my cantonese/chinese is crap , I think it's pretty oke,

- Can't read chinese, I went to chineseschool but quit cause I hate it xD..

- I live in the Netherlands

- I don't like spicy food

- My english is pretty good compare to some crappy chinese people who can only say: thank you , yes and no xD

- don't wanna be a doctor,, Cause I'm too dumb for that

I can't think of more...

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Guest k i k a i

hahah I read the topic title and laughed out loud first..

there are plenty of things and I think it's not bad xD

• I was born and raised up in Germany

• I'm always VERY punctual and hate the so called "Filipino-time", when someone's late and German's do really care about this point! (I'd rather be early for 30mins, than late for 5mins!)

• I don't like RICE, it's not about how it tastes, I just don't like rice and I'm the only one in my family >_>

• I suck at math, well when it comes to algebra o_0

• my best friend is Asian, but I'm closer to my white friends at school (I know it's weird)

• people's first impression on me is either SNOBBISH & ARROGANT OR FUNNY & OPEN.. I think the snobbish&arrogant personality or looks, I have that from the white girls here.. they look snoobish&arrogant, so do you have to (or else you'll be abused)

• I don't talk like an Asian, German people (esp. elders) always wonder why my German's (or even English's) without accent

that's what I can think of now : P

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Guest Erika1430263587


PFFT. U THINK?! I ain't crazy dood. Rice is my life xD

I don't have an asian accent...and I have more European/American friends lol

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