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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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It seems that WJ was created to be a scapegoat from what I'm seeing now esp with all the comments on this board. Hmm, makes me wonder... is that why the puppy fella bailed out? heh, not like it really matters for a KJSxHJH fanboy. I had a feeling the JY-SJ-WJ-puppyboy saga will turn something else that is unfathomable. :ph3ar:

So yeah, anyone care to translate the news post that was highlighted by rafaelle? Its bugging me after I've read it. Is it just about the ratings/popularity or something better?

..that declaration of yours is like the cutest thing ever,markiemark. :D And I've been a silent lurker for a long time at this thread before I actually started posting,so yeah. ;)

Thanks for the compliment :D

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Ep.121 caps part 2:


Puzzled at DP's call at such a time in the evening,BH asked her what's the matter:

DP: Can..can we meet up for a bit?

BH: Yeh??Wh..why?

DP: Err that..a good idea just came up to me,so if I meet up with you then Kang BaekHo-ssi can write it down..


DP: Why?You can't?


BH: That is..Team Leader,I'm regretful to say this but I'm kinda tired..can we not just meet at the office tomorrow and do it then?

DP: FINE!!Then do what you want!!(hangs up)

BH: Hello..hello?What the..really.Why suddenly she hangs up..(BH was about to call her back,but then decided not to)



DP: This guy is really funny..*grumbles and more grumbles as she paced back and forth* ..



(to herself): Na DanPoong,do you know how annoying you are behaving?!


DP went to the kitchen to get a drink,and found SA already there.The two down their drinks together,and talked about being troubled by each other's brother.



SA however disagree that BH's her brother,saying that he's just the son of the woman that her father married,and that her grandmother doesnt think of him as her grandson,and neither does her dad.



SA went on to criticize BH,but DP remarked that BH has this qualities..and then she went on listing them out(more like gushing to herself :rolleyes: ) ..among other things that he's cute when he smiles,and he works/moves very well(?),and then he's such a good singer..and then saw SA watching her strangely..and then stopped and quickly asked SA why's irritated with SJ..(anyway if anybody wants to give us the perfect translation for what DP said:)

그래도 강백호씨 인간적이잖아요. 따듯하고...가끔씩 남자다울때도 있고...그리고 웃을때 귀엽기도하고...운동도 잘하고...

DP's various expression as she talks abt BH.. :rolleyes:




Before SA can fully answer SJ arrived at the house..


and then went straight to bed,ignoring his angry+frustrated wife's questions..




The next day SJ reprimaded SA for getting into a disagreement with Mr.Na.SA apologized and excused her self from the breakfast table,and later SJ finished getting ready and left for work without saying anything to SA..




At the Bong's,BH's getting ready for work and his date,and DJ picked out a tie for him to wear.Her first choice however was the necktie that was DP's gift to BH,and BH tells her to pick a different one,citing that he's worn that particular tie many times already.DJ admires the sight of her good-looking son dressed up nicely,and tell BH to do well at the date and to not feel pressured.








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Guest damifino

This question lingers in the back of my mind. Why does Chanie's father think Sonia wants to marry him? Why would she come all the way to Korea to marry a poor man living off his sister, with a crazy ex-wife and a child to support???? More importantly.... He's a clown!

Because she needs to stay in the country legally since her visa is almost up and 2 people making money is better than 1 person earning money? Oh, and there is that little thing called love ;) God only knows why, but they both seem to love each other.

As far as the possible double marriage.... after "Golden Age of Daughter In Law", "Golden Bride", and "18 VS 29" I don't see that as being a big issue. :phew:

Whadda u think?

For TV? It depends on how long they want to drag on the show. We all know that BH and DP are going to get together in the end and most likely, even if they start dating, they will keep it hidden from both families because of the double marriage complications until much later.

In real life? It depends on how traditional the family is. It's not illegal to marry your in-laws, but it's still considered a social taboo. But like any social taboos, there are always some people who go against the grain. For instance, it's LEGAL in over half the states in the US for someone to marry their first cousin. That doesn't mean that most people will look favorably upon first cousins who marry each other.

As for SJ and SA, the fortune teller DID say that they would break up if they got together so...

DH and MA...i really don't want to see them together but Sonia is as clueless as DP was over BH so really i could care less!!!!

BH will live with the Na family where he will fit in and Mrs. Na will change and begin to love BH.

SJ will marry JY and live with her family and MA and DH will get back together and live on their own.

Sonia is not oblivious to DH loving her. She knows that he loves her and she loves him... THAT'S why she doesn't want him to suffer by marrying her. She doesn't want to be a burden on him.

Also, in Korea, it is EXTREMELY rare for your average man with parents who are alive to live with the woman's family. The only folks who do that are men who are orphans who are basically adopted into a wealthy family in order to marry their daughter and take over the family fortune OR men who have no family and the couple is so broke that they have nowhere else to live. Of course, there are always exceptions such as the woman's widowed mother/father needing to be taken care of and such, but that is definitely not the norm.

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Ep.121 caps part 3:

Mr. Bong compliments BH's extra good appearance that morning,while Granny Witch gave a distasteful sneer to herself.Mr.Bong says that they should go together in one car,but Witch voiced out her disapproval,saying what would the people at the office thinks about that.Witch also gave BH a stern reminder about the importance of the date before he steps out of the house,while DJ says she's the one who feels nervous though it's her son who's about to go on the date.




In front of the Bonjour building,a walking DP suddenly stood transfixed at her spot as with shiny,glittering eyes :lol: she dreamily watched BH moving in slow-motion towards the entrance,looking very sharp and cool,and extra handsome ;) ..(it was as if BH was strutting his stuff down a runway.. :lol: )




check out those eyes of DP.. ;)



dreamy,dreamier...oh he's a dreamboat.. :lol:











BH: Why..what is it that you were looking at like that?

DP: What does it look like?!..I was just thinking of an idea..

BH: Well okay why do you have to react so strongly?By the way,what was the idea that you talked about last night on the phone?

DP: (!) Nevermind!

BH: *grumbling*Wanted to suddenly meet at night about it,and now when asked is ignored,what the heck?


And then SJK calls out BH's name,and as usual was all over him in an instant,telling him how hot he looked that day and DP looked over huffily as BH tried his best to ward off SJK's eager hands.. :rolleyes:




In their office Go MiSook and SJK enthusiasts over BH's appearance;GMS asked if he's going to an introduction meeting(?) and SJK mentioned how when she saw BH she thought he looked like a movie star,while DP feigned ignorance over the whole exchange.




DH arrived at his workplace and was shocked to meet MA who's cleaning the place..MA says she'll clean up the place after this and that she wants to see him and thats why she's there.Ma brought up the talks of getting together again and tell DH to think of Chan-ee,but DH insisted that he's marrying Sonia.MA says the marriage wont be possible because Sonia will be returning to her country,but DH tells her that it's none of her problem and ask her to leave.


MA then called up DJ to meet up at a cafe,and then asked her help to make her getting back together with DH a possibility,saying she's suffering not living together with Chan etc.DJ told her that DH's thinking of remarrying,and MA was surprised to know that DJ knows about it.She asked DJ if she knows how the woman DH's intending to marry is like,and told DJ that is a foreigner lady,and DJ is shocked to hear it.



Meanwhile,WJ went over to the pet clinic and says he wants to take JY out to eat..




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Great works, bm! Can't wait the next caps. Gosh...DP's so fascinated by BH's charm. Her eyes told it :lol:

I can't hold my laughter...DP likes a teenage girl who falls in her first love :lol: KJS-HJH really does good job on it.....

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Great works, bm! Can't wait the next caps. Gosh...DP's so fascinated by BH's charm. Her eyes told it :lol:

I can't hold my laughter...DP likes a teenage girl who falls in her first love :lol: KJS-HJH really does good job on it.....

do we change our club to "dreamy eyes club"...but then maybe we wait for tonight's episode if there will be more "dreamy" scenes:)

thanks bm for the caps and the comments...I sleep late always coz I wait for caps and comments before I hit bed...hard habit to break.

as for the other "couple/s"..I'd say "JY unburden yourself"...shake off off ppl make life hard..

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Ep.121 caps final part:

DP overheard BH talking on the phone to his mom,telling her not to worry and promising to go to the date at 7 no matter what.After BH hung up the phone call,DP went over to him and tell him that they have to go NOW for market research to Gimpo(?) to do some tasting.





DP: Yeah,why?

BH: There's nothing about it before this..

DP: It was talked about in last night's meet,you didn't go/know(?)

BH: You could've told me about it last night on the phone,or even this morning..

DP(without missing a beat and all wide-eyed innocent): I forgot.

BH: Team Leader,I've an important appointment today..can't we do it some other time?

The conversation continued with BH pleading his case and suggesting other solutions,but DP insisted that he must go no matter what.And then BH asked DP why is she's in a bad mood,and has been so since this morning,which only made her angrier and told him that there's no reason why she should be feeling bad.


~ Na DanPoong's Guide to Stopping The Guy You Like From Going To A Date With Another Woman - ~

Finally they were done with the tasting,and BH excused himself to leave but DP stopped him,earnestly saying that they should go and try other porridge as well.



BH politely declined her suggestion and then started to leave,but as a panicked DP watches him gathering his things,she quickly throw some sauce onto BH's shirt,leaving big splotches of stain on it.





BH looked up in absolute horror as DP unconvincingly tried to act shocked and guilty abt the incident.BH however was quick to console her saying it's gonna be fine and for her not to be sorry..BH then tell DP to leave first as he needs to go to the washroom..





Back in her car,another brilliant idea came up to DP,and hiding her car keys in her overcoat,she went out and pretended to be panicked over the fact that she left her keys in her handbag inside the car,explaining to BH that she suddenly wanted to go to the toilet and accidentally left it in there.







A disbelieving BH then tells DP that he really needs to leave right that moment for his important appointment,and advises DP to contact the insurance company to help out with her problem,and also ensures her that things will work out and she wont have to wait for too long..before hurriedly walking away from DP to get on his bus.




A very upset and dejected DP then started her car and drove away,bitterly sighing in her seat..before suddenly making a quick U-turn..

...to be continued... ;)

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It's so CUTE! DP is trying so hard to stop BH from going to that matchmaking meeting. All she had to do was to tell BH that she loves him and he doesn't need to go. Poor BH is clueless to why DP is behaving so strangely. It's torturous, but very funny.

Thanks for the screen caps and summaries!

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Omo...omo...how come our DP becomes that wily?!? :P Never come into my mind, DP will use her "intelligence and ellegance" to stop BH from matchmaking date. So..funny.. :lol:

She came up with so many tricky ideas in that short time. It tells us "Don't judge a book by its cover" :lol:

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Ep.121 caps final part:

(ok..so this is the real one :P )

Previously on Na DanPoong's Guide to Stopping The Guy You Like From Going To A Date With Another Woman ~

A very upset and dejected DP then started her car and drove away,bitterly sighing in her seat..before suddenly making a quick U-turn..





Meanwhile on the bus,our wildly pursued,lucky guy of the day Kang BaekHo sat innocently and cluelessly at his seat and began making himself comfortable with his cd-player and book.But before that,BH took a moment to look at the beloved photo of him and DP together,smiling reminiscently at himself before tucking it away safely in his bag.






Meanwhile,DP speeds up her car to chase the bus,and found herself in luck when the bus slows down at a stop..and as she gets nearer to the bus,called out BH's name..







..and DP kept calling out BH's name,but her efforts were to no avail as BH's attention was too focused elsewhere..



And frantically she keeps calling his name..as the bus went further away again..



Desperate to stop the bus from moving,DP tried to catch the attention of the bus driver..bscap172wz1.jpg




And when all other attempts failed,DP decided to go with the most dramatic(not to mention most dangerous! :o ) move to bring the bus to a halt..








Bus Driver: Miss..are you crazy?!How could you suddenly thrust your car in front of the bus that way??!

DP: I apologize..there is a person that I HAVE to see here..





Seriously though,like somebody have mentioned previously..the final scenes are really without question,sequences that are usually reserved for male leads in a K-drama.And DP gets to do it cuz she has to realize how desperately she needs BH. :sweatingbullets:

End of 121 caps.^^

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Guest damifino

General observations/comments...

**** I just finished watching episode 120... I'm not sure what made people think JY was going to go back to SJ based on her calling him "oppa." Her tone and look wasn't a longing "oppa, I miss you and I want to be with you," but more like a frustrated and annoyed, "oppa, why do you keep doing this?" Nothing about the way she looked at him made me think she wants him back in her life after what happened. It's understandable if she still has loving memories towards him since they were together for 5+ years and she wants to believe that he's still a good person deep inside to justify all those years of her loving him (after all, they were practically engaged AND it's only been less than 3 months since they broke up), but I don't get any hints from the look she gave him that says that she wants to get back together with SJ.

**** JY's father is struggling for money right now, not only because of what MA did with the bribe money from SJ's mom, but because he co-signed a loan for a friend who basically has stopped making payments thus making JY's father solely responsible for the payment of the loan. It's not only the animal hospital that is at stake (the rent hasn't been paid for several months), but the bank has also threatened to put a lien on the house that they are living in. What does that mean? If he doesn't keep paying the interest on his friend's loan, he will lose his house.

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Guest koreandramadabest

waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEE!!! I LOVE ITTT!!!!!!!!! HURRAY FOR HJK-HJH COUPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO NA DANPUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!

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General observations/comments...

**** JY's father is struggling for money right now, not only because of what MA did with the bribe money from SJ's mom, but because he co-signed a loan for a friend who basically has stopped making payments thus making JY's father solely responsible for the payment of the loan. It's not only the animal hospital that is at stake (the rent hasn't been paid for several months), but the bank has also threatened to put a lien on the house that they are living in. What does that mean? If he doesn't keep paying the interest on his friend's loan, he will lose his house.

Why? Why do these Kdrama men fully loaded with the responsibilities of taking care of their family co-signs loans for their "friends"???? Why???? That's like the dumbest move on earth! :wacko:

Even in America, where the responsibility of the co-signer is much more lenient, many parents won't even co-sign for their children! So why???? Why??? do these Kdrama men co-sign away the lively hood of their families????? This is beyond me! Maybe it's beyond me because I'm not one of those who buy into the 'friendship bit'! I was raised that friends don't borrow from friends!" <_<

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anybody watched 122 just now?geez ..I had to miss the first 5 mins,which is like the most vital part following last night's ending :rolleyes:..but anyway,the most important thing is...after 121 episodes..

:wub: :wub: Kang BaekHo and Na DanPoong are officially together!!! :wub: :wub:

:lol: sorry just had to get that out of my system,they are completely fools in love..the two of them in this episode.. :wub:

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Yeah,bm. I just read from other board. So...we're in celebration!! :lol: How about our club? We need new name...have any idea?

Has anyone know what DP said to BH in the bus? All their conversation just before their officially together? Very curious about that. Now the next step ... their first kiss :wub:

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Guest damifino

Why? Why do these Kdrama men fully loaded with the responsibilities of taking care of their family co-signs loans for their "friends"???? Why???? That's like the dumbest move on earth! :wacko:

Even in America, where the responsibility of the co-signer is much more lenient, many parents won't even co-sign for their children! So why???? Why??? do these Kdrama men co-sign away the lively hood of their families????? This is beyond me! Maybe it's beyond me because I'm not one of those who buy into the 'friendship bit'! I was raised that friends don't borrow from friends!" <_<

JY's father's sister says the same thing to him... that in this day and age of where even parents and children don't co-sign loans for each other, why would he stupidly co-sign a loan for a friend? He just replied, "How could I refuse when I see a friend of mine suffering?" Too bad his friend doesn't seem to feel the same way about him <_<

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bm..BH has no money to pay for first date? and the sweetest word for tonight is "Madam"?

Is calling or giving gf code name Madam or Miss romantic enough?..


also learned not much DaenBaek scenes in tonight's episode. The fact that loooong awaited moment happened tonight made this episode so special.

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Guest allydean

anybody watched 122 just now?geez ..I had to miss the first 5 mins,which is like the most vital part following last night's ending :rolleyes:..but anyway,the most important thing is...after 121 episodes..

:wub: :wub: Kang BaekHo and Na DanPoong are officially together!!! :wub: :wub:

:lol: sorry just had to get that out of my system,they are completely fools in love..the two of them in this episode.. :wub:

:lol: yeah, 122 eps and finally,.. finally they are together as a couple,.. to all BH-DP's fans, let's give ourselves a pat on the back and hope today's ep will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship between these two characters,.. he he

and bm, :lol: I bet you're going to watch the first 5 mins over and over again,..

I've watched the preview for tomorrow,.. things aren't looking well for the Hwangs,... BH and DP are dating (BH's broke),.. SJ's suspicious of them,..

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Yeah,bm. I just read from other board. So...we're in celebration!! :lol: How about our club? We need new name...have any idea?

Has anyone know what DP said to BH in the bus? All their conversation just before their officially together? Very curious about that. Now the next step ... their first kiss :wub:

YES we are totally in celebration,and then some..bring out the champagne and also the confettis!! :lol: Maybe someone else can come up with an idea for the new name ke2! I thought the first name I gave was pretty long winded..haha.

The name "ssagaji" in both in their handphones are now "MaNim"(for DP) and "DolSoe"(for BH)..so cute.


:wub: (the words they used were referring to these adorable dolls of course)


..DanBaek are so in tune with each other,they both decided to change the names using this concept by coincidence.. :) BH was going "Honey?or Baby?UH-HUH!!" *types 마님* :lol:

Look at BH..doesnt he just look blissful? :D


(some 122 swf clips,credits to migo dc gall)

BH can't stop himself from openly staring at DP... :P


And then he does it some more..probably because he still can't believe it.. :lol:


DP's angry words at BH abt him going to a matchmaking date.. :)


Na DanPoong,starting today we're going out!! ^^


ally..watched the first 5 mins already! :wub:

oh..about the preview I've actually seen it earlier,just didnt wanna think about it yet (tsk tsk.."What are you two doing??!" coming from SJ,of all people <_< )..or what's gonna happen between JY and SJ,for that matter..

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