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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Thank you for all the work on the summaries 13 damifino!!!! :w00t::w00t:

I hope everything is well with Dramaok!!!!!

We miss you.......

To all my cyberbuddies. It has been a pleasure to read and respond to your posts on this board.

Hopefully , we will all see each other with the next drama!

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Guest Gen_Ji

oh thank you 13damifino for the summary... It was very helpfull.....

ya...it's right...where is dramaok and bm ??? I hope they are fine....

Comeback soon dramaok and bm....We miss you a lot....:lol:

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Guest Cerise

Thanks a lot 13damifino ....

Your summary is very cute....

I was like this :( feeling how SA is tore apart between the two.. And like this :huh: with granny's reaction, as if her late husband's and son's reputation doesn't matter.

But mostly i was like this :lol: reading your summary... HAHA~!

dramaok and bm, we miss you, hope everything is well with you two.....,

ditto~! I hope they're fine.

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Guest merela

From the preview for tomorrow, it looks like we won't know what will happen to SJ (or his fate) until next week. Can you believe Friday is upon us again?!

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I hope he doesn't go running back to JY. And worse, that she doesn't say "oh, Oppa, I knew you would come back!" and fall into his arms. The synopsis of the show say she will make the ultimate sacrifice for love. So far, I have not seen any sacrifice so I hope she isn't going to sacifice WJ and her family for that scum bag.


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is GeumJa an dJiyoungs dad together?

betta not push WJ and JY's wedding later cus Jythings her dad shud marry first or sumfin..

nahdoubt it cus hteres too few eps left!

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Guest bm05om

hoping our dear dramaok is fine and bm too.

ya...it's right...where is dramaok and bm ??? I hope they are fine....

Comeback soon dramaok and bm....We miss you a lot.... :lol:

dramaok and bm, we miss you, hope everything is well with you two.....,

rafaelle,ke2,Cerise,Gen_Ji,hongkong_girl and all MiGoers..I'm fine and well,missed you guys and MiGo too..thank you for the concern and sorry for letting you guys worry.*head down in guilt* I just havent been able to really watch the last few episodes due to my circumstances,but will try to catch up and maybe post some caps this weekend.I hope our dramaok is fine and will be back soon,I had no idea we would both be missing at the same time.thanks damifino and everyone who contributed with everything at the thread..next week is the final week of MiGo already..ahh the withdrawals.. :(

I hope he doesn't go running back to JY. And worse, that she doesn't say "oh, Oppa, I knew you would come back!" and fall into his arms. The synopsis of the show say she will make the ultimate sacrifice for love. So far, I have not seen any sacrifice so I hope she isn't going to sacifice WJ and her family for that scum bag.

And I so DO NOT want this to happen!!And her character synopsis just doesnt make me any feel better.<_<

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It's a big relief bm is back ... we just have to wait for dramaok. Hopefully he/she is fine.

I wouldn't wish JY another tragedy by going back to SJ ... I echo ke2's protest ...NO WAYYYY!

SA looked pathetic on her knees begging her Dad to reconsider his decision to fire SJ ... but I'm not moved at all. If MS gives in to her pleadings, what will become of him ... he will be an ineffective chief executive or CEO or just be a figurehead because the power of the president were handed down to SJ & he'll call the shots. MS will be ignored because company matters will be in the hands of SJ ... if granny witch learns about SJ wishing MS to be forever helpless & bedridden, she might see the seriousness of SJ's offense like the money SJ's misappropriated can be replenished but the evil intention to get rid of his son MS is dangerous & awful. IF she is in her right mind she'll think about saving SJ again.

Thanks 13damifino for the much-needed summary.

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Hiii....bm! Miss u so much... I thought you and dramaok make a plot together or help Karma....to knock SJ down maybe :lol: We only have 6 episodes left...and seems like losing something without you and dramaok in count down of final episode :(

I love this thread so much. Hope meet you guys, Migoers in other thread/serial and sharing insights like this. All of you make this thread so interesting...gosh still a week ahead but I feel sad already :tears:

I think MS should ignore SA's pleading, not only for company's sake but for SA herself too. MS already adviced SJ to try to love SA, coz he himself had same experience while he's married with SA's mother. But SJ never ever make any effort for it. He should know that later SJ will give more pain and sorrow to SA so he'd better firm to his decision, kick off SJ's butt :ph34r:

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Guest kauaisurfer

i knew it! i knew it! i knew the writers would insert the forgiveness card! here's to hoping that MS will not yield!

chonsa...We both "hear you"...SJ should NEVER be forgiven...and should be Shamed and put in jail...

Wait a great ending shot of SJ....would be of him in a lonely jail cell....

Hiii....bm! Miss u so much... I thought you and dramaok make a plot together or help Karma....to knock SJ down maybe :lol: We only have 6 episodes left...and seems like losing something without you and dramaok in count down of final episode :(

I love this thread so much. Hope meet you guys, Migoers in other thread/serial and sharing insights like this. All of you make this thread so interesting...gosh still a week ahead but I feel sad already :tears:

I think MS should ignore SA's pleading, not only for company's sake but for SA herself too. MS already adviced SJ to try to love SA, coz he himself had same experience while he's married with SA's mother. But SJ never ever make any effort for it. He should know that later SJ will give more pain and sorrow to SA so he'd better firm to his decision, kick off SJ's butt :ph34r:

We Agree...110%!

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Guest classychic

off with SJ's head! no forgiveness for him! he is an insane greedy man!

i seriously doubt that with just a few episodes left that he will have a change of heart (that would not be realistic), *hah!* he was always and still is, a selfish selfish boy even at the start of the drama.

he had wish for Mansu's death, even told him to die already,i hope the writers wake up ( i really suspect the writers are in love with SJ character, maybe they hope to meet a guy like him?..hmmm)

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Guest Animefanzgirl

If you go to this link everyday you can see a preview of the next days eps.

Thanks to the original poster.


Looks like Mansu will fire SJ. Sua is upset about it. Things are going well for Bacon (BH). Granny is still being a nasty cow. SJ goes to see JY and hides seeing her with WJ from a distance. SJ give Sua divorce papers. (This is what it looks like anyways) ;)

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Guest Bijan630

13damifino, elainecruz63, thank you so much for the effort you put into these summaries.

Dramaok, hope you are well and please hurry back.

Now, yesterday I had a moment of temporary insanity. I actually felt sorry for Sua and I had the rug pulled out from under me again so I'm really aching right now. SJ almost caused MS, her father, to lose his life and she's crying because she loves him?? Where is the anger that she often showed YS?

Foolish, foolish, Sua.....you're little lesson is this. The next time you see a pretty package and bring it home even though you saw a tag on it that let you know it didn't belong to you, don't ever, ever, open up that package. The surprise you got truly wasn't what you expected. This is your punishment for going after an engaged man. Also, just a little reminder here, you gave SJ permission to use and abuse you when he told you that he only wanted to be with you because of your father's company. You have yet to truly suffer.

Granny Witch....didn't someone on this board predict that she would see anything wrong with what SJ was doing? This is freaking unbelieveable! Again, it's no big deal, it was done for the sake of the company, you still have to let him inherit the company, he broke the law but it's alright........AAARRGGGHHH!!!

What world is this woman living in? MS, her son, ran this company with a spotless reputation. MS was and is well respected in the business world. Since SJ has been given that position, the company has had bad press, MS has had eggs thrown at him, and you're dear son-in-law could actually lose not only the company, but the family fortune due to his power hungry madness.

You know, I don't want her to have a heart attack, dementia, alzheimer's, no illness what-so-ever. I want Granny Witch to live a very, very long time with her mental faculties all in tact. I want her dear sister to slap reality into her pathetic mind, make her face the truth about everything that's going on, and let her spend the rest of her life with it playing over and over again in her mind.

The only reason why this witch isn't angry at SJ is because he's never shown her how nasty he is to her face. SJ is smart and he still knows who's holding the purse strings. If he had talked to that witch the way he talked to MS, the witch would have put him in jail.

Sua, your husband just ran over your father, my son, with a tank. Ommo, wait a minute, I just saw his finger move, it's alright then, MS shouldn't have been in SJ's path.

I'm taking that forgiveness card and putting it in a confetti shredder. Afterwards, I'm going to set it on fire and the ashes should be sent to the writers.....Where's Karma?

Here's a question for all of you......something just isn't right.......why didn't SJ's mother react when Sua told her in-laws about SJ getting caught by her father for embezzlement and slush funds of the company money?

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