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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 150 (Tuesday April 1, 08):


BH: what? what does that mean?

JS: don't you understand Korean? it's just as i said. live w/out registering your marriage for now.

BH: .. may i ask you for a reason?

JS: don't try to know the reason. what will you do if you knew anyway? don't think it difficultly these days lots of young ppl live like that.

BH: then.. mother in law.. do you think we might break up?

JS: when did i say that? anyways do as i told you, got it?

BH: --

JS: why don't you answer?

DP comes: mom! what were you talking about with Baekho ssi?

JS: nothing. come down for dinner. (leaves)

DP: what did mom say?

BH: nothing. she just brought laundry in. acham... i should call my home.

DP: oh right we forgot..



MS: oh i keep wanting to come home w/ you here waiting for me like this.. others probably think i have a hidden honey pot at home..

G: gee.. i can't bear to hear this gross talk... Mansoo at your age do you still want to say such thing?

MS: mother.. you are a honeypot to me too..

G: huh.. you should put some saliva on your lips if you're gonna lie.. oh how you've gotten so greasy lately...

DP and BH call..


DP: granny. it's Danpoong. we're calling to let you know we got here safely after honeymoon trip.

G: okay.. and the inlaws are fine?

DP: yes.

G: then do will you come here tomorrow?

DP: yes.

G: okay. then i'll let daughter-in-law (DJ) know.


G: i'm already so awkward about it.. how absurd and awkward it must be for Soo-Ah to have Baekho going there as her brother-in-law.. Dongji, the kids are sleeping over there tonight and coming back tomorrow.

DJ: yes.

MS: but you should've let us hear the kids voice.. i feel disappointed..

G: why, Dongji are you disappointed?

DJ: no. hehe.. tomorrow they'll be here..


DP: oh she hung up. i was gonna talk to mother and hand it over to you too..

BH: we'll see them tomorrow.. but we should go down for dinner they're waiting..


DP: Baekho ssi.. try this..

SA: (stare)

SJ: (stare)

JS: (stare)

DP: oh cuz Baekho ssi isn't good w/ chopsticks. dad.. you try this.

GT: yup you could help him then.

DP: hehe..


GT: how should we address each other now.. let's see.. son-in-law Kang used to be older brother to Seon-Jae, but now Seon-Jae is the older brother? so then.. oh! we could do this.. at your home Seon-Jae calls you older brother, but here you call him older brother, how about it?

BH: yes. i got it.


SJ: (stare)

SA: (stare)



WJ: the pasta is good here isn't it?

JY: yup it's yummy.

WJ: oh tomorrow there's a reunion gathering. wanna go together?

JY: --

WJ: why? not into it?

JY: no let's go together.. i'll go w/ you.

WJ: ya... Hwang Ji-Yeong.. do you know that i feel nervous w/ you so easy to convince? okay to go see my parents next wkend, and okay to see my friends too.. i'm not used to it cuz you're suddenly like this. heh!

JY: (sighs)



Chanee recites a poem and everyone is impressed, and Miae says Chanee resembles her in his talents.

aunt #1 tells Chanee to go brush up and aunt tells MA to find something to do for Chanee's sake.

then Jiyeong comes back.


DP and BH sing on the bed holding hands..


DP: (off-tune) i like you the most too in the world.. even if everything changes..

BH: hehe..

DP: what! you said you werent' gonna laugh. i'm not doing this then.

BH: okay okay sorry. let's do this again..

DP: no forget it.

BH: but you wanted to practice so you can sing good infront of the colleagues next time we have work function.

DP: but you keep laughing when you said you weren't going to.

BH: heh.. but to be honest your singing is funny.

DP: forget it. do you think i wanted to be tone-deaf?

BH: (pokes her) still won't?

DP: no!

BH: (tickles her) how about now!

DP: stop. (tickles back)

BH: oh! she's gonna contend to the end again.. hehehe (tickles and attacks her then puts blanket over them and tickles her more)


DP: ack!!!!!

BH: still no? huh? huh? hehehe..


SA comes out to the hallway and hears the two being noisy and laughing, and SA goes to drink.


SJ: Soo-Ah ssi are you drinking liquor right now?

SA: yup.. cuz i can't sleep.

SJ: let's go in.

SA: why? i'm still by myself in there... do you know this? lately even when you're next to me i feel like i'm by myself.

SJ: stop drinking you're drunk.

SA: i'm not drunk. not one bit. (passes out)


NEXT morning..


DP and BH bow goodbye to JS..

DP: am i really leaving now.. it's hard to believe..

JS: go live well.

BH: mother in law.. we will visit often..

DP: please tell dad later when he comes back home that we'll be visiting a lot.


JS: here.. give this to them.. and help my Danpoong a lot. Danpoong you go and live there and see.. you'll think of me..

DP: (teary) mom be well..

JS: go.. hurry and go!

BH: goodbye mother in law..

JS: and don't forget what i said to you yesterday.

DP: what did you two talk about?

JS: it's nothing. just go now..

JS: did my mom feel like this too after sending me off to marriage? what is this really.. (cry).



MS: did you have fun on honeymon?

DP/BH: yes.

MS: you two married under difficult circumstance so live well. and spread the scent of sesame salt everywhere.. hehe..

G: but they shouldn't be bashful infront of elders.. do accordingly.. just accordingly as w/ everything as it's the most difficult to adhere..

DP: yes. oh we got you presents.


G: oh what is this?

DP: it's reformed hanbok.. granny you are full of noble grace it would suit you well.

G: noble grace? me?

DP: of course! everytime i came to see you i kept thinking i wish i could grow old like you too when i do..

G: thanks for thinking that way.. (to self) this.. isn't she a fox.. .. the kids must be tired let them go rest.



DP: wow... this is our room then..

BH: but won't you feel suffocating in here.. it's so small after the furnitures are in.

DP: it's fine.


BH: (hugs her) thank you.. it must not be easy to come in here and live. i'll be good to you.

DP: but it wasn't a hard decision.. but let's go register our marriage today!

BH: what.. today?

DP: yup.. once we start working again it'll be hard to find the time so let's go out for a stroll and get it done.

BH: acham.. why so rushed.. i'm tired (jumps to bed) let's do it some other time..

DP: hm.. suspicious..

BH: what?

DP: you don't want to register marriage w/ me?

BH: there you go again i'm just tired..

Miss Ko calls DP and tells her they need something in her car.

DP: what to do.. i'll have to stop by work right now. i forgot to give'em the documents i prepared before we left for honeymoon.

BH: you just need to hand over the document?

DP: yup.

BH: give it to me i'll do it. don't wanna see my madam getting tired..


BH: hello all!

Ko: oh!! and where's Na teamlead?

BH: since she just needed to get this to you i came.

Yoon: what. are you protecting the mrs already?

BH: Rep. Yoon you get married and see for yourself.. and you'll understand how i feel..

YS: tell us about your honeymoon.

BH: honeymoon?

Yoon: oh.. heh.. me too i'm curious too.. especially about your wedding night.. haha..

BH's phone rings: oh.. phone.. i'll be back..


DH calls BH from some.. errr "Kazak-looking" Seoul building.. to say hi.



SJ: how are you handling work like this? didn't you make an appointment w/ the district chief?

Park: i did.. but looks like he's avoiding us on purpose...

SJ: we're not asking for anything illegal.. why are they blocking the project just over some little protest by residents?

Park: i think they are just avoiding it at all cause upfront in order to avoid any troubles or controversies.

SJ: --

Park: how about you seek help from your father? this is something that deputy secretary Na could easily take care of.

SJ: not yet.. do everything you can to make another appointment.



SA: omo.. how cute and pretty...


JS: what did you buy so much...

SA: this and that.. mother look at this..

JS: omo what is this.. omo... too adorable..

SA: isn't it.. heh..

JS: you bought this?

SA: mother.. i want to have a baby..

JS: omo.. really?

SA: please get us some tonic so Seon-Jae ssi and i can have a big strong baby.

JS: why? are you gonna throw it all away like last time?

SA: no... i'm really gonna eat it well this time..

JS: really? Then of course i'll get it for you.. our Soo-Ah... how great it is..

SA: oh mother.. i'm going over to maiden home tonight.. they asked me to come..

JS: sure.. i guess they want you there w/ the new couple there.. did they call Seon-Jae too?

SA: yup.

JS: then get along well w/ Seon-Jae... don't be so hard.. men don't like it when women nag too much.



WJ: oye! new groom!

BH: did you watch the company well in my absense hm?

WJ: the company has gone haywire with Kang Baekho and Na teamlead missing.. heh..

BH: hehe..

WJ: but look how your face has brighten up in just a few days! i'm envious.

BH: if you're envious then why don't you have us eat noodle soup soon huh?

WJ: but i am planning to soon.

BH: oh?

WJ: Ji-Yeong said okay to marrying me!

BH: yah!!! congrats congrats!!!

WJ: acham.. Ji-Yeong said sorry for not attending the wedding.. let's get together some time.

BH: of course.. i'll set a date..

WJ: but aren't you still on vacation? why did you come here.

BH: i had to come deliver an important document and since i'm here i thought i see your face too. but now that i have.. i'm gonna go see my bride now.. heh..


Park: "reporter Jo.. why are you doing this again? like i said last time there's no problem at all. isn't it always the case that nearby residents protest whenever there's a new factory to be built? of course so! and soon we will get the project approved by the district so what use is it to waste your effort on this now? okay.. then i'll buy you a fancy drink sometime.. then.. "

BH overhears: Park teamlead.. is there an issue w/ the 3rd factory building project?

Park: no.

BH: but i think there were talk of severe protest too from the residents..

Park: this is not an issue for you to be involved in i think.. and Director Na has said so as well.



DP: omo omo! ha.. he goes around in this kinda boxer like a little kid? ha.

BH calls.

DP: yes? seobangnim (dear husband)?

BH: seobangnim? hah.. love it. but what to do..

DP: hm?

BH: i have to stop by somewhere for work. i might be late.

DP: really? what is it?

BH: it's hard to explain over the phone. let me tell you when i get home..

DP: okay..

BH: but will you be okay w/out me there.

DP: don't worry about me and take care of work dear hubby..


DJ: no no don't be tensed.. were you organizing the closet?

DP: yup. i was putting away Baekho ssi and my clothes..

DJ: you should take it slow.. you must be tired.

DP: nope i'm not tired at all..

DJ: what do you like to eat, Danpoong.. i'll make what you like for dinner.

DP: but i eat everything well..

DJ: then is there something you wanna eat? i'd like to make something for you.

DP: then mother.. how about bulgogi (seasoned beef)?

DJ: oho! Baekho loves bulgogi too.. sure then..

DP: mother. i'll come out and help after i clear all this..

DJ: no it's okay.. you rest i got it..


G: why don't you make some haemultang (spicy seafood soup) that son in law Na likes since he and Soo-Ah are coming tonight.

DJ: um.. i was gonna make bulgogi.

G: but son in law Na likes seafood more than meat.. and Soo-Ah doesn't eat meat well either.. make haemultang instead.. and some abalone too.

DJ: but haemultang needs to be made w/ fresh seafood in order to be good.. at this hour the seafood wouldn't be fresh..

G: but i told you much earlier that they're coming.. what have you been doing all this time? they don't come often how can you be so senseless.. you only think about what your son likes. gee.. look around the house nothing's sparkling clean you just do a so so job.. you have to do well so that Baekho's bride can learn well too don't you know?

DJ: new child only studied and now she goes to work too.. so i'll do the houseworks.

G: aigooo... you don't think about my Soo-Ah or son in law Na at all.. and how you're showing your heart so much now! but i guess this is why they say the arm curls inward..

DJ: i'll go to the market now..

G: forget it! don't do something you don't have your heart in. try and make something w/out your heart and it won't taste like anything! (leaves and is startled to see DP)

G: new child.. were you here to eavesdrop on elders?

DP: no.. i just got here..

G: you go and help your mother in law and learn to make dinner too.

DJ: oh you should just rest..



BH goes to the site at the village and sees residents protesting w/ banners hung passionately opposing the Bonjour factory construction plan.


BH: how much is it?

lady: it's $2.20.

BH: you know.. i saw the protesting and banner over there by the construction plansite.. what's going on? are the residents opposing it?

lady: not just opposing.. they are opposing w/ their life and death. i don't think it will be easy for them to build their factory there..

BH: really?

lady: of course.. some of the residents shaved their heads to protest even!



WJ: woah... Hwang Ji-Yeong... you really dressed beautifully today..

dad: but my daughter's always beautiful..

WJ: that's true. but father. will it be okay if i bring her home late tonight?

dad: how late?

WJ: but if i want to brag to my friends about her they'll make me buy them a big meal and all it'll take a long time..

dad: of course then! do whatever you want!

WJ: Ji-Yeong you heard your dad right? so no complaining about being out late or anything..


WJ introduces JY to his two buddies. one of them met JY before.. WJ brags about JY nonstop..

JY's phone rings and she steps away for a sec..


friend: i guess you're serious about her since you're introducing her to us and all but what the heck is your plan?

WJ: --

friend: her.. who was that guy.. oh Na Seon-Jae guy from the finance dept.. she dated him didn't she?

WJ: so?

friend: i mean that's that.. i heard she was gonna marry him.. how did she get mixed up w/ you? but funny.. she was gonna marry some other guy and now being w/ you?

WJ: Yong-Soon you watch your language..

friend: i mean.. why do you have to be w/ a girl w/ a past..

WJ: did you say past just now? i didn't know you were like that.. but Yong-Soon don't you have a past too? don't we all have a past?

friend: but is a woman's past the same as a man's past?

other: hey hey stop this..

WJ: you pathetic guy.. and to think i was friends w/ you for so long. i'm leaving..


WJ gets up and sees JY standing there w/ her head down.


WJ: don't be bothered about what happened today.

JY: but he didn't say anything wrong.

WJ: i don't know why ppl can't distinguish current w/ the past. the past is the past.. isn't it?

JY: --

WJ: i know Yong-Soon didn't make anything up.. it's true that you met with Na Seon-Jae.. but that is the past. and it's passed. i know the heart tends to waver back and forth between now and the past too, but Ji-Yeong, don't forget that you are with me now.

JY: --


BOng house..

G: son in law Na i know you're busy but come often. it's so nice when you're here w/ us to have dinner..

SJ: yes i will.

DP brings tea for them..


DP: oppa..

SJ: thanks i'll drink it well..

MS: but where's Baekho..

SA: can you get me a glass of water.. at my home here it's not a self-service thing.

SJ: --

DJ: i'll get you the water.

DP: no mother.. i'll get it..

BH: i'm back..

G: but what kept you from your bride on the first night back?

BH: i'm sorry something came up.

MS: Baekho you're here too let's have a drink just among the men..


MS: toast.. son in law Na.. it must feel strange for you to see your younger sister here isn't it?

SJ: --

MS: you'll get used to it soon i think. cham.. the construction is starting soon.. how do you think the usage permit is coming along? that will be an issue if not resolved soon.

SJ: it will be resolved soon, so don't worry.

BH: i wanted to speak to you about it actually.. i went to the site today.

MS: site? you mean the new factory site?

BH: yes. and i realized the situation is more dire than we realize.

MS: what do you mean?

BH: the residents are protesting severely. i don't think the construction will be easily approved.

MS: what?!


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Guest bm05om

thanks dramaok for the summary/translation.^__^

BH: oh! she's gonna contend to the end again.. hehehe (tickles and attacks her then puts blanket over them and tickles her more)

DP's off-tune singing scene was too funny :lol: ,and of course the tickling scene was so cute ^_^..and it was great to see DanBaek being such a contrast to the SA/SJ couple..they were so annoyed at the newlyweds ... keke. :P

DH calls BH from some.. errr "Kazak-looking" Seoul building.. to say hi.

LMAO this was too funny :lol::lol: ..I thought maybe they should've just skipped showing the part where DH/Sonia's all prepared for their "wedding",and instead just show the scene of BH talking on the phone with DH's voiceover..that would've been sufficient..it looked too unreal that it became funny and it spoiled the whole thing.. :sweatingbullets:

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SJ: (stare) firing off a round of envy

SA: (stare) throwing a boat load of darts of jealousy

Bowl of Rice: Hardening up so it can choke these two!

[ quote]

I couldn't resist recapping... Gomen :sweatingbullets:

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Guest joannabk

I cannot help but note the fact that now the layout of DP & BH's room looks exactly like that of SJ & SA. Are the writers trying a bit hard to compare and contrast...

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SJ: (stare) firing off a round of envy

SA: (stare) throwing a boat load of darts of jealousy

Bowl of Rice: Hardening up so it can choke these two!

[ quote]

I couldn't resist recapping... Gomen :sweatingbullets:

I second that ... you're fast, gerryg & funny. They're annoyed because they never felt that way as newlyweds. <_<

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Guest elainecruz63

did someone checked out the preview at kbs for tom. .i just saw it.. i am not korean ... any translations please.... is this up to episode 170? :unsure: thanks

i was wondering why danbaekho did not pay respect to baekho's father before or after the wedding.. I have seen it in other korean drama. Is there such a custom in korea?

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Guest Cerise

did someone checked out the preview at kbs for tom. .i just saw it.. i am not korean ... any translations please.... is this up to episode 170? :unsure: thanks

i was wondering why danbaekho did not pay respect to baekho's father before or after the wedding.. I have seen it in other korean drama. Is there such a custom in korea?

You asked so many questions inone line ... :sweatingbullets:

I haven't watched the online preview yet.... and actually the drama is up to 170+3... 173 episode. Don't ask me why 3 additional episodes, I still have to figure that out.

And about DanBaek not paying respect for his late father.. hmmm.. I think they should do it, cuz I've seen it too in other dramas. This will mean so much for Baekho if DP asked to visit his father's crave.

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SJ: (stare) firing off a round of envy

SA: (stare) throwing a boat load of darts of jealousy

Bowl of Rice: Hardening up so it can choke these two!


SA: can you get me a glass of water.. at my home here it's not a self-service thing.

SJ: --

DJ: i'll get you the water.

DP: no mother.. i'll get it..

That was degrading... I wonder how rude SA can get. She enjoys getting back at ppl. Looks like that spoiled butch never will learn anything. A bad loser indeed. That being said, I bet we'll see SA's face at the Bong's more often to insult/ridicule DP maybe. Thats just a guess. Round 1 between DP and SA perhaps?

I always wonder how'd they actually fare if both SA and SJ were to live on their own like what the old hag wanted. I bet it would be a real mess. It'll look like a bachelor's place? Haha :sweatingbullets:

Also, it seems to me that this one looks like its a race to who gets preggy first. I wonder who we'll see with a fake big tummy first.

"Ladies, start your 'engines'!"


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Also, it seems to me that this one looks like its a race to who gets preggy first. I wonder who we'll see with a fake big tummy first.

"Ladies, start your 'engines'!"


:lol: ... since BH seems to be the hornier one ... no price for guessing eh? ;)

DP's mom is simply amazing in her delusions ... she must be totally living in her own world to want her daughter to have a marriage like the one SA & SJ is having when it's all happening under her nose ~ Till now ... granny witch, SA & JS ... they still don't get anything out of their past mistakes do they? It's always someone else's fault~

At least DP living in the Bong household ... will finally learn where SA learned all her nasty manners from~

I see heartbreak for WJ coming up ... poor guy~

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Guest merela

I also think JY would back out from her decision to marry WJ. If she truly doesn't love him the way she should, then she shouldn't marry him. She likes WJ as a very good friend. Unfortunately, her feelings for WJ are not the same as her feelings for SJ. Her reluctance to meet WJ's parents and friends--such forced smile--is not something a bride-to-be should be acting. Now that she knows WJ's friends are against her and being a nice girl she is, she wouldn't want WJ hurt or ridiculed, she will likely step back from her decision. Truth be told, if she is so reluctant to give her heart to WJ, she doesn't deserve WJ. In the long run, he will be better off without her. I hope WJ wakes up from his fantasy--how can he feel so happy when he knows JY's heart is not with him?!

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DP's off-tune singing scene was too funny :lol: ,and of course the tickling scene was so cute ^_^..and it was great to see DanBaek being such a contrast to the SA/SJ couple..they were so annoyed at the newlyweds ... keke. :P

here's clip of that :)


credit jihyeifensi & kate

thanks for summaries, love the comments too.

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Guest bm05om

Ep.146 caps 1:


DJ: oh... no.. i mean, there's still time to hear what the kids want before we build their newlywed home.


JS: you! do you even have a conscience huh? you're out to get us.

DJ: get you? gee.. don't talk so extreme! nono... i'm sorry. i think i made a mistake so don't get upset.

JS: you infuriate someone and tell them not to get upset?! are you joking right now?


DJ: okay okay. i said i was sorry... we'll prepare the newlywed home enough so it won't disappoint you so don't worry, but the reason why i'm here today.. is to ask

you about having a simply dinner tomorrow for formal bride and groom bow. and we can talk more tomorrow about the newlywed home when everyone's there, ok?


DP and BH going eye shopping for stuff...




...and pose for the camera..



lady: oh it's your first time here today?

BH/DP: yup.. we're getting married soon! heh!


^ what a well-matched couple..:sweatingbullets:

DP then shops for pj's, while BH has a "moment" w/ a lingerie..:blush:




Hopeful BH..:lol:


Cute DanBaek..




Caught! :lol:



DP:hehehe.. ah we're done eye-shopping.. so now we just pick the ones we need to buy.. but aren't you hungry?


BH: how about having dinner w/ my maternal uncle today? he's like my big brother.. and more than anyone else i really want to introduce you formally to him.


DP: okay. acham... do you remember how i misunderstood you as Chanee's dad a long time ago?

BH: ahaha of course! when you got food together for me to give to Chanee.. i was thinking then that you might be a woman not as bad as i thought.

DP: not as bad as you thought?



BH: well.. honestly.. our first mutual impressions weren't so great, right?

DP: ya.. now that i look at it.. you've become a dragon compared to then..

BH: but you have a way of contend to the end.


DP: well that! i learned it from you then. hehe..

BH: hehe..

DP: oh you should call your uncle, in case he has plan already..



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Guest bm05om

Ep.146 caps 2:


DH: haha ya.. your love is finally blooming flowers.. it's hard to believe. congrats!

DP: thank you.

DH: i thought it would be difficult for you two but certainly.. there's a way if there's love.. let's eat.. Baekho ya.. i'll eat well.. hehehe.. Sonia eat a lot.

Sonia: mister you too..


BH: (cough) Danpoong ssi you eat a lot too..

DP: thank you..

DH: gee he always has to follow.


BH: hey hey that's not right. you just did what i was gonna do first. huh! (to Sonia) please take good care of uncle from now on.

Sonia: yes.

DH: hey i should make the request! um.. inlaw miss! no.. niece in law, Baekho is really immature in many ways, please take care.

DP: yes.

BH: hey uncle! just eat why don't you!

DH: haha..



BH: when will you two go to Kazakhstan?

DH: after your wedding. if i'm not at your wedding it's like a steam bun w/out the filling!

BH: thank you uncle.. i would be so sad if you didn't come.. and this.. Danpoong ssi and i discussed about what to get you guys for you getting married, and we thought it's better if you just buy what you need w/ this.


DH: oh.. you don't need to do this.

DP: please accept it.. and we congrat you sincerely.. it's not much in there, but we filled it with our wish for you to live happily after all the difficulty you endured.


DH: we have something for you too.. how about if we decorate your wedding hall? we thought that would be more meaningful than something else.


DP/BH: of course! we'd love that.




JS: are you a moron? a dummy? why would you go and live in that house? why do you make that decision w/out even one word of discussion w/ me first? huh?

DP: oh and i thought... that's why you're like this? granny said to do that and i don't think it's a bad idea either.

JS: that's why you're a moron. don't you know a woman's fate follows her husband's? Baekho isn't even acknowledged in that house he's like cold rice there. it's just a matter time that you become cold rice too, why don't you know that!!

DP: mom, why do you keep thinking that way only? after i go in there i will work hard. Baekho ssi and i promised each other, that we'd treat the elders well and live well. and i don't want to see my Baekho ssi getting ignored anymore so i'm gonna make it so that granny acknowledges him. you watch!


JS: omomo look at her.. don't you think i know mrs. Choi? do you think this is so easy? stop talking so much and you just disengage yourself from this issue. i'm gonna bring it up tomorrow at the formal bride and groom bow. if you keep doing this i will overthrow this marriage!!

DP: mom! please.. mom how about you be the first to be nice to Baekho ssi, hm? you know as they say son-in-laws are loved by their mother-in-laws.

JS: oh you should just wish for things that can come true instead! do you think i approve this marriage because i wanted to?


SA comes w/ some roses and wine..


JS: yeah Soo-Ah you got a good thinking... spouses need to have a glass of wine like this from time to time and work hard together.

SA: gee mother don't go too overboard. it's not that. i just bought these cuz i was bored. (goes to room)


DP: mom... isn't new sister too much when she's like that? gee.. what a jerk..

JS: (hits DP) you just do good yourself! Soo-Ah is at least better than you!

DP: mom! do you mean that?

JS: did i say anything wrong?


DP: (stare)

JS: omo! who are you staring at! aren't you gonna blink?


DP: (more stare and leaves)

JS: omo.. what to do w/ that really...



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Guest Cerise

The preview for episode 151....


Poor guy WJ.. JY is so mean really. She shouldn't accept his marriage proposal. I, too, have a feeling that she'll back out. She's not showing any signs of affection towards WJ. On the preview SJ will see the couple ring on WJ's finger and WJ is talking about their incident on the musical day then he's saying that he'll marry JY.

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Guest bm05om

Poor guy WJ.. JY is so mean really. She shouldn't accept his marriage proposal. I, too, have a feeling that she'll back out. She's not showing any signs of affection towards WJ. On the preview SJ will see the couple ring on WJ's finger and WJ is talking about their incident on the musical day then he's saying that he'll marry JY.

In tomorrow's ep WJ's gonna attempt to kiss JY..sighs,I wonder what the results will be.. :(

152 preview

선 재는 백호에게 위아래 없이 나대면 서로 곤란한 일이 생길 거라고 경고하고, 만수와 백호가 함께 퇴근하는 모습을 보자 어이없어 한다. 술 취한 지영을 위해 약을 사 온 우진은 지영의 방 앞에서 충격적인 말을 듣게 되는데.... 식사를 준비하던 단풍은 실수로 취사버튼을 누르지 않게 되고 최여사는 버럭 화를 낸다. 백호는 현장을 찾아가 주민들이 왜 반대하는지에 대한 원인을 알아보고, 그 시각 용도변경 문제로 점점 위기에 몰리던 선재는 기태에게 용도변경을 해달라고 부탁하는데...

Btw,in tonight's ep.151 BH gave DP a surprise "morning kiss" as she was fixing his tie :wub: ..which looked soo natural and somehow felt way hotter than the one they had on their wedding night in my book, :P even if it was just a quick one.. kekeke.. ;)







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