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Left Handed Or Right Handed?

Guest VindictusDame

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Guest Supernike911

i'm a righty, but my dad is both

for reals, he can use both hands to do work

they say lefties are smarter than righties since being a lefty is rare enough... *huff* LOL

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I'm left-handed. 

It's easy to tell because I smear my writing and the flat bottom side of my palm (no idea what it's actually called) is blackened from graphite, charcoal, pastels, etc. And in tight situations such as classrooms, the right-hander will feel their territory invaded by a Southpaw. 

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Guest genmai

well, i write and eat with my left.

Whenever im playing sport, i use my right leg/hand (to kick a ball or throw)

I cut scissors with my right


I use my left hand whenever i use the glue stick.

Its weird.

EDIT* - Oh ya, i wipe my richard simmons with my right hand!

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Guest _vanessarh

left :)

but it can get annoying when you write, smudges cos hand goes over the writing

can't use left handed scissors though .__."

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Guest MayKayy

I'm right handed but I think if I were naturally left handed my dad would probably force me to use my right hand. He says being left handed is bad 'cause you would bump into the person beside you when you use chopsticks blink.gif. Seriously, what kinda reason is that? 

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I'm right handed. I wish I could do more with my left hand, though. My hands are FAR from equal when it comes to their capabilities!

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Guest buuuuu

I'm left handed. People notice all the time but I never notice what hand anyone else uses when they write.

It's annoying at work because espresso machines are made for right handed people. Turning the knobs is really awkward and makes my wrist ache. D:

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I'm more of a left-handed person, but I can still do things using my right hand.

I usually write on paper with my left hand but I can write with both hands of it's on the board.

I hold the badminton racket with my right hand but the when holding a table tennis racket I use my left hand. I can't hit the shuttlecock/table tennis ball if I switch to the other hand.

Chopsticks: left hand. I know that it's rude to use the left hand when eating with chopsticks but what can I do? I can't hold it properly with my right hand.

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I'm right-handed, but I went through a phase a couple of years ago where I would spend half an hour to an hour every day trying to train myself to write with my left... I wasn't making any progress, so I gave up after a few weeks.

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