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From Ugly Kids To Pretty Adults And From Pretty Kids To Ugly Adults

Guest bebe9wish

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Guest summerjams

i was like sunhwa from secret (as she said in sang sang plus), very adorable baby, horrible in my teens, and now very pretty *ahem*! so i dont believe in it! :D

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Guest .Archangel.

No, I am sure some pretty kids turn out to be pretty adults and some ugly kids stay ugly. haha...(I feel so mean putting it like that)!

But in my case, I think I was a lot cuter as a baby. I mean, my eyes were HUGE! Now my eye sight is failing and I have to squint all the time. I think my eyes have gotten a lot smaller.

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Guest hydraskylar

it's true for a lot of people I know, but then again, you can never tell. Maybe if a kid was too cute as a baby, people would have high expectations about how good looking the kid is going to be as an adult. So when the kid grows out of his/her cuteness, people are usually disappointed and think the kid's looks is going downhill :lol: Vice versa, if the kid is not on the pretty side then people would be all the more relieved when that kid turns out to be better looking

Just my theory

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hmm i think if u were ugli when ur a kid.. u prob be more conscious of that

so when u get older u will do things to make ur appearance better?

n if ur a good lookin kid... ur either goin to stay that way or get uglier as u get older..

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Guest mechant-lapin

I remember in primary school, there was this little dude who was swooned by all the girls, he was literally the king of the class but fate was funny for him as he became one of the fattest dudes I have ever seen in my life.

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Guest Mausoleum

I don't think it's really true, people just notice it more with really good-looking kids and really bad-looking kids...

If there's a good-looking kid, people always think "Ah, he/she is good looking now, they'll look much better as an adult!" and then when they don't, or become ugly, then people are more surprised by that.

Then again, an ugly kid won't generally STAY ugly his or her entire life (because of growing up, losing baby fat, figuring out what looks good on you, etc) but people tend to think they'll look the same as they did as a child and are appropriately surprised when they (obviously) don't.

...Squishy bananas, I think I just repeated what about 1 zillion other people said. >_<

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Guest southeastasianqueen

well for me i thought i was pretty as a kid

then during my teen years i went through a really bad phase haha had horrible acne, wore glasses, nerdy didnt care about my look and was always so intent in school

but at the end of my senior year i decided to change for the better, i realize that guys or anyone will not take notice of me if i dnt change for the better and clean my self up thats just how life is

now being 21 i think i really changed for the better my skin is clearer, my clothe is pretty my hair is nice my confident is shining

i think just little changes here and there can really boost a persons confident

so i dnt agree that if u were cute then ur ugly later on type of thing because ppl go through alot of phases as they age

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Guest angelbuilinh

haha when i was little i had nice brown hair and was chubby cute

now i am just average lol

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Guest cookie_babe

i think that maybe its the fact that as a ugly kid (or so they think they were) gave them the push to want to look good.. like i was a cute baby :) i was a cute toddler until grade school and around middle school i felt ugly becuz I thought that because I didnt have a boyfriend meant i wasn't attractive. But i was just a kid then.. but until now i'm fine with the way i am.. i still look like a child (sucks cuz no one takes me seriously T_T) actually lets just say i look younger haha.. but i kno im not bad looking

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Guest euricexlovesxrice

I don't think that's the case. I mean everyone has their definition of pretty and ugly.

But i mean people physically changes over time you cannot help the fact that you will compare yourself to when you were young.

for example a not so good looking person became prettier and a really good looking person kind of went the other way but they both have the same amount of pretty and even though both are equally good looking, one person would have a negative affect because they were "better" looking when they were young. When the truth is the person might still be good looking anyway..

wooow. i used "good looking" and "pretty" a lot lol.

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Guest chipmunkey

i just turned from pretty to...cute . to me thats quite an insult , because really , looking at me now all people ever tell me is , 'HEY YOU LOOK LIKE A BALLOON / BALL / BUN / BOWLING BALL / BACON/ CHEESE' wtf .

oh wells , whatever life throws your way! ((:

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Guest Zumreed

um I don't think so. I know many adults who were super cute and they are very good looking now. As for me, I was a cute baby, and I don't think I'm ugly now. I'm almost an adult...

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Guest cute0503

i believe in it.

a lovely kid will turn out to be ugly when grow up

and an ugly kid sometimes will become good looking.

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Guest lightofhonest

it's true. I was a cute baby, grew up cute and then was ugly for a bit and now i look like my mother they say or my sister. both are pretty, when i was young, i looked like my dad, he's a man, thankful i don't look like him, who cares if he's handsme, he's a male lol >>; so yeah.

some hot teens become ugly as they age *__* well not ugly, but ..just not good. >>;

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Guest yoon_ji99

My parents always tell me that ugly kids will turn out to be pretty adults (or that they will become better looking when they become adults) and pretty kids will turn out to be ugly adults (or that they won't be as pretty as they were when they were kids).

Many of my not so good looking cousins turned out to be good looking adults and I turned out to be not so good looking adult. I was a cute kid (not the cutest kid), but I looked better before than now.

So is what my parents said true? What do you guys thnk? Tell me your and other people's experiences.

I actually don't think it's that....You're so used to seeing an ugly kid, that when they transform, or do something different about themselves...it just makes them look 10 times better. Verses and pretty child...that does something, makes them look bad. Look at Caitlin Beadles...she's gorgeous as a baby and now O.O or Krystal Jung from f(x). ADORABLE baby picture and she's gorgeous now.

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