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From Ugly Kids To Pretty Adults And From Pretty Kids To Ugly Adults

Guest bebe9wish

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Guest duntellmi

I hope I'm still a kid!!

I mean, I'm kind of sad. Ugly as a kid, ugly as teenager. Well maybe ugly is a little strong but still...

Maybe I'll be beautiful for the rest of my life! Whee!~

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Guest Ryojikari

:lol: All kids are cute.

I remember when i was a kid, maybe around 6, a lot of people found me adorable.

In the process of puberty, I had some insecurities.

But all in all, I didn't turn out ugly. Most of my friends even says I'm prettier now.

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Haha that happened with some babies I thought were super cute.

I think it's just because we have high expectations for them to become some super-hot/handsome person that if they become anything other than that, they're a disappointment :P And with ugly babies, you don't expect much so if they even become remotely pretty/handsome, you think "WOW they grew up well!" That's what I think :]

I agree lol. My parents didn't expect me to look better when I was a kid. I went through a really awkward phase and i'm so happy I don't have pictures of then :D

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Guest lightofhonest

it happens haha



some people who are cute and pretty in thier younger days so grow up to be less pretty than expected

and vice versa!

happened to me~ i know look like my mom thankfully, before they said i looked like 'somebody else not related' -.-

i just hope i grow up continuing to look like my mom, cos she's gorgeous.

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Guest SushiToaster

if you're already beautiful, the only way to go is down

hahaha and it's reverse for ugly children. if you're already ugly, the only way to go is up.

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Guest x.3christine

it happens???

i was a ugly baby when i was born, really ugly, then i got kinda cute, then teenage years came...i'm avg i guess, not the ugliest or prettiest so that's awesome :)

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Guest koreangirl227

ahaha i heard bout that too!

i used to be an ugly kiddddddddddd

and now....im 17 but i think ive gotten better looking? d: likee...above average..ish? xPP

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Guest JunJun21

I looked the same. I was ugly-normal baby (mostly ugly), Ugly kid, so far ugly teen. >:o

My parents use to tell me that thing too. :P but I heard from my weird uncles and aunts

that my dad was UGLY supper ugly, no one wanted him.( Lol. Nice.) And My mom was like

Super pretty! I even saw it! Anyways, Doesn't Super ugly+ Super pretty= Barely normal looking

kids? Ugh. I'm I going to be ugly forever? :o Lol.

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For me, to some extent. But I wouldn't say I'm pretty. Not even average looking. Below average, for sure.

I used to be this chubby little kid. Since then, I've lost some weight (relative to my height, of course) and after I reached a lower BMI I developed double lids. Also, as puberty started, my body became more "womanly," and I think I have a pretty nice body now.

My face is still a disappointment, though. >_> I think I've gotten better because my eyes changed slightly, but I still consider myself pretty unattractive, face-wise.

On a scale of one to ten, I'd probably give myself a 1 when I was little, and a 6 now (3 for face, 9 for body).

Oh, and don't give me that sh!t about how I should "love myself the way I am" or that "everyone's beautiful." Oh my God. Please. Shut up. Beautiful on the inside, maybe. But certainly not on the outside. Everyone is not beautiful on the outside. Some people are just ugly. I'm one of them, and I accept that fact.

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Guest xoSushi

This isn't too much related to beauty, but I had a friend that was fat when she was a little kid and she's really skinny now, almost anorexic. That could be, however, completely irrelevant.

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Guest princess_rei

yes yes and yes! i was such a cute little kid... and then puberty happened... T^T *sigh* so disappointing... >.<

there are exceptions to this but generally it's true i think. It's cuz when you're little and you're attractive, all your features are already in like perfect placement/distance from each (symmetrical and whatnot) but then when you grow up, your bones shift and stuff (face gets longer/wider/whatevs) and your features aren't in the symmetrical positions they used to be in. So then you aren't as attractive as when you were little. But if you weren't all that attractive when you were little, then you grow up and your features kind of settle i guess? into better placement? that's my theory anyway ^_^

This makes me think back, and it reminds me of the Home Alone Kid... he was really cute in all his movies, after he grew up... he looked uhh... not very good, i guess not good enough to be featured in big Hollywood movies...

whoaa I was just gonna say that too! =O

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Guest starsangel

lol I thought that as well. I was a cute and pretty girl when I was little but now everyone thinks I've gone fat and ugly (especially my face round and spotty) but now I hit 18 I think I'm going back to my cute girl again lol. So this is what will happen

cute and pretty girl > fat and spotty teenager > cute 18 girl > cute and pretty lol

I'm not saying I'll be like that but I think that's what will happen. You will turn pretty again.

There is no ugly girls. There is only lazy girls

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