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From Ugly Kids To Pretty Adults And From Pretty Kids To Ugly Adults

Guest bebe9wish

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Guest misserika_xo

dnt think so. theres this person that used to

be adroably cute when she was little but

now shes gorgeous.

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Guest momo08

I believe in it. My mom has always told me this and I've noticed it too. Kids around me that were cute when they little became average when they grow up. And the not so cute kids became really cute!!! No choice but to believe this.

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Guest LibraZebra

I think some people just age better.

I was a pretty cute kid and I'm okay looking now, but right around age 9-15 I was pretty crappy looking.

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Guest dearBABY

Depends on the person... I was an ugly kid and I'm average-looking now. There are other people who still stay the same and some who get worse. I dunno, this is just based on what I've seen with friends from the past.

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Guest LeiQian

as far as i remember, and have been told, i was super cute kid.

but then, when i started growing up i had 2-3 years where i gained like 20kg and had really weight problem.

but as i went to high school i started to become prettier again... i guess it was like cute-ugly-pretty.

remember guys, cherish what you have inside of your hearts, not what's outside.

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Guest Aimiko

It's true for me lol. I was considered to be an ugly kid when I was younger. But right now, at my "adult" stage, I could pass off as "pretty/cute" to people.

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Guest LovelySeoul

I was a pretty baby and then a more average child, then ugly teen, and now pretty adult haha xD

I think it has to do with puberty and skin. I used to have really pale milkish clear skin and people knew me as the palest asian girl with nice skin... then i hit puberty =( acne pretty much ruined my skin and now i am left with rough skin... im still pale but not a pure pretty pale like in my younger days~ T_T

also i think using makeup ruined my looks. I dont look as pretty without makeup as in my younger fresh faced days xD

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Guest __herodreams

I believe in it, but I think I'm an exception, lols~ I was an ugly kid and I'm still ugly. XD

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Guest bunnywink

I was a cute baby, a cute kid, really awkward pre-teen/teen, and now I'm above-average. :huh:

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Guest Patchou

I believe in it, but I think I'm an exception, lols~ I was an ugly kid and I'm still ugly. XD

i don't believe in it. lots of people here seem to think they're exceptions in one way or another - cute all the way through or ugly all the way through.

as to the second part, i'm one of those people that seems to be ugly all the way through, so high-five, man.

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Guest soyasauce

Lol, I thought all kids were cute anyway XP.

What's "pretty" and "ugly" are really subjective terms, it's not the same for everyone.

I think a lot of factors can make people seem less attractive like putting on weight, acne, the way you dress, hairstyle? etc etc

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Guest Valerie_BB

Yeah, I think this does happen a lot. I think its Gods way of evening things out.

I think it also happens a lot where kids that are ugly or picked on or unpopular usually grow up to have a successful and happy life. Great marriages etc...

On the other hand, the kids that were really popular or bullies or not very nice seem to have a more difficult time later in life.

I have seen this a lot when it comes to the people that I went to school with. Maybe its KARMA...

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Jenny_bubz

The theory is definitely true, my friends who werent so cute as a baby and a child. are now very pretty. And those who were adorable, with puppy eyes as a kid. They are now below average.

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Guest -stitch-

I can honestly say...thinking back on my younger days and what I remember from looking through my childhood pictures...I was a cute looking kid until I hit 10+

That's where it went downhill a bit for me. I guess you can say we all went through our teenage years.

Then about 17/18 to now I think I'm pretty darn okay. I can say that because I've come from a long way to get where I am now and I'm happy with the results :D

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I don't think there's a strict formula. You just grow into your features, and it can be either better/worse than before.

For me, I was a cute baby, was an average kid, awkward teen (up to 13). After I got in high school, my looks were average/above average and I still feel that way about my looks now. There are good and bad days.

As for my friends, I feel like everyone matured from their early teen years. Most got prettier. Fashion sense, makeup, confidence had a lot to do with the transformations. I don't think I've encountered any hideous baby. And while certain children can be "ugly", a lot of them haven't grown into their features yet.

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Haha, I was ugly, and now I'm fine? :3

But I think it's just a matter of opinion. I guess if you were pretty when you were little, then ppl always commented & etc. Maybe when you grow up you just become not-as-cute but not ugly either! :P But the perspective changes.

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