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From Ugly Kids To Pretty Adults And From Pretty Kids To Ugly Adults

Guest bebe9wish

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Guest tofuxx

yeah ive seen not so pretty kids become really pretty when they got older.

but then i wasnt a pretty kid and im not really pretty now either.. just avg kid.. avg teenager.

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Guest hunni3bunz

Omg, I hope that's not true ):

Then Mason Moon is going to be ugly D:

That would be the end of the world...

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Guest lightangel

when i saw this thread i was LOL becuz my cousin and my mom used to tell me that when i was a little kid :lol:

but yea i was a pretty cute little baby with perfect skin and skinny ^_^ then i turn fat and ugly <_< and now in my teenage yrs i look decent -_-

with ok weight even tho i have a bit of stomach fat and chubby legs i still think that i look pretty ok than most ppl

i think that statement is true on some ppl but not all its wether u take care good of urself from when u were a kid til now or not

becuz if u really pretty when u were kid and take care good of urself then u turn pretty now

and if u ugly when u were kid and u take care of urself then u turn pretty now too

its al depend on how u take care of urself :)

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Guest CinCin

Ugly kids do turn into pretty adult and pretty kids do turn into ugly adults...

But the chances of the is about the same as pretty kids turning into pretty adults and ugly kids turning into ugly adults. It's just people notice it more if there's a bigger change.

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hmm my parents say the same

but i do see their logic behind it

becus when we're young, and are "good looking", our face shapes haven't really developed,,

therefore, when the baby fat is gone, and our face stretches out...well, we'd look a lot different now wouldnt we?

and the other way around, the kids are "ugly", you can't really tell how they will turn out, but sometimes they do turn out pretty...

[like TOP from big bang, he was quite...round..when he was a kid but when he stretched out, pretty hot, no? :D]

okay yea, that might not be a valid example, but, ya...

anyways, in my case,

i was an average kid...actually...i was quite chubby too ==" ... i've always been told i was chubby when i was grade 3/4/5

but then when i turned 13 i stretched out a bit...

but right now i still have a ton of baby fat..=="

i hope im not done stretching out...LOL xDDD

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Guest <3 Kim

My parents believe in that. They tell me that when I was young I was butt ugly and say that I look a lot better now :/

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Guest mintpanda

Well it's true because if you're cute when your young people will always have an expectation of you of being very good looking. If you turn out average or at least not up to par then you're considered as "cute kid >> Not as good adult".

Same goes for vice versa, if you're ugly as a kid of course you're going to mature and grow up better looking. Trust me i know from experience, i wasn't a very attractive kid. haha

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Guest CandyRain

kinda true, I was so ugly way long time before, everybody said so. and now i turn better

i will keep eye on suri cruise to make sure wether it is true or not =)

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Guest daulism

Maybe it depends on the person. Like if it's some pretty pinkberry who thinks she's more superior, then let's hope her richard simmons sags and she gets wrinkles

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Guest ddcee


I was a really cute.. adorable.. little girl :(

but.. after.. puberty.. everything.. :( BLAAH ! even my MOM says i turned uglier.. @_@ ..

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haha i think its true cause i was pretty .

cute when i was lil ' & now i'm like uhm

eww , hella fat & stuff its nasty . ;[ i

look so freaking look no liee , haha :P

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Guest simplyjennifer

lol my history teacher says that you shouldn't blossom too early or your "pedals" will fall off sooner :P

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Guest SallyIshAwesome

Um I'm Not SURE


As a LITTLE 3 year old i was very cute well maybe it was because of my CHUBBINESS :)

AS a 9 year old I was REALLY UGLY well cause I didnt care about my looks at all and my cuteness went DOWN so did my chubbiness

NOW I am 13 years old and adults say I'm pretty well compared to their kids LOL and I'm taking care of my skin so when I grow up I'll be....



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Guest chopstick^^


Cute baby's turn out cute when they are adult. Not nessasarily pretty.


Not cute baby's turn out really pretty when they older. It's so true. It's what i notice. It's because their nose are straight as a baby, not those cute, button nose, their face shape is slim n it's not round. Not a typical baby face.

So that's why they not cute. No offense. But there is such thing as a baby that's not cute. ><

But when they grow up, they really pretty.

There are those cute & pretty baby, who grow's pretty cute too.

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This case applies to some people, not everyone. I do believe in it though haha.

My cousin was really adorable but as he got older, it kinda went downhill.

Then again, doesn't this theory apply to kids going through their pre-teen stage?

Imo, pre-teen stage is probably one of the ugliest/hardest stage you'll have to go through (appearance wise).

I was an ok baby -> cute kid -> ugly pre-teen -> average teen.

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Guest mintywinter

It sounds like something parents would tell their kids to make them feel better...

Anyway, sometimes it's true, sometimes it's not. There's no correlation.

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